
>watching 'Chernobyl'
>notice annoying 'strong female scientist' character
>look up production, she is the only 'fictional character' in the drama, which is otherwise supposedly factual
>she comes up with the solution to save the world

Why do they do this? Why?

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Here's her

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>Why do they do this? Why?
Why can there be no nuclear accident in the Soviet Union?

they needed someone to represent the network of ca. 400 nuclear physicists who gave their input and advice to Legusov (sp) and the rest of the staff in charge. why do you care so much that they chose to go with a woman?

lol what a load of bullshit. She's only in the show for GRRL POWER YAS KWEEN SLAY reasons.

Have sex

>be sjw liberal fuck
>bitch about muh commies distorting truth for political ends
>go on to distort truth for political ends

the creator is regularly on reddit plus does 1hr podcasts after each episode where this decision is explained.

Well the character itself wasnt a bad idea because having 50 scientists argue about what to do for hours isnt going to make for good television. So having one to represent their side is fine.

She isnt bad yet, but if the character is a mistake it will be because its overwritten womyn power shit.

Has he said anything about it so far?

OF COURSE they have to come up with some stupid fucking explanation for including this bullshit character. But you'd have to be an absolute soi-swilling retard to think it's for any other reason than YAS KWEEN SLAY.

if that’s the case, what’s up with the righteous bullshit like her facing down the local party bosses or being the only one at work on a saturday?

If this fictional character was a male you would have zero problem with it

Hermione looks like THAT?

They should've made it like this phone call between all the scientists to show off that it was 99% men, they could've even had the speaking role be a woman, the one who conveys the info directly to the POV characters.

In the most unsubtle way possible. Talking down to everyone including her assistant, driving over there to personally save the day. Just fucking tone it down.

Maybe because women aren't intelligent enough to be nuclear scientists?

Or her immediately knowing the solution to the sand and boron problem.
Right, because he wouldn't be a know-it-all cunt. He'd just be a guy.

> 99% of mysterious people she's meant to represent were likely men
> she has a million people's achievements and no failures


The first big shocking face down involves a man (Legasov (sp?) in the council of ministers(?))
Yes, he basically said what I stated in . Lazy to look for a link but look it up, you'll find it. BTW his reddit is /u/clmazin. He answers people's questions and comments on /r/chernobyl, /r/tvchernobyl, /r/chernobyltv.
Not sure how well that'd work... the character will provide ongoing advice. Seems like it'd be clunky.

To the rest of you in this thread, see Being the crowd that usually complains about sjw snowflakes y'all do get mad triggered over inconsequential shit.

At least you faggots finally admit she's only in the show for SJW reasons.

Just have it be an open call with her that it repeatedly cuts to with in the background like an entire room of male scientists discussing in front of a blackboard, it'd not be as awkward as having a mary sue around.

what about rocket scientists?

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>Why do they do this? Why?
Because if they don't have at least one woman they'd have to endure a thousand stupid cunts crying out "BUT THERE WERE TWO SOVIET NUCLEAR PHYSICISTS THAT CHECKED THEIR MATH" in unison.

legasov’s takedown, whether fictionalized or not, was measured; the bitch basically called the (deliberately chosen) obese apparatchik a dumb pleb and insulted his class background (so much for “social justice”)

have sex

Ironic, that RBMK-1000 reactor had actual women contributing to it's design. Check out the design beauro...

I didn't see it as her insulting his class background, rather emphasizing his lack of subject matter expertise.

>yfw the first nuclear scientist was a woman

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I'd post mfw but then I remember that they do the same thing with every black scientist, as in one black scientist is on the team so they attribute the whole research paper to him. Same with curie, doesnt matter that her husband did most of the work, the SJW cause requires it to be hers and hers alone.

Oh, you mean after Roentgen, Becquerel and couple others, including her husband?

>why do you care so much that they chose to go with a woman?
kill yourself stupid retarded faggot. Seriously, got get 3.6'd whore WK bitch

Worst of all, normal folk who have no interest in researching up on Chernobyl crisis will think she's an actual historical figure

Funny how all these woman and black "inventors" just so happen to have spouses who worked on the same project or the project was a team effort

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yes. because men are smart. and women are dumb. and this shit with "female scientist" is fucking propaganda.

Americunts and their SJW propaganda.

At least they got the settings and overall look at how life was back when USSR/Iron Curtain was a thing.

Aside from that, the issue with the water tank was discovered when the assigned team of scientists wen over the "blue prints" and deduced that this shit can happen making pretty much entire Europe uninhabitable.

So far - so good. I am glad the omitted the retarded fake Russian accent this time.

