So are we happy with the ending or no?

Was it kino?

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absolutely, a height challenged person and the representative of eastern people convince burgois to implement constitutional monarchy maybe even in future a democracy and banish white patriarch whos only claim to throne was "blood"

The amount of people trying to make this stupid pretentious show political is unreal.

no? why are you asking this?

Who are the two dudes besides gendry?

it sucked

I thought it was mostly fine, my problems were with earlier episodes.

it was good. A decent season finale despite the huge rushed shitshow the other episodes was

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It was not kino, and it was terrible, so if you read this your mother dies in your sleep tonight.

It was stupid as fuck and Tyrion's actor couldn't help showing how much he hated it thought his mannerisms

No it was NOT fucking kino. It was terrible.

The only kino moment in the whole season

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[man 3]
top kek

Very happy that femtard and SJW expectations were subverted.

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>north goes independent
>the other lords don't just go "I WANT TO BE INDEPENDENT TOO"
this entire thing made no fucking sense. why didn't Jon become King? most of the Lord love him and he had the strongest claim, stronger than Dany

What are you talking about? So bad writing and rushed production is a victory? XD ok.

Yup, stop really caring during S7, I thought this was a good send off.


It wasn't rushed, they had an extra year to work on it. They delivered exactly what they wanted to. Dany (SJW) got corrected by Jon (MGTOW) and replaced by Bran (Incel). 10/10 writing.

Having a little council of random Lords assembled in the wink of an eye...and having Davos and Asha Greyjoy and Samwell Tarly and Brienne on it for some unearthly reason...and having noted Kinslayer and convicted Kingslayer Tyrion Lannister give a 2 minute speech about the merits of Democracy, followed by "Why not Bran", at which point all the assembled Lords say "Sure, why not" didn't have an issue with that? Like, at all? After the first four establishing seasons, the complexity of the realm's politics, the many treatises on power and legacy, the simple historical precedent of what ACTUALLY occurs during a power vacuum...having everyone say "Oh the weird crippled kid who cannot produce heirs, lol OK sounds good to me".

That didn't seem bad, or silly, or even just a wee bit ridiculous to you? It was like something out of a children's book, or a Saturday Morning Cartoon. It was so hilarious I could barely breathe while it was going on.

>was it Kino
It ended in the most hilarious and ridiculous way possible, so yet.

>entire show is about political intrigue, everyone having their own agenda, and the ruthlessness with which they will pursue it
>everyone is just fine with the starks carving up the kingdom however they want
top kek

I was never very invested in the show but it was disappointing.

Disappointing that it's over and disappointing that it was such a boring unfulfilling ending.

The only good thing is the books can't be this bad.

Cuck Jon is sjw and Danny turned out to be frustrated conservative

Well hes the 3 eyed raven, he can see the future and the past including everything that all lords sitting there have done in their free time, thats the hes called Bran the BROKEN.

the show ended a long time ago sweetie

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Pretty good episode, for a shit stain of a season. Im content with this.

I only really loved Dani for literally just 20 minutes of screen time kek

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Yeah this was utterly retarded. I doubt D&D passed middle school social science.

This. I can’t see how it would even be a crime for the rightful king to kill a pretender war criminal.

Seemed like most of the lords were accepting a temporary compromise because Bran couldn't have children and likely had a diminished life expectancy (they thought). Notice how many of the assembled factions brought young men or women of prime age to rule. They probably thought they needed 5-10 years to build up armies and alliances for a return to dynastic rule, this time with their scion on the Tupperware Throne

Has he actually proven he can do anything of this though

Dude, Danny is the fascist/Stalinist. How far gone are you?

A man will give it a 5,8. Was it kino? Not really though and no Stannis or Jaqen.

All the lords laughing at Sam proposing a democracy was the best part of the episode

fuck off

I'm no bookfag and I know they mostly thought d&d butchered Jaimes redemption arc, but I thought their version of Jaime was pretty good. I liked that it wasn't a fairytale ending with Brienne.

I liked it

Im happy because they managed to be more retarded than I would expect

It ended consistent with the rest of the row--it was shit, just as it always has been. The fact that people like this dribble is proof that the West is falling apart.

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>Cuck Jon is sjw
>Danny turned out to be frustrated conservative

Keep dreaming, libcuck.

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>jpon belong to the NW
>sansa became a queen
>arya didn't become a lady
>bran climbed higher then any stark before him
Seems fine, all their wishes from S1 got fulfilled, and a happy ending all around.

