Admit it, you laughed when the based Lords mocked Sam's democuckracy idea
Admit it, you laughed when the based Lords mocked Sam's democuckracy idea
I didn't watch it
But technically the Oligarchy they have is closer to the REAL Democracy of the Athenians, so...
Yeah Sansa smirking got me. I could hold it in before that.
>i will ask my horse
Based Yohn Royce
why wont you guys fuck back off to reddit and twitter now, iCuck?
It was a bit too meta 4th wall breaking for me
For a moment I was fearing that the ending would be THAT retarded, as if democracy in medieval times was the greatest fucking thing ever.
I honestly laughed when everyone including Shansha btfo Sam's retard idea
What is like living as an incel?
Wouldn't that yassss queen lunatic just subvert democracy by importing a bunch of dothraki and demanding that they get to vote?
I cringed because I thought that was actually how the game of thrones would end, but it turned out to be the highlight of the episode
I was watching it with a bunch of friends and when Sam said that I blurted out “sit down you fat fucking idiot” while laughing and just as I said that the characters in the show started laughing and all my friends were in stitches.
True story.
I think D&D got most of us with that one. Knowingly or not.
Real democracy stems from African civilizations, Athenians just tried their best to copy it and failed
Source : PhD in political sciences history with a minor in afro-american study
Democracy doesn’t even work now. You think they will be able to count votes properly? He deserved the laughter.
We wuz voters!
Yeah Africans invented everything that makes western civilisation great that's why they live in mud huts and have child soldiers who kill each other over food. My eyes are open.
I didn't because it was a stupid suggestion and the tone of the scene was obviously mocking the mocking you autistic fuck.
shut up nigger lmao.
Why are /pol/tards so easily fucking baited?
why are you
being baited is being based
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
lmao double nigger
This. Took me right out of the scene.
>inb4 even being immersed
They have an Aristocracy which is supposed to be the good variation of the “rule of the few”. Oligarchy was the bad rule of the few because wealth, rather than virtue or duty, was the principle of succession
This is obviously bait, but what tribe of enlightened lip disks are you referring to?
Well you're not wrong. You can't just jump feet first into democracy and expect it to work (China tried and that went...badly) you need to ease people into it.
I mean a Democracy is just a matroyshka of Oligarchies anyway.
Personally I'm more invested in Arya finding the other side of Ulthos.
Can confirm. I'm his friend and we hung out with other friends we also share.
Same shit different name
>with a minor in a historical negationist conspiracy theory
good choice.
>I was just pretending to be retarded!
it's sad, isn't it? These are the only "victories" leftist retards can claim.
it would have been too hard to impliment and easy to corrupt anyway even with the crows. good idea. bran wasn't though he knew
>stealing from The Witcher
I can tolerate it.
The common people made Robb Stark King in the North and Mance King Beyond the Wall, those were kind of decisions by majority (or at least very loud minority) and the Night's Watch elects its commander. Maybe Sam thought about those instances.
Could have been funny if they didn't try making them look dumb with the dog and horse comments.
>asking a bunch of people to voluntarily give up their power
The world doesn't work that way and of course he would have been mocked.
>all of those characters are blatantly evil
Not quite the same thing.
This, the Radmure put down should have been for Sam.
in the first ASOIAF book tyrion mocks the idea of democracy and points to how incompetent and divided the people closest to it are, like the wildlings beyond the wall or their raider equivalents in the arryn vale
I laughed because I couldn't believe they were doing comedy shticks 10 minutes after killing Daenerys.
There were plenty of things wrong with the episode before that, but that whole scene simply murdered what was left. You can't go from the most melodramatic "sad" scene in the whole season to people being THAT goofy about the fate of the seven kingdoms in the span of 10 minutes.
I would have never dared to hope this episode to be as bad as it is. The information in the leaks was one thing, this is pure hackery.
every great thinker until the 1700s found the idea utterly ridiculous if not dangerous.
