Camera lingers on sickles for 5 whole seconds

>Camera lingers on sickles for 5 whole seconds
How will commies, liberals and feminists ever recover?

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well it sure is a sickle

It’s almost like both communism and national socialism are bad.

Feminists and liberals are not communists

>how will commies recover
yeah, no hammers, it feels incomplete

I love how this kike had to insert national socialism despite it not being mentioned at all

Imagine being stupid enough

go take a look at Antifa's official Twitter account

national socialism?

They are. They LARP as them but hopefully when the revolution happens they'll be the first ones to die.

Then why they don't want to socialise the means of production?

are D&D /ourjews/?

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more like libtard amirite

Shut it fag get off my board

Slow-burn strategy, handicap capitalism enough and people will desire communism.

both sides HITLER DRUMPF

Tryion's prison speech was basically calling out the dangers of socialists trying to achieve utopia, Danny was the perfect Lenin/Stalin stand in

I can't believe D&D had the balls to go there. No wonder the faggot normies are pissed.

hahaha no

Dany is not a progressive, socialist or communist

She's an American NeoCon

I have a 50 minute recording of a creative writing uni lecture I was in, where we were forced to read some dyke’s manifesto called “Tales of a Feminist Killjoy,” and this titular feminist actually skyped in during the lecture and gave her own little lecture, telling us we needed to “rise up” and establish some sort of feminist communist utopia.
Want to listen to it?

>She's an American NeoCon
I didn't realize Kings Landing had oil


it's in a desert, isn't it?

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Nah you're thinking of Dorne

She fought against the traditionalist male power structures in the name of "fairness" with her multicultural diverse dream team

SJWs are anally annihilated this morning. All the way to work and at work nothing but lefty women bitching about what they did to their precious Danny

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post it

based, no place in the world for extremism

I think not

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Nah, pic related

NeoCons have been btfo.

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the throne was symbolism for oil and drogon telling us to stop it or it will all go up in flames deep stuff

did everybody got to choose capitalism and jewish oligarchy?

It wasn't even subtle, they were doing chants like Al Qaeda did

the resistance against the commies in HW has to start somwhere

The same way they will accept dany wasn't a crazy bitch that deserved to die and her army were the good guys.

imagine being the maker of this thread

lol get a grip

>lol get a gri-

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No place for World Communism either Shlomo

um they r araks not sickles

Hahahaha that's great.

My gosh, the Game of Thrones writers are literally secretly commie-haters, aren't they?

>tfw weapon of choice for horse nomads is a scythe, a tool for agricultural civilizations

Attached: all_downhill_from_here.jpg (399x464, 52K)

Sickle swords are actually a bronze age thing

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They represent Islam
Greyworm literally ISIS'd POWs

They're anti white. Part of that movement is a dishonest promise of communism by the jews.

what kind of retarded purpose does this item serve that couldn't be better served by a less complex item?

I thought those sorts of bronze age war 'sickles' were sharp on the outside of the curve, so they sort of acted like axes with a prominent chopping surface

Attached: 103718195-egyptian-khopesh-sickle-sword-on-white-3d-illustration.jpg (1300x1300, 70K)

they were, the artist is retarded

it's like an ax/sword hybrid. They were very popular in ancient Assyria and with the Hebrew tribes

national socialism- prosperous, productive, everyone is taken care of
communism- jewish shit designed to destroy christian europe

lol, by 1938 Germany was on the verge of bankruptcy thanks to their out of control government spending. Hitler had to force German banks at gunpoint to purchase government bonds to prevent a default. That's why he was so eager for war, conquest was one of the only ways to keep the country afloat.

Collectivism is always shit for prosperity

I believe that they were shaped like that to firstly mitigate the warping bronze (especially low grade) weapons would be subject to with full force swings into bone or bronze armor. The majority of earliest sickles used as weapons would actually be crop harvesting tools primarily, as the materials and expertise to create enough tools for both war and farm work separately wouldn't be available to the cultures (mainly talking about Nile Delta, not educated enough on any of the other cultures that used sickle swords) for several centuries of development and population growth later.

>When she murdered the slavers of Astapor, sure, no one but the slavers complained, after all they were evil men. When she crucified hundreds of Meereenese nobles, who could argue, they were evil men. The Dothraki Khals she burned alive, they would have done worse to her. Everywhere she goes, evil men die, and we cheer her for it, and she grows more powrful and more sure that she is good and right. She believes her destiny is to build a better world for everyone, she believed that. She truly believed it. Wouldn't you kill whoever stood between you and paradise?
Tyrion knew what was up. Considering the amount of YAAS QUEEN SLAY this show has cultivated, I have to wonder how D&D saw it if they knew it was leading to this.
I'm honestly shocked they'd dare to do this.

Didn't they ALL die at the night walkers battle?

Those are like the Egyptian cavalry swords. The design is what it is to maximize slashing.


Democratic socialism still rules. Sorry bro.