But they ended up voting for a cripple anyway

Heavily implied he watched Ramsey rape his sister, of course that wouldn't sound too good to write in the book, but he did see who's Johns parents were, and the written evidence supported his claim.

He also literally went back in time and made some normal guy a retard.

Everyone should be afraid of him after hearing his stories.

The moment was good while it lasted

Why Greyworm suddenly acted like a dick in this scene when it physically would be impossible for him

It was the ghost muh dick

But it was mocking them, the Radmure putdown should have been for Sam.

This is the best ending we could get considering the shitstorm these last two seasons. But it's still pretty bad, ot really kino desu

>to implement constitutional monarchy
Its an elective monarchy you retard.


It was an ok ending, but I feel that a couple more episodes would have benefit the season so more exposition could have been made. I'm just happy the dragon lady didn't win in the end.


was the "fuck off stupid dog" all a jewish plot to get the fans backa the end?
still sucked ass

>there will never ever be a game of thrones x Berserk
it hurts bros

Isn't some bdsm woman in charge of it? that's why sansa has always chains and shit on her dress.

>pretentious show
What did he mean by this?

>bittersweet ending
>Jon gets exactly what he wants
>Sansa gets exactly what she wants
>Arya gets exactly what she wants
>Jaime got exactly what he wanted
>It goes on and on

Literally everyone got the ending they wanted except Sauron and her minions, but arguably Sauron got it too cuz she died after realizing her goals.

And why the fuck is Sam grand maester? The watch is for life. I realize things are different now but he’s an oathbreaker now

When you think about it, the only thing that makes it sad is that fans didn't get what they want, but in the context of the world, everyone is happy. Well except Tyrion, but everyone else got what they wanted and seem happy in their positions.

>So are we happy with the ending or no?
they gave most of the episode to comfy epilogue instead of escalated drama, fighting, extended conflict and climaxes

they didn't have to do that, but they did
it was pure comfy fanservice and i enjoyed it immensely

The Night Watch just kind of forgot about the whole oath thing, just like Dany just kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet.

WHY the fuck would you think its kino in any way?

jokes on you, im not gonna sleep tonight

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it was pretty good, sounded way worse on paper. The endpoints for all the characters make sense.
Glad the show is over though, the fanbase became completely retarded

Yes to both.

Man what a wimpy reunion, they really don't seem to care much for eachother.

Because it subverted the general expectations. Tough to understand it you'd need something bigger then the pea-sized brain you obviously have.

If the last 7 seasons have made anything clear it is that the last thing any Northerner wants is to be ruled by a king from the North.

there is a difference between the whole population voting, and the only letting the lords vote - like they did in the epsiode

Bran freed Sam from the watch

This actually could have made for a great tweest at the end, like have some noble guy come out against Bran then immediately get blinked out of existence or lobotomized. At least the Mad King would just burn you, Bran can change the fucking past. He has the power of a god.

I think they're loopholing by reinstating a new night's watch and giving everyone (or selected people) the chance to grandfather in or not. The fact that Tormund is hanging out in castle black is enough to say the original purpose is shot now

I am pretty sure he CANT see the future. Only the current and past.

Fuck this shit, his wolf was never a retard good boy who needed validation all the time. It was a strong independent wolf who didn'e need to be talked down to

He also gets vision of the future. But he can't check it like a book as he does for the past.

A lot of the people who voted weren't even Lords.


>institute elected monarchy
>elect a kid to be in charge of it
Did they steal this shit from Queen Amidala in The Phantom Menace or some shit?

The ending made no sense as the kingdom would immediately go back into civil war with Dorne and the Iron Islands declaring independence with the kingdom being so weak.

Bronn wasn't even there despite being one of the major lords now.

why didn't they just implement a magna carta: westeros edition
why did tyrion forget about tommen
why did the tradition bound north not bring up that gendry was the legitimate heir to the throne and that bran is a more legitimate ruler as king in the north

Good luck making a revolution when the king can lower the IQ of your leader to 20

get fucked cursefag

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bran is an eternal demigod who watches you while you poop, he will be dictator forever

I think you're giving the writers too much credit.


>there were people who invested 8 years of their lives waiting for this moment
Jesus christ

based sharkposter

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dude i fucking hate it. I was the one how advocated the whole season saying that nah it's fine, we all knew Dany was a cruel cunt and a tyrant, but what the fuck we just saw in the last episode? Where is tragedy there? Fucking two words dialogs with no sense. I can justify why John killed the Queen, but it just sucked how they showed it. Characters are plastic too, especially Bran. I hated almost all his boring scenes in the show. This is what happens when you have a 6 episodes season instead of 12 or more. It's fucking outrageous.

