Dany was literally a powermad SJW

>Convinced that she is in the absolute moral right at all times
>Thinks only she knows what is good or bad for people
>Thinks nobody but her should get to decide what "good" is
>Doesn't apply the same rules for herself she does everyone else. thinks she is above it.
>Will violently destroy anyone in her way, because she is convinced that standing against her is the ultimate act of evil, thus killing them must be good.
>Seeks to fight oppression by becoming the biggest of all oppressors

Dany's descent into "Madness" was literally just her completing her transformation into the most virulent form of SJW extremist.

Attached: arya-kill-dany.jpg (1200x675, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:



I can't decide whether she's a symbol for Israel or Hitler...

Agreed. She even imported savage brown people incompatible with civilized culture.

>fucks everything up by allowing a bunch of savage brown/black people in

They subverted expectations by having Dany (the SJW) become the main villain, who is defeated by Jon (MGTOW), and replaced by Bran (Incel).

Dany = both America and Hitler. She's an imperialist. Like America starting wars or Hitler invading countries, she judges other cultures and tries to impose her will on them. She's basically Hitler and the Axis but also neocons like W. Bush.

Wasnt she just an angry incel?

Attached: Rainbow 2.png (496x1701, 926K)

Jew here, both. Fucking both.

Since when has Dany ever been celibate?

She got her pussy wrecked by Aquaman, then later by that one mercenary dude, then Jon.

And even then, those are just the dudes she ALLOWED to fuck her. if she was taking all comers she would be swarmed with cock 24/7.

Incel is INVOLUNTARILY celibate.

She basically became modern day America.

You are describing Neoconservative ideology.

Attached: regime change.png (1024x768, 1.54M)

commie version

Attached: Game Of Salt.png (497x1704, 761K)

no more boomerposting please

Conservatives, by their very nature, aren't really he "let's forge a whole new world!" type. that's why they're called conservative. they're more about preserving the present or reviving what they see as a better past.

Far left is where you find more ideas about revolution and wiping the slate clean and new systems and change.

>She basically became modern day America.
Right. And not just modern day.

Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, etc. all have "evil dictators" oppressing their people so America has to bomb the everliving fuck out of them, their citizens deserve it for not overthrowing the evil tyrants in charge. It's the same rhetoric America uses, too.

stay mad shitfag

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fucking lmao. republicans have always been warhawks keeping imperialism alive in the guise of spreading "freedom and democracy"

OP is right which is why white roasties started forming at the mouth when she turned mass murderer. Their avatar revealed their true selves and they didn't like what the saw in the mirror!!!FACT!!!

That's why the "Neo-Conservatives" weren't actually Conservative at all.
Liberal Internationalists, all of them. Liberalism is the modern day imperialism (both economic and social liberalism).

>they wuz evil
>brainwashed american

For America it was never really about "conservative vs. liberal," that's such a ridiculous smokescreen it's a joke. It's all about America's interests.

"Liberating" other countries by bombing them and then bringing them democracy, capitialism, is just the lie that America tells. Same with Dany. Both want power and shit for themselves. It's not about right vs left. America/Dany lies to themselves about the reasons for bombing everybody.

It's soft or hard imperialism and that is all.

>my political beliefs are based off of tv
Average conservative idiot. Thanks for killing the country and making us a literal shithole :)


>Conservatives, by their very nature, aren't really he "let's forge a whole new world!" type

We are talking about Neocons, not traditional conservatives. Neocons are all about reforging the world by using force.

>American republicans
>actually Conservative
pick one.
the USA was founded on (Classical) Liberalism. US politics is just Classical Liberals vs Progressive Liberals.

Actual Philosophical Conservatism begins largely with Burke's criticisms of Liberalism. There are very few actual Conservatives in the US. Capital "C" Conservatism is largely a European phenomenon.

No, faggot. She's a classic left wing SJW and a communist. The episode is a commentary on the degeneration of the regressive left. The left are the new "Nazis".

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Have they always called her Dany on the show? It sounded weird today.

yeah but, she'd be a good fuck

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Yep the dothraki waving their swords around looked exactly like communist sickles and the unsullied pounding the ground represent the hammers

>Dany's descent into "Madness" was literally just her completing her transformation into the most virulent form of SJW extremist.

From season 7 onwards I figured the ending of GoT would be Dany realizing she was evil after a big speech from Tyrion/Jon/whoever and renouncing her claim to the throne or promising to do things better as queen, the show took the darker angle and had her double down on everything she had been doing wrong.

All the irl SJWs claiming she turned evil out of nowhere when the show had been obviously telegraphing it to the audience. No wonder completely mindless junk like the MCU and Star Wars is so popular.

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GRRM is literally a anti-war progressive and feminist. He even complained about the the GG crowd fucking up some book awards.

>The books have subtly hinted at her being batshit insane from the start
>The hack writers of the show run out of source material and refuse two more seasons to wrap it up
>have to do a heel turn for a major character in two episodes
>Notmie viewers:?????????????

>"Liberating" other countries by bombing them and then bringing them democracy, capitialism, is just the lie that America tells.
They (the warhawks in Washington) actually believe their own bullshit though. The Liberal Internationalists who conceived of Bush's middle-east strategy were arrogant enough to believe they could turn Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran into Liberal Democracies. See Charles Krauthammer for example.

Dany also believed she was the good guy. Those who seek power tend to justify it to themselves, as well as to others.

He would have come up with the ending a few years before being an insane communist became the mainstream of the Left.

updated version just for you young whippersnappers

Attached: Commies BTFO.png (496x2267, 1.13M)

Well, just like commies, Dothraki never worked in their lives and just steal shit from peasants.

Yeah seems to be it.
I'm sure the SJW will be butthurt over this rather than have any moment of clarity or critical reflection.

>kills thousands of innocents and replace them with niggers and shitskins
Gee I wonder why she is so popular among SJWs

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>The Liberal Internationalists who conceived of Bush's middle-east strategy were arrogant enough to believe they could turn Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran into Liberal Democracies. See Charles Krauthammer for example.

