Other urls found in this thread:
Disgusting post-wall roastie
Why are roasties so openly allowed to perv on young lads? Wtf is wrong with women. Even fucking reddit is full of this shit.
what the hell.. they have no shame
lol prince of dorne is not having it
900 cunny threads a day and you have the gall to shit on women leering at sexy sweetrobin?
because men aren't held back by principles such as "being lady like" and can admit that they enjoy being perved on
also, a young girl can't defend herself against a grown man if push comes to shove, whilst a young boy can stand his ground with a woman no matter how touchy she gets
men are just meat for our amusement
>implying I would hold back against an older woman rather than give /ss/ precedence
I'd pay to watch these roasties have their way with him.
why should they? do you sob and flagellate yourself every time you have an erotic thought? granted it is a bit weird to post about it on twitter
ITT jelous ugly boys
More like why women necessarily think it's a bad thing
he looks like an annoying weaselface who sucks up to the professor
fuck off you creepy homos
Im not gay but i would let him suck on my boobies
Im sorry did you forget the endless fucking pedo threads on Yea Forums?
I don't get it? He looks ridiculous in both pics.
>>don't slut shame women
>>hehe why is he not sucking on my clitty and titties why isn't he shoving his cock up my arse
>>dnt slut shame me u pig men
If this was some 20 year old saying. OK a young slut. But it's a "grown ass" woman.
>will most likely marry the queen in the North, becoming king
>pure noble pedigree
>perfect hair
>perfect posture
>symmetrical face
>rules the best castle
>rules the best lands
>rules the lands least affected by the wars
>has the biggest, best equipped army in the Realm
He unironically won the Game of Thrones
>looks like an ugly retard as a child
>grows up looking like a chad
>bran looks like a pretty boy as a child
>grows up looking like an incel
Which ones does she mean?
Ass and pussy, or pussy and mouth?
s-stop it!
Is that really the same guy?
Imagine being that actor. God I'd like an ego boost like that.
Canonically he's also the strongest lord in the kingdoms right now.
>granted it is a bit weird to post about it on twitter
No weirder than the people posting that shit on here. It's an anonymous twitter account prime for shitposting, same as here.
I care way too much about noses and his isn't all that good.
Still he's got that symmetrical face women go after.
Unironically did not realize that was him, thought it was just some rando playing a filler.
I wouldn't call marrying Sansa a "win"
I looked ugly as a child and grew up to look ugly as an adult. :(
Brann looks really fucking uggo as an adult though.
It happens more often than not, thanks puberty and hormones.
Keep thinking.
>4/10, wouldn't bang
Ass and mouth, you tasteless degeberate
>rules the lands least affected by the wars
Dorne literally didn't send a single squad north for the wars. All they lost was Doran, which would have been a blow, and a bunch of traitorous bastards.
In case you don't want it. Not every older woman is a milf
eh, its flattering footage of him
>Im sorry did you forget the endless fucking pedo threads on Yea Forums?
No, could someone post some images for reference.
He's your 22 year old white woman bro.
[Spoiler]her linkedin says she graduated from high school in 2014[/spoiler]
ITT: bitter incels trying to slut-shame because no girl wants them
carry on
The same actor?
itt: incels who think skincare routines are gay
I would totally bang her but marriage with her would be a nightmare
ok, that's true. I always forget Dorne. Just like the show and GRRM.
You don't know nowadays' women, I don't think it's far-fetched she meant DP.
>look at these fucking roasties, fucking sluts, begging for chad dick! fucking slut cunts, roasties! Fuck normies!
>Posts a thread worshiping a 12 year old actress's feet
Yeah Yea Forums has always been the worst, its the most normie, brainlet bored with the most pedos who can't see the irony on it.
Did she flunk for 10 years or what?
He looks exactly like my cousin.
>hips and Tully genes to birth an army
>likes it rough
>"smartest person in Westeros"
Why not?
>More like why women necessarily think it's a bad thing
They don't. They only want 10/10 men oggling them. Anything less is a sex crime.
Left and right nostril
Difference is no one is trying to have the roastie fired from her job and sent to jail.