Go to bed David, you've been up all night.

thanks immunity dog

It was fine
given how shit the show has been since season 6 and that the last good season was season 4
i don't understand how people hate this ending if they've been eating up the rubbish that has been this show post season 4
It got resolved too fast and lasily but it's miles better than what i have been expecting
stuff with indepndent north ruled by sansa was retarded though

>rulers will now be chosen instead of born
this is a pretty believing choice by people that have suffered for years because of people pressing their claim by birth
it's also an ending with some kind of point to it, one that makes sense for a story about monarchies written in a world at a time that is somewhat democratic
the fact that so many supposed 'liberals' are upset that they didn't get an absolute ruler who executes people without trial as the winner is telling

>king is a white guy
>the guy who is effectively ruling as hand is a white guy
>the grand maester is a white guy
>the master of ships is a white guy
>the master of coin is a moral-relatavist ancap white guy
based and redpilled

>absolutely, a height challenged person and the representative of eastern people convince burgois to implement constitutional monarchy maybe even in future a democracy and banish white patriarch whos only claim to throne was "blood"
Piss on this shit.

Utter shit.

If this is the ending GRRM intended, piss on him too. His work already sucks ass, fuck it.

>your mother dies in your sleep
Like I'll have a dream that my mom dies? That doesn't sound so bad.

>subversion LOL

You have no right to call anyone a peabrain. Dany taking a hot, slow and steamy shit into Tyrions mouth as a punishment would've been subverting the general expectations.


Who are the other lords?

based shawn

i postponed my suicide for this

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I like a lot of it, it's just all so accelerated that it has to be completely retarded to go in the directions that want it to, so it's all like, complete nonsense punctuated by poingnant moments that feel utterly right.

Loved the dragon obliterating the throne.

Gotta say I'm not too sure about Bran being king, feels like a sort of subtle advocation for a surveillance state???

wtf i love game of thrones now

I haven't *watched* since GoT since season 7, but I have seen a bunch of clips and that was one of them.

I found it unintentionally comical.

>"hurrr let's invent this... system of government... what should we call it... democracy"

The hamfisted way the scene unfolded gave me a good ol chuckle. Definitely lacked the finness the show had when the book kept things together.

nope. worse episode of the entire series.

>So are we happy with the ending


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same, i actually said to myself okay what are some things you want to see before you neck yourself, and unironically, it was seasons 7 and 8 of GOT and the two sequels to the Force Awakens.

things are not looking good.

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We don't fucking deserve dogs. Jesus Christ. This shit always makes me fucking cry.

>i postponed my suicide for this

Should have just went all the way before it.

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>he liked seasons 5 and 6
go fuck yourself, they sucked too
season 6 even had yass kween cersei using her plot armour to defeat everyone that opposed her

it's technically a republic
they literally laughed when samwell suggested a democracy
also, they made the same mistake again and left a water bottle in that scene

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>man all those wars over succession sucked
>I know let's throw out the rules for succession completely and just let the nobles argue about it that'll fix everything lmao
>surely this won't lead to a giant clusterfuck of a civil war as soon as our new telepathic dictator dies

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>it's technically a republic


Thanks, dogge

There are still problems with Season 8 as a whole, but the finale actually came a long way to remedying a lot of them. Overall I found it rather satisfying. It wasn't a masterpiece but it was one of the better episodes I've seen in a long while and it closed the book on the age of the iron throne and the seven kingdoms in a way that seemed appropriate based on where things left off after episode 5.

>jon stabs dany
>dragon doesn't eat him
>he doesn't just lie and tell everyone dany had another mental breakdown and flew off
>gets caught and imprisoned
>niggers and dickless don't chop off his or tyrion's head
>they wait like a month for bran to drag his wheelchair ass to KL to give them up for free

thought the same thing but
>why didn't Jon become King? most of the Lord love him and he had the strongest claim, stronger than Dany
literally nobody aside form the northern lords know jon and nobody knows or has any real factual proof that he is a targaryen.
now if the show writers had been smart they would have featured a scene where one of the dragons breaths fire at him and jon is unharmed by it since real targaryen don´t burn

Sam had the script. That's the proof.

lol, you are done for bro

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I love how Bran completely doesn't even pretend to give a shit.