Bill Kristol and the rest of them are all on Twitter posting SJW nonsense because they are and always have been communists.

>>Seeks to fight oppression by becoming the biggest of all oppressors
Good point, never thought about this as it applies to our society. These people really want an monopoly on oppression.

He probably constructed most of the plot during the 90s and 00s as a criticism of the America's "humanitarian" foreign policy (Panama, Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Haiti, Afghanistan, Iraq) of the time, and probably wanted to criticize over-idealized fantasy heroines.

People being so concerned about tropes in fantasy and writing women in a sensible manner didn't became an issue until very recently. But his anti-war positions have been always there, I think he was against the Vietnam war when he was younger.

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>>Doesn't apply the same rules for herself she does everyone else. thinks she is above it

That's literally the end justifies the means and it's invented by males.

Doesn't mean he's for SJW hegemonic tyranny.
A lot of people on the Center-Left also fear the Far-Left as much as the people on the Right.

Sort of. They're mostly "ex" communists who came to understand that Liberal Internationalism could achieve more or less what they wanted anyway.

Most leaders in the Anglosphere are conservatives. And they are the ones selling weapons to Saudi Arabia while trying to provoke a war with Iran.

So, like most human inventions, then?

>Liberal Internationalism

The term they would use is American exceptionalism.


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Lol what?

Where are all these conservative leaders?

Europe is left as all fuck, as is Canada, and Trump only got in after 8 straight years of Obama

What does having constant runny shits in the middle of a swamp represent?


you are not different from all the feminist complaining about the ending. You are part of the problem.

The writers just accurately displayed what would happen if some stupid white whore was put in a position of leadership. It's hilarious that the story went in this direction, and props to the writers for being truthful. I'm sure George RR Martin intended for the story to go in this direction anyway, and they were simply staying true to the plot.

In any case, let's review Danny's plotline:

>Born as privileged white girl
>Goes around fucking tons of brown cock
>Put in a position of influence by fucking brown cock
>Betrays her brother. Let's the nigger she was fucking pour a pot of boiling metal on him, burning him to death.
>Gets gifted with dragons, because she's a privileged white slut from a lineage of warriors who happen to be dragonriders.
>Uses dragons to go around the entirety of the Eastern continent destroying all stability and social order. Overthrows ancient families and dynastys. Literally releases slaves and all kinds of POC on formerly orderly societies to rape and destroy. Basically establishes "social justice" and pseudo-communism.
>Travels to Westeros, the land she claims a "right" to, and begins doing the same thing.
>Brings armies of brown foreigners to rape and pillage.
>Genocides noble houses in excessive and brutal ways.
>Starts having sex with Jon Snow, because she quickly identifies him as the alpha male of the north.
>Manipulates him into accepting her as queen, offers his unconditional loyalty.
>Takes all her acquired armies south to capital city.
>Unleashes her non-white hordes on most ancient and beautiful city in Westeros. Proceeds to burn and genocide entire city and its millions of inhabitants with her dragon because she was PMSing and was mad at her political opponent, Queen Cersei.

This may be the most accurate depiction of white women in power ever displayed on television. Feminists are absolutely furious. I am so happy that the writers took this direction and the show ended up this way!!!FACT!!!

sure she could get betas but chad rejected her, its as close as females can get to being an incel

Top lel.

The end of the show should have been about Jon Snow seeing how Dany went mad with power, so he puts her down, becomes King and begins anew!!!FACT!!!

>Where are all these conservative leaders?

Donald Trump, Theresa May, Scott Morrison.

Most of the establishment in the Western world are pro-war neoliberals and conservatives. And neoliberalism is also a right-wing ideology.

>GG crowd fucking up
Oh yeah, you mean progressives creating 'no awards' category out of spite because there was a chance that their faggot cripple dinosaur books might not win Hugo award that year and the head of the awards just flat out stated that people without proper political leanings will not win it, and Martin, being a scumbag that he is fully backed him.

I am so glad that thanks to Trump the old fuck will never finish the series.

Yeah but the writers did change of mood only in the last 2 episodes because they spent 8 season making her a SJW icon to cater to that audience, then they've been caught up by what GRRM actually intended

I once interacted with Vox Day which convinced me the guy is just borderline brain-dead.

No that haven't. That started in the late 60s and 70s with the Neoconservatives.
The old conservatives (paleocons) were isolationists; they were the ones that fought to stay out of WWI and WWII; remember that democrats got the US into the major wars in the 20th century prior to the Neocon warhawks taking over the Republican Party in the 80s.
>WWI: Wilson
>WWII: Roosevelt
>Atomic Bombing of Japan: Truman
>Korean War: Truman
>Vietnam War: JFK & LBJ

No one reads up on history anymore. They think that the current status quo is always how it's been. The Neoconservatives aren't conservative; the were formed by Far-Left Trotskyist New York Jewish Intellectuals, like Irving Kristol (Bill Kristol's father), go look it up.

Oh yes, he is, my friend. Out of all the progressive hacks, he had by far the biggest post-election meltdown of them all, bigger than King and Rowling combined.

>Most leaders in the Anglosphere are conservatives.
Just because they call themselves that doesn't mean they are. They're all Neo-Liberals. Actual Conservatism is virtually dead in the Aglosphere.

People like Pat Buchanan and Peter Hitchens are relics of Conservatism.

That doesn't work. Nobody in his right mind believes that neocons are SJW who want to spread democracy, everyone knows it's an imperialist crusade to steal natural resources and protect Israel. Dany believes she's doing right, at least before season 8. She doesn't even compare to HRC who is a neocon passing for a democrat.

In my country the commies literally called that time period the 'Normalization'.

It's why Reddit was all 'YAAAASSSSS KWEEENNN SLAYYYYYYY girl power so liberating' the whole time. Why did they do it though? Was the SJW pro-tranny bullshit getting to be too fervent even for a couple subversive Goldman Sachs billionaire fellow white people? No, of course not. Don't be silly, goy. The goal was to further demoralize women and libtards. It's a Handmaid's Tale type ending.

