why is it illegal to question the holocaust?
Why is it illegal to question the holocaust?
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Because it happened.
It isn't.
Not where I live at least.
it really happened.
7 Million Jews died.
Billions of Dabids died.
that makes no sense
We can criticize the ideal behind the Holocaust (Nazism), yet we can't criticize the ideal behind 9/11 (Islam).
We truly do live in a society...
If it happened, then why would anyone be concerned about questioning it
How can you possibly prove that? why isn't it 6 million or 8 million?
When will denying the earth is round get you shot.
Of course we can criticize Islam. Those basterds have stolen the land that belongs to Israel.
Because it's a hoax and would never hold otherwise.
He killed dozens
To save a handful
You mean the British Mandatory Palestine?
Can you prove George Washington existed?
But Israel is an illegitimate state and you're being very islamophobic according to Cali/NY Jews.
it is 8 million, it's always been 9 million
you can question it but you can't proclaim that it never happened as if it was established fact. there is widespread consensus that it did happen.
nor elsewhere
>Lucy Dawidowicz, in her “The War Against the Jews” (1975), used prewar birth and death records to come up with a more precise figure of 5,933,900. And one of the more authoritative German scholars of the subject, Wolfgang Benz, offered a range of 5.3 to 6.2 million. Each used his or her own method to arrive at the totals.
Also you have to add interest rates to that number
>widespread consensus
the slogan of the intellectualy lazy
Imagine if during the civil war the north repeatedly lied about things and staged false flags and then accused the south of doing some shit and then convicted them in a kangaroo court, and then in 2019 it's illegal to question anything the north said and anything that happened during the trial because it's anti-american and will lead to the re-introduction of slavery.
>le na is were baes because they killed jews in the Holocaust but Holocaust never actually happened tho
Why are /pol/turds so retarded?
Those are two different groups of people.
Why is it illegal to question the Armenian Genocide in France and Greece?
Holocaust never happened but I wish it did
which holocaust?
no, the slogan of those who have their priorities in order. there's no good reason why investigating the truth of Auschwitz is anywhere near top 10 important subjects in my life.
and that is why (and because the improbability of successfully launching and maintaining such a "hoax") i rely easily on majority consensus here.
Because it didnt happened. And the most you think about it, more obvious it becomes.
Its the biggest lie of the last century
>just dont think about it lol
he was right, you are a lazy brainlet
Anyone got that webm of the jew bitch claiming she survived the gas chambers because by some miracle water poured out instead of gas.
Every time someone questions the holocaust, they always get proven wrong. The only reason why people wanna question the holocaust is in order to delgitimize it, so why allow it?
Suck my dick btw
no, you're just unable to demonstrate the relevance of the subject in 2019 and it painfully shows: your ad hominem attacks cannot wallpaper over your lack of argument on the substance
5-15 % of the population of eastern europe was jews
WHERE did they go???
the entire idea behind nazism is to use the military to go from neighborhood to neighborhood, from town to town and remove the blood enemy, which is exactly what happened
pic related jewish population pre ww2
>no responses
It does seem improbable that such a hoax could be maintained, but that's based on a very simplistic idea of how it was (or would have been) done. It was actually all very easy and it doesn't matter that the story is full of holes and that many people have tried blowing the whistle.
According to Wikipedia roller coasters of death are simply concepts. Yet, we're told they actually existed and the Germans invented them. Hmmmmmm
didn't some guy offer $10k to prove the holocaust and no one could claim it?
300.000 jews died at most.
Only boomers believe this shit about 6 millions. When they all die off, you'll see the veil get lifted about all this masquerade.
Europe was in chaos after the war and many jews had been displaced and moved to other countries, such as Israel and the US. Many also left earlier than that.
>nor elsewhere
it is in germany
They went to America to destroy it
>why is it illegal to question the holocaust?
Because there are some very blatant problems with it, starting with "all the death camps just happened to have been in Soviet Occupied territory".
The globe theory is a bigger lie.
And the Soviets were pathological liars who among other things blamed the Katyn massacre on Germany and false flagged an excuse to go to war against Finland.
