How do you go from this to this?

God of JUST

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Other urls found in this thread:

he looks the same just with a lot of fat, he can cut hard for 2-3 months and he'll be back to left pic pretty much

he's just bulking

by adopting the Marlon Brando philosophy.

Food gives the greatest pleasure, its better than everything, better than woman, better than fame, better than drugs.

rubber prosthetics is a hell of a drug

fuck. That's real? I thought his beer gut was CGI. Fuck. Hollywood is rough.

Do you guys not notice the prosthetic seam on his wrist or are you just pretending to be retarded?

nigger look at his left hand. Noe ask a better question.

are you retarded? you can even see the seam in the fat suit on his wrist

I think it's a fat suit. Look how it end on his wrist.

it's cgi. no one does that boring practical effects shite that you old people love so much

thats my body type but my belly doesnt droop as much

Zoom in on his left arm, fucko

look at his wrist, you dumbass

Depression and heavy drinking because you lost everyone you've every cared about and feel like a failure. It's too bad it was always played for laughs

still not bad after 5 years of fucking around

fat user here (150kg at 183cm)

I eat the entire day
its monday today and a fresh week and my mother already bought 5 packs of pic related.
already eating on the second one and will finish all 5 packs by tomorrow

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lmao how embarrassing.

Consider fat loss


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No shit you worthless fucking retard. How stupid are you?

Thats because youre an idiot

Kys dumbass

Where can I buy the sick wool jumper he wears?

Me on the right.

>haha this is Yea Forums where we say the mean things I've been here since 2015

people were memeing him to be rhaeager, but avengers turned him into bobby b

Attached: Rhaegar_twoiaf.jpg (500x671, 50K)

wow just more proof david icke is right

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going off roids does that

you lose all natural test production

Moron, stop embarrassing yourself

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that rhaegar looks like gosling

you act like this is him JUSTed but at his weight he probably only looks at his peak when he's doing a shoot, he's probably busy as is and only cares about looking that way when he's going to be on camera, it's hard work to maintain something like that and not a lot of people have it in them to stay at Dwayne Johnson status 24/7

>150kg at 183cm
how did you manage?I'm 185cm and i was looking disgusting at 106kg.

Steroid users without exercise gained more muscle than non-steroid users with regular exercise.

I have the body on the right. Maybe I still have hopes to become the left

I eat a low of sweet stuff.
pic related is the bad boys that made me turn really fat

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Reminder that women literally prefer the body on the right.

* a lot

fatfingered that reply

You do realize all these actors bulk up by being on a super unhealthy water deficient diet weeks before the shoot for those super toned and defined abs? Only insane people strive to look like the left picture all year around.

Yeah, I too would rather look tough rather than actually be tough.

It doesn't matter. I don't consume sugars at all, or anything baked or bready and I got really fat. It's in the calories. Count your calories, find a website and make an effort and count EVERYTHING you eat like an autist. It's the only way.

user,one day you'll get Diabetes

So you're just stupid then? Why would you overindulge on pointless snacks only to get fucking fat in the end?

Where do you see "super toned and defined abs" on the left?

Look at his left arm you fucking nigger

just use myfitnesspal on your phone, I used to use it when I'd do cuts and it works great

he just has shit ab insertions,check how dry he is by the pecs

You don't really have to count everything.
Just make sure you're hungry.
Eat enough to survive - you know how much that is. You should be hungry all the time. It will be very hard at the start.
As your body adjusts, the hunger will start to feel distant, then it won't be there at all.

Fucking kill yourself, worthless cunt

>unhealthy water deficient
Retarded meme. Only electrolyzed americlap "water" like gatorade has nitrates that bloat you. Getting to 6% is easy on IF with as much water as you want and low carb.

which one of deez niggas is roman reigns

No. You have to count everything.
There are foods that are large in volume but low in nutrition but high calories, it doesn't give you satiety and you keep eating thinking you're hungry. I was the laziest little shit, didn't want to do anything tedious and did fasting every day and I still overate. Counting is the only way. Math doesn't lie.

Thats what happens to evry man who goes hard in the gym for a while and then stops, your better off never doing it or only very sparingly

I'm going to ignore your dumb reply and link you an interesting article on the Hollywood water deficiency diet. Don't try it at home.

great taste

make him more relatable to his core fans and highlight womens hypocrisy that beauty at any size is a lie

Not a surprise

weebs are societies turds

why didnt he lose that fat when he got Mjolnir back? I thought it would have been a very thor appropriate comedy moment


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look at yourself, fucking wrist

society's* you turd

This is beyond retarded, there is no scientific backing to support this 'diet'. It sounds like a publicity stunt gimmick.

Why did you autistically chimp out at an inaccuracy in your post being pointed out to you? Jason Momoa does not have "super toned and defined abs" in that image. He does not even have abs.
You sound like a delusional obese person formulating conspiracy theories for why you aren't as hot as Jason Momoa, by the way.

who cares man

I don't

because it tastes good its the epitome of pleasure and I take as much pleasure in as I can.