>women need a composite of 100 scientists to measure up to what a single man did
honestly the absolute STATE of women

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As Philip II of Macedon was conquering Greek city-states left and right, Sparta was left alone. Philip had achieved a crushing victory, and Sparta was relatively weak and without walls. Philip sent a message to the Spartans saying “If I invade Lakonia you will be destroyed, never to rise again.” The Spartans replied with one word, “If.”

as a researcher whose exes accomplished more career-wise despite being dumb as spit I can confirm. also pi’s love roasties because they’re massive pushovers and never question authority

That was her husband you silly fuck.

IF you cunts stopped trying to force your SJW propaganda - then yes we will have no issues with it.

Why are redditors this fucking stupid.

>giving a fictional woman the credit for what a group of men did to save europe just so twitter can praise the show
fucking hell why? every scene with her has been so fucking out of place and shit, the drama and horror of seeing the most powerfull men absolutely helpless at the situation is just destroyed when some made up cunt comes in and scolds them all and saves the world, what the fuck

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Get this woman off my ship

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the fictional cunt is the only thing that puts chernobyl under the terror for me, at least make her struggle like all the rest not just have her walk in like she owns everyone and not get sent to the gulag for it

All of the male doctors are retarded in this show:
>what's iodine?
>milk is better for radioactive burns than water.

Imagine getting so triggered at seeing women on your television that you can only see it as fucking propaganda. Go outside, incel.

so you can't have a female character ever, because if you do she is yas queen

aight who does the oc here

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it's only one doctor and he is old, he probably was not taught about radiation in his days because it was not a thing before hiroshima and nagasaki

>Being the crowd that usually complains about sjw snowflakes y'all do get mad triggered over inconsequential shit.
Get a load of this faggot. SJWs want historical shit to represent their fantasy world so they complain when there's no women in medieval stories or ww2 movies. I want historical shit to represent history, so of course if a see a woman character specifically made just because the creator wanted to scratch that itch of "modern representation" of course i get mad. Jesus fuck, what an absolute tool you are. At least get your arguments straight.

There were tons of female scientists in the soviet union, looks like you are the one who is rewriting the history here

Youd be surprised by how many woman were academics in soviet union

That's hilarious. Don't know how we can even make fun of this shit with absurdism anymore, they top it every time.

>le SJW are ruining everything

Take him to the infirmary

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Why didn't they just cut all the other chernobyl staff and have dyatlov as the sole representative then?
Why not just make Vasily the only firemen to actually show up?

You STEM fags really need to study History.

What is it with women and forcing themselves into history?
>HBO Rome and Netflix Roman Empire has Servilia being some extremely powerful mastermind when she was just some bitch Caesar fucked once
>Battlefield 1 has women making up 1/4th of the Russian army, when there was only one female battalion in 1917 and only a few dozen actually saw combat, compared to the tens of millions of Russian MEN who served and died
>Battlefield V has some strong independent lesbian Norwegian woman destroying a Nazi base
>Downfall has a female Volksturnn soldier even though while women were trained in militias, none of them ended up seeing combat
>and now this

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Fucking perfect

Little known fact, Stalin himself was a woman.

Based and saved

I bet she will also have black boyfriend.

Given that 99% of physicists in the Soviet Union at the time were men, then yes, it would have been accurate and realistic and I would have no problem with it.



Is this worth watching, Yea Forums?

feminist sjw power fantasy, it's shit.

You're dumb

Sweetie, stop being sexist, okay? Women saved Europe from a catastrophe, deal with it.

Also have sex.

I watched the premiere. It didn’t stick with me as much as the Terror did.
Then I listened to their podcast on how they made the show about “muh Trump” basically, which wouldn’t cause me to stop watching the show outright (after all, The Terror was apparently made as a criticism of “white male vanity” as was American Psycho), but then I saw how they forced a literal fictional character for affirmative action, making me realize that they were gonna force their shit right into the show instead of just keeping it as a “theme,” so I lost interest.

>e be no nuclear accident in the Soviet Union?
because women have neither the knowledge or intelligencee to formulate this solution
theres a reason everything you seen around you was concieved, invented, and created by men

you have to be 18 to post here

> 99% of scientists were men

Bullshit. 40% of chemistry PhDs in Soviet Russia were female in the sixties. How would 99% of the task team be males by the '80s?

>um yea i need to talk to your chief engineer

They literally are only focusing on that single fireman as a character you faggot

>nuclear physicists.

Don’t fucking (You) me unless you can debunk anything I said, you fucking pathetic piece of trash.

>getting a phd equals getting top jobs

you will never be a woman

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I made this the other day

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Holy fuck, just get over it

Cringe. There are countless example of wahmin stealing man's work, this isn't one of those cases. Chill down with your made-up shit.

Women got us to the moon, they were the first ones to create an image of a black hole... When will you incels realize that they're replacing you?

It's a case of lazy writing and trying to cover your tracks.

Basically they wanted an easy way to deliver the important infomation to the audience and not confused them and he easist way to do that is to have a character litterally spell out what's going on like they're talking to babies.

of couse anyon watching woud think it's stupid that one character would have such an omnipotence sense of what's going on and what everyone needs to do so they play a little switch-a-roo to fool the audience.

