Well Yea Forums, it's official: I just passed 400 lbs.
Well Yea Forums, it's official: I just passed 400 lbs
have sex
lose weight
nice. when do you accept a janny position?
mazel tov
i'm 308lbs but at least i'm 6'2 so it doesn't look that bad
In that order
>being sad about something that's completely your own doing
Shut up, fatty.
keep telling yourself that, maybe call a few people manlets and youll feel better
Amerilards should be genocided
i remember when i went over 200lbs. I was like, jesus fuck i need to change my life. How did it feel when you passed 300, 400 lol
I was 315 a couple years ago and am currently 190, it's really not that hard and very worth it, I don't feel like shit constantly. Get your shit together and good luck
225lbs/6'5" here.
Have sex.
oh wait u cant, lel
Start keto fattie
308lbs doesn't look good at 6'2 you fat fuck
Hurry up with your Star Trek Disco SE2 reflection, Mike
hit the track
how the fuck do you even get fat? Lmao nigger just walk around or some shit. Stop eating lol
330lbs here. i love ice cream too much.
Exactly this. I hit 200lbs once in my life and nearly had a meltdown. Just fixed my diet and went a little more active.
How the fuck do you fat people even manage to get that big?
lmao overweight bmi
what is your eating habit?
Eat more so you can be on 600lbs life.
>I have breakfast then I hope onto the computer to visit my favorite website
eat a ben and jerry's pint a day.. sometimes two and get back to me
510 lbs reporting in!
this... is me.
stop eating
I hurt my layg when I was bulking a few years ago and it's difficult to move around
5'10", 410 lbs officially
and you stop being a faggot.. we'll see who stops first
I hit 290lb with out realising
down to 215, its getting really hard to get back to 180 now
I believe it!
Big if true
does it interfere with your job at all?
Who else forever /sticc/?
I even bought a tub of those protein powder things and make 2x shakes on a regular basis, it did jack shit.
>implying that's even remotely bad
I hope you find your inner peace eventually, user.
why are you so fat?
are you a grill? i like fat chicks
Me, but I understand it's all about eating. When I'm anxious, my body just shuts down and I just can't eat anything. And I'm always anxious.
i eat my feelings
I don't think you understood the question. He didn't mean literally how, as in he wants directions. He meant how do you see yourself getting so fucking fat as it's happening and not do anything about it?
Because every time I fuck your mom she gives me a cookie, hard to stay thin when she wants it every few hours. You know how it is.
Just get older and sit on your ass long enough, you'll get there
dont look at mirrors
Damn bro, that's a lotta bulking
I'm 220 and feel like a fat slob
its bbq season
>I gained 100 fucking pounds without realizing it
Youre like ny dumb roomate drinking protein shakes and doing nothing else expecting to get muscles. You gain mass by lifting heavy things brainlet
I'm a 170 cm 125 lbs asian twink
fat fucks
Jesus Christ, I'm your height and have been fat but never anywhere near that. There is no way that doesn't look bad.
You're between the ages of 10 and 25
I could eat pizzas all day and not gain a single pound just a few years ago
I want to give fat Wojak headpats and headrubs
you are
>tfw accidentally used the whole jar of ranch again
>tfw accidentally scraped out the clingers with a knife and then licked the knife
Should I try to put on weight if my strength standards on Strength Level are halfway between novice and intermediate, or should I just keep lifting and maintain my current weight until i'm at least at intermediate?
you wanna be my gf?
Because you are. Get off your ass, fatso.
man bro, well its tough but like maybe this is in your future
I'm half that weight. What the fuck did you do? Eat a truck?
Weight gain can happen due to a bunch of things. I went over 200 lbs (I'm short) because of a combination of sleep issues, mental health problems, and easily available food.
Alright guys im gonna say something sacrilegious here but sõylent mix is an excellent weight gainer. You just drink hundreds of calories far more than protein shakes
Age fixes that, don't worry. Used to beba stick in HS, but now I'm ottermode with minimum effort. I've had people tell me I have a sexy body even.
70 percent of my friends got fat, I just got wider but remained lean. One of the benefits of being a late bloomer.
I dont care about muscles, I just want weight, more meat period. Dont really care if its blubber.
Nah 30+
>170 cm
What's that like 3 feet? Centimeters make everything sound tiny
ITT: skinny NEETs tell fat NEETs to get off their ass
Not that guy but it is effortless to put it on and if your habits are bad enough suddenly you'll realise your pants are struggling to fit.
>he doesn't eat until he passes out
dont bother with bulking, real strength is more valuable than mass. the latter is actually a detriment as it just slows you down
Sucking cock burns calories ;)
>well Yea Forums
Thats about right
i get drunk, have an eating binge and then nap, get up, work out, get drunk and start over. i kinda want to die.
the master race is looking a little chunky
they're jews? wtf that makes sense
>Dog hanging around when you're eating
I like dogs but this is truly one of the things I hate about them. The owners need to establish it's not on. So fucking irritating when you're at someone's house eating and the stupid dog is hovering around getting in the way or getting close to people's food.
Based burger nigger
speccy thread?
>tfw 5-7 130lbs
How do you even get fat? I do basically nothing for exercise other than my job and have lived on nothing but McDonald's and microwave package food since I was like 10, but at 24 I'm scrawny and only weigh 160.
I could watch fat people eat for hours
>because of a combination of sleep issues, mental health problems, and easily available food.
Are you implying it's not your own fault? Because it still is. I gained weight for the exact same reasons. I was clinically depressed and barely sleeping and eating junk. Eventually I decided I never to quit being a pussyass fucking retard and get fit again, so I quit eating junk, started exercising, and made more of an effort to clean up my sleep habits. I lost 35 lbs in about 6 months.
