So what was the whole point of the whole bran being the 3 eyed raven arc?

So what was the whole point of the whole bran being the 3 eyed raven arc?

>doesn't use powers to help anyone when needed most
>revealed Jon to be true heir. doesn't even amount to anything and just caused unnecessary conflict.
>doesn't even want to be king

Why did he even reveal the thing about Jon . the world would have been more peaceful if they were ignorant and Jon continued to satisfy danys sexual needs and used his level headedness to assisted Dany rule.

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They threw away his character building for "LOL IT WAS ME THE WHOLE TIME"

Everything was so shit and unsatisfying

Dany wasn't ever going to stop.

This was the only way of grinding her gears and killing off many of her dragons.

>So what was the whole point of the whole bran being the 3 eyed raven

the whole point of him becoming the 3ER and then king is GRRM saying we must 'learn from the past to make a better future'
Seeing as Bran has access to the history of everything it makes perfect sense

Truly he played the game of thrones

The point is that he used his powers to manipulate the entire story to put him on the throne

Bran can see the past of any person and see the faults in mankind's decisions so we don't repeat those mistakes. He can also confirm whether a person is guilty of a crime because he can actually witness it, something we can't even do in the modern day. If you can't see how useful of a tool that is you're a retard.

You missed the whole point of the show being anti-monarchy and anti-war

There are some undertones you could read into here. Perhaps the 3ER had the goal the entire time to end up on the throne. The 3ER manipulated events to get himself on the throne. He gave the dagger to Arya to save himself from the Night King. He told Sam to tell Jon the truth about his parents in order to create a situation between Jon and Dany that he knew would result in her death. He said himself in the episode that he traveled all the way south because he knew he would be king, so every interaction he had previously was in support of making that happen.

Tywin said wisdom was the most important part of being king and Bran have all wisdom ever made

Bran is connected to "the old gods". "The old gods" had been btfo'd for quite some time.

Over the course of the story, they established control over Westeros.

And the main theme of the show is that manipulation/propaganda is far more powerful than dragons, armies, generals...

Which is stupid because the post-monarchy world has had much more wars.

That's not accurate.

shut the FUCK up you FAGGOT

Not him but. But holy shit youre an autist

>He used everyone as a pawn so he can take power
>sewing seeds of character downfalls
>After the dust settles He becomes King!
He was the real Antagonist all along and we all didn't see it coming!

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>gives his home country independence
>none of the other kingdom representatives flip their shit and demand their independence too

I'm curious what would a meeting between Bran and God Emperor Leto being like.

Bran revealed the secret that Jon was a Targ, which set into motion events that led to Dany's madness, which led to him becoming king, all of which he could foresee happening. "Chaos is a ladder" is something he said last season, and while it was a jab at Littlefinger, it was also foreshadowing what he knew would happen: Bran would use the chaos he caused to become king.

would you say your expectations were.... subverted?

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They already voted to have bran as their king.

Jon isn't the true heir. Jon is actually Ashara Dayne's son. Bran lied, knowing it would result in him killing Dany and Bran ascending to the throne. GRRM said ASOIAF is about the ascent of Sauron. Bran is going to be a cruel and evil king.

Bran didnt tell jon lmao. That was samwell
>oh but bran discovered it
As did samwell, independently. All bran did was give 100% proof to sam. He didnt make any real difference

Nah they know what's up. Sansa doesn't. Letting her go is sensible even for a non-Bran ruler because the realm's forces are weak for the time being. But come the next ruler after Bran, there will be a bloody war to retake the north.

>doesn't even amount to anything
It put so much insecurity in Dany that she went ape shit at the end and had to be put down.

Bran is not a good guy.

Old God's favored the Starks and gave them the ultimate power: manipulation of behavior via a perfect understanding of cause and effect.

>Tells Tyrion the backstory of the 3er off camera
>It's apparently so vivid that everyone believes it and is willing to give him ultimate power, no questions asked
Because he could see past events? Seems like no more a decent claim to being a benevolent god than Dany's dragons or anything the Red Priestess did.
>Ascent of Sauron
Would make sense considering the eye thing

>GRRM said ASOIAF is about the ascent of Sauron
That is fucking badass

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>A face took shape within the hearth. Stannis? she thought, for just a moment … but no, these were not his features. A wooden face, corpse white. Was this the enemy? A thousand red eyes floated in the rising flames. He sees me. Beside him, a boy with a wolf’s face threw back his head and howled.
Did Mel and Bran even have any dialogue in the show?