You've just seen a master stroke of cultural Marxism. Look what can happen to ACTUAL QUEENS when MEN have too much power! And so on. You'll get it, we'll see articles to this effect come out tomorrow, I can practically sense the frustration being sharted out right about now, Macbook keys jamming in defiance and causing a whole new meltdown...

>The term they would use is American exceptionalism
Yes, but part of that is their belief that the world should be remade in the USA's image (i.e economic and social Liberalism). See Francis Fukuyama's "End of History" - pretty much a bible for the Neo-Cons.

Is he a Progressive or a Neoliberal?
Both were melting down hard that night.

Attached: liberal tears.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Hillary was Bush's first Senate supporter for Iraq II, and helped bridge partisan divides on the issue except for that one Wellstone fella, not sure what happened to him though...

Nixon even got out of the Vietnam War out of his own volition. Carter was the only one who didn't started a war, people even got angry he didn't bombed Iran over the embassy thing. And Reagan's major wars were covert stuff like funding death squads in Central America, and Islamists in Afghanistan.

It was only until George Bush Sr. came into the picture that they started making major wars and invasion like Panama and Iraq, and that's because the guy was very close to the Neocons. Then Clinton started waging more and more direct wars.

That sounds familiar...

Attached: yuri bezmenov subversion.jpg (640x450, 59K)

>Incel is INVOLUNTARILY celibate.
By that same logic it is impossible to be an incel unless your dick doesn't work because women have been selling sex for a pittance for all of recorded human history.

they should show that video to every sixth grade class in social studies but the teachers would melt down

Well people are gonna be confused if you call Trump a neoliberal. Most neoliberals call themselves conservatives or centrists.

>Europe is left as all fuck
Absolutely retarded.

>Donald Trump, Theresa May, Scott Morrison
You might laugh, but none of them are actually really all that Conservative in the classical sense (least of all Morrison - there's a reason it's called the Liberal party).

Neo-Liberalism pretty much replaced Conservatism in the West with Thatcher and Reagan, and that's how it's remained ever since.

Trump is probably the closest out of all of them to having genuine Conservative leanings (anti-Globalization, Nationalism, etc) but his actions haven't always backed up his rhetoric.

Martin is a full on progressive, but he isn't so fucking deluded that he isn't able to write the circumstances of Middle Ages feudal society. Someone even called him out on that and Martin responded that it is just anfantasy and real world has to be different.

The Reagan adminstration is when the Neocons took over the Republican Establishment and kicked out all the paleocon old guard like Pat Buchannan. Remember that Reagan had to take on Bush Sr. as his VP after he lost the GOP primary to Reagan. Then Bush Sr. staffed his whole cabinet with neocons like Rumsfeld and Cheney who continued on in during both Bush Sr. presidency and Bush Jr.

It makes perfect sense and is WHY the SJW are frothing at the mouth. They finally have been forced to look in the mirror and considering how most of them look they avoid that as much as they can.

Everything Yuri said was spot on and came true. It explains the whole sudden emergence of the Far-Left and the complete brainwashing of the SJW types.

I recommend for any anons to watch full vid as well, some mind blowing shit:

Attached: yuri on demoralization.png (1036x627, 279K)

Conservatism covers a large range of ideologies, which usually includes neoliberals who believe in a hierarchy defined by corporate power. That strong belief in "natural hierarchies" is what defines conservatism.


Yep, which is why I liked the last episode.

So was the ending written by Martin or by D&D?
I don't see how someone can walk away from this as some sort of moral narrative win for the SJW progressive types; it kinda shits all over their ideology in favor of pragmatism.

She's a communist liberating people the American way. The only thing Hitler about her is the aesthetic of the speech earlier.

Hitler and Israel are fundamentally nationalist while Daenerys has no nation whatsoever seeing how she was the only ethnic Valyrian left(in the show at least). Like a communist/SJW she just wants the complete and total submission of everybody which she calls freedom while she deems everyone who opposes her an evil oppressor.

She is a almost stereotypical far-left utopianist and I am quite suprised D&D show her as that so blatantly.

the fuck are you talking about
Dany was literal HITLER
/pol/ should praise her
>kills everybody
look at this fuckign screenshot
shes a literal hitler with a nazie flag standing in front of her nazi soldiers in a city she burned down

Attached: Game.of.Thrones.S08E06.The.Iron.Throne.1080p.WEB-DL.Rus.Eng.EniaHD.mkv_snapshot_00.16.59.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

>She is a almost
Jon literally calls her out on this right before he kills her. To paraphrase, he says something along the lines of "how many people have to die to achieve your paradise?".

>Nobody in his right mind believes that neocons are SJW who want to spread democracy
being an SJW and wanting to spread democracy are not one and the same.

The idealists behind the scenes in the Bush admin believed in Democratic Peace Theory (the belief that Democratic nations will never go to war with one another) and reasoned that if they could turn the middle-east Democratic, it would be better for:
>the USA and Israel's interests (which they see as virtually one and the same)
>global Free Trade/Economic Liberalism

It's basically another kind of Domino Theory: one by one the nations of the middle-east that were the most threat to Israel would be turned pro-USA/Israel, pro-Free Trade / Economic Liberalism.

There's no contradiction between "they just wanted to increase US power" and "they just wanted to spread Democracy". They saw them as one and the same.

Definitely. Even down to her team of tranny males cruelly murdering the surrendered.

except it's kinda muddled.
she's got an army of outsiders (aka shitskins) and she's promoting never ending revolution. Everyone from the old system is now a kulak and subject to death by immolation.

Then when it holds the mirror up against them and asks them to consider their actions they cry, scream and demand it be made re-written.

>slaughtering the surrendered soldiers
I wonder if Dany fans saw this and said "yup that's fair"

You saying that:
Dany = fascist = SJW

Attached: dragon thonk.jpg (1719x1719, 433K)

That scene is really the only thing that's Hitler about her.