>hai guis everything going good k bai

>this is a pretty believing choice by people that have suffered for years because of people pressing their claim by birth
All it does is literally enlarge the pool of claimants, since every noble can potentially be king now, making the king weaker (because it's in the council interests to keep him wek) and the regional lords stronger (because they're the ones who get to decide so they have the power)
This asset is a time ticking bomb waiting to blow up, it's democratic in form but ultimately makes the government weaker (see Poland and HRE) and it's a shitty solution to feudalism

It was a decent final episode compared to many other shows.
And the best episode of the season but thats not saying much.

Apparently if you kill a king all the sudden for being mad you have to go to the wall. Nevermind that Robert and Ned didn't face any punishment after usurping Aegon, or Jamie for that matter. But now if you kill a king when you had the better claim in the first place you gotta go to snow jail. All because some dickless nigger from the East is mad at you or something. Then he just leaves anyway

What the fuck happened to Gilly and her kid?

Samwell and Brienne are heirs of important houses
Davos actually said he wasn't sure if he had a vote there

>wink of an eye

Jon was literally hitler.

>fought in selfdefense
>ended up defeated
>lived out his life in argentina

No one is disputing that, they're saying it makes no sense that the other 6 realms were ok with the starks and north becoming independent but didnt raise the same point for themselves

>assembled in the wink of an eye.
this episode was the first in 2 seasons to actively have people mention the elapsed time not shown.


I didn't say it was a good idea
but it's more believeable than all the shit thats been happening since season 5
it makes more sense than Cersei Rodham Lannister blowing up a bunch of innocent nobles and taking the throne, when if the writing had made sense almost every noble would've rebelled
and desu why wouldn't the lords want a weaker government and the chance for themselves to be king in future without conquest
the small council and the great lords were effectively running the kingdom anyway, the monarchy has been weak as shit from the very start

It went out with a fizzle.

It murmured and stopped. If you think a safe ending is good then it was good

Formulaic. You knew Jon was going to kill Daenyris from the last episode and when they embraced it was a wrap

Normifying the show pleased you.. that's to be expected

If you are wrong about expecting good things from the show, maybe you are also wrong about expecting bad things for your life.

thanks dogge, unfortunately you're too late to save me from this shitty show

Well at least its over, when you can objectively look at a show and you end up ok with it just because you want closure but only get it half assed because you still have so many questions then you know it was a shit ending.

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kys now


it was average, so it's better than past few seasons

fire hurts targaryens though, immunity is special to dany for some reasons


So what was Edmure doing past two seasons?

How old is show ghost anyway? Like 10?
He’ll be dead soon anyway.


Yes, it was kino.


agreed. the whole season was super rushed, therefore no development could be possible.
for example:
-dany's "change of heart", despite the fact that she's been prone to cruelty/bathshit crazy since the word go
-how tyrion was the one who manipulated jon into killing dany albeit because of his own regret
-the selection of bran was perfunctory and the "humor" provided by edmure felt awkward
-the first small council felt weird, as if nothing had happened
-no development whatsoever of ser davos reaction (or lack thereof) to dany's death
-jon quitting the night's watch as if
-wtf happened to ellaria and ilyn payne?

It all got straightened over. No unsullied bodyguards anywhere. Not even after the dragon spent 30 seconds blazing fire. And I doubt any unsullied entering a room with some bloke standing over their stabbed queen will just incarcerate them. Jon would have been murdered. With his only chance trying to escape with the dragon.

>elective monarchy = constitutional monarchy
Nigger what

>Sam (wtf why?)
>litterally who

>Arya (why?)

>Brienne (Why?)
>Davos (Why`?)
>Motherfucking Gendry
>literally who

>literally who

>Yon Royce
>literally who

Holy fucking incel, please kill yourself asap

how come nobody said something about stark being queen of the north and stark being king of the 7(6) kingdoms

>real targaryen don´t burn
>What is summerhall

oh my god shut the fuck up already nobody cares
t. dabid

wouldnt there still be a fucking civil war when they disagree on who should be king

The last time something like this happened Viserys I was elected and his stupidity caused the dance of the dragons.

The North apparently can do whatever they want after defeating NK, Cersei and Daenerys (kind of),so that's the reasons why the Starks are there.
Sam is the heir of House Tarly (kind of)
Davos was reinstated as a Baratheon and Lord of Storm's End
Brienne is from a noble house also, and maybe she's considered as one of the best warriors alive? Now that Barristan, Jaime, The Cleganes and other are dead, it could be possible.
Ser Davos Seaworth is fucking based, watch your mouth

Gendry* was reinstated as a Baratheon. My bad

This is Rome season 2 all over again

Danys death(though we don't know she's dead for sure) and Jon lineage going nowhere was poorly done.