You mean David Irving, a renowned holocaust denier? Well gee I wonder why no one could claim it. Confirmation bias? What's that?
and belgium
Noticed how every time you share an uncomfortable doubt, suddenly people start going "muh flat earth" at you? I counted several in this thread, both trying to derail the conversation there in a subtle way. it's clearly meant to poison the discourse and make you appear as a lunatic
Some Belgian holocaust denier proposed to survive a Zyklon-B gassing in recreated Auswitz conditions for a talent show. He got denied.
Television & Film
Gotta admire the Jews for their sneaky ways if anything
I'm willing to bet that among the "auschwitz conditions" he was gonna use, he'd include shit like wooden doors. Also, let's see him do it in private if he's so confident.
>flat earth
a meme created by intelligence agencies to cast doubts on all other conspiracy theories
>uncomfortable at the notion of people NOT dying
>not a lunatic
>When they all die off, you'll see the veil get lifted about all this masquerade.
the only masquerade is you lads pretending you don't want to send the military to non-white neighborhoods and remove the non-whites as is what happened the last time that ideology won, because that is precisely what it's about - in terms of logistics
it's the only way to remove a large mass of people
i don't get all the acting and pretending, just say what you mean
Good goy. Never question youe masters
Are people also lunatics if they doubt the outcome of a murder trial?
It's a known (([])) tactic to derail an argument/discussion on this subject or 9/11 or any other "conspiracies." Make the subjects presenting the questions seem crazy, why would anyone be afraid of someone questioning something so absolutely 100% true? Oh maybe because it's no-
Now back to your regular scheduled programmin- er, programs!
Incorrect. 6 gorillion is the official number.
literally untrue. you may not factually deny that it happened nor may you factually downplay it.
Nobody is denying that people were put in camps. Incidentally, the US did the same thing.
Nazis are still secretly in power and don't want you to uncover the truth: that they were all super gay and used the jewish men as sex slaves
This is a great example of a perfect citizen, one who does not dare question a narrative for fear of social ostracizing. Truly a mundane and vacant mind.
*tips Stahlhelm*
It's called arguing. Notice every time I say the holocaust happened I get called a commie and a good goy and this "derails the discourse" and "poisons the discussion".
But when we do it we're "sneaky weasels using brainwash tactics", when you do it you're heroes fighting the culture war.
We call you flat-earthers = sneaky cowardly propaganda tactic
You call us JIDF and discord trannies= brave normal and legitimate political discourse
It ain't illegal to question the holocaust, it's illegal to deny it
There's nothing wrong with killing non-white subhumans
Funny how you /pol/shits always resort to linking some shitty shit tier websites to prove your point.
This is the source you're citing, so basically in order to prove your jew propaganda theories you're resorting to using literal iranian propaganda. Just fucking pathetic, neck yourself and do the world a favor
What is the difference?
Turn to Christ and he might forgive for the spear incident
>Funny how you /pol/shits always resort to linking some shitty shit tier websites
>posts Wikipedia link
It isn't
It's funny how Turks are still sensitive about this shit and don't want it mentioned.
Being called a commie and a flat-earthers are not the same thing at all. If you can't see the difference it probably has to do with your reddit spacing and low-IQ
Because it happened. This isnt tower 7, jfk or the moon landings
it's not just death camps with the gas, the torture and all the psycho shit
there's mass graves and entire villages and neighborhoods removed from the map
anyways, at least poland is 100% pure now
the US never really did this sort of thing
they actually couldn't since the forces they sent in europe were miniscule and the only effect they had was prevent the red army from reaching portugal
but that's a different story
i respect you for not meandering around what you truly believe
so there
brit faggot
only j*ws were removed because there wasnt 'diversity' like in your shitstain country, it was the same back then in the UK. fuck off.
nothing worse than you faggy, pro-'diversity' britbongs. wont be any native englishman left come 100 years, im sure you cheer for that. (you're probably a transplant anyway, not a brit native)
The equivalent of me calling you a "russian troll".
I’m not Turkish and the Armenian Genocide absolutely happened, my point is that the Holocaust isn’t special for having laws emplaced against denying it.
t. literal brainlet
denying something implies that with high likelihood something did not happen. questioning something does not imply such thing.
There's a red cross report which states that there was no program of mass killings occuring at the camps, which the red cross had full access to. Last time I checked, nobody had tried to refute the report. If it was fake then you'd think they'd be shutting it down hard, and not allow someone to spread a falsified report implicating the red cross in holocaust denialism.