Will we ever get a show about Palestine - Israel conflict ?


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we will when they find a way to blame white people for it.

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Oy vey! Look at how the English and French divided the middle east for themselves! We simple merchants just want to live in peace but by not granting us the borders of greater Israel, we are FORCED to bomb Syria, Gaza and Lebanon.. OY VEY

We already have one, every news channel.

Why do you hate jews ? They're the ones you have to thank for all technological progress and democracy.

game of thrones

Closest thing to it was a channel 4 drama called "The Promise" about the creation of izreal in the months and years following ww2.

I hated j e w s so much more after watching this (and you will too).

>Palestine as an entity in 1946


9911 people from Palestine has been killed since 2000. 1267 Israelis has been killed in the same time, for comparison.

Palestinians were there first.

>scary white displaced green
But many of the people remained!
Israel has millions of Palestinian citizens living in peace, prosperity and freedom unknown to all other Arabs

Because antisemits are jealous brainlets. If Hitler was not an antisemite and Holocaust did not happen, Germany would have nuclear warheads by 1943.

Cast him.

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>are we the problem?
>no everyone else is the problem

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Shit bait

Oh I get it now, it's the brown Arab looking ones you guys don't like

Idris Elba

As slaves with no rights.

Ryan Gossling

No right to be stoned, beheaded for apostasy, blasphemy, homosexuality, and get shat in their mouths by members of some "royal family".

Not baiting. Jews were the most urbanized ethnoreligious group in Europe for hundreds of years, of course they were more intelligent than the average european peasant. Jews were the doctors, the alchemists, the scientists, they made for the Western civilization more than 99% of other people.

>Low quality bait