The point?
To get everyone conviced for the centuries to come that they needed to replace the hereditary dynasty with a noble democracy.

Bran told Sam to tell Jon. Sam didn't want to, but Bran convinced him.

If Bran can see the future does that mean that all events are pre-determined?

>If Bran can see the future does that mean that all events are pre-determined?
Bran can calculate cause and effect. Doesn't necessarily mean he "knows the future".


Havesexfags BTFO.

High IQ individuals do not have sex.

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So the Night King was the good guy?

>revealed Jon to be true heir. doesn't even amount to anything and just caused unnecessary conflict.
because he wanted Jon to kill Dany

>doesn't even want to be king
why do you believe him when he says that?

the United States has had more wars than the average monarchy

>a noble democracy

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he did, he even fucking says i wouldnt have come here otherwise or some shit like that

A king has to be wise -Tywin

Wasn’t the old 3ER like 500 years old or something? Maybe Bran will live just as long as well, make his throne out of a weirwood tree connected to the rest of the weirwoods system

Except he doesn't do anything as a king. He shows up says some cryptic stupid shit and then fucks off. Shut the fuck up and stop making excuses for the writers

Citation needed

based if true

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the 3er is like a flash drive. bran is the newest one and he gets to carry all the data now.
the night king wants to format him because fuck nig-I mean children of the forest.

>GRRM saying we must 'learn from the past to make a better future'
There are no moral lessons in the book or the show.

> "If you think this has a happy ending you haven't been paying attention"
> has happy ending
What did they mean by this?

It didn't. Number of war deaths has dropped to almost statistical noise now, while before the 19th century dying in war was common.

Attached: death-rates-from-military-conflicts-in-england-1170s-1900s-clark0-645x399.png (645x399, 74K)

I was thinking that exact same thing

looks like anons expectations got SUBVERTED

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Why does the 3ER need a master of whispers? Fucking lmao

>chart cuts off before the 20th century
hahah ok

he still experiences time. he needs to know where to look before he can figure shit out
the master of whispers' task would just be to tell him about some shit and then Bran could look into it

This, akshually. He's able to see all of the present, not just the past, right? If I'm right then there's simply no need for spying.

Bran is essenitally god. He knows all the stories and outcomes. The jew god everyone worships is essentially a law maker / talking volcano. He gives laws and prophecy to enforce them

Bran = Bible God now

He can makes laws and see all futures. And the Night King wanted to kill him. He can fuck anyone up he wants for a 100yrs playing 44D chess

He may be able to control the Dragon like with Hodor or wolves..

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Would have been badass to see Bran warg into Rhaegar and have it fight against Drogon. Anything but the finale as it happened.

Related to that graph is the frequency with which various great powers fight each other, since this tends to produce the most destructive wars. That frequently has also dropped sharply.

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>GRRM said ASOIAF is about the ascent of Sauron. Bran is going to be a cruel and evil king.
Sauron = Saturn = YEHWAY = EL = Bible god.

As I said

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*has not read the books

Look at that tiny line at the bottom.

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>*has not read the books
I have read the books and watched the show. All there is is cause and effect.

you're using faulty data to make your point
1) the argument was about the amount of wars, not the amount of deaths
2) your data are SHARES, not total numbers. with modern medicine and hygiene standards, there are much less deaths than ever before, but for very different reasons
3) your data are violent deaths. this would include such things as homicides, etc. people are more peaceful today than they are centuries ago. this has nothing to do with the political systems

basically, nothing you're saying means fucking anything and my point still stands. monarchies are not more prone to war than any other system of government

All those things are connected. Modern democratic states score the best in pretty much every category you can imagine, older monarchy states are in the middle, and tribal stateless societies are by far the worst.

Whole point of Bran in general was a waste of fucking time

it is.

No one got what they wanted, except for maybe Sansa but even she wanted Jon Snow in Winterfell. That was the whole point. Normies didn't get what they wanted either. The ending is disappointing, just like life, and prophecies are bullshit.

>The ending is disappointing, just like life
>just like life
Ah yes, of course, I just needed a reminder. It's not like I've experienced the "life never goes the way you want it to" routine for my entire lifetime, ending in my suicide, no, I needed just one more reminder.
Truly epic. My final "fuck you" to this will be not remembering this shitshow during my final moments.

Well, he used his powers to be king.