I wouldnt' say Jaime got what he wanted, it was just an acceptably tragic ending for him. The problem is the Starks flat out won:

>Jon never wanted to be king, he felt most alive in the north with the wildlings and now he is one
>Sansa gets to be queen
>Arya gets to randomly be christopher columbus
>Bran doesn't want to be king but also wants to be king
Rickon or Ricky or whatever his name is was barely there as a character so the last time the Starks lost anything was fucking Red wedding or I guess when Jon lost the wildling wife.

I am glad Daenerys died and she didn't get her happy ending but I don't like how it resulted in the other thing I feared, a happy ending for the chosen house of the Starks.

The North was already independent when they declared for Robb as King in the North. Jon bending the knee for Dany doesn't count as she is never properly crowned. They remain independent.
Real reason is female empowerment obviously.
A Stark in KL and a Stark in WF in reality would have been a tough pill to swallow for any big house, but Bran could be seen as a harmless retard.

>let's allow Jon and Tyrion to be alone
>guards outside the door don't listen in on the conversation
>letting Jon be alone with Daenerys
>only arresting Jon and playing along with politics, despite still having an army

>failed attempts at humour
>everyone being okay with Bran as king, despite half those people not knowing him
>everyone is just okay with the North being independant

>Arya randomly becoming a cartographer for no reason

>Jon sent to wall with no way of actually enforcing his punishment

The entire episode was stupid.

There are going to be plenty violet eyed and white haired wildlings in the future roaming the Gift and Beyond, there were a lot of women and girls with the wildlings.

>Arya randomly becoming a cartographer for no reason
It’s GURMs seething complex over Tolkien. He wanted ASoIaF to have a similar bittersweet ending as LotR. Arya sailing west mirrored Frodo sailing to the Undying Lands.

You were considered an adult way earlier back then

How did anyone besides Jon know he stabbed Dany in the heart though? The dragon took her away before anyone else arrived at the scene.
Did he tell them like a retard?
>lol guise I just totally murdered your queen


He is a good dog

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yeah realistically, Jon would be king, the northmen proclaimed him king, they all say he's the rightful heir to the throne, he's constantly helping out the little guy, and he removed the queen that ransacked the 6 kingdoms. They'd be lining up to bend the knee to Jon.

>it's technically a republic
no it's not
do you even know what a republic means?


>>guards outside the door don't listen in on the conversation
Jon didn't say anything disloyal to Dany.

The whole thing was goofy as fuck, it was like I was watching a different show


I think it was dissapointing and stupid. 1 -3 seasons were the best, amazing. 4 - 8 pure dogshit

Isn't an ending where everything is tied up so neatly exactly the opposite of what GURM would do? It was very Lord of the Rings, even down to the dozen endings.

So the leaks were spot on 100% basically right?


you probably got confused with taxposting etc but GRRM explicitly said his favourite ending is like the scouring of the shire, where the world is saved but changed irreparably and the protagonist is so deeply scarred by his experiences that he is forced to leave. Also it was hardly a neat ending, it left so much unsaid and the regime looks hopelessly weak. Naive is the only worked for it, but it is simply poor writing.

The ending was good, the last four season were shit. This is not debatable. The only people that are shitting on the finale are people that desperately need attention.

In my new headcanon the chick that leaked them just found one of the CGI nerds and sucked him off for leaks.

jokes on you my mom is already dead

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Think the reactions to GOT finale are a litmus test for whether or not you're a pessimist/optimist or a realist. I found it had a realistic ending in that things are still pretty much the same, but different. Council bickering about nothing, people in the place they naturally belong and tyranny is taking a break for a while.

It had a great fantasy ending leaving you still interested in the universe and feeling like what took place was just a snippet in time.

The worst part, where I had to pause the show to cringe, was when the dragon opened it's wings behind Dany. Such ham-handed symbolism is fucking painful to watch.

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>dragon opened it's wings behind Dany. Such ham-handed symbolism is fucking painful to watch.

People are already trotting it out like it was such an amazing artistic choice. Really it's baby's first DeviantArt page tier.

Wait, what makes Bran then?
An Emperor/Kaiser/Cesar?