>All they lost was Doran
Didn't the Sand snakes lead a dornish fleet?
Are you honestly this retarded? Do you ever browse any website outside Yea Forums? Do you not understand men do it 103837 times more than women, on any place where you can comment on shit, and women hardly do it at all despite the cherry-picked examples here? Do you just filter the world through your Yea Forums goggles entirely?
Pedophiles are usually spastic brainlets, so it makes sense.
He's the opposite of Bran, basically.
Just hate both, you retarded roastie. It's not hard. Reject every piece of shit and shame those who put their name to it.
>she's a bitch
>won't hesitate to betray you if she needs to
>Tully genes, your children will be retards
If the Iron Islands with their zero forests can build a fleet in a week then a place like Dorne couldn't give less of a shit about a lost fleet.
does it matter?
you think tweeting that an adult actor is hot is a jailable offense?
I was absolutely ugly as a child and teenager but now I am definitely above average looking.
Still a manlet and social recluse though...
I don't post a photo of a woman saying "I have this throbbing dick for a reason". I would get banned for that, to say the least.
I was absolutely the cutest kid, probably could've modelled but then puberty screwed me over. Mostly had to with my jaw not jutting forward, and staying stuck too far up.
You stole my energy bro.
> "chad"
> looks like Adrien Brody
you people are insane
You faggots have to be messing around and cherry picking these tweets, because he does not look good.
The funny thing is that no matter how attractive he is he is still mentally retarded. He wasn't just a child he literally has an extra chromosome.
Modern women are so degenerate I feel like I should just fuck whores bronn style and not even bother with a relationship
have sex
He has a big nose but I still think he's cute.
Not that guy, but I had jaw surgery when I was 14. Often with the surgery they will also do some cosmetic stuff for the chin to make it more prominent. I sad no and regret it everyday on Yea Forums when I see how the prominent chin is the chad identifier. I'm not a full on chinlet by any means, but if it were only just a little more chad I would go from 6 to 8.
>I wud let this boy cum in me
one and done
this but unironically
i have to mention that innocent and wholesome cunnyposting is not pedo
is this really what normies like in a relationship?
Prime twink
He's the reverse of Bran
Soft boys club
Mustn't have been on Yea Forums long then
'i have two holes for a reason'
No, you are 3 holes. That's all.
the left guy looks like a sandnigger and the right one looks like a lightskinned pajeet
I don't get this, wtf
He looks like everyone's cousin. That's why they think he's attractive. All got a oedipus complex for their cousins
Fucking kekked
Only if you’re Greek, Italian, or Jewish.
If this thread is surprising you, it's because you're ugly. Chicks approach Chad all the time, even 5+ guys get hit on by women in their social circles. If you've never seen a thirsty foid before it's because you're an unfuckable incel.
I was cute and socially charming as a kid, testosterone made my face big, assymetric and potato looking and my behaviour autistic.
I was full on autismo even young but girls would make up excuses for me all the way up until I was fourteen.
I turned down three girls in a row when I changed schools once, and they thought it was the cutest thing.
>playing some dumb party game as a kid
>cute girl tried to sit on my lap
>actually had to push her away and she still thought it was funny
>ravaged by puberty and now I'm an unfuckable khhv
i want to smell his crotch
>looks like a sandnigger
so what
t. sandnigger
Does he still like making people fly?
need to wank now
>40something woman lusting after 18yo men good
>40something men lusting after 18yo women bad
We established she was 22 though...
neither of those are bad
>because men aren't held back by principles such as "being lady like"
Neither are women in today's society. If anything, women nowadays are praised for sucking and fucking as many cocks as they can.
>a young girl can't defend herself against a grown man
Also untrue. Buy a fucking gun/taser/mace. Work out at the gym and build muscle. Take a self-defense course.
women imitating masculine speak is so cringe
>white """women"""
And? The era of wh*te boys is over
>masculine speak
the fuck is masculine speak you mong
That's a teenager. At most 18, probably 17. Why are women like this?
Being loudmouthed about sex, and acting like being gruff will put men in their beds.
That's how women feel when men talk like that
Vulgarity is for men, everyone knows that.