If anything, she's a symbol for Stalin.

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>muh ancestry
>reclaim what is rightfully ours
>wages absolute war
>I have the right as the stronkest

Dany is a metaphor for western feminism. A strong womyn who thinks she has the right to rule because she "deserves" it. Her army of men is made up of obedient eunuchs and barbarians with goddamn crescent moon-shaped weapons. She says she wants to "break the wheel" and free the oppressed (having her say "dismantle the patriarchy" would probably be a bit too blatant) and completely fucks shit up.

Constantly being advised and rescued by men, and when those men are mostly gone, the one decent guy left rejects her, tipping her over the edge of madness.

Name one good strategical decision Dany made while in Westeros.

Based GoT redeemed itself.

It's mostly only Americans who get confused because in the American context, the terms "Liberal" and "Conservative" have taken on different meanings.

>That strong belief in "natural hierarchies" is what defines conservatism
He (the yank in that video) is oversimplifying it quite a bit, and missing a few things. Institutions like the family and church (and even the Nation itself) can be eroded by markets ("Capitalism") and true Conservatives place the conservation of those institutions as more important than any economic theory. Neo-Liberals by contrast place their faith in markets, Corporate power, etc... They should probably be called Capitalism Fetishists.

>trusting a literal KGB agent word-to-word
>"it's the left that cannot be reasoned with and are out to undermine West!"
>meanwhile far-right parties around Europe are constantly caught intermingling with the Russians
You dumb fuckers are the current year useful idiots.

Attached: WANNA KNOW HOW I GOT THESE SCARS.jpg (500x296, 26K)

At least Tryion had some good lines. Like when he kept drawing the analogy that wherever she went, she kept finding evil people that had to die; even the innocent women and children of King's Landing were "evil" to her.

>fundamentally nationalist

It's literally the most internationalist country of the planet, full of immigrant Jews, many of them with dual nationalities and business ties from all over the world.

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Females can't be incel, silly

Looks like she's a symbol for nootnoot in this picture.

SJWs are just neocons and neoliberals who haven't realized they aren't actually progressive.

>"israel is totally open borders and cooperative nation, guyse"
>the state of amerimutt education

>crescent moon-shaped weapons

Anyone trying to read so much into the shape of the weapons is clearly reaching, first people say it's communism, then it's Islam, next you are gonna say it's a reference to Sailor Moon and thus a symbol of feminazism.

poisoning the well doesn't work m8.
what he said was rather logical and truthful.

or should we take the word of some marxist professor that tells us communism will be gum drops and lollypops after we kill whitey and all the "oppressors" are gone?

>Institutions like the family and church (and even the Nation itself) can be eroded by markets ("Capitalism") and true Conservatives place the conservation of those institutions as more important than any economic theory.

So Nazbols are the only true conservatives.

Basically all major conservative movements in the modern age are pro-market and pro-corporations.

They probably cheered it at the tranny/fag bar that posts reaction videos.

The guy was literally working with the CIA though.

just say shut it down next time shomrim


The kike writers wanted her to be an obvious hitler.

Attached: subtle.jpg (609x1445, 566K)

it's a stretch, but writers intent doesn't matter.
people will make shapes of shadows if they're meaningful.

it's like if you had a real evil scheming character played by an actor with a big long hooked nose. the director might have casted him because he was a great actor. everyone else thinks ((( ))) because it enhances their inherent narrative.

> I don't believe it had much effect on my career. I think the effect of Hugos is greatly exaggerated. And I've heard four or five different writers express puzzlement over winning Hugos with stories that were pretty ordinary and being passed over on stories which they really believed were earth-shaking.
-R.A. Lafferty, 1991

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I should add that I suspect Trump doesn't really have a guiding Ideology. He strikes me as a guy who likes being in power, but will pragmatically do whatever he thinks (or is advised) will keep him in power for 2 terms.

I don't get the impression he's an Ideologue.

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Israel has 100% open borders to anyone who is Jewish, basically their entire population is made of Jewish immigrants, and their elites are ultra-wealthy Jews connected to oligarchs all across America and Europe. During the late 90s, Russia was ruled by seven oligarchs, six of which were Jewish and had family ties in Israel.


I don't know what sort of shit heap amerimuttian education is nowadays, but I've never heard of a significantly pro-communist lecturers in my country. Meanwhile the smaller nationalist parties certainly have been trying to force a very disgusting american narrative around here, while saying that Russians are awesome and based.

Drink some more kool-aid, fucking plant.

Attached: amerimutt face roll.jpg (880x968, 147K)

yeah he probably was.
the CIA's job is to handle defecting assets.
that's kinda their job to ensure they aren't double agents.

But the people who used to vote for the Democrats or Southern Democrats, now vote for the Republicans and vice versa. Also, those neoconservatives, the guys who supported Trotsky, they are disillusioned communists/socialists, or they were intellectuals who believed in marxism until they saw that it lead to the tyrannical regime of the Soviet Communists.

Don't forget, Nixon also ended the draft and established the Evironmental Protection Agency. There was also Eisenhower warning America about the Military Industrial Complex, Theodore Roosevelt sought to regulate the food industry after reading that Jungle book by some guy named Sinclair, and even H.W. Bush raised taxes on the rich.

Hitler was a nationalist, his actions were purely motivated to further and expand his own people. Daenerys has no people. She has a bunch of trannies and brown hordes that she honestly doesn't give to much of a shit about.

She doesn't even care about her ancestry that much seeing how she actively tries to sideline the rightful heir to her family, Jon, and she burned the ancestral seat of her family, King's landing, into ashes. She has a grand vision of liberty and equality for everyone in the world which is kind of the polar opposite of Hitler.

