>animes can't be ki-
Animes can't be ki-
Where is kill la kill?
berserk anime is shit
manga is good
not kino
The 1997 anime is a masterpiece
Move aside dullard
>watching Anime
back to discord dumb tranny
berserk 1997 is phenomenon.
This is an anime site and millions of people watch anime.
No sweety i don't watch cartoons made for children.
Western media is well thought it, has lots of powerful women and minorities and are philosophical and visual works of art.
Western media is aimed at mature audiences who can read between the lines to understand the greatness of our creations.
Have sex, incel.
What is middle left?
>makes fun of television
>posts video game screenshot like it's any better
go back to your board Yea Forumsedditor
boko no pico
I started a few days ago i cant pass the second episode. can you spoil for me and tell me what its so great cause I want to to like it
Just put your glasses on. Nothing will be wrong.
The monster is pretty good too.
Holyland is fucking trash.
I have no words
just watch it should not be that hard.what tv show and anime do you think is great anyway?
I like how the models aren't casting any shadows.
>anti anime fag calling others trannies
Fuck off back to Yea Forums
wat, it isn't there
I like crows x worst though
The first words should be finded
Whatever hold you back
Eva, flcl, nana, grave of the fireflies, lain, robotech, ergo proxy. I try Monster but didnt land well on me.
Does the show wrap up the story nicely? I looked it up and it only adapts 1 arc of the manga it looks like. Do you have to read the manga to enjoy the show? (I'm planning to read the manga when it's finished, maybe a decade from now? lol).
It ends on an astonishing cliffhanger but it works well as a standalone. If you're waiting for the manga to finish before you read it, you're going to be waiting for a very, very long time. The series has been serialized since 1990.
Watch the '97 anime. It's great despite how low its budget it. It's also one of the very few series that is honestly better in English.
based spammer
If he starts reading now he might be caught up by the time we get the next chapter.
First episode is relatively shit and not in the same time period. I had same problem when I first tried to watch, but second time I made it through and it is indeed a great anime.
ok, today i will give it another try. still no one ever tell me what its about and the online synopsis are super vague
It's the rise and fall of a band of mercenaries in an edgy fantasy world.
It's similar to Conan the Barbarian, and if you're honestly unspoiled leave now because it's going to be wild ride. I honestly wish I could watch Berserk unspoiled.
thanks I wait for that like 15 years
100% unspoiled, and I research a lot but seems cryptic for the ignorant like me
Urusei Yatsura
Cardcaptor Sakura
Yu-Gi-Oh s1
One punch man
Rate my animes bros, I just watch casually
>Works well as a standalone
All I needed to hear. Thanks senpai.
>Cardcaptor Sakura
>Yu-Gi-Oh s1
I sure fucking hope you mean pre-Duelist. Granted, Duelist was fucking rad with the early "Kazuki Takahashi loves games" context, but the anime dropped the ball hard by omitting Kaibaland and Dark Bakura D&D. And Scorpion Shoe Stab. And Joey vs Fucking Everyone. And Anzu constantly getting molestered.
>Tatami Galaxy
Criminally unknown and kino.
what's middle right
It's pretty well known.
I miss the time when shitposters actually made an effort into making pasta.
t. Yea Forums
There's a reason most of Yea Forums hates Evangelion. They see themselves in Shinji.
It's more likely that they hate it because it's popular, and they have to appear cool by having good taste superior to that of the ignorant masses.
Yea Forums has never hated Eva.
>t. Yea Forums
>they hate it because they can relate to the character
Best to watch it unspoiled. After you finish the series, it may be helpful to watch the first episode again as it will make more sense.
t. People Who Have Never Been On Yea Forums
You newfigs probably don't even know bout my Reifags v. Asukafags that used to actually-factually literally-witerally plague Yea Forums and Yea Forums. And Yea Forums. Etc.
>used to
Did it ever really stop?
Yea Forums is more Asuka now.
I rarely see any fellow Reifags. Yea Forums has daily Asuka threads.
Netflix will probably reignite the Rei-Asuka shit though.
I have been on Yea Forums and I have been here longer than you.
Eva, FLCL, and Tatami Galaxy, and Bebop are actually the GOATs
K-on and the Advent of Moeshit curbed it. Sure, Azumanga and Lucky Star were around before, but shonenshit got curbstomped by Kyoani until Shingeki no Kyojin revived it.
>Yea Forums has daily Asuka threads
Proof Yea Forums is, and always has been, shit. It used to have some gold flakes, but those've long been picked away. Just like Yea Forums, and every other board to which normies get attracted.