No I mean IRL women are repelled by curries and sandniggers, lightskin or otherwise
Still got the big nose
Not talking about this case, talking in general
Society disagrees, faggot
The majority of Yea Forums tbqh
Italians.. are not Jews!
Big noses are manly
good goy
Wow didn't know Yea Forums was /cope/ general lmao
>I don't post a photo of a woman saying "I have this throbbing dick for a reason"
What are you, gay?
their great great great grandmas fucked n-
>sjw wanting to have sex with a teena-
i wish he was 16 or 17 just so we have something to be outraged about :(
>stop objetifying women
>omg I'd suck that boipucci
who hurt you?
Half latino guys are top tier qts
It's easily one of the worst boards but it has the occasional /comfy/ thread when Australians are asleep
You did. I'm calling the police.
Really makes you think
he’s 18, nearly 19. are you going to go after every man that finds 18 year old women attractive too?
Do any of you actually get turned on when basic hoes in pornos do that slow, loud cussing, trying desperately to be sexy? That shits just sad.
literally looks Indian if you brown his skin up
what an ugly bastard
>i wish there was something to be outraged about
as if there are not enough things to get triggered by
take your pills
>Half latino
>some European dude born in Mexico
what's wrong with you?
That's a man you retard. He''s homosexual.
Not when they find them attractive.
He switched.
To GIANT'S milk.
>dios mio...
he literally has a chad jaw
>half latino
>post only light haired skinned eyed models
imagine being a self hating half latino nordicist desu
Because society never got around to creating a social stigma for women not to fuck children (hence why there are so many female paedophiles)
This happens all the time. If a child is cute/, he'll grow up looking like shit, because they features and bone structure that made him cute doesn't bode well with adult handsome features
Robin Arryn owes it all to mommy’s milk and Littlefinger.
>Littlefinger counted on the perils of combat training and horsemanship to kill the sickly lad.
>He counted wrong.
this guy probably pulled tons of pussy in high school
there are undoubtedly more male pedos than female pedos
Just because it's a little defined with a big pointy chin doesn't mean it's Chad tier
it's not harmonious. He has a bite issue and his gonial angle is ass, narrow face too
pic related is a great jaw. Harmonious, not narrow, in proportion with his other thirds, very nice.
>are praised for sucking and fucking
formerly reprimanded for seeding and feeding
but I was a cute kid and I grew up to be a total chad??? It's a meme. You think Brad Pitt looked incel as a kid?
So did the Hapsburgs by your reckoning.
>Do any of you actually get turned on when basic hoes in pornos do that slow, loud cussing, trying desperately to be sexy? That shits just sad.
>Behavior in Sex = Behavior in public.
No wonder you guys get rustled with NPC "Have Sex" posts. The absolute virgin in this comment.
Why isn't he pissed about the way Littlefinger was executed without trial while on a diplomatic mission, right after he saved Jon Snow and Sansa?
>Im sorry did you forget the endless fucking pedo threads on Yea Forums?
Except, that's on Yea Forums. If a random normie outside were to come here, they'd get creeped out instantly. "Ugh Yea Forums is so gross man". So your argument doesn't work when the behaviour in question is displayed by normies in mainstream sites
Peter parker you always late
Are those women shitposting on social media having sex while doing so? Huh? Fucking wanker.
>because he does not look good.
You don't have to be homo to see he's handsome
I wonder if the goblin will ever find work on tv or movies again.
>fucked up asymmetric nose
Yes, he looked like an incel
real bran is cute with glasses
>tfw almost went to his uni
it's a meme
being cute as a kid doesn't mean you'll be ugly as an adult, unless you put on weight
no hes autistic, if he kleinfelters hed have boobies
He looks way better than Bran currently does
But I would full on pound season 1 Bran boipussy no homo
Ass and mouth... she has no pussy, bigot!
Did you watch this show? He's autistic and doesn't care about anything
Now, two years after the scene was filmed.
Get your eyes checked if you think the pic you posted looks cute or handsome
>self-hating Latino nordicist
You’ve described basically the entire population of Latin America, especially Brazil. They really, really wish they were white, and their pedophilic lust for white girls and boys rivals only Arabs in its intensity.
