Post the dumbest lines and moments from the GoT finale

Post the dumbest lines and moments from the GoT finale

>She knows who you really are now, you’ll always be a threat to her. And I know a killer when I see one

Wow. You can tell Dany is a killer just by looking at her? That’s crazy Arya. I mean, she only fucking killed the entire population of Kings Landing yesterday, but clearly you see past that to what she really is

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this line also made me burst into laughter. what the fuck literally everyone saw her murder a bunch of people thanks for the insight arya

>we can settle the unsullied in the reach.

>but what about the people living there?

>what people? They’re all gone now

Let’s “settle” the sociopathic eunuchs who can’t breed as farmers, because nobody lives in the reach for some reason now

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I had an aneurysm with this scene

Just because someone kills people for a living, doesn't make them a killer. Know what I mean?

So who was the person with green eyes she was supposed to kill?

How did he expect the Unsullied to make houses of their own? was it just banter?

this kek

I guess Arya kind of forgot about the prophecy.

Our the infertile people in the most fertile place

Epic Bantz Davos

>arya sets sail
>after months at sea theres a huge storm
>arya falls off the ship and hits her head fainting
>wakes up
>looks around
>You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there.

thalmor have green eyes

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Bran (green sight) after he became the night king. They gave up on that plot line though.

Todd does it again

You know, this could have become a really fucking cool house based on meritocracy. They create an Unsullied fighting academy and the best recruits become commanders and knights, the best of those knights become nobles and so on until the end of days.

Why did they cuck jon snow so goddamn much? Dude literally ended as a mumbling retard with no agency.

They sent him north for no reason given that the unsullied just left for naath.

The Targaryen thing didnt even play out into anything and it was the season finale of 2 different fucking seasons

And im supposed to believe bran was "scheming" all along? Dude didnt even do anything at no point in the series, didnt talk to anyone, didnt send letters anywhere, he didnt do fucking anything! Its as if my little brother who plays vidya all day suddenly becomes head of the family and claims he was scheming for it whilst in reality he was screaming at retards on xbox live.

Who the fuck can even like this ending?


I couldn't believe they got away with this

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>sansa claims for north independency
>Yara, the Dorne Lord and the Vale lords does nothing

If we was in Season 1, this single line of dialogue could start another war

A crossover between those two would be so amazing because they both allow grey characters.

It'd just end up like Sengoku Japan where adopting kids and then raising them to succeed was pretty common

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Every line from her sounded exactly the fucking same. From her first episode to her last, just flat and dull.

>It'd just end up like Sengoku Japan where adopting kids and then raising them to succeed was pretty common
I think the whole "adopt your heir" thing was actually just an excuse for raising up a bastard without even the cucked father knowing.

I still think that scene is fucking funny. That council should take place in a great hall. The way they set up the tents it looks less like a meeting of leaders and more like the snack area at a wedding

Nah, they'd take them as hostages and then raise them as part of their own clan, it was weird

he's the new king beyond the wall, did you even watch it?

Not really Malcom, no.

>The Northmen will never kneel again.
>Cuts to Northmen all kneeling and chanting Queen in the North.

Because fuck house Stark and their rightful ruler. After all leather coated breast plates changed the world.

Do they actually call him that? Don't those kinds of epithets form over time as a ruler establishes his reputation? And isn't that one negative? Why would you actually call the king that to his face?

Someone suggested that they use the term "the Broken" to make the people less intimidated to ease them into the new government.

But yeah it's a dumb title just like everything else yesterday.

And the way she did it too
Wait for everyone to cast their vote and then fucking them all
Goddamn am I mad

It makes him sound like a crippled weakling. Well at least they gave some kind of justification for it.

All hail Bran the impotent!

>I think the whole "adopt your heir" thing was actually just an excuse for raising up a bastard without even the cucked father knowing.
Maybe in Japan, but not in Rome.

Davos was just being polite, he wanted those fuckers gone

His dick doesn't work so I don't feel threatened by toxic masculinity*!

*only a little

>Maybe in Japan, but not in Rome.
Actually I'm mostly motivated to think that about Rome.

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He's the only king who takes his throne with him wherever her goes!


Brandon the Builder
Brandon the Broken
It's like pottery

There's a Brandon the Burner as well

>Army of easterners takes 8 seasons to get to King's Landing
>Just decide to leave to their commander's dead girlfriend's parents' home in the series finale
Powerful stuff

Why not use their army to expand the realm?

>sorry Tyrion, you’re not mentioned in A Somg of Ice and Fire
>even though you’re one of the most important figures in it

Seriously. How would you even attempt to write about what happened without mentioning Tyrion

>The stark Lannister war started when Jaime attacked Ned for no reason whatsoever
>during the battle of the Blackwater, Stannis fleet was decimated by an unexplained green explosion
>King Joffrey died, poisoned by his enemies
>Tywin Lannister, the most important man in the realm was killed by an unknown assassin

They already have enough wogs with Dorne, no need to get more

>all these wasted plots to make the scheming jwe cripple kang

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That was the biggest laugh of the episode for sure. Sansa is such a cunt that she can't even be happy once her family literally rules everything and all the other lords lick their boots.