For me it's Gunbuster.
fuck off to Yea Forums jeez
What are these? Top right is hunter x hunter. middle left is hunter x hunter as well.
These look kino as fuck (except for the middle one). Please name them.
The only thing all humans are equal in is birth. Death isn't equally divided among all humans since all living people never experienced it. While all humans have experienced birth.
my nigga
last episode is better than interstellar
"Welcome back"? Is this some kino climax to some anime?
Brainlet tier philosophy
>What is a C Section
what?.everyone will experience death at some point of time.
I loved how they treated space travel and combat in the series especially with the ships. Die Buster is worth a watch too imo.
Yes for the original Gunbuster series.
Except there are clear rules about topics per board. Anime and TV have a distinction. There's a board for it already. Several boards, in fact. Go to one of those and shit it up with your bad taste in media. Reporting as we speak.
Bottom left also HxH I think. From the backstory of the guy who eats Biscuit's hair and immediately surrenders; from Greed Island.
Every human already has experienced birth. While Death has only been experienced by 90% of humans.
C section is still birth. I'm not talking about moving through a vagina.
That didn't last once it became /snk/ which is just Bleach 2: Shipper Boogaloo. Also
You need to go back.
dumbest poster on Yea Forums right now
>no TTGL
Show me where it says that animation isn't allowed on Yea Forums.
I remember Yea Forums having different threads about different movies and TV shows.
Some shitposts but they were tolerable.
One of the problems here is GoT for example.
Instead of anons all going to one GoT thread, everyone feels the need to make their own GoT thread.
Now the whole fucking board is filled with GoT threads all with meager replies.
>Proof Yea Forums is, and always has been, shit. It used to have some gold flakes
They're still there, normalfags don't go on the manga threads unless it's jump crap, they stay on the waifu and shonenshit threads.
gurren lagann is fucking garbo.
FLCL is my favorite piece of media ever
You clearly don't understand how contemporary 4channel discussion works.
You want anime discussion? Post it anywhere but Yea Forums.
Comics and cartoons? Anywhere but Yea Forums.
I could go on, but your dumbass probably wouldn't understand if I listed every board—including the text-only ones, if those're still around (or if they've gone the way of /5/, /z/, /cake/, etc.)
You're 10,000 years too early to complain about this stuff, boya-chan.
>rule 69: thou shalt not be a weeb fag on Yea Forums
End goal of communism.
How retarded are you? What do you say to the test tube babies of the future?
It is when the time experienced by the protagonists is a very small fraction compared to the earth they saved(millennia, all their friends and family are dead)
Tell us more about your birth so we can compare our experiences, you fucking retard.
that doesn't mean rest of humans will not experience death and human are not equal when they are born although they are equal before birth when they don't even exist.
I'm an Australian in a rural town and about 5 months ago in my ute with my buddy I saw another ute with a big Rei sticker in the back window so I caught up to him and ree-d out FUCKING REIFAG and he looked straight at me, pointed at me and started laughing as we both realised what massive weebs we were.
what is top right?
>You need to go back.
Literally only poser tourists use this phrase. You ain't punk; you ain't even prog rock, faggot.
Texhnolyze, despair kino.
God is alive, and She's Australian. God bless you cunts.
Sure thing newfag
thanks lads
This. Anyone saying the anime is good has NEVER read the source material, which is a masterpiece with the highest possible production values in the medium. The anime/movies on the other hand are low budget trash that poorly adapts a very loose outline of the plot.
Not really despair. Once he leaves towards the surface it's more existential and not even about despair anymore. As it tackles a negative emotion even bigger than despair. The lack of feeling at all/depression.
Brainlet. When people talk about the Berserk anime they're referring to the 1997 adaptation, which was great. Nobody gives a fuck about the Studio 4C adaptations, they sucked.
Very good animation. I might pick it up. Seems like old anime is superior anyway since I just finished Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
>despair kino
Girls' Last Tour
That post is clearly all inclusive, brainlet, and they're both equally shit. Feel free to read the source material to be enlightened.
The way old vs. new anime usually works is that people take a couple of the greatest hits of the 80s and 90s and compare them against a strawman of the present.
You can also recommend me some good new shit. It just looks to me like it's all slice of life trash to bait NEETs and lonely faggots.
Hirasawa's OST alone elevates OG Berserk to 7/10. Your lack of taste is astounding. Except, not really.
Are animes like these even made anymore?
Technology progressed and yet japs have poor taste in animation, preferring 3D shit and low laggy frames like Kemono.
WTF is happening?