It's always within your control to take action, no matter what the cause is.
Should I take it as a compliment when gay dudes have hit on me? It has happened a lot of times. I think I'm only a 7/10.
I'm 268 currently and drinking like crazy
Post a day's worth of food for you. Like what you would have on an average day.
Yeah but that's after like 15 lbs, you'd have to go through several rounds of new pants over the course of 100lbs
225 is dyel mode at 6'5
why are fatties so mad all the time? lmao
have sex fatty
I bet you poop a gallon a day lmao
dunno, I just got fat and I have no self-control to lose weight
you have no frame of reference for how much a fat person really eats. if you tried you would throw up after half a day.
enjoy that energy while it lasts
I'm more concerned that they'll sit on one of the dogs someday.
protein powder is low in calories.
>don't move
>drink a lot
>eat all day to get rid of hangover
>drink pints of milk as a normal drink
thats how i hit 300lbs , my gf would completely lose it with me drinking milk 6 pints wouldn't last a day
>Well Yea Forums, my work here is done
>hamplanet trying to make jokes about having sex
>small portion of powdered eggs, whatever meat they have that day (work at hotel and get breakfast after 9) and a bowl of fruit loops maybe a pear or orange
>peanut butter or turkey or tuna sandwich and yogurt apple and granola bar for lunch
>usually fast food/order out a hamburger and fries for dinner or a burrito and rice
>10 pm bowl of Cheerios or Doritos when high watching tv
Based and checked
Yeah, 100 lbs is a lot to stack on without realising. I assume it's the same basis though. You don't think it's too bad and then suddenly you look at yourself and you're overcome with a sense of disgust as your realise how much you've let yourself go.
I learned recently that milk totally fucks your blood sugar and makes you get fat fast. It sucked but I cut it out and started losing weight right away.
>tfw BMI 18.2
can't relate to you fat fucks.
Fat fucks should get off their ass
damn look at those thighs
>a bowl of doritos
fat cunts eat the whole pack in one sitting.
imagine how much food falls out of these idiots mouths and onto the floor. those dogs are basically their roombas
>I bet you poop a gallon a day lmao
i wonder if anyone in this thread uses a spatula to cut their turds up for easier flushing.
It kinda sneaks up on you, you see yourself in the mirror every day and don't quite notice all the small changes. Eventually you step on a scale or realize just how tight those old pants suddenly are and that's when it hits you.
Getting fat is bad but deciding to remain fat is fucking pathetic.
>powdered eggs
Mate it isn't WW2 get some real eggs
I’m 6’3 250 lbs, but I’m built like a linebacker (considering I was an LB) and actually lift unlike you fatty. It’s that simple just lift.
That's about 1800 - 2000 calories assuming you're not having soda with your meals.
Fat cunts can easily do that in one meal.
probably why i craved it, down to 220 now
so i'm guessing the 80lbs was from the milk alone, that was over 4 years
should fix my alcohol and takeaway habbit
you sound really fat
I was 6'1 310lb now I'm down to 280. I'm still dropping and somehow never had diabetes but I'm still worried
>I’m built like a linebacker
So you're fat
lol, true. Can't blame the dog for learning every time these behemoths start eating there's going to be scraps and crumbs to eat up.
I know consumer grade scales are shit for most metrics, but r8 me.
5’10.5” btw
330lbs 5' 10"
plus there's no five second rule because they can't bend over
That's a fat computer son
Just 200 more to go before you can go visit Dr. Now.
are you me
I'm 160 pounds.
Is this like a $5000 computer?
probably more
Nice! You can get free hamburgers whenever you want now.
Nigger I’m 5’10 and 180 lbs and kinda chubby your fucked
how do people get so fat, it makes no sense
Has anyone ever eaten at the HAG? The burgers don't look great desu.
Wait does that place actually exist cause if it does that is fucking based. I can hear Dr Now angrily ranting in his soft little kino voice
how do you reach such point?
I understand wanting to have a nice computer and being a basement dwelling neet, but why do you feel the need to consume food constantly?
What are my /bros/ eating today?
man you're stupid. you ask the question "how do people get fat" and then you post a starvation diet. how do people get fat? by eating 3x as many calories as you do every day
I'm in a healthy bmi range but I still look fat wtf bros
Imagine this guy's shits.
Because you are fat obviously, put on some muscle and/or lose some fat.
But how? Do you not experience your stomach telling you "ok that was filling stop now"?
I never said that.
food makes me happy
why is your motherboard on fire?
Leftover ribs, porkchops, and pulled pork with eggs and spinach for lunch (16 hour intermittent faster here).
Dinner i likely gonna be chicken thighs with veggies.
why is your RAM underclocked? go into your bios and fix it...
speccy sucks, it's really like 33C
wrong board you fucking fat nigger faggot
This is responding to Pretty good tier, lift more though.
don't base it off bmi alone I guess
hahahaa you aree fat like a nigger
What is BMI?
5'9" 190lbs
I'm not complete bubble gum, I am able to do 9 pull ups. I just need to give up booze. I used to have at least 6 drinks every night. I just started drinking weekends only.
>Go to url: livechatinc.com
>Take typing test
>Post results and keyboard
I myself am using a Corsair k68.
body mass index
Im gonna report this post for you being such an idiot and possibly underage
this is actually highly accurate
big meaty incisors
Tip for the fatties here you can still eat like shit and be relatively slim, just try eating less snacks and more proper meals to fill yourself up, also switch the shit like coke for water instead and you’ll start losing pounds even without much exercise
>But how? Do you not experience your stomach telling you "ok that was filling stop now"?
oh you fight through that shit. i wouldn't know though i'm 6'4" and was low as 117 lbs.
only thing that has ever made me put down food is lots of grass
>only thing that has ever made me put down food is lots of grass