Holy shit, for a long time I actually thought that this board and I were the only one who hated season 8
What will D&D do now that it’s proven that the season is shit?
>inb4 huh duh stupid phone poster
I know, shut up
Holy shit, for a long time I actually thought that this board and I were the only one who hated season 8
What will D&D do now that it’s proven that the season is shit?
>inb4 huh duh stupid phone poster
I know, shut up
Yea Forums loves season 8
only because the normies finally turned on the show, not because they actually like it
Stupid phone poster
the last 3 episodes were the best of season 8 and they're only getting this hate because people are mad they didn't get the mary sue ending they wanted.
Yea Forums thought the show was shit for at least 3 seasons because the show dipped in quality in a bunch of different places
normies hate it because they thought khaleesi was going to win and make everyone free
the normies just don't like it because they didn't get what they want. They should all grow up and have sex like Yea Forums
>not because they actually like it
you're retarded.
the past 3 episodes were a lot better than the shit from the past few seasons, the whole GoT fans rise up thing is coming from butthurt SJWs angry about the Dany plot.
Episode 6 made this Season retroactively the best Season of any show in the history of television/
There's a difference.
Most people who truly hate the show are mad because S1-4 used to be kino while everything after that was complete vomit. People who only complain about S8 are just mad that the show canon didn't match their head canon.
it retroactively redeemed season 8 since the first 3 episodes sucked.
it causing shitty people to seethe is just a bonus.
>season 8
More like seasons 5-8
a petition great idea
yes this is not pathetic at all
just because a bunch of retards turned on the show for dumb reasons doesnt mean that the horrific writing and pacing suddenly improved
the show has been garbage for years, it literally has more bad seasons than good ones
yeah that's how you know their complaints aren't legit.
these are the same people that defended Arya getting stabbed 6 million times and walking it off the next day, now they're talking about "bad writing" because the ending didn't suit their politics.
Bran as master manipulator may explain all of episode 3.
He was in warg mode the entire time.
The ending is as close to a fairytale ending as possible
>not liking the show, because huwite men win and SJW Dany goes crazy feminazi
>not liking the show, because of the rushed writing,pointlessness of most character developement etc
>liking the show, because everyone else is pissed
The 2nd last episode was probably the best of the season. I think a lot of people are angry about the last episode for no reason. I thought it wasn’t too bad although it still wasn’t great
Bran Stark is the best king
Prove me wrong!
Pro tip: You can't
Shut up faggot. No one cares about proving your little faggot ass wrong
>Yea Forums loves season 8
I know me and my tax file does
His dick doesn't work
Computer posters
>sit uncomfortably at a desk
Phone posters
>posting while taking a shit, having a bath while taking a shit or on your bed while shitting.
This is the only based opinion
Eat shit, the show was good S1-S5. After that nothing but vomit.
I sure love Cersei not just shooting Daenerys in the fucking face with her howitzers. What great writing.
>shitting everywhere but the turlet
What did he mean by this
Half a million.
he's right, this became a danyboard after episode 5, before that most hated her
We have to make it reach 6 million to teach them a lesson
more like remake post-season 4
Writing has been shit since season 5, it didn't get worse all of a sudden. Hell, last 2 episodes had better writing than most of the past few seasons. It's just fans being angry because it didn't end like their fanfic.
>What will D&D do now that it’s proven that the season is shit?
Season is a 10/10. Series is a 10/10.
But may have been a mistake that D&D chose not to make more of the things that were going on to be more obvious.
>only because the normies finally turned on the show, not because they actually like it
No. After Episode 6, Season 8 is amazing.
You're wrong most of the board does not give a fuck about that garbage show.
Only reddit fags like that shit
Holy shit normies seething like never before. Thank you D&D
Anyone who hated season 8 but liked anything past season 4 was part of the problem.
have you looked at the catalog?
Last 2 episodes were pleb filter, you know where you should go now
the mistake was changing the tone of the show to feel like a generic goodies vs baddie story before whiplashing back to what the show always used to be about in the final 3 episodes. It worked for me but cant be surprised when over half your audience only starting being invested in the show once ebin action and capeshit tropes became prominent from S5
Yes and they should return to reddit
Back to rebbit my friend. S1 to S4 were patrician and after that last 3 episodes of S8 were kino
Because it pissed off feminists, it's now based
>Because it pissed off feminists, it's now based
No it is in it's own right amazing.
>a handful of contrarian shitposters is Yea Forums
actually, that doesn't sound too far from the truth...
Bran Stark is actually the most evil character in GoT. He could see the future and position everything together so he could be king
Computer posters
>well-informed, carefully considered posts
>incredibly witty
>patrician opinions
Phone posters
>low quality posts because they cant be banned
>humor is straight from reddit and knowyourmeme
>What will D&D do now that it’s proven that the season is shit?
They will go on to direct Star Wars, one of the largest and most lucrative film series in history.
Isn't it funny how power works?
I spoiled GoT to one of my professor.
>Sitting in library working on my masters
>Annoying group of 5 people behind me being loud as fuck
>They talk about GoT
>Two of them beg the others not to spoil
>To punish them for fucking with mine and everyone elses concentration, I pick my phone up and pretend to answer it loudly
>"Hey man. Yeah, I saw GoT last night"
>"I can't believe Jon killed Daenerys and then returned to the Night's Watch. Bran becoming King was pretty stupid. Yeah, shame about Jaime and Cersei being confirmed dead"
>Hear massive screeching behind me, as if a mother just lost her child
>Steps approaching from behind
>Feel a tap on my shoulder
>Turn around and notice it's my professor and some other professor I don't have in class
>They are both cherry fucking red in the face and asked me why I did that
I don't even watch the fucking show. I just googled the spoilers.
>Season 5 was good
Based retard
>About 500 years into the Second Age, Sauron reappeared. "Bereft of his lord...[he] fell into the folly of imitating him".[22] "Very slowly, beginning with fair motives: the reorganizing and rehabilitation of Middle-earth, 'neglected by the gods,' he becomes a reincarnation of Evil, and a thing lusting for Complete Power", eventually rising to become "master and god of Men".[20]
>As for Sauron's "fair motives", Tolkien emphasized that at this time he "was not indeed wholly evil, not unless all 'reformers' who want to hurry up with 'reconstruction' and 'reorganization' are wholly evil, even before pride and the lust to exert their will eat them up".[27]
>"Though the only real good in, or rational motive for, all this ordering and planning and organization was the good of all inhabitants of Arda (even admitting Sauron's right to be their supreme lord), his 'plans', the idea coming from his own isolated mind, became the sole object of his will, and an end, the End, in itself. ... [H]is capability of corrupting other minds, and even engaging their service, was a residue from the fact that his original desire for 'order' had really envisaged the good estate (especially physical well-being) of his 'subjects'."[28]
george rr martin had the brilliant idea of creating a female sauron and making people root for her