Stalin was a Machiavellian utlitarian. He adopted an ideology and changed it to his whims to simply to keep and expand his power. Nobody thinks Stalin wanted to create a utopia, least of all Stalin.


but they make sansa queen so the sjw won't rebel or some shit ?
Like Westeros broke the wheel, but Sansa keeps rebuilding it because she is powerhungry woman

>they don't get to chose
Hits home.
Kinda sounds like the clown world we currently live in.

>brings an army of dickless niggers
>brings the GoT version of Mongols
>speaks foreign language
>promises to "liberate" the entire west
>hates the white people of Westeros
She is more like a Jew, that wants to destroy western civilization

Eat shit fag. I love my country.

In dreams,youre mine

Attached: wise nigger.jpg (800x598, 73K)

Burke was a liberal Whig i.e. soft-communist. High One Nation Tory or Southern Agarianism are the only true Conservatism.

the only thing hitler about her is the aesthetics. her agenda is radical feminazi

>everyone else thinks ((( ))) because it enhances their inherent narrative.

Well saying that audience reaction is more important than author intent very post-modernist reading. It's also kinda correct though.

Really, all of the shit these days has tossed me some sage wisdom. Find a good woman, get a nice piece of land somewhere cheap and cozy, and have a wholesome and fulfilling life. Have kids, raise them to be good people, and avoid all the bullshit of this failing society.


So you are blindly trusting someone working for the CIA, who is also known for the same shady stuff and using propaganda to start wars. During the Cold War they used the Soviets as their enemy, and when that was over they came up with terrorism, even though they pretty much created Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan with the help of Saudi Arabia.

I read Mark Bauerlein's The Dumbest Generation, the guy who happens to be a hypocrite for supporting Donald Trump when he wrote a book telling people not to trust stupid morons like Donald Trump, and in it, he wrote about the Trotskyists/Neoliberals who had to reevaluate their beliefs about Communism, if there was something in the ideology that led to Stalinism. Socialism/Marxism/Communism has some good points about Capitalism and how rich people redistribute wealth into their own pockets and away from the working class, but look at Venezuela, Socialism has lead to the crisis that is currently happening over there, Socialism worked for a while and brought some prosperity to the poor and impoversihed peoples but then the state collapsed because the rulers destroyed the private sector and the countries ability to produce goods and now they only depend on oil which is controlled by the state.

Nixon was surprisingly competent in both foreign and local matters. It's kinda crazy they see it as the bad one and then people praise Reagan who was the one funding Islamists.

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shes the united states

Dare I say it...

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Attached: Dany hitler speech.webm (500x280, 2.89M)

>He even complained about the the GG crowd fucking up some book awards.

Think this was the Hugo awards, where anyone that shows up can vote. A bunch of people came to vote for different books than what the usual feminists wanted, so they got upset and tried banding their votes around a "no award" category while others had their votes divided amongst the rest.

GRRM also handed out these little coasters/discs shaped like asterisks to the winners that year as a dick move to act like their wins were illegitimate (like putting an asterisk next to a questionable win and mentioning why it was questionable).

All that shit made it really surprising he didn't have Danny become supreme leader in th end, but I guess this transformation of his only happened in recent years.

Targaryens do work better as an allegory for Jewish conspiracies. In history it wasn't uncommon for a small foreign group to arrive to a country and take over it by force.

Venezuela collapsed because their entire economy depends entirely on oil. Not even Soviet Russia had such a narrow economic output.

That's called an ethnostate then you fucking retard. The opposite of internationalist. Even jews hate themselves, look how beta israel are treated there.

Not exactly.
I believe there to be a sliding scale of truth. If you can come out with a complete absurd/random interpretation, than the opposite precise/truthful interpretation must exist as well.
So it's more of a cooperation between the author and the reader(s) to discover what is truthful about the work. Obviously the author isn't perfect and neither are the readers, but a collective effort produces a more universal & meaningful interpretation than its parts.

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I thought Stalin was nacionalist and Trotsky an internationalist

The GG crowd were just Neocons in denial.

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>So Nazbols are the only true conservatives
No, because like the Neo-Liberals they hitch their wagon to an economic model (in this case socialism).

Conservatism sees institutions as more important than any economic model, so when it comes to economics, pragmatism rather than economic dogma should dominate. The measure of any economic model should (for a Conservative) be:
>What effects is it having on the things we wish to conserve?

>Basically all major conservative movements in the modern age are pro-market and pro-corporations
Sure, but there's a difference between saying "markets and corporations can be useful things" - and - "markets and corporations are more important than the institutions we are trying to conserve, and we should stick to this economic model regardless of it's effects on families, the nation, community etc..."

It's only really since 1980 that so-called "Conservatives" started having unconditional love for a certain Liberal economic ideology. (this is probably a by product of the Cold-War, btw)

In the 80s, "Conservatives" stopped being pragmatic about economics, and became dogmatic.


>That's called an ethnostate

Well yeah, it's a state that works to the benefit of one ethnic group. Meanwhile they also have business ties all over the world.

Most of the elite in Israel are Ashkenazi Supremacists, which is ironic given how Ashkenazi are a mix of Middle Eastern Jews and Slavs.

Texts are infinitely complex and so you could derive an infinite number of truths from them.


>Hitler and Israel are fundamentally nationalist
Hitler was a Nationalist, but he was also an Imperialist. One does not have to also be the other.

now that the ashes have settled, what was the point of this scene?

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Yeah I should read up more on Reagan, I think he funded some Muslim extremists who were against the Soviet Union (the communists who would put you and your family and relatives in the Gulags if you complained about how things were run). Eventually those Muslim extremists became our enemies since they harbored Al Qaeda, the guys who flew those airliner jets into the Towers. There was also something about Reagan's administration giving money to Iran or some other country in the Middle East when he didn't know about it, checking with Google, it's called the Iran-Contra affair. Reagan also gave compensation to any survivors of Japanese-Americans and their descendants who were sent to internment camps. But yeah, Reagan totally created terrorism when he shouldn't have. Maybe he's like Paetyr Baelish (did I get the spelling on that name correct?) and wanted to cause more mayhem and chaos across the world.