Racially uncertain ugly soibois in this thread really feeling hurt.
holy shit ahahahahaha ugly soibois are fucking seething
that’s disgusting. little bran is not for pounding, only soft caresses
you can lick his willy too, if he's okay with it.
Lol, a self defence course isn't going to help a women fight of anyone that isn't a 50kg lanklet.
No one has ever used these terms to describe a jaw. You sound like a gay orthodontist.
wtf, didn't know he was Brazilian.
I would unironically watch a show where this whining, sniveling, spoiled little tittybaby is beaten into an approximation of actual manhood by the Lords of the Vale and the dawning realization that Littlefinger was hoping he would die, then moving on not only to become a competent ruler, but the man who brought the hill tribes under his rule by besting their strongest chieftain.
>but I was a cute kid and I grew up to be a total chad???
If you're a chad, then why do you upspeak in text like a massive bitch?
>That God tier hairline
no, it's a common thing amongst chin/jawlets to use the medical terms for facial features, usually from looking up plastic surgery to fix it.
Cuteness comes from neoteny features on children. Neoteny doesn't work well on adult men. It might be a meme, but most of the times, a cute child will look average or below average when they grow up because of that
the martells were always the best dressed.
Was cute as a kid and turned out hot as an adult
shame he isnt blessed down south
rather marry and bed Tormund than Sansa
Bran looks alright now.
I could reform her..
His cock looks perfectly suckable
is this true? btw lanky guys can fight.
What are you talking about? He looks handsome asf
>not blessed down south
His dick looks like a good size, the fuck you on about?
That's not him though.
It was 100% him
Fuck me I though I was the only one who literally thought this exactly, thank you
Do you really think his fans would not have forced a statement out of him after bombarding him with this shit through social media after the video was leaked?
Besides, what does someone who is on TV stands to gain by going on omegle, of all places, just to show his dick to some dude playing a video of a girl? this kid has girls sending pussy to him 24/7, there's absolutely ZERO reasons for him to go online and expose himself like that. ZERO.
It would be pretty awesome if that was really him, but realistically speaking, we both know there's no way someone like that would do what he did.
Considering your average man is overweight and has never exercised, yes, a self-defense course would help a 50kg woman. Fuck, you don't even need a class. Just know to go for the dick, which every girl already knows. Or as was already said, buy a goddamn gun or a taser.
Hairline is catching up with him, but same thing happened with Neville Longbottom.
>that nose
>those teeth
>mouth breather
He's obviously extreme handsome as an adult but I would say he looks geeky and ugly here.
He's manly and dreamy. Best combo.
I hate this meme, he's still ugly. He looks like a typical brit lad who goes to the football on a Saturday. 5/10
if you think that's a 5/10 male you need to get out more. The average man is fucking ugly.
Sweetautist outlasted all the other great lords.
>Doran>Ellaria>some guy
Meanwhile Sweetautist didn't move from his seat from the very first episode of the show. Based as fuck.
Sansa will remain unmarried like elizabeth 1
kek, post your pic lad
guess my next sexcation will be to brazil
are you literally blind?
It was actually him though. Shame he didn't show ass
Shame they only jerked off together desu.
Imagine if they sucked each other off as a joke haha
I know he looks a lot like him, and I also wish it was him, but you know -something- is definitely off about it.
>when you cast an ugly boy and a cute girl but genetics decide to play a prank you
Or pinned each other and gave each other prostate orgasms... haha... the bants...
She won't. She wondered about Bran having children. She'll give the North heirs.