Yeah it does ramp up when they get to the surface, the ending is very brutal.
Back then actual Japanese people did the animation. In the early 2000s it was poor south koreans. Now it's done by Indians and other low IQ SEA vermin.
Are you actually trying to compare an early morning kids show to a late night super robot series?
Music alone doesn't make something good. It's a shit adaption, and the fact that people think it's good is just a testament to how good Berserk in general is.
Unironically H. Miyazaki was right, even if he is a narrow-minded faggot: animators don't animate for its own sake anymore; they slap together tweened stills for the sake of presenting an ofteb subpar narrative.
The only good kinography in there is Ichigo Mashimaro.
This is exactly the strawman I'm talking about.
SoL anime is a minority and isn't trash, something isn't bait just because you don't like it, and NEETs aren't a target audience. You are just repeating memes.
3D anime is a small minority, and Kemono Friends is an excellent show despite its low-tech animation. The West is not the arbiter of taste in anime.
Anime is mostly made in Japan, and most of what gets outsourced (mostly coloring and in-betweening) is outsourced to Korea. I've never heard of any Indians doing anything in anime.
Maybe I'm just a boomer but all the fucking artstyles look like the same K-ON shit we've seen since 2007. Fuck that slice of life trash. Where is the true kino at?
You're wrong in that music alone makes music, alone, good. But you're right in that Berserk is so good that any adaptation will be loved, so long as it's faithful to the themes and motifs of the source material.
That said, if you want a Berserk anime adaptation that lives up to Miura's vision, you're a beautifully naive retard.
Korea is too expensive nowadays. The korean animation studios themselves outsource a lot to Indians. Most infamously One Punch Man season 2 is done primarily by indians
Houseki no Kuni
>unironically good CGI
>interesting topics
>nice source material
>flat chests
>tight butts
Miyazaki has not a single clue of what he is talking about. He is no better informed on the state of the industry than the average Yea Forums user. Animators absolutely continue to animate for the sake of animation.
>tweened stills
So normal animation, then?
Watch Detective Conan.
KotH is the best anime.
>Kemono Friends is an excellent show despite its low-tech animation.
Good music doesn't make shit movies or anime good, though all of that dude's Berserk OSTs are good, even the game ones. I'd never ask for an adaption of Berserk. It's not possible to make a good one, so any effort is just a cash grab. In fact, the original anime existed solely to market the manga itself.
>all the fucking artstyles look like the same K-ON shit we've seen since 2007
K-On is not from 2007 and only a specific subset of anime looks similar to K-On.
>Fuck that slice of life trash.
It isn't trash, and basically nobody has even seen any SoL anime for the last ten years (if they ever saw any in the first place). It's just a giant meme.
It's not too expensive, given that they continue to appear in credits. Under Korean names. Where's your source for the Indians?
It is.
>I've never heard of any Indians doing anything in anime.
I heard that the new Dragon Ball is outsourced in the Philippines.
Toei has its own subsidiary in the Philippines. That's not normal.
>tweened stills are normal animation
Okay, Mr. Average Yea Forums User. Please, talk out of your ass more.
Animation consists of key frames and in-between frames. A key frame is a still image. Key frames plus in-betweens (also still images) equals animation.
People in the philippines make $5 a day and a lot speak both English and Japanese. Indians make $2 a day but only speak some English and no Japanese.
South Koreans make $30 a day and Japanese make $50 a day.
But in the end you get what you pay for.
It's less time consuming and cheaper to make computer generated 3D art instead of hand drawn 2D
It's not impossible, but it's highly impractical. It'd take an autistic Saudi Prince's funding to achieve, backed by the efforts of experienced and emotionally invested directors.
Also, music affects the quality of any audible multimedia artifact. Discounting it as a fundamental aspect determining the artifact's quality is disingenuous. It's as important as the animation, visual clarity, narrative, and all other elements of the artifact.
3D animation is actually more expensive, both in Japan and in America. It's less time-consuming in some respects but not in others. 3D anime is still a small minority and most anime is hand-drawn.
Incorrect. In-betweens are not required. Animation—both good and bad—can be composed entirely of key frames. Those "animations" tend to only be small segments of larger animations, but that doesn't disqualify such animation from being a separate example from animation composed of keys and tweens.
3D animation is cheaper if you use it for high frame animation. Which is usually action scenes or camera pan transitions.
So if you have slice of life trash then you can keep it 2D. But genuine animation is going to require 3D animation.
I also think it's unfair how disliked 3D anime is since it's usually a far superior animation technique.
