this shit has to be intentional
This shit has to be intentional
i cant see shit, whats the issue here
>a water bottle instead of a ten gallon pitcher of gravy
That's obviously a shop
>its fucking real
>this shit took 2 fucking years to make
water bottle
well of course it fucking is, it's the second time this season we've gotten something like this after the starbucks meme, plus the dumb promotional picture of Jaime's right hand
wtf I want to buy a water bottle now
um, sweetie, the show has dragons and zombies and magic and now it has plastic and water bottling plants
like, geez incels just have sex
>it wasn't even a starbucks cup
not everything is a conspiracy
Good, it's important to stay hydrated, summer is coming.
Sam invented plastic like he invented democracy
Humans need water to live. If no bottles of water were there people would have died of thirst.
kinda wish he had invented a good ending while he was at it.
Why do they look so miserable?
>never been to the craft services table on set.
why is arya seated so far away?
its the seat reserved for ugly trolls
> Water in medieval land
This makes perfect sense. Water isn't a new technology, humans have had water for thousands of years
Yfw there is a second one in the same scene
Yeah, but how is it standing up like that?
In a plastic water bottle ..?
mana potion
>people in medieval times never drinked water
Come on, man. You can get (You)s by having good posts as well
>valyrian plastic bottle?
The second one
they didnt gave a shit anymore
they just wanted to finish the series and go home
Maybe they even did it on purpose since this was a rushed hack job.
I can imagine them saying as much in some interview in 10 years like
>We all really hated the direction D&D took the show in the last season
>we were constanty protesting, but they didn't listen to anything we were bringing to the table
>so the crew started this running gag when we would try to "accidentaly" sneak in the most ridiculous thing into the scene.
Kekd & checkd
Time stamp?
Or what's being said at that exact moment? I'll see for myself.
This whole season was some of the dumbest and laziest television writing I've ever seen. With continuity errors constantly appearing between shots and episodes, with characters' development thrown out of window and with basically every protagonist in the show looking like a terrible, shitty human being at the end of it for no other reason than to subvert your expectations. The show did a 180 on Dany just so 5 minutes later D&D can leave the viewer with a terrible aftertaste as remaining leaders and representatives turn out to be power ridden dickheads who want to continue being part of the ruling class thus proving that Dany was in fact right and the real issue was her advisors who simply were part of the problem aka the wheel. Tyrion is literally the villain in this series.
>Starbucks trending for a solid 5 days