But I guess I'll be king now

But I guess I'll be king now

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Lord =/= King

The consistency in last season was beyond memeable

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He knew he was gonna be king

Being the three eyed raven doesn't seem all that special desu. Sure you can see things but it's not like does anything with this information.

>omniscient but never bothers using it because he's too busy rewatching Sansa getting raped
>all around NEET degenerate
Based D&D

He's fucking based.

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The King who sits in King's Landing is literally the Lord of the Six Kingdoms.

Don't you think this was a bit too harsh?

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Based white male

The worst part is how the earlier seasons were about how information spreads (how some lord learns some secret, or not) but in the later ones the writing got so lazy that everyone knows everything with no delays.
Everyone just trusts that his powers are real and that such a figure (THE three eyed raven) even existed.
This killed any possibility of intrigues and you get Littlefinger's fate.

Fucking casuals ruining everything.


Niggers aside this part was based and i wish they had more shit like this

Bran kind of forgot he was the Three-eyed Raven.

just as planned

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Except there were tonnes of examples where people don't know things (no one knows who rules stormlands for ex)

>not like does anything with this information
he literally manipulated people to become king without moving from his wheelchair, how is that "nothing"?

>he literally manipulated people to become king
By doing nothing?


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All according to keikaku

>too busy watching the beautiful rape of his sister

Based, I’d do the same.

even in death Varys wins

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>Varys turns out to be right in not wanting Dany on the throne
>Tries to get Tyrion to help him get Jon as king
>Tyrion refuses
>Everything gets fucked up
>Still doesn't do anything to get Varys' wishes honoured and goes with his instincts and picks the crippled kid out of nowhere
Surely he realised at that point whatever his thoughts were he should do the opposite?

>doesn't want to rule
>sets everything up so that he becomes the ruler

What claim does he have to the throne? Bobby B and Stannis at least had Targaryen blood to gain legitimacy, why would anyone bend the knee to an upstart Northern cripple who can't even get his peepee erect? He will be the weakest king Westeros ever has. Same with Bronn, the Tyrell always did have trouble with their powerful vassals because they were jumped up lackeys. The Reach is going to walk all over him or he will be murdered if he becomes troublesome. The North will be invaded when Bran fall from a window, the Night Watch has no reason exist so Jon will be forever alone and Fatsa will be executed for being a Stark retard. Anyone will forget the little goblin.

The funniest part was Sansa still not giving up even though Bran (who by rights should be the ruler of Winterfell as well) is King she still needed to make herself queen too so once Bran dies and the next king is chosen there will be another wr to unite the seven kingdoms and everything was pointless.

What did Bran actually contribute? Ever? It was all building towards him being insanely powerful and culminated at him warging some crows in the battle no one cared about

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>Starks usurp throne
>North declares independence

Why didn't the literally who prince of dorne, Asha and Sweetrobin also ask to rule independent kingdoms once sansa showed that giving up sovereignity wasn't mandatory?

All while Jon is the new Mance Rayder, probably falling in love with a 10/10 wildling girl and having a real friend in Tormund. I am fine with this.

when you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all

he got voted by the other lords? legitimacy is only important as long as the other lords accept it

Brexit was the right choice

Joffrey actually did Ned a service so he didn't have to watch all the stupid and nonsensical crap that was coming.

He said he couldn't be lord of anything, which is true, because he already knew he'd be king. I'm not sure how you're looking past the fact he did everything he did to make it happen.

>Bran literally said "that's why I'm here"
>"the best ruler is someone that doesn't want to rule"
>Sansa wants her own slice of the pie and is the only one allowed to be independent
>"the best ruler is someone that doesn't want to rule"
Varys is a fucking hack who doesn't know what he's talking about.