Based, horrible comedy. This show had some of the worst writing ever.

>The North will be independent
>none of the other Kingdoms want independence when it's on the table.
Are they all subsidised by the capital or something?

>Oberyn Martell and the Mountain died from a trial by combat, the accused is irrelevant

I'm pretty sure Arya was referring more to the fact that the justification for the killings was going to continue to be used. This wasn't just a thing Dany did because she felt like she had to do it for THIS particular instance; this is something Dany would continue to do.

kek I didn't even notice that because I zoned out at the end but you are right she actually makes them all kneel

>King Joffrey died, poisoned by his enemies

>I'm going to become a crazy psycho because cersei killed my maid.
Completely Unbelievable

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>We're a family, we need to stick together!
>Btw, I'm leaving forever to a place that, aside from one woman (that, unlike me, had experience with sailing) has gone to. Everyone who tried to go there either died or was never seen again. See ya!
Arya is dead.

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good, she's an ugly troll cunt

This. Also:
>my brother just became the most powerful man in the world
>better leave and become independent
Also, why would the northerners follow Sansa? Just because she is Ned's daughter?

No more Westerland gold for Dornish aqueducts!

>When you discover a nest of lannisters in your city, do you spare the adolescents? Do you allow them to grow freely, openly, to one day bite you child as they play in their own yard? No. You burn the nest and kill the lannisters, no matter their age.

Jesus Christ Dany

The worst thing is that it could've been so easily fixed. Just call him Bran the Unbroken/Unbreakable and that's it. It evokes both irony and iron will for the king. Jfc it's like they didn't even try.

>it's like they didn't even try.
Show's motto post S4

you just hate womens bogit admit it.

>bunch of random assholes are 'negotiating' a peace for the entirety of westeros
>allow starks to have an independent nation AND have a stark king (who has no lands within his own kingdom, is literally a foreigner now)
top kek, did they accidentally click accept? might want to reload last save there dorne

>the most powerful man in the world
Bran has no real power, his council does
it's been established he doesn't want anything or isn't even human anymore
he already knows everything and can't change anything
what a dumpster fire of a script

Based davos knew they’d all be dead in 30 years, permanently removing the problem

>Most powerful lords of Westeros elect a new king
>Arya Stark who holds no titels or lands
>Brienne of Tarth who holds no titles or lands
>Davos Seaworth, vassal of the Stormlands
>Bronze Yohn Royce, vassal of the Vale
>Three or four extras

He couldn't be reached for comment...

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Bran the Broken Dick Faggot was too long

Serious question time- why didnt jon just let Arya kill her? Then hed have the throne and everyone would be more or less happy. No one would know it was arya and even if she was found out she was gonna fuck off anyways.

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Reliving Sansa's rape again your Grace?

The last words of Tyrion Lannister:

>I once brough a jackass and a honeycomb to a brothel

Also why the fuck did they make Bronn into Master of Coin when he's obviously a fucking retard? That last scene was just unbelievably cringy and retarded, and it's literally the second to last scene in the series. That's insane

Bronn has shown time and again that he's able to sniff out opportunity and capitalise upon it. He's the richest man in the kingdoms now, and he knows exactly how to drive a hard bargain, he'd make the perfect master of coin.

Shit got so bad at this point I figured it might just be a deliberate Fuck You to the audience


>And I know a killer when I see one
I couldn't stop fucking laughing, who knew being mentored by the faceless men would have afforded her such keen powers of observation!?

That last table council scene was fucking insult to the memory of got when it used to be good, it's a fucking comedy scene, many great characters sat on that table made important plot points like killing Danny, power play on that table, taywin giving quotes all that seriousness is down in the shit with the diolouge like we should build a brothel.. It's insulting.

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Who is taywin?

>lost friends and advisors over the last few season's
>suffered betrayals and treachery
>lost two dragons
>learns that her new boyfriend is a Secret Targaryen prince with a far stronger claim
>only a matter of time before everyone learns about Aejon
>whole life is a lie, she was just a pawn i . the games of others
>at what should be her moment of triumph, she is delivered a hollow victory instead
Well set up and foreshadowed in the books and shows. If you didnt see it coming youre a moron

People don't like it because they have an ideological investment in Daenerys becoming queen, because she's a woman

I took this as a commentary on how he's described as hideous in the books. Sam was trying to spare his feelings by not reading the unflattering description.

The green eyed person lives west of Westeros obviously

Foreshadowing isn't character development. Dany never had a jealously trait until this season. She was never vindictive about her claim to the throne until now. Nobody gives a shit about the result, but the way we reached this conclusion makes no fucking sense and was rushed for no fucking reason despite d&d being offered budget for ten episodes

This triggered my autism as well