John Wick 3

What was his fucking problem?

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>carries the film
>gets cucked and doesn't get to shine

He didn't have a problem. He was loving it the entire time. True fanboy.

Mr Wicku

>guns with 30 bullets
>woke gender non-binary adjudicator cancelling straight white men
>obvious moments trying to bait an audience laff
>"John I can't help you they will kill me" "pwease?" "alright alright, just this once" *gets btfo by high table later on, exactly as predicted*
>repeat for everyone he encounters
>Morpheus dies
>sike, he's still alive
>John falls ~30 meters
>sike, he's still alive
>worldwide organised crime syndicate that seems to have at least 10% of the population working for them
>only puts a puny $15million bounty on the big bad legendary John Wick who killed one of their 12 members
>everyone knows John as the best of the best, a man of legends who could 1v100 with his hands, but for some reason Level 1 crooks in sandals just charge at him without fear
>Halle Berry's entire character
>people fighting with clearly dislocated shoulders and broken arms
>random guy chilling in the desert is everyone's boss and he'll let you back in for one (1) kill, but he couldn't just tell you this, you had to go through ridiculous hoops to get to him, only to talk to him for 5 minutes and then leave
this movie was a pretty fun experience, I liked it except for the retards laughing in the cinema

john wick didn't use the secret ingredient

He didn’t yell ‘Allez Cuisine’.

And why the finger? Did I miss something? Was it an offering? Could have just taken the ring off

It’s like the Yakuza cutting their fingers off if they make a mistake.

You know in the Yakuza they cut their middle finger when they disrespect the boss and have to make up with them?
It's that plus sacrificing his love for his wife

pinky finger, rather.

But it was a towelhead? But I get you

Nothing makes sense, in John Wick 2 it’s implied the High Table and the assassins are a European organisation but in this movie turns out they are led by a Bedouin.

This. Keanu doesn't have to go over the top, he knows we're there for action

He was a big fan

No, the High Table was an worldwide organization.
We knew about the Japs, the Chinks.

They just put an analogue for Hassan i Sabbah, the Old Man in the Mountain and the first Assassin's order

Is it implied he’s an excommunicato who’s in hiding? Is that why he idolises Wick?

Its also true John could have got cut in half in the last fight too. Nigga getting slow

You've missed the implication: these Bedouins are the founding order of assassins worldwide. That's why a Yakuza tradition, one they reputedly aped from the ninja of old, was recognized by them as being a legit form of penance. The High Table has had a hand in the development of organized assassins on a global basis, so every organized assassin guild's traditions are known to them. Japanese, European, Indian, SE Asian, etc etc, they all stem from the foundation laid down by Hassan, which is the High Table. The implication is that the High Table is literally millennia old.

Where did you took that idea from?

Aladinn was powertripping. I vaguely remember something about assassins cutting it off in assassin's creed, and I think some warrior cultures considered it a useless finger or something.
My main problem was with the whole
>fight your way to towelhead guy, killing hundreds of men who are just trying to do their jobs
>symbolically sacrifice your love for your wife so you can keep the memory of your love for your wife
>realise she wouldn't want you to do that, so you disobey your orders and team up with winston
>winston already knows he'll have to face the high table at one point with John by his side but he sends him away and waits for him to come back instead of just getting to the point
Why go to all this trouble? If he's going to do that shit then he might as well keep his finger and his ring.
In my opinion the Chad ending would have been saying no to the arab guy and just letting them kill him. He knows what he did and he's a man of his word, Giovanni burned the pic of his wife and he killed him, that's it, he's finished.
They're making a 4, 5 and 6. Even if they pump them out every two years I'm really doubtful that it will still work with 61 year old Keanu.

He idolises Wick because Wick is a famed ninja (this was never implied/shown until this movie). I only realised this when Wick counter-vanished the ninja in the final fight, then I realised he must have a reputation for ninja skills too.

*teleports behind you*

If Tom cruise or anyone of the same calibre isn't in the next one, Keanu is an idiot

His ninja bros were way cooler than he was. Them just popping up out of nowhere or out of the shadows was cool, especially when they didn't need to use camera tricks and they were literally just chilling in the dark or behind someone.

Cutting off your own finger out of your own volition and then giving the ring away shows conviction that you are being truthful about willing to serve and be of service. Like, you're willing to bleed for the organization. You could just be lying if it's giving away the ring, because in the end that's just material possession, but committing self-harm without reservation shows your devotion and loyalty beyond a doubt.

No, he just idolizes Wick because Wick is the Baba Yaga, the legendary assassin who killed 3 men with a pencil and yadda yadda.
Zero just wants to be seen as an equal to him and have the honor of killing him, or be killed by him.

They cut their pinky, but it isn't to make up with the boss. Having no pinky made it much harder to handle a sword back then, so the gesture of cutting it off basically makes them useless of fighting on their own and they have to rely on the boss/clan forever.

these fucking faggots never played assassins creed

>more witty one liners
>references to their previous movies
>more epic audience laff moments
Please no. The lack of these is why I liked the first one so much, liked the second and kinda like this one still. As much as I don't like pretentious sayings like this, it really seems like the quality of movies within a franchise is inversely proportional to the box office.