>show = book

Yeah I'm with you there. I think there were nuggets of great episodes in those 4 seasons but this episode was just a solid ending.

how did they find out Jon killed Daeny ? Apart from a small amount of blood on the floor there is no evidence. If he just claimed she burned the throne and flew off into the sunset because thats what breaking the wheel was really all about could you really contradict it ?

no its not, it is a monarchy.agreeing to give someone absolute power is not making a representative democracy. People that think the political system underwent some large change are retarded normies.

worst series finale i've ever seen. there were points in the episode where i actually was just stunned by how shitty the writing was. it is as if they have been on a mission to sabotage the show ever since season 5. the fact that DnD were paid money to write this is depressing

U mad?

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>man who places honor and duty above everything tells the truth
Do you want DnD to hold your fucking hand

>Unsullied niggers sent to die in Naath from butterfly disease
>Dothraki brown-turkish subhumans 2/3 wiped out, utterly leaderless, weakened and broken into small, irrelevant, frail factions, sent back to Essos
>Golden Company aka essos immigrant mercenaries utterly genocided
>incel white boy ruling the 7 kingdoms
>All council members are white
>Jon Snow sent to recolonize the Lands of Always Winter with 100% blonde and ginger white people
>First Men Kingdom, aka THE NORTH (who is 100% native westerosi) independent from the indo-european immigrants aka Andals
>ruled by the palest ginger in the north
>Edmure still alive and told to sit the fuck down and stfu (direct jab at soi audience)
>Jamie Lannister arc of redemption completed, impregnated Bryenne too, a virgin knight
>Lena Headey paid another million $ to pretend she is dead for 20 seconds
>Arya rebuilds Stark ships and sets sail to discover new worlds and make contact with them on behalf of the North (Columbus meets America)
>Bank of Braavos money lenders utterly fucking bankrupt, all debtors are dead
>ME SUNDAE executed as the uppity nig bitch she was

D&D were /ourguys/ all along

You mean to tell me that Jon is retarded enough to literally tell them outright ? I dont buy it.

That's not nice

We have no reason to believe he would lie. I understand its not what you wanted but "I don't like it" is about the most normie tier argument that can be made. Sorry Jon didn't become King and marry your favorite character.

Kinda irked me that Dany never thought Robb as think in the North.

Based and redpilled but also retarded. I'll take it

what? Rob died before she even was close to coming across. She literally knows nothing of seven kingdoms why would she think of Robb?

I dont care about that minor detail, but I am highly disappointed in GRRM that he left so many questions open. I mean what is Bronns tax policy gonna look like ? I dont think he is a good master of coin when he wants to spend all the money on whores and brothels.

it was shit so was fitting to conclude the series

Tyrion implored him to go kill the queen. Which would be a very good reason to at least not let him be completely alone with her. Even if jon is a nice guy.

It was pure shite

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thank you based immunity dog

Good boy.

why has this show been reduced to a fucking televised stage production?
no character ever has any entourage. No handmaidens no pages no heralds no squires etc
it's fucking awful looking to have all these giant empty sets with at most 2 fucking guards by the door
the early seasons had fucking people and looked like actual worlds not theatre stages

based and retarded. why would GRRM be the source of your disappointment when DnD made the show?

I can see this happening honestly.

The dickless nigger has a 4 thousand men army of spartan level warriors holding the capital and jon prisioner.

ok so let me get this straight, GRRM told them how to end the show and all the major plotpoints. and yet you stil argue he didnt tell them who...

>would rule the Reach and be one of the most powerfull men in westeros
>be master of coin at the end

are you retarded ? that is a major plotpoint that DnD didnt just come up with on their own.

Not at all. What the fuck happened with season 8? It is like they just gave up and rushed it. Loads of loose ends, all the drama and mystery was no existent, what the fuck was even the point of the whole white walker shit? It amounted to nothing. How the fuck did Bran, the three eyed Raven become king? What happened to all the mystery surrounding Bran and his powers? No fucking explanation just all forgotten.


The fat man better deliver with TWoW.


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>have corporate coffee empire
>bottled war production too
And yet democracy is too sophisticated for these people?

They started with relativity unknown actors and spent their budget on set design and extras. Now the entitled actors want more money so they have to spend more the budget on them, while cutting things like Ghost, guards, ladies of court etc. What pisses me off about it is they aren't even particulary amazing actors, they played their roles well but with this kind of show you have to have people that put passion into the story. Thats why the LOTR movies did so well, the cast and crew were fucking nerdgasming over the chance to be in the film.

How did Edmure not slap his Nieces? He'd be all in the right for disciplining them as their uncle.

They aren't even trying.

who is dealing with Bran's ADL? Where's the phisio? Do Maester's know about Illeal pressure ulcers?

Why the fuck didn't Bran tell Arya and Sansa he was behind the red wedding and have him killed?