>doesn't want to be king
Well, that's what he wanted you to think to get your vote.

you think it's a coincidence that the guy with omnipotence who can alter past events ended up on the iron throne by accident

haha just think about it my man, our boy bran won the game of thrones

Bran has become the God Emperor of Westeros, and will now lead the realm through the Golden Path of rape..

>ascent of Sauron
where was this said. cite your sources

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>Finally at long last, I am now become Game of Thrones!

same thing with arya never using her face powers. incompetent writing

That's what I said I'm doing you fucking brainlet.

>chart cuts off before WW1
>no legend on the line (wtf is that? Average?)
>male death rate - is this exclusively due to war or just male death rate per 1k in general?

Whoever made this chart should be arrested

>more wars tends to mean more deaths due to war


LMAO based brainlet

why wait

fuck off, nigger faggot

So D&D is saying we need a surveillance state run by an omniscient AI?


Reminder that this thing has the collective conscious of generations of Children of the Forest green-seers. The same Children of the Forest that created the White Walkers to genocide humanity in the first place.

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Post monarchy has had some of the most horrific and brutal wars known to man. Post monarchy is when we saw total war and an industrialization of warfare. Republic/French Empire was the first to use massive civilian recruitment. Napoleon once mocked a foe by saying “I spend 30000 lives a month.” 30k sized armies were huge before the advent of mass recruitment of citizens. The horrors of wwi alone trumps most wars from the fall of Rome til wwi.

Why isn't there an inside the episode this time? Were D&D too scared of being ridiculed by fans for their horrible justifications?

Yet modern warfare produces much less loss of life due to globalization and nukes. Big powers don't get into direct conflicts because of not wanting it to escalate, and the resulting proxy wars are tiny in comparison to ww1. And because the world is so interconnected due to globalization there are huge incentives for not being a gigantic nigger. Thanks jews.

>going to be a cruel and evil king.
>your Grace, this man raped and killed a 12 year old girl, your sentence?
>:emotionless autist tone: Release him, if we execute him, will that bring back that girl?

Because I'm too much of a pussy to do it any other way. I live in Siberia and over here it gets as cold as -40C for weeks on end, at times. During one of those days I'll get a bottle of absinthe (which is almost twice as strong as vodka) and go into the endless woods, drinking as much as I can.
Then, at some point after taking off my coat, I get tired of walking and sit down. That's when I fall asleep and never wake up again.
If a pussy like me has to go for suicide, this is the way. It's essentially painless.

I had to identify my dad's corpse after he did this. Animals will feast on you. Not a bad way to go otherwise.

>Animals will feast on you.
Why would I care if I'm already dead? If anything that's a plus, at least I gave someone a meal.
Besides I'll be at least 5-8 kilometers away from the town, which means my body will likely never even be found. Officially I'll go missing since I won't be leaving any notes or whatever.

What ever happened to varamyr sixskins? Was that supposed to go somewhere?

The role was merged with that of court jester

I think the zombie polar bear was a nod to his character.

Bran spent most of the season saying he is not Bran Stark (and refusing to rule in Winterfell), what if he is telling the truth and is actually Brynden Rivers in Bran Stark's body? He suddenly changes his tune about his identity and ambitions when the throne is up for grabs, claiming his Stark name. Would this make him a Greater-Scope Villain or was it motivated by the hope of bringing peace to the realm?

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>The point is that he used his powers to manipulate the entire story to put him on the throne

He's made by the collective consciousness of generations of Children of the Forest green-seer. The same ones that unleashed the White Walkers. Take a guess.

The increase number of deaths in wars was due to the technological advances and improved tactics.

It's all a big chess game between R'hollor and The Great Other.
None of the humans dumb squabblings matter

>Big powers don't get into direct conflicts because of not wanting it to escalate, and the resulting proxy wars are tiny
>And because the world is so interconnected due to globalization there are huge incentives for not being a gigantic nigger. Thanks kikes.
This is exactly what they were telling each other in England in 1913.

The absolute state of Yea Forums brainlets, Jesus Christ.

Yet it's actually been in practice like this for decades because of a little thing called nuclear weapons. The USA and USSR avoided direct conflict as much as possible, and the resulting proxy wars were minuscule in comparison to a world spanning conflict. It still plays out this way today between nuclear powers. Why do you think North Korea still exists?

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Are you arguing that democracy = peace or nukes = peace?

Bran the Broken
Big Brother
Also checked

Why would they want to? It’s like being in the European Union. Some groups would rather be a part of a larger body for trade purposes and many other things.

Both play a factor in reducing outright conflict.

Bran can only see present and past..