Now, where to begin? Ah, yes.... Concerning... Hobbits

Now, where to begin? Ah, yes.... Concerning... Hobbits...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Non-GOTfag here. Isn’t this how LOTR ended?

And began.

>MC leaves on ship
>Book is written



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Yep. It was faggot shit in LOTR and it was faggot shit in GOT.

"A Song of Ice and Fire, by Frodo Baggins"... You finished it.

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Holy shi-

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Lol, I totally didn't pick up on that Frodo sailing to the Undying Lands connection.

>The entire concept of the series was dialing down the fantasy elements and telling a different, grittier story with finer details about the struggles of warring and ruling
>Constantly steal from LotR in the final season out of laziness
>Defeat the entire purpose of the franchise just so you can fuck off to write Star Wars

This wasn't subverting expectations. It was falling in line with expectations of the genre when you made a career off of subverting them in the first place.

d&d should never be hired again to write/produce anything
how do they still have their careers

Isn't this a really common cliche in books? Like I remember I read alot of children books and they usually ended like:
>"the main character lived happily ever after, and decided to recount their journey by writing about it in a book. And that book is the one you just read now."

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Frankly it's even funnier for a series that tried subverting typical ebic fantasy tropes to end with such a cliche.

it's just like Arya is wounded in a way time won't heal and feels like she doesn't belong there anymore

>both books are published by someone called SAM
Jesus GRRM

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I've given it a lot of thought and don't blame them for wrapping this show up considering how shitty the fanbase is

Now, where to begin? Ah, yes... The Rape...

"The last pages are for you, Sam."


*concerning Hobbits theme plays in the background*


So Daenerys was Saruman and Jon was Grima eh?

They're jews, one of them being the son of a Goldman Sachs head.

Shut up faggot

t. seething dabid

Truly.... they were... an HBO’s Game of Thrones....

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If I had good thing to say about the finale it'd probably be that the character's had fitting ends to their arcs considering the type of author GRRM is and where he draws his inspiration from. Bran as king makes more sense if you realize that ASoIaF is more like Dune than LotR, for example. It's just a shame that D&D are incompetent writers and felt the need to rush to the conclusion which made the journey there a fucking trainwreck.

The difference being that Tolkien wrote LotR with the intention of it reading like an ancient epic that had been passed down and translated countless times with passages added and lost through generations, and as a philologist was entirely capable of writing it in such a way. What GRRM writes is literally just standard fantasy schlock set in a completely different world so having it be implied that the books are just in world history books doesn't make any fucking sense.

I'm starving! We ain't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days!

Stop swallowing Tolkien's loads


And Bran ruled for a hundred years, and he was wise and good.

>what is this
>"A Song of Ice and Fire"!
turned 360 degrees and walked away from the screen at that moment




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>and she was never seen again

who cares about the fanbase

I really hate people comparing LotR and ASoIaF, they're practically different genres

It's like comparing Star Wars and Blade Runner just because they're both ostensibly Sci Fi

It’s not a comparison. LOTR is GOAT. GoT is capeshit-tier trash that rips off LOTR.

>writes ASOIAF because LOTR wasn't realistic enough.
>ends up being an inferior LOTR

What's Bran's tax policy?

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What was his tax policy though?

That's one of the older meme images.

If Lord of the Rings is so great then what's Aragorn's tax policy?

Was tax policy ever brought up in ASoIaF?

>Modified 12 January 2005

Yep, true classic right there.

>Sam writes in a week what GRRM couldn't finish in 30 years

Truly wish fulfillment

No but in Berserk it was.

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>tax policy is brought up in an incredibly autistic comic book
I'm not really surprised.

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass
What did Sam mean by this?

It's actually pre-Internet 2.0. Pre-social-media.


Yep, D&D are absolute hacks

I mean there was Myspace by then but the internet hadn't been reshaped culturally yet. Yet a lot of what we have was established then... meme culture was becoming itself around that time, early Yea Forums days, YTMND...

>every plotline in the show

It don't matter. None of this matters.

it's from an interview with Martin

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Both are Jews.
Benioffs writing career is a fucking joke
>Xmen Origins: Wolverine
>Game of Thrones

LOTR still rules and influences. In the end, GOT had to bow down to the master work.