They went away from GRRM at multiple points,the show Bron character is completely changed from the book version. In the books we have no reason to believe that Bron would turn on Tyrion, he literally named his son after him. You are a retard and you don't know what you are talking about. Stop watching the behind the scenes and start reading the books if you are actually interested in the series.

I wonder who gets to milk him?

The Wheel of Time fucking wen?

Did Bran actually 12 dimensional chess this?
>Tell Sam about Jon's parentage, Sam tells Jon, Jon tells Sansa
>Causes Dany to go crazy
>Jon kills Dany
>Bran becomes king

If this ending actually is what GRRM has planned then I wonder if it is supposed to be some mega ruse by the children of the forest or whoever to gain power over Westeros.

she's already dead

Just me or did the episode feel like one extended quip? Like nobody was taking it seriously.

It did feel like a comedy

Get yourself fucked

It was a great finale that subverted expectations while offering itself as a “love letter” to Throneheads (the fans). We got to see all of our favorite characters again and each of them had something to do or say (or both). The best part was all the references to things that happened before, which is a nice treat and a bit of a wink to Throneheads who have stuck with this show since the beginning

I was very excited that each of our beloved Starks (Jon, Arya, Sansa, Bran) sets off on their own adventure, leading me to believe that we’re in for many more spinoffs/sequels along with the prequels, which is great news not just for hardcore Thronesters but also casual fans of HBO products

My guess is that we are now seeing the groundwork laid for a tie-in either with the Star Wars universe or the MCU (or both) with the Starks being ancient Skywalkers (Bran is obviously force-sensitive) and the Night King coming back as Thanos

All in all we are in for a wild ride and this mega franchise shows no sign of slowing down

I give it 5 bags of popcorn and 3 little dragon action figures

but user, these are nobility not the bourgeoisie

thanks dog

Your father will die tonight if you don't delete your post.

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Not too bad, but it kinda fizzled out, this season was way too rushed, though most of the ending decisions were decent

Hail Immunity Dog

Yeah but then he leaves. Jon hasn't even left before he leaves. You're telling me people suddenly honor agreements now?

immunity dog has been protecting me along with immunity cat for years now, never looked back!

good boy!

absolutely shite
>king nigger not killing jon and tyrion
>dragon killing the chair
>shitty ending to dany
>jon literally back to stage 1
>bronn master of coin (kek), lord paramount of the reach thinking the lords will ever accept a cutthroat as their Lord instead of the manderlys or tarlys is fucking dabid tiery
>song of ice and fire
>le good guys council:)
>kings landing being fucking burned down and a million people supposedly killed not mentioned once
>arya is alive, thus making her riding out completely retarded and weightless (im coming back after riding out of this hell of a city why not LOL )
>drogon just flying away
>winter never actually came
>grass beyond the wall:)
>bunch of forgotten characters
>iron bank and the money they owe to them forgotten
>prince that was promised, lord of light, all of them tossed out of the window
>lords being okay with a dickless cripple, not even a start on the throne
>elective monarchy which means sooner or later the influence of the lords will reach the level of the king thus the decentralization will result in bloody war yet again
>thinking that men don't have ambition after le good guy gang won
>iron islands not going independent
>hell the kingdoms not going independent after the north just leaves in an abrupt manner
>jon just walking away like a faggot
>wasting 8 years of my life on this shitshow

Why the fuck did almost everyone wear black's clothes ?

It's customary to wear black at a funeral.


except jaime's arc was ruined and was broken

It could've been much worse though.


what did he mean by this?


you're probably being serious.


Thank you dog

>important house
Tarth is just some small shithole island off the coast of the stormlands

You mean drivel, you pseud

It was terrible and very obvious that everyone involved, cast and crew, just wanted it to be over.

WTF happened to Ser Ilyn Payne?


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And they all lived happily ever after.
The End

Sam took the black, he has no claim to any title or house. It is odd that they allowed him to become archmaester too.

Dany legitimized Gendry but she's basically usurper and he's still baseborn no matter what. Jon is the more legitimate heir and no one wants Grey Worm to try and take the city over martially so no one's arguing that Jon Targ take over.

>I found it had a realistic ending

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>I don't know what a burgois are
literally the burgoise was the poor oppressed people for aristocracy prior french revolution

It's such a lazy scene. It should've been an actual great council with all the minor nobles in the background.