>mfw hinamatsuri was a better comedy than whatever the west produced in the last years
If you mean the use of single still images without any real animation, that's not what I'm talking about.
3D animators are paid more in Japan, and in America costs have increased astronomically after switching to 3D.
>So if you have slice of life trash then you can keep it 2D. But genuine animation is going to require 3D animation.
Again, SoL is not trash. You are memeing. SoL anime also has a lot of good animation.
>I also think it's unfair how disliked 3D anime is since it's usually a far superior animation technique.
Why would it be superior?
Hinamatsuri was one of the few anime that actually managed to improve on the comedy from the manga. Hina's voice actor was a major highlight for me.
Too bad they won't do a second season, I thought the post timeskip chapters were really good.
>Again, SoL is not trash.
SoL should be banned for being bottom of the barrel trash.
>Why would it be superior?
More fluid animation. For example in this anime Ajin from Netflix you actually see unrelated characters and backgrounds move while the main characters are speaking to each other. Something I never knew I needed until I saw that. It changes the entire dynamic and also allows other characters listening to the conversation in the background to show facial expressions.
Meanwhile in 2D animations you usually see camera angles away from faces or onto something to limit the amount of animation that needs to be done. At best you see 1 mouth move while everything is stationary.
I just don't think 3D is used to its fullest extent and benefit yet but they honestly should do so.
>I also think it's unfair how disliked 3D anime is since it's usually a far superior animation technique.
Bro, have you seen how most 3D stuff in anime looks? It's fucking shit, it's sometimes used well but 9 times out of 10 it looks like shit.
It is not trash. You are memeing. Outside of hardocre anime circles, practically nobody has ever seen a SoL anime.
>More fluid animation.
This doesn't make animation better. There are tons of metrics for animation quality, and framerate is one of the least important.
Moving background characters can't be done all the time in 2D but you still see it often, and 3D characters can also be used. Seishun Buta had big moving crowds using a combination of 2D and 3D.
>Outside of hardocre anime circles, practically nobody has ever seen a SoL anime.
Everyone I know exclusively watches SoL anime. These are mostly females but still.
>Why would it be superior?
Not him but I've heard staff like it since it's easier to animate mechanical objects in motion.
For example, watch Space Battleship Yamato 2199 which as some of the best 3D animation I've seen in a long time.
One of it's drawbacks though, and why most people don't like it is that it is very jarring when placed next to regular cell or digicell animation.
I also meant to say " and best 3D animation along side 2D" Another good example is Treasure Planet which has some fantastic animation in my opinion.
It's good for mechanical animation, but that's mostly because it's massively faster and not because it looks better than high quality hand-drawn mechanical animation.
Literally all HxH except the middle, which is Ichigo Marshmallow. Also no anime deserves to be called kino unless it's -some- of HxH. Even HxH suffers from stupid anime dialogue, however. I'll never forgive whoever started "in other words" being an anime trope. Fucking bunch of retards.
>Also no anime deserves to be called kino
Seen both (Spirited like 4 times) and still can't call those kino. Spirited is very well-done and I wouldn't put my nose up at anyone that referred to it as kino, though ITCoTW was pretty gay and you should get your taste checked. Spitirted is very reminiscent of older experimental children's films like Labyrinth/Dark Crystal/Neverending Story. All are very close to kino, but I couldn't bring myself to refer to them as such. There's never enough real danger at any point to our main character in any of these, and the forces that compell their failure even holds our main's hand at certain points, which is the only reason beloved children's movies suffer when compared to more mature filmography. Anime doesn't have this, but dangerous.
You say this like you are the person who decides what is and isn't kino.
Pssh, nothin personnel kids...
Greatest narrative based anime comin through... prime kino
You certainly aren't, animefan69xxx.
For me its slam dunk
Star Wars: The Last Jedi has more relevant awards. Are you serious, retard?
>I decide what is and isn't kino because that's how important I am (source: me)
Are you serious, retard?
it seems like noone but me liked berserk movies. 3D parts were junky but everything else was kino, especially the griffith parts near the end. if you've only watched 1997, you are really missing out on it
The only manga/anime that really captivated me was Berserk during the Golden Age arc. It was mature, had good intrigue, and a nice storyline. Everything after that kinda fell apart, with anime tropes setting in like “i’m not even at my final form” or those stupid lolis such as Schierke. Kinda gets boring after a while when you know Guts will just come out on top at the end. The only arc after the Golden Age that was decent is probably the Conviction arc. But that’s not saying much.