>baby orcs
Martin didnt read Tolkien did he?

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*Master works
Both the book trilogy and film trilogy are GOAT in fantasy


>haha Tyrion you aren't in the book actually
What was the point of that?

I'm not a lotr guy but the orcs were made, weren't they? Or at least the big bad boys?

>Sam has spent his time writing down details about the penises of several men he has personally met

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I know. The point is that GRRM says a lot of shit that his own writing doesn't adhere to. He's just a fat fuck who says whatever will make retards think that his books are smarter than they actually are.


>Haha Tyrion isn't important enough to be in the history book
>the son and murderer of Tywin Lannister isn't mentioned
>the hand of the queen isn't mentioned
What a load of shit

Deflate his ego and confound the audience.
How could it not be mentioned when he was accused of murdering a king and requested trial by combat, escaped captivity, murdered his father, and became hand of the queen and then resigned the post shortly before her death?
Fuck, what a stupid scene. Who thought this out?

>fat sam character insert for both authors
bravo grrm

Tolkien never really settled on an origin for the Orcs that he was satisfied with and went back and forth on it. He did not like the idea of them being corrupted Elves at any rate. Some of the ideas he toyed with were that they had been created from stone or mud, or that they were simple beasts twisted into standing up and acting like Men and Elves, or that they descended from corrupted Elves and Men who had been forced to breed with Beast-Men, and so on.

The urukhai were "made" for war
The orcs were once elves that were tortured and became orcs long before the events in lotr trilogy

It has D&D written all over it.

what the hell are you talking about?
it is the reason that lotr and the hobbit, tell a story
read the fucking book, faggot

Na, tyrion “le ebin xDxxD dwarf” is georges self insertt

What was Bran's tax policy?

All that complaining about Tolkien not addressing tax policy, and GoT never even touched on it.

Leave it to bronn lol

More borthels

>second in command to about 50% of all rulers during the times of the story
>married to the now reigning queen in the north
>involved in pretty much every historical event as a public figure with a very unique traint
>haha not mentioned xD!!!!1!1
This was some weak marvel tier quib.

He taxes people in rape memories.

Was that the reason for the white horse in 8.05 that just vanished after the recap in 8.06? To symbolize that she's dead i westeros? Truly, DD are master storytellers, too high for the common pebble to understand.

It is. Whioch makes it just more retarded by dabid to insert it in the episode considering that asoiaf is supposed to be everything except that.

Its almost like GRRM is half as good as people think he is...

>key character in the turn of events that led to oberyn martell's death
even the memelord author of this fictional tome didn't want any reminder of the dorne storyline

And all will turn
To silver glass
A light on the water
Grey ships pass
Into the West


The wallet rape. It's beautiful.

>even the memelord author of this fictional tome didn't want any reminder of the dorne storyline
>Westeros actaually gets a good version of AsoIaF because the fictional author isn't garbage in that universe

This had more endings than RotK

D&D had the option of quiting the job before season 7 and just handing the task to some other directors who would like to invest their time, for 3 more seasons with 10 full-length episodes, at the very least.

It's not like they didn't make a shitton of money already, it's not like other good TV-series did the director-switch.
It couldn't be worse than D&D doing 2 half-hearted half-seasons with shit writing.

Both protagonists are manlets, who got guided by old men, that gave them a magic sword.

So she will rediscover the islands that Elysa Farman found?


>steal from LOTR
>steal from the witcher
what else did they steal from?

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So GOT supposed to be series with shades of gray, but ended more one note and paper charactersl good vs evil than fucking LOTR who was written to be specifically about good vs evil. GRRM is a hack fraud, creatively bankrupt.


Hey, he's an atheist, what do you expect?

It was a joke dummy

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How tf did they colour the design on the page

the people who worked on this show and me since I now see all the underage/r*dditors that I post with

they subverted the expectation of a subversion

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>Let me tell you the most interesting tale!
>It begins with a beheading, has pregnant women slaughtered during a wedding and ends in genocide. :)

Was Sam a sociopath all along?

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Same way they colored flags and clothes and other shit

Smash up bugs or grapes into a paste mix with chemicals to make dye