I also like pic related
the cookies get you reaaally stuffed if you eat a lot of them. absolutely love it

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Youre a big guy.

fatassfucks cant even see their dicks unless they pull out a mirror like women lol

>dry skin

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i'm proud of you for owning up to your mistake, instead of taking the easy route and saying, "HAHA I WAS JUST PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED".
you're all right, user.

4 u

I actually can see my dick
I'm fat but my penis is around 21cm but have to admit I cant see it at its complete length

Law of diminishing returns you fatties. The more cake you eat the less pleasure you'll receive from eating cake. Just eat cake sometimes it'll taste a lot better.

84kg at 178cm, and I am currently too chubby, haven't lifted or cared about what I've eaten at all this year. Anything above 20-22% bodyfat is too fucking fat, and this is coming from someone who doesn't care at all about the beach boi abs look.

My question is, how do you get to being 50kg+ of pure fat overweight? I assume you were always fat. I just can't fathom the amount of self defeat and lack of agency that's required to look yourself in the mirror at say 90-100kg, see that you're starting to become pretty fucking fluffy, and then gorge yourself up another small humans worth in weight.

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he is a weeb, he will never be alright

He posts on an anime image board

this, former fatty, turned anorexic and now battling dysmorphic body issues, the only anchor that stops this ship sailing into the abyss is my obsession with counting calories, when i need to gain weight, i eat just more than im comfortable with (e.g 1900-2300 cals) if i need to lose weight, then something like 800-1200). counting calories can help in a multitude of weight/eating situations


I'm not that user but I put on a bunch of weight during a 3 year of really bad depression. Cut myself off from the world completely, moved back in with my parents, deleted all my social media accounts and did a whole lot of jack shit besides eating and video games all day long. Went from 170 pounds to 310 and am currently trying to return to my pre fatass weight.

>(150kg at 183cm)
Goddamn, I've been feeling fat and bad lately, but this cheered me up. But seriously, let's both try to eat better and exercise more.

>he looks the same just with a lot of fat
Impressive observation

haha no I will indulge more than ever before.

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sorry to be the first one to tell you this but check out where the real body meets the suit on his wrist

You just gave me flashbacks to eating a whole box in one sitting
I'm hard now

Yea Forums is not an anime board

this has been clarified numerous times. its like saying facebook is a hotness rating website

>implying he didn't attempt suicide because he's become a disgusting sack of shit

God of powerlifting

they are absolutely delicious

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This obese retard spending so much energy convincing himself he hasn't destroyed his life.

Greetings fellow white upper middle class citizen. You're a man of fine taste and deep pockets.

>tfw I didn't even notice the hand seem and noticed it was fake based on the nipples

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Lol no he stopped taking all the gear they had him on

Just bulking up bro

Post tummy pic pls. Your body of work sounds hot as fuck.

Welcome to Yea Forums

Well user exaggerated but these guys do all do no water for like a day before they shoot

how about stuff packed with proteins, carbs and fat alike? Say pic related with some condinments of choice (for me it's thick mayo+cream based garlic sauce and hot tomato sauce (not ketchup)).
I mean, I'd puke if got to eat only sweets.

pic related

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or just go keto and fast once in a while

based retard

SS, not even once

>gods, I was strong then

You don't need these things

>82.5kg @ 183
I feel morbidly obese and you're nearly double my weight.

>people think he actually got fat

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>tfw look like Christian Bale in the Machinist

who /living skeleton/ here? My doctor told me to just freely eat ice cream.

you're barely 12kg heavier than me and we're the same height. How are you somehow not skinny or at least lean? I have faggy male model figure at this weight / height

Don't want to make the basedboys and their feminist allies feel intimidated by the fascism of a strong white male

I like frozen pizzas I can eat several of them in one sitting.
I also love chicken nugget burgers, my mom brings me some after her shift is over, then she stops at the local burger king and gets me around 15 chicken nugget burgers.
I can feast on that for the entire day and then flush it down with sweets like cake

I absolutely need these things
they are so delicious

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>thousands of years of /fit/ ruined in five

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At least you fat fucks can actually relate to someone now.

I think you might like "ruskie pierogi" (pierogies stuffed with cottage cheese, potaoes and diced fried onion). Cooked, cooled down, reheated on the butter and served with thick sour cream on the side. It's damn tasty and nutritious, even if they seem (and actually are) pretty plain.

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This this
Who wants to compare??

Tfw I put on 40kg in one year ;^)

Quiet down you fucking cum sponge.

So your mom works and buys you tons of food so you can stay home and stuff your face all day?

Fat suit

I used to be 90kgs at 174cm of pure muscle, curl 30kg, bench 120kg and deadlift 220 kg, I got really depressed and gave up on the gym completely, didn't work out for 2 years, ate like shit, played vidya all day, I'm now 85kg and fat, can only curl 15 kg, don't even have a bench or Olympic bar for other exercises.
It's pretty easy just to let yourself go.

look at my fucking dick

Eh you don't have any choice, really. My parents forced me to eat too much. Most people assume it's personal choice but that's not the case for most.