They didn't count on the bong genes.
btw the dornish guy is Quentyn Martell according to the cast list
>tfw I will never look this good
Feels bad man
sigh, dude the other guy on the video was his cousin who had a public instagram before the scandal
what a coincidence that both guys on the video just happen to be perfect replicas of dean and his cousin
>dat nose
Lysa and Petyr were just regents for him due to his youth. He was always the lord though.
boys on omegle do that all the time to fake girls
just go there any day under the fortnite tag and put your girlfriend/sister/classmate on camera with a microphone on, and then tell her to say to any pair of boys that she'll show them her tits if they suck each off.
if they don't do it instantly, you just have to skip around a few times and you'll probably find a handful of boys who are more than willing to do that and a lot more.
just don't be surprise if they stop paying attention to the girl almost immediately and completely change their focus to each other.
it's really THAT easy.
did he delete or privated it?
the actor is brazilian
iirc it was deleted but its been a few years im not 100% sure
niggas eyes wonky as hell
The video itself is pretty easy to find
Sophie Turner said in an interview filming that shot where Robin Arryn is introduced after they just arrive at The Eyrie was a nightmare to shoot, since Lino Facioli kept messing up his lines.
Apparently Lino couldn't get his lines right, or kept messing up the scenes, all while he suckled on Kate Dickie's breasts. Everytime the scene was about to be over, he would mess it up in some way, or misspeak the lines, and then we'd have to start over. The only time he wasn't fucking up the scene was with his lips around his pretend-mother's nipple, looking extremely pleased with himself and smug.
Eventually they just gave up and discussed about getting another child actor to play Robin Arryn, at which point he stopped messing up completely. Sophie said it took like an hour to film that 3-4 second shot because Lino was so fucking terrible.
Yep, you look like the kind of man who would act catty toward another man for getting more attention than you, and then post a picture of yourself desperately seeking the attention you envy.
I can see it in your eyes.
i'm talking about his instagram
i didn't know this detail about the supposed cousin.
are you sure this is not just a hoax? do you have any pictures of his cousin from anywhere outside of the video?
why the long face lmao
>media suddenly trying to convince us that goofy looking italian/jew/turkish clown is hot while continuing to smear our based lad IHW
What are they trying to accomplish?
you literally asked him for a pic lol BTFO
>and GRRM.
lmao what? Like half of the later books center around dorne/dornishmen
What a fucking chad
>are you sure this is not just a hoax?
100% sure
I tried digging through Yea Forums's archive but its no longer there.
They both look pretty jewy, but Bran is still jewier by a mile.
das it mane
>they are cousins
I'm not the same user who asked for the pic. I just think it's hilarious that he actually posted a picture of himself. When it was only to prove that he was more deserving of attention than an actor. How much of a massive attention whore do you have to be, in order to take someone up on that offer.
you sound jelly lad
Other user played himself expecting praise.
Left literally looks like what they always cast as the stereotypical jewish gangster in the movies
nobody is praising him for his wonderful acting skills or personality, he's just too adorable and hot to pass, and that's pretty much the only qualities he's ever had to offer.
besides, i think this was probably his first acting gig, so attaching malice to it as if he was fucking it up on purpose just to keep sucking on the prosthetic tit, is a bit of a stretch, especially if you re-consider the absurdity and awkwardness of a scene like that being imposed on a, then, 9 year old boy
Left: slightly wonky, yet strong masculine features.
Right: slightly wonky, yet weak diminutive features. Probably gay.
In all seriousness, that omegle video is supposedly 2011, and there's no way he looked like that when he was 14. The guy in the Omegle video is clearly older.
Now this is peak cute
40something women will do a greater good and pleasure to the young man. Women are also much hotter in their 40's.
40something man with 18yo girl is just gross. Balding fat pedo using a girl like that, eeeky and wrong.
You literally look like the "one ticket to" guy but less exaggerated
Arya is still a cute girl though.
>gay male footfags
I literally cannot conceive of a worse fetish
The prince that was promised
fucking hell I cant believe I share a board with at least one chad like this fuck mee pleeeaaase
Dean was 19 for that video
t. Lino
Nah Sansa is gonna marry some Northman to make strong Norf babbies
>that omegle video is supposedly 2011
No it isn't.
Isn't there a stamp that says 2011?
Writing on the internet about wanting to have sex with an 18 year old? Obviously the superior male sex never does this.
seething incel rage: the thread
All it's doing is showing the hypocrisy of the roastie sex.
>Taking that many photos of yourself
What a fag
What a cutie.
>okay your parents just left, we're all alone, now log on to Omegle
>All roasties are the same.
Prove any one of these twitter bitches hypocritically chastised men for doing the same.