Quips are comfy if done right. And I agree 1 is actually pretty sad with his wife flashbacks and towards the end and shit. But Keanu wants to make a shitload so he should make them good. You don't like audiences laughing?

It has evolved into a practice of making up past transgressions or mistakes to the boss in modern times. And it's just not the pinky, you can end up with barely any fingers left in your hands if you're total fuck up but somehow can avoid getting killed. Dunno what the practice is anymore, but iirc. after WW2 it used to be quite common Yakuza had like three or four fingers in a hand because Yakuza traditions were far more archaic until very recently.

Cutting off your finger stems from the old myth of the original assassins from Masyaf cutting off their own fingers as a recruitment tradition.

>Quips are comfy if done right.
Maybe in certain movies but they don't need to be in everything.
>Keanu wants to make a shitload
I actually don't think he does, I think it's a passion project.
>You don't like audiences laughing?
No, who the fuck does?


Yes, they always cut the pinky first but they moved on with the other fingers that would worsen your handling of a sword more and more. The point was always to humiliate you by making you weaker. You can still handle a sword without a pinky (even if it's harder to control), but if they cut 1 or 2 more fingers you'd pretty much be completely useless with it.

>dont laugh at funny things

If the joke is actually funny, sure, I'm not a nazi. When pic related sat next to John, that was uniroically hilarious. Action and comedy is always great

I thought he was sitting next to John as an aggressive gesture at first, and was surprised to see he was actually just a huge fan.

>Let everyone in the cinema know you're having a good time because otherwise you don't get the validation needed to actually have a good time
>I'm not a nazi
What? I thought it was cute and a nice touch showing the duality of the situation and how much self control these assassins have. But it definitely wasn't funny enough to make someone spontaneously laugh. When you see a joke or something funny that's not funny enough to actually get you to burst into laughter and you just do a little giggle, that's a social thing. And I really don't get why you have to keep that up in a place where 50 other people are trying to get immersed in a film and don't give a fuck about you.
>then don't go to the cinema
I haven't been in a long time because I understand that it's part of it and that films actively try to bait it out, but I thought this would be different because the first two were very serious. This one wasn't too bad either but people somehow still found a way to laugh at things like john fucking with the revolver, him throwing knives, pinning that guy against the wall with the shotgun before shooting him etc. This is just something that mildly annoys me about normalfags because they wouldn't do this if they were sitting alone in their living rooms.
They wouldn't do a manual laugh unless they weren't really immersed and were still preoccupied with trying to be perceived a certain way.
I'd understand if it was a superhero movie that's deliberately trying to be an action-comedy but John Wick is trying to be serious.

>laugh at funny thing
>its because you need validation of enjoying yourself
how dead inside ARE you user?

They still would do it in their own homes

>there is no difference between laughing at something that catches you off guard and legit makes you unable to contain your laughter and doing a manual forced laugh at a shitty one liner
Like I said, they wouldn't laugh out loud at John fumbling with the revolver if they were at home.

>John throws knife at guy
>guy still wobbling
>John throws second knife
>guy falls
You would laugh at this inside your own living room with nobody around? What the fuck? Did you also laugh when the picture of his wife was burning up? "lool silly John, a picture can't withstand fire, you're such a goofball"

Why would I laugh at that? That's sick, you're a sick user

He just wanted to make sushi and bask in John's glory.

Then why would normalfags laugh at it at the cinema? Why would they laugh at it at home?

Holy shit I knew I recognized this dude from somewhere

Are you a literal autist?
You're comparing two different moments with two different implications. Him losing more of his wife is awful. Him throwing an axe at a dudes head is sorta funny in a black comedy fashion.

He just wanted to please his senpai John Wicku

So does anything stupid like the ending of the second movie happen in this one?

Because you're surrounded by retards, I get what you mean, there was nothing nor was it meant to be funny about the revolver. you should understand there was 1 or 2 good jokes in the film though

how is Jonathan running away from the park stupid

Not understanding the point of hyperboles as examples is a sign of autism, user. Even you say it was "sorta" funny. You laugh at sorta funny things in a social setting to keep an elevated and friendly mood, to signal to everyone else that you got the joke and appreciate the intent behind it. Don't tell me you can't tell the difference between rolling on the floor "my sides" tier laughter and "haha, nice one user".
Yeah sure, the "I get it" was funny after Halle Berry justified her chimpout with the guy killing her dog. I wouldn't have laughed because it's really not super funny and it's still pretty grim because it also refers to the way this whole horrible situation started, but fine. Nothing suspenseful or important is happening, they're catching their breath and there's a little joke, that's fine.
It's just that people laughing at completely retarded times breaks the immersion and it boggles my mind that it's such a universal thing that everyone does at the cinema.

>He shot my dog
>Yeah, I get it.

Better comedy than all the capeshit desu

The idea that there are that many assassins in New York alone is very stupid.