Now I doubt this was actually conscience but I imagine the writers just thought "give role to woman because no other woman characters" subconsciencely and everyone on the production is so mentally trapped by modern political thought that all they could do was agree because raising concerns that the dialogue and character would look bad would imply "what ar you saying? Do you hate stong women!?" and so it just happens and everyone pretends it's ok

Legasov himself was an inorganic chemist.


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Right, because >99% of those soviet scientists were men, so it would be accurate.

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>including her assistant
"You think that it's a nuclear test you fucking retard? We, meaning me and me alone, knows about every single nuclear activity that is happening in this country."
"It could only be chernobyl if it's a full on nuclear explosion."
"You fucking retarded assistant."
"Lick my bull's cum out of my twat you mealy-mouthed worm."
They really did go a little overboard there, didn't they.

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>they needed someone to represent the network of ca. 400 nuclear physicists who gave their input and advice to Legusov (sp) and the rest of the staff in charge.
This is an excuse created after the fact, to justify a character that the story was written around. There is zero need to represent offscreen background figures in an onscreen character.

of course there is, how are you going to tell a story without a character

yeah but there are other firemen.
he didn't just stroll up on his own to the fire and say "no one else is here because its the weekend so im going to do everything by myself" which is literally what theyve done with ulana

i dont understand how this is SJW propaganda, the director himself told that he wanted to convey all the nuclear physicists into one character, she didnt say anything just for "HEY LOOK AT ME I AM A SMART WOMY".
She burn the shoemaker talked in codes, and gave smart intel about the situation.
What the big deal she is not in any way close as Yara in SJW levels.

>show creator literally browses Reddit
lmao, and you idiots shill this shit here.

you forgot
>muh rosalind


Attached: whitenoisenpc.gif (510x510, 1.92M) much feminism can they cram into this disaster?

>le man bad and don't listen
>le women are smart (we all know women excel in nuclear physics) and men won't listen to le smart women

Fucking bollocks...

>Historical mini-series.
> creates non-existing person.
Uh, why?
>To represent the many "off-screen" nuclear physicists that advised the situation.
Okay, I guess, so who is this character? did they create like a "typical" nuclear physicist from the soviet union that has a bit more screentime?
>It's a woman
What? But the nuclear physicists were almost all men, why pick a woman? Seems fishy, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt
>Woman is a complete Mary Sue; has all the answers, storms into meetings and tells everyone they're wrong, rude to assistants. Almost superhero comic-like
Yeah, come on dude, that's pretty SJW

The only question left is if it was the showrunners or HBO that made them force in a "le strong female scientist" character in a setting where none played a role.

I get that GoT is over now but can you stay the fuck away from the only good threads left on this board?

that doesn’t make any sense. Men are literally programmed by hormones to love women. It takes a lot of self-conditioning to break that programming. Which is why there are vastly more non-misogynists than misogynists.
So no, misogynists aren’t NPCs. Quite the opposite; they’re such free thinkers they’ve even broken free of their biological programming.

it's fucking unwatchable. Esp in the USSR at that time. Anyone recall the film "Citizen X" about the serial killer? They (correctly) had every major person working on the case a male, and that was only police work. With a fucking nuclear emergency, do you think they'd brings in women for "diversity" or whatever experts were still living who created the Soviet Bomb (who were ALL men, btw). and yes, I'm aware they get the plans from the (((american))) Jew spy traitor, Klaus Fuchs...

Can you letfist scum do ANYTHING other than steal memes from the right and rework them into your own bullshit, when your premise makes no sense? It's a FACT that not a single female worked as a scientist on the los alamos or soviet bomb project which they built from stolen american plans smuggled out by the jew klaus fuchs to the rosenbergs.

At least she's white. That's a win.

>expecting strict historical accuracy in a show full of Soviets with British accents

>At least she's white
I'm sure a negress was indeed considered but sticking one in 1980s USSR was a bridge too far even for the militant, jewish, nation-wrecking feminists. Although since they have negroes playing British queens, ancient Greek heroes, Julius Ceaser, etc... would not have surprised me.

>expecting strict historical accuracy
No one was expecting "Strict historical accuracy." But to have literally EVERY female scientist character as a genius and the men as buffoons who know nothing (the same men who fucking built the first soviet bomb) who refuse to listen to these "genius" women with no experience is a bit.....too much.

Theirs no ocean in the desert, cowboy.

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He would be a shit character, but it is no coincidence they went for a woman for this role.

Apparently the Eastern block, however traditional in the personal lives, had more women in science than the rest of the world.

you ever tell a child a story and they ask you leading questions about the protagonist? like if the child is blonde or a girl theyll want the lead character in the story to be a girl and will ask you questions about those details?

thats women when they watch tv

understandable after most of their men were dead from WW2