"Deriving a truth" from a text means you are projecting the latent truth in the text on a different plane (in the picture the guy you are responding to used). But the truth remains the same. You can't change it.

Martin absolutely considers Daenerys a destructive imperialist; it's made it abundantly clear in the books. Her liberation is described as hell on earth by the outside POVs and he goes into detail how destroying a foreign society - no matter how morally abhorrent - without having any knowledge of it and a plan on what to do next can create much more suffering than what you nominally sought to prevent.

*it's made abundantly

Afghanistan would have been under soviet rule than under warlord chaos and endless war. Most of the Asiatic countries that were former Soviet states are relatively stable.

I think Adam Curtis makes the case in HyperNormalization that Reagan was just a naive idealist who believed in the inherent goodness of the USA. Meanwhile the CIA and the Neocons did all the shady shit.

Why did you pick a random picture of an athlete who probably gives 0 fucks about politics for the right wing

The only thing that's immutable in a text are the words, the symbols. Symbols are meaningless without some observer to interpret them.

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The US were selling Russian made Kalashnikovs to the Islamists, who then used them against Soviet forces in Afghanistan, and then eventually against US forces after 2001. Talk about clown world.

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there's an important difference between a nationalist and a nationalsocialist though

Nothing, it seems. I'm guessing they were planning to make something of it, but then cut whatever that was out from the final episode.

>mfw Daenerys was practically her brother but worse all along

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Yeah, whatever, America is evil. I'm outta here.


Some of my hot political takes are thus: I liked that it really underlined an important point for the deluded utopian SJW crowd and others of the authoritarian persuasion on the left; just because they say they care for the oppressed and the marginalized, trying to build a paradise "free from hate" is a fool's errand and is fraught with death and suffering. That way evil and corruption lies. All the SJW expectations of what Dany was supposed to be were subverted, hopefully to some positive real-world effect (although, I doubt it). I also liked Tyrions plea for embracing the grand narrative, which runs counter to everything that the postmodernists say. It was good that they highlighted how ridiculous and naive it would be to try to establish a universal democracy in such a time, instead deciding to opt for a similar model that has existed in many iterations long before the enlightenment in Europe.

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Also, I'd be able to read more, if the electricity and technology around me wasn't so insecure.

>I think he was against the Vietnam war when he was younger.
He was an officially recognized conscientious objector, even. Although his positions of policy tend to be complicated, you can generally expect that he won't view a FIRE AND BLOOD YASSS character very positively.

I didn't say "evil". It was more an observation of how absurd the world can be. An ally yesterday can be an enemy tomorrow, etc...

You forgot ultranationalists, I've heard the work from one of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare games, but don't really know what they are.

Those Asiatic states, do they have their own independence or are they in some way still under the control of Russia?

>Symbols are meaningless without some observer to interpret them.
Of course we are always assuming a context of a human observer. Otherwise talking about meaning at all would nonsensical. It's never useful to talk about "texts", i.e. the physical implementation of stories. Let's talk about stories.

Stories carry a truth that is immutable. There are certainly different ways to interpret it, but that doesn't mean that the meaning is not inherent. Say a story of hubris, such as Daenerys', you may interpret the meaning of that hubris in different ways, but the idea of hubris remains the core of the story and contains fundamental truths about the dynamics of power, of human striving and failure.

It comes down to verisimilitude. If I asked you to find the number closest to 1, you have an infinite numbers to select. Obviously picking 1 would be the most optimal & truthful, but you could easily pick 2 or 123529839291, and while both being answers, the former being closer to the truth than the later. To say that the later is the same as the former substantially would be absurd.
Current philosophical trends would have the equivalent of two people bickering over 123529839291 and 58192829112; arguing over the over the child's book "See Spot Run" through a Marxist Material Dialectic narrative vs. a Interesectional Gender Queer narrative; but the truth is it's simply about a dog running.

People like getting caught up in the sea of infinity rather than look for the island of stability within it. It's avoidance of a reasonable truth for some spiteful nihilistic sake; this way no one can be right if everyone's right. That and we've been increasingly applying a type of pseudo-sanctity to peoples' arbitrary interpretations via increasing liberalization.
I'd get worried when people with clubs start telling you that 2+2=5 because it looks like we're sliding in that direction.

The horse represented innocence. Arya discovers that there's still innocence worth fighting for. It's a very common symbol

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They are under Russian influence, landlocked states are doomed unless they have good ties with their neighbors.

Traditional Marxism is purely materialist.

>tfw no sjw hitler dragon queen gf

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>Afghanistan would have been under soviet rule than under warlord chaos and endless war.
The problem is that this couldn't have happened. Afghanistan was a huge patchwork of very different, harsh, and often remote societies who didn't give a fuck what some Soviet-installed dictator thought. Their hatred for the USSR and its stupid, incredibly brutal war campaign was the only thing they really had in common. Once the USSR destroyed the fragile balance of the country's structure, the endless war was basically assured.

They couldnt have done nothing against the Soviets technology on their own, it was only thanks to American weapons and Saudi money that the Islamist rednecks managed to demoralize the colonizers. The Soviets were very successful in civilizing Central Asia, which had a similar backwards and divided culture.

>muh Russia
Thanks for playing. Go back to watching AJ+, it is current year.

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It's rather ironic isn't it.

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Guys you are so fucking wrong

>The Soviets were very successful in civilizing Central Asia
Nope, they didn't

no u

>caught intermingling with the Russians
don't knock it till you try it

Yes they did.

If you want to see the countries "liberated" by Western liberalism you should just look at Ukraine and Afghanistan.

>says a guy who claims kikes can be redpilled

>Yes they did.
Nope they didn't.
And I think that as someone who was born in one of these shitholes I knew a little more than you
>countries "liberated" by Western liberalism

She's a Jewish insert of a populist leader who rallied against corrupt and oppressive elites and then (for absolutely no reason whatsoever) massacred innocent people.