Black Panther is one of the most praised movies the last few decades and Avengers: Endgame is on track to have the highest box office earnings. Don't throw accolades at me, mongoloid. You're entirely useless and can't stand that you've got nothing against the truth.
t. retard
>posting on 4channel
Awards are not all made equal.
>Don't throw accolades at me, mongoloid.
Don't throw narcissism at me, mongoloid.
You're right, awards aren't made equal. Star Wars is still more relevant by that measure. Not the old ones, the newest Disney money-grabs. Unless you've got really good reasons (you don't), then you can actually stop posting at any time. You've no arguments. Might as well start telling me how many old Disney films on VHS you banged yourself with today and how that's true kino.
Your only argument is that you are the most important person in the world of cinema and you alone decide what is and isn't kino. This is also known as narcissistic personality disorder.
>There's never enough real danger at any point to our main character in any of these, and the forces that compell their failure even holds our main's hand at certain points, which is the only reason beloved children's movies suffer when compared to more mature filmography. Anime doesn't have this, but dangerous.
Do you read, or is reading out of your realm as well?
Yes, I did read all your posts where you explore the depths of your narcissistic personality disorder.
Because Shinji is not a manly power fantasy.
They want to be Naruto or some shit like that.
>I like to throw words around
Okay, retard? It's a criticism of children's movies. Are you trolling or actually dumb as fuck?
I'm not throwing words around. It is obvious even to the layman that you are severely narcissistic. Why are you even posting anymore? Being a narcissist is not an argument.
So no reason as to why you feel the danger's enough, it just is because your mind's eternally 10? I'm going to assume you're just without your parent or guardian and hyped up on soda, because you've given me nothing otherwise.
You are talking complete fucking gibberish. Your argument is that you are a super important person who decides what isn't and isn't kino, and no critic or award or audience score matters more than your judgment. That's narcissism. You are a narcissist. You are delusional.
That's not the argument at all, you're just an infant and can't explain why childish layers of danger is more than enough for you. From here on out, there's no more (You)s unless you're going to argue the point. Moron.
Gathering dust on some homo’s shelf
That was precisely the argument you made, and you are either lying or becoming even more delusional by claiming otherwise.
>From here on out, there's no more (You)s
And now you have to resort to baselessly accusing me of baiting. Yeah, you lost.
I’ve read the manga. The anime has a way better soundtrack.
What were the best ones released these past 5 years? Haven't watched anything in a while.
Shin Sekai Yori, Yakusoku no wonderland. Made in Abyss. They are all mystery kino that you should go into blindly for a grand adventure that is very adult
Make way for the biggest draw of all anime.
None of your literal who franchises will ever hold a candle to Dragon Ball.
You're either a nigger or a spic
>no Girls' Last Tour
Is it actually good? All I know is the potato meme and that the OP and ED are pretty catchy.
Its very good actually and I liked Texhnolyze, Evangelion, and all the other depressing/dark stuff people love. You will be soul crushed, I promise. The manga is even more bleak if you want to see the rest of the ending. An extremely gloomy series.
Yea Forums had a thread on it the other day, good read if you decide to watch it
Hot take, diebuster was better.
Who is that cute girl?
protected literal spam thread
all fine to good except yu gi oh which is terrible if you don't grow up with it
truth. the manga is way better than any of the shit attempts they’ve made at anime.
and it’s because of how incredible and detailed the art is.
Jesus how embarrassing
thanks for giving me an opportunity to test out my new crop.
top kek
I reeee out loud occasionally. it doesn’t go over well in public.
Manga sure. Anime is mostly just comfy
rate my taste
CGI was shit, character designs are virtually indistinguishable from one another if not for different hairstyles, and the only appeal the show has is for fujoshit
It's perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy plebshit, it's the average Yea Forumseddit poster, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow /pol/ opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and mememisogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate." He'll beg for the mods to stop /pol/ ideals from actually being fulfilled.
And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork
The top 3 are good
Lain is vastly overrated
>that armband
>He'll beg for the mods to stop /pol/ ideals from actually being fulfilled.
Kino analysis desu, but what does that mean kek?
Logh is indeed kino, but
that steaming pile of shit is the opposite of kino and only worthless faggots like it bc "omg literally me"
if you like NHK you should just do everyone a favor and an hero already
im sorry, I cant get over how retarded you are
i guarantee you all your "friends" laugh at you behind your back
The Yea Forumsedditor will go on about SJWs and the like, but as soon as the discussion becomes serious and starts taking replies from his Yea Forums thread he cries out for the mods to "delete /pol/ garbage"
all trash
Hi mr borjesson