>Sansa gives Jon a tearful farewell
>Winterfell is only a few weeks from Castle Black
So she was basically saying she was never going to visit, fucking cunt

The actor got cancer and the showrunners decided to "phase him out" but when he recovered they never put him back in. In the books he trains with Jaime at one point... Would've been neat to see. Anyways, the wiki speculates he died during Dany's attack on KL

Fuck you

Daily reminder: The whole "Why not democracy?" thing followed by laughter makes no sense because they act like it is absurd and impossible when just across the sea is seven different republics.

Fuck off Drogon.

The only good takeaway from your point about the government changing is that the show did a good job of conveying cynicism that anything ever changes for the better. The "wheel" can't be broken with bloodshed, and major change wilts and dies without it, and so the bloody cycle starts over. The best scene really was when Sam gets laughed back in his chair because what he was proposing was essentially a political change that made a major difference towards ensuring that bloodshed would stop. The show immediately mollifies by making Bran the most dispassionate, benevolent, and literally omniscient ruler they elect however, that way the low IQ audience isn't too bummerino

Based doggo


Hall Immunity Dog

I'm just glad the Dothraki took their rightful share of Westerosi women and blood before going back home.

Thanks immunity dog

thx doge

>i postponed my suicide for this

are you me?

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thanks immunity dog

every frame a painting

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>only good takeaway
the episode was a mess you really have to be a söycucked fag to not see it
>democrac ensuring that bloodshed would stop
you have to be 18 to post here

You know they've said that they'll be drunk on an island with no internet once the episode is released? They knew perfectly well how shitty it was and that nobody will like it.

Normies hate it so...

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Kill your self stannisfag


There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. Seeing as Bran has become King and Arya is going on a pirate adventure, she is effectively a prisoner in her own castle now.

>a height challenged person
But Jon didn't convince them of a anything?

>rightful king
may as well have been Gendry. There was no real "rightful king".

>he doesnt know how old direwolfs life

Haha yes, I saw that picture too on second world twitter, but it's fake.

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I am just glad it is over. Now we can focus on important stuff: I am Jazz.

like who? They all held titles I think. Except Arya (did she even vote?)

It was very based when Sansa told that fucking white male to sit the fuck down.

it was so bad, today when i woke up for a split second i had the idea that it was a dream but then realized it was real

Based and Glass-Half-Full-Pilled.

thank you oh immune one

It was leaked, which ruined some enjoyment for sure.

The unsullied would have killed Jon no matter what. Daenarys' death was too cheesy. The season was rushed (despite taking 2 fucking years for 6 episodes), had poor writing throughout, could have been done 100x better. Most things felt anticlimactic and like an amateur was put in charge and was told "quick, wrap it up."

The ending has a tonal problem. It's horrible and gut wrenching, yet it's being humorous as well because they have to fit that in there too and show that they're moving on. The scene where Tyrion finds Jaime and Cersei felt unnatural.

The only ending thread I was feeling was Arya's and I don't even like that character. I really didn't give a fuck about the North being "free" or whatever the hell Sansa's character was supposed to be. Only the most boring characters lived. The world feels empty, so I'm having a hard time caring about what they accomplished. I think the scene with Tyrion rearranging the empty chairs in the Red Keep illustrates this. I imagine him remembering times in seasons past when it was filled with better characters with better objectives, and with more interesting things going on in the world outside. I doubt the show intended that though.

It feels like a season is missing. Like a whole season post-King's Landing destruction. That should have been the last episode of this season. Shows like this never can handle their shit to the end. What can you say about this ending other than "it ended."

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I like how they didn't show a single citizen in the last episode. Bran was the king of no-one except a few named characters apparently.
Felt a bit weird.

>We don't fucking deserve dogs. Jesus Christ. This shit always makes me fucking cry.
hahaha look at this woman everyone

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But doesn't it encourage you to see how even the utterly untalented can get success like being the writers for the biggest tv series? You can do it!

Ending was perfection

he untook it, lol just turn your brain off


It pissed a lot of people off that really could use a reality check so I liked it.

>constitutional monarchy
This was elective monarchy and it did happen in medieval time, Hugues Capet was named king of France and founder of the Capetien dynasty after Louis V died without a heir

Memetic dogshit


Are you retard?


Thanks doggo

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>Unsullied and Dothraki multiplied several times
>Nights Watch still exists
>the 'what about democracy?' scene
>the reference to 'A Song of Ice and Fire'
>the comedic japes of the council meeting

It was literal and unironic dogshit

This is an unpopular opinion for sure but FUCK that dog. Statistically at least one user here has a dead mom already. This doggo shit did NOTHING for them

I wish dany looked that sexy in the show.