In general, this movie was fun as fuck. Felt like it dragged on just a tad, but i was entertained the whole fucking time. I really wanted the adjudicator to get rekt by Wick though

His interactions with Mr Wicku are unironically cute

>John cuts the fuck out of asian dude
>"He one of yours?"
>Vanishes into the crowd
>"Nice trick."

so glad my crowd enjoyed this moment as much as i did. i love weeb shit

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Holy shit he was the iron chef guy? LOLL

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Crying Freeman was great.

you forgot "...he was..." before john vanished

30 minutes into the movie and i was having more fun than avengers

Honestly I didn't like this one very much, 5/10. It starts off strong with the book and the knives but then it gets boring since it spends the next 50-60 minutes on exposition and the only heavy action sequence in that segment is towelheads running out in the open for Halle to shoot at them. The dog gimmick got old really fast too, especially since we didn't get A SINGLE SCENE of a dog chomping on a dude's jugular, come the fuck on.
It's only after Wick's back at the Continental with the armored troops that it gets fun again, but at that point I was already considerably bummed out. I won't deny that it was great seeing some shotgun action and Wick suplexing the Raid dudes into the ground, though.
Also I wanted to throat-fuck the Judicator real bad

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I think you're the one who is confused here. It was sorta funny and I wasn't saying it was hilarious, but it warranted a "ha" or the "exhale indicative of a laugh". I would of done the same shit if I watched it at home for the first time.
You asked why people would laugh at the picture burning and the answer is nobody laughed.

Dacascos was fucking great

ya i thought i typed it in but i got so excited thinking about the scene i just wanted to post it rly fast

What I'm saying is, if you consider that worthy of a laugh I'm wondering where exactly you draw the line because it surely wasn't funny enough to laugh at outside of a social setting. You do the exhale thing with intent, it's not a reflex and it serves a social purpose.
In any case this is nitpicky and pointless, my main point is that normalfags watch everything with the same mindset as a superhero movie or a teen horror flick with le epic relatable moments, and it irks me.

She's non binary, and can't go two minutes without mentioning it.

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But you're wrong. It was a geniune laugh/exhale thing. It served 0 purpose. It's not like I intentionally do it. Do you never laugh at movies? If so, that's fine it's just you.
Normies just enjoy pretty pictures and stuff that makes them feel smart and that they can form all these psuedo-deep theories about.

I just came back from watching. Overall, pretty great much better than average action movie, but I had kind of hoped it would be a trilogy and this was the capstone.
Has the director talked about any plans for John Wick 4? The cliffhanger is kinda big and I wouldn't really want any other director to take care of it.

I would throat-fuck they nonetheless.

CHAD Stahelski pretty much confirmed that part 4 is already being worked on, I read a headline about 5 and 6 too but could be clickbait
I laugh if it's a funny movie although I haven't really watched any of those for the last 10 years. I thought scooby doo cartoons and dr Dolittle were the funniest shit as a kid and I liked the first home alone too, but I don't want to watch them again because I'm scared I wouldn't like them as an adult.

Fucking same, they would be a phenomenal hate fuck. But peak remains those alt bitches who run the contract office, that's all I want in this world.

Overall I'd say it's my least favorite. The middle meanders to much and the jokes pretty much never landed for me aside from with the Asian dude. Put the first and last third are both kino as fuck, so I still liked it a whole fucking lot.

Has anyone done the 4DX experience? I'm about to do it in a few hours: apparently the Continental smells like tea and mist gets in your face every time there's a blood spatter.

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do you get a taste of Halle Berry's spit

So how the fuck did Slavic Theon manage to surprise and beat up and knock out Wick when ninjas can't do it?


I also went in expecting a trilogy, and would have been 200% content with it being one, but I'm hyped as fuck for it continuing.

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Sad Laurence with his pigeon is mood

an example of why this pronoun shit is stupid. I made it into the second paragraph and jumped to the beginning since I thought maybe an additional person was mentioned. Nope, just some person who wants their own special pronoun.

The plot was really meandering and the action has gotten way over the top. John doesn’t feel like a highly trained, best in the business assassin anymore he feels like a superhero.

I think they were trying to be funny with the John Wick superfan bit.

those two seaniggers john wick spared were more based than this literal who

you could argue that even in the second movie. I don't think it has gone that far quite yet since John does get knocked around a bunch, but I can see your point.

I'm like hey it's the guy from the raid.

At first I thought maybe Asia, Kate and Dillon were three people and the writer just forgot to use commas or whatever. It really is stupid.

>mfw Trinity in the next movie.

What part about 7 slices equals death? Dumbass.

You forgot to mention the 30-something nut shots in the movie

Your opinion reeks of Reddit

I feel that way about the second movie too, but the plot there is a wee bit more focused. There’s an obvious progression from being forced to do that job and dealing with the consequences after. I felt that Parabellum spent an awful lot of time on shit that didn’t matter, only for the status quo to not change all that much. Like, he meets Alistair, cuts off his finger, and then changes his mind ten minutes later.

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Despite all this its the best action movie in years at least since fury road

Not to mention you get punched in the back every seven seconds when a gun fires. It's like a goddamn Shiatsu massage. Have fun, user.

Pic related.

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