>Why are /pol/tards so easily fucking baited?
Who do you think posts the bait?
oh, absolutely. It just doesn't make sense in the context of a pseudo medieval setting (or whatever ASOIAF is in)
In the first book Tyrion is an Olympic level acrobat.
I'm not seeing how that's relevant to what I said
Like who?
Yes I laughed due to relief because at first I honestly expected everbody on the council to be cool with it and the worst of the meme ending dreamt up on this board becoming an actual reality.
Then my expectations got subverted.
I have never heard of anyone called Sneed.
Plato, Aristotle, Lucian, Symmachus (virtually any Roman statesman really), Confucius, Mozi, Han Fei, Thomas Aquinas etc etc etc
Well he used to be called chuck
Old, dead, mediocre white men
The idea of every citizen getting a vote because you reached x age dates back only about a 100 years. Most 'democracies' were founded on the idea of only letting land owners vote. This was extended to all men in exchange for agreeing to be drafted in times of war and finally woman because they complied a bunch.
>Confucius, Mozi, Han Fei, Lucian
yes, dead. The cut-off date was the 1700s
>we wuz free niggerz n shit mayn
Made me kek, have a (You) on the house
white by proxy
>Yara laughs
>The kingsmoot are literal elections by the ironborn
Non-white men obviously found it so stupid they didnt even talk about it.
niggerposter fuck off
go do some drugs and maybe shoot up a 711, get the FUCK OFF the WHITE MANS board
>People from rich aristocratic family's are against having their power reduced
You can't even begin to imagine how not surprised I am about that.
how will the kingdoms be ruled by someone with no armies
while mediocre white men spent decades pondering philosophy, the black kings were creating pyramids, aqueducts and spaceships.
yes, he was pretending to be retarded in order to bait you. that's what the term means. is this concept confusing to you?
What else did you guys do after the episode was over? Get up to any hijinks?
The north will run shit
>he was just pretending to be retarded!
but they're independent
He cute!
most were monarchists, but weren't monarchs. Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
Confucius is perhaps the most influential explicitly anti-democratic philosopher next to Plato in human history and he wasn't rich or powerful, quite the opposite.
How did you retards fall for such clear b8?
/pol/ is the dumbest board on the entire site
Wow just like real life!
this is Yea Forums
The real reason is that when you have a purer understanding of the world as you eliminate more and more biased sources from your information diet, most people end up sounding like poor bait and it becomes harder to distinguish intentional bullshit from unintentional bullshit.
Your arguing doesnt make you look especially bright either friendo
there is a 99% chance this was b8 but I love reading the responses, they can be very funny.
it was really fuckin obvious bait
It's a statement
>minor in afro-american study
and the replies are really fuckin obvious jokes that must have triggered you, mudman
move along
No but I thought Bronn randomly figuring out the theory of natural selection was legitimately chuckle-worthy.
Legitimate democracy wouldn't even be all that feasible there. So Sam deserved mockery.
based nigger lover
if you think the observation "strong live, weak die" (or what it exactly was) is discovering natural selection, you think the observation "things fall down" is discovering the law of gravity.
Only tax payers should be allowed to vote.
I didn't say "discover"; I said "figure out". It's funny because it sounds exactly like something Sam would pontificate about.
guy who doesn't pay taxes here:
You are 100% correct.
I would consider letting veterans vote as well. Thoughts?
you are still retarded and don't know what the theory of natural selection actually is.
African countries had monarchies or dictatorships
Right, technically he should have said "fit" instead of "strong", and "unfit" instead of "weak". Most people aren't autistic enough to care, and the writers probably don't even understand it either.
And how would the poor illiterate masses have voted effectively champ?
It's still not democratic by modern standards to just let the ruling families or the appointed, noble senators the vote moreso than the peasants and ex-slaves.
Although this is nice b8, some African tribes like the Igbo did have ancient democratic traditions.