Oy vey goyim, don't listen to those people telling you to overthrow your elites. They'll genocide you. They might seem good at first, buy we know where this leads. Remember the 6,000,000 who died at King's Landing.

>Won't Get Fooled Again plays in the backgound

she's so pretty here

>but writers intent doesn't matter.
if this were true, meaningful conversation as we know it wouldn't exist. The speed and efficiency that people co-operate with on mass scales with when communicating clearly (written or spoken) is a testament to this. If communication was opaque and open for interpretation nothing would get done and no one would agree on anything.

Retard, they are just following GRRM's notes. They obviously didn't want her to go mad because she represents the philosophy they are pushing with their work. GRRM didn't tell them the ending until after they finished filming Season 4 so they intentionally made her transition retarded and out of the blue to spite him because he forced them to ruin their propaganda.

>he forced them to ruin their propaganda.
Lol fucking no.

The dragon is a symbol for Communism, as well as the sickle.

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Lol fucking yes. You're retarded if you think D&D pushed Dany as a feminist icon and hero for bringing brown immigrants to overthrow the white man and have a female ruler only to completely destroy her and everything she represents. GRRM didn't tell them about her fate until 2014 you can see it in interviews. GRRM knows how the game is played and out-smarted the Jew.

>Jon (MGTOW)

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>who was born in

Sounds like you don't even remember your homeland and migrated early on, probably during the collapse which was when most Soviet Jews moved to Israel.

>it was only thanks to American weapons and Saudi money that the Islamist rednecks managed to demoralize the colonizers.
Absolutely wrong. KSA didn't get involved until several years later and the Arabs were generally viewed as incompetent tourists. American help was negligible and mostly favoured the most reasonable, democratic force in the country - Ahmad Shah Massoud - who was later assassinated by Al Quaeda precisely because he was the biggest hope of civilizing Afghanistan somewhat.
The biggest outside player in the Soviet-Afghanistan war was Pakistan, which was pursuing its own goals.

>If you want to see the countries "liberated" by Western liberalism you should just look at Ukraine
Ukraine's East is being fucked by Russia, you insane fuck. That's what Russia has been doing to all of its neighbors who had ever dared to be anything else than an enslaved Russian colony.

>pick one
>hurr durr /pol/ everything is the commies and jews
obviously the dothraki are the commies with their sickles and seemingly exhaustible numbers

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In fiction dragons usually stand for greed, which is either capitalism or Jews.

This show is absolute proof that leftists are most dangerous.

>American help was negligible

t. Neocon in full damage control mode

Pakistan was also following US orders when they helped the CIA create

>You're retarded if you think D&D pushed Dany as a feminist icon
You know that martyr can be placed on icon as well?
>GRRM knows how the game is played and out-smarted the Jew.
He is the Jew

Genociding innocents isn't martyrdom.

>every country from (iraq, libya, nk, china, vietnam etc) IS EVIL, WE MUST LIBERATE THEM FROM THEIR DICTATORSHIP *does x10 more harm than good*

>not pulling the sword out of dany's heart and stabbing drogo in the eye before taking the iron throne
i always knew this bastard was a pussy boi

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She' mama Merkel

helped the CIA create the Islamic terrorist apparatus.*

Also the Neocons themselves admitted how they destroyed Ukraine. Now the next president of Ukraine is a Jewish guy handpicked by an ultra-rich Jewish oligarch who is currently hiding in Israel to escape prosecution from corruption.


>Sounds like you don't even remember your homeland and migrated early on, probably during the collapse which was when most Soviet Jews moved to Israel.
My family migrated when I was 9 yo, so I remember my first years in school.
Not to mention early age didn't stop me from studiying history of USSR and my homeland-republic later

Foreshadowing is not a character development u retard. They did Daenerys dirty, its probably the biggest character assassination in television and cinema history

>so braindead he stroked out in the middle of the sentence
Brilliant. Do yourself a favour and read The Looming Tower and Ghost Wars to see where the islamist movement came from and how much - or how little - the US was involved in the Soviet-Afghanistan war.

Her downfall and death was martyrdom

>underage virgin who has disillusions of grandeur turning every board into /pol/
>GoT is over, still hasn't lost virginity
js, that's why he's so mad

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You literally admitted to all of it.

>You literally admitted to all of it.
And so..?

Her brother was pure entitlement though.
She was the evolved version: messianism

Nobody "destroyed" Ukraine, you ignorant asshole, though Russia came the closest. As a Ukrainian, I dare say I know the country better than you do.

No it wasn't what she did in Episode 5 had nothing to do with her persona that D&D pushed

>No it wasn't what she did in Episode 5
You sill trying to push two last episodes without connection with the rest of the show.

this. my leftist dad hated it because it was a massive redpill

Aren’t D&D are both Jews?


It's hard to make the case when the USA was literally arming Bin Laden and his allies.

It's bad damage control.

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I destroyed Ukraine

What has she got to do with Hitler aside from the obvious Triumph of the Will aesthetics they were going for?

Just call them fucking kikes already.

Yes, because it wasn't Stalin who pushed for hate speech laws to protect muh minorities and muh womyn after the WW2, and because he didn't love brown cock so hard that he forced Central European nations to send the fruits of their labor to shitholes like Ghana.
Fucking Young Turks tourists.

You still overreacting on episode 5 and 6 instead of looking at the whole show

>As a Ukrainian

Might as well kill yourself already.

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Th richest people in Russia are jews as well, so what is your point?

Episode 5 and 6 is where they had t oshoehorn in GRRM's ending and destroy her character you stupid incel.

Yes, I am sure that fat, white, western rat like you knows better.

For the love of God, read something about the origins of Al Qaeda that isn't an insane conspiracy blog. You have no idea what you're talking about except for one-line memes.

Both of you have sex

You don't know how progressivism was seen in the Soviet Union

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>I can't decide whether she's a symbol for Israel or Hitler...
what's the difference?

