You failed to save Dany. Commit sudoku now

You failed to save Dany. Commit sudoku now.

Attached: 1557178900613.webm (540x960, 1.71M)

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Dany got the ending she deserved.

Here are the 6 minutes they cut from the episode. Would have been better had they kept it in:

I want to taste this cute little girl.

what the fuck is wrong with her lips? looks very similar except for them DSL


Her mouth looks underdeveloped. She has huge teeth and weird nostrils.


Hail Dany full of grace
the Lord is with thee

blessed are thou among incels
and blessed is the fruit of your egg, DROGON

Hail Dany, mother of Yea Forums,
pray for us doomers now and at the hour of our death


Attached: saintdany.jpg (1080x1543, 255K)

Cause she is a methhead

move out the way

Attached: OfausFcITrs.jpg (1538x2160, 347K)


What does using meth have to do with that?

>what the fuck is wrong with her lips?
They're not wrapped around my meatstick.


Attached: da.jpg (1080x720, 50K)

why does tik tok have that weird motion blur on all its videos

Meth use can decay bone development.

Does she do porn?

>can literally see the fabric

is it me or it looks like a deep fake

So uh is that a gaypop poster behind her?

Anyone have a mega of ALL of Bonbi's videos with sound?
In the mood for a good ol' fap

I hope so, because she's a terrible actress

>You failed to save Dany. Commit sudoku now.
Since Bran said he gave Jon the choice, maybe there were two potential endings:
1. Jon+Dany rule, intertwining Stark and Targaryan magic blood.
2. Dany gets BTFO'd.

oh no

Attached: ljhgf.jpg (1080x1080, 267K)

Sounds like something a cop presenting DARE program in junior high would say right after stating that LSD turns you into orange juice.


is that bonbi?