..and shame there was no cum shot
they didnt play with each other's cocks as well
There used to be loads on Deans Instagram. I think they're all gone now though.
thats cute desu
These two hang out a lot... and jerked off together? Were they a thing?
Because his nose prevents it.
Dean Charles Chapman was 18/19. But the cousin was 16/17. That's why it always gets deleted.
Who is this Dorne fucker even?
Cousins. Imo it's not uncommon for brothers or cousins to wank together. Just not as adults.
>Were they a thing?
if you mean two straight cousins that are close friends and got their dicks out for what they thought was a girl on omegle, yes
He gay, so he sucking dick.
>He gay
God I hope. Source?
I've literally never done that.
I see.
I'm a homofag and have never felt the urge, propensity, or attraction to wank with any of my family members.
Picture highly related.
That's objectively wrong. Women age like milk, men like wine. The only reason you disagree is your fetishes, but they don't respond to real life
Oh fuck, he cute
Big nose ≠ jew nose
call me blind if you will, but the only thing that actually leads me to believe the video is actually him, are the takedown notices and censoring of results for that video and certain pictures of it.
it's still somewhat hard to believe someone in his position would actually do something like that, especially when it comes to someone like him who was very attractive a few years earlier.
>I've literally never done that.
I'm not saying everyone does it but I think a lot of people probably do. My brother is about the same age and we shared a room as teenagers. Realistically it was always going to happen.
What's with this obsession with hairlines? Is that a nigger thing that's bled over?
That’s the way it works, ugly kids grow up attractive. Cute kids grow up ugly.
people are retards when they're horny, that's the downfall of countless men in high positions
It looks exactly him, and he's with someone that looks exactly like his cousin. There's even pics of Dean in the same shirt as the video. It's 100% him.
God twitter sluts are always so disgusting
Oh. So you and your brother wanked off together? Well, you believe what you need to believe. I've only wanked off with guys I found attractive.
ive wanked with my brother / classmate before....shrugs
it was fun for what it was, nothing serious just dicking around seeing who can shoot more/further
How is this proof?
Hell, my friends and I watched porn together when we were in our early teens. Nothing weird about it at the time, it seems a normal thing.
Yeah, but it wasn't like a gay thing. It's just when you're in the same room with someone all the time and you both need to wank every day it's going to happen eventually.
He wasnt actually ugly when first cast. They used makeup to make him look sickly.
Not true, more like puberty and hormones can do some unexpected things. But I could look at Bran's actor and see he wasn't going to be good-looking even when he was young. Small jaw, beetle-browed...
Now I just feel plain robbed.
It's pretty standard teen behavior. Homosexuals and pedophiles read more into it than there is.
BIG noses have character. This man is a treat.
He knows now.
Well I did it and I'm gay. I never even look at the porn, I watched their dicks
Gay brap fetish
i don't know about that.
if you masturbate in front of a friend that means you're probably ever so slightly inclined to at least suck his dick, especially if you're both cute, healthy, and close enough.
men aging like wine is a meme. go outside and look around. potbellies and receding hairlines galore
I don't think so. There's a big difference between being a teenager and wanking with someone as a friend and being gay.
From stories and shit, the most common people who wanked together or wanked each other off seem to be straight guys.
I don't think a lot of gay guys did it because they were closeted and were doing everything at the time not to be perceived as gay. And touching dicks is pretty gay.
Eh, I shouldn't have said homosexuals.
Half the people thirsting over him on Twitter are gay... It's still flattering but eh, doesn't all women cream themselves for him.
Many women are commenting on his twitter.
Yeah I went over to his Twitter and there's a lot of girls too, have to admit.
Proof people will cling to anybody slightly good-looking on the show. They've had to make do with Jon for the past three seasons who isn't a knock-out either.
you might be right, but assuming a pre-teen who wants to suck his friend off must be instantly gay just because of it is also very short sighted.
unless you believe having sex with a grown ass disgusting hairy man in his 30s and messing around with another boy your own age are the same thing, there's absolutely no basis for you to assume said kid will grow up to be gay, unless you're bone-headedly trying to push an agenda of some sort.
have sex