>Episode 5 and 6 is where they had t oshoehorn in GRRM's ending and destroy her character
No they just completed DnD Danny's narrative, as SJW martyr

Hail Dany full of grace
the Lord is with thee

blessed are thou among incels
and blessed is the fruit of your egg, DROGON

Hail Dany, mother of Yea Forums,
pray for us doomers now and at the hour of our death


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SJW martyr kills the white elites and masters, not the innocent peasants

>tfw Hillary actually was Dany all along
The big brain twist ending

>when you can't get into college so you discuss sociology and politics on the internet
this is now an o'brien-must-suffer thread

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No, it isn't you Twitter retard, she was standing in front of the gates and threatened city if they don't let her in, which they did and she later pillaged the entire city in the season 2.

This exact thing applies to most of /pol/
This exact thing applies to most people

Unless you realise that 99% of people are egomaniacs who want the world brainwashed into the same beliefs as them you are a drone

That was in the 90s, as soon as Putin arrived he started going after the Jewish oligarchs, some of which were thrown in prison or died in a mysterious manner. The few that remained got cockblocked by the sanctions since their business depend on their connections in the US.

Also this.

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No it's SJW saint (Sansa).
Danny is a martyr who fell from grace because of the white males

At least you show your true face.

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>all generalizations are incorrect, including this one
i forgot how pleb this board was

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People make those connections because there are other parts that support those metaphors. Dany is called a revolutionary several times, she uses oppressor/oppressed terminology.
Setting kings landing on fire was okay because it freed all the next generations from Cerseis rule (ends justify the means revolution). Socialists irl are constantly worrying about Islamophobia even while criticising Christianity for identical tenets, so there is a connection between the two.

Dany is the definition of a champagne socialist. If she really cared about the oppressed, why isn't she freeing ALL of the slave cities? She literally travels past them, ignores them, and goes to westeros to "claim her birthright"? Some liberator.


>That was in the 90s
I can translate names for you.
>Also this.
Shall I remind you Putin words about nationalism? Or about when he said that Russia will be a safe haven for european jews? Or his photos from israel?

you're assuming those rich oligarchs will put some country they visit sometimes over their self interests

YOU fucking tell you me something about commies you latte sipping western cunt, when we had both gender quotas and affirmative action laws, as well as Equity pay laws.
Fucking Young Turks tourists.

literally Ben Gurion

i wish emilia clarke was a better actress because i could seriously relate to this character
>everybody i loved is either dead or has betrayed me and humanity is a wash so burn it all
what a wasted arc

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>I can't decide whether she's a symbol for Israel or Hitler...
You don't really have to decide. The fact that Hitler's ethnofascist regime targeted Jews as their scapegoat to jump-start fascism is not mutually exclusive with the fact that the Israeli ethnofascist regime has followed largely the same model set forth by Hitler's.

>Muh le jews
I just already experienced the socialist swines in power, you fat,white, western cocksucker.

Al Qaeda is pretty much run by Saudi Arabia, when the US captured most of their leaders pointed to Salman as their main backer, who is now the king of Saudi Arabia, who is also the guy in the orb picture with Trump. Neoconservatism is built on lies, but you are bad at it desu.

the problem wasn't the series not showing her evil deeds, it was that it was often framed as a heroic and positive moment
like the whole shit she did in slaver's bay was basically take over a flawed but functioning society, destroy it by "fixing" it, then move on to the next city leaving the previous one in utter chaos and ruin where everyone is worse off than before
but the show didn't really delve into it, they just briefly mention what happened to the previous city state in a side comment or so

couple that with a lot of viewers being absolute morons, not even understanding that something is supposed to be negative when it is clearly framed as negative (like that dragon attack on the lannister gold and food convoy) and you have a lot of people being surprised

read teh books itll be well written there

No, she's just being demonized the same way most people demonize the opposing side of the political spectrum, down to the Hitler shorthand. People love calling their opponents hypocritical maniacs.

Putin doesn't hate Jews, he just persecuted those that were destroying Russia during the time of Yeltsin.

haha. you dumb amerifat.

All she wanted is to conquer the world by burning all the major cities

You know nothing.

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Westeros was her rightful clay tho

>nationalist rabble-rousers have made much of the fact that of the seven oligarchs who controlled 50% of Russia's economy during the 1990s, six were Jewish: Berezovsky, Vladimir Guzinsky, Alexander Smolensky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Mikhail Friedman and Valery Malkin.

Guess it's just a coincidence.

She literally talked about being a "L

>he just persecuted those that were destroying Russia during the time of Yeltsin.
Top fucking kek.
What a nice menthal gymnastics.
A little hint, he didn't saved Russia

>The idealists behind the scenes in the Bush admin believed in Democratic Peace Theory
Imagine believing this BS. Didn't they go to war to get revenge for 9/11 and then bombed countries that had nothing to do with it?

She literally talked about being a "liberator", doesn't that remind you of anything? Liberty, liberal? Plus her armies of brown rapists and men who got their penis cut off. I mean, it's pretty on the nose, this show is secretly pretty redpilled, the true subversion.

What the fuck is this gish-gallop you snibelling little cunt? We were talking about little western piggie telling a middle Easterner that he knows more about his homeland than he does, so what is this? Your programming short circuiting?

Yup, she's an incarnation of Griffith alright. I wonder if Missandi was the Casca.

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all the characters/good actors i even remotely care about have been dead for so long im just glad its over

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>I've never heard of a significantly pro-communist lecturers in my country.
That's because you're worse than an amerimutt. You're a genuine 3rd worlder which is why you'll never reveal your country itt.


Not for your kind anyway.

Do I have to mention the specific Jewish oligarch who paid US politician in order to impose sanctions on Russia because Putin went after him?

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>queen of the norf
i really hope the final season cast gets typecast af and can never work again

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Don't know, have to look at her tax policy

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Ah mr. Jew Marx - man who didn't think 700 shillings per month as allowance was enough for his bourgeoisie ass so he wrote his little fanfiction about working class, while he never paid his maid a single penny.
A blueprint for a perfect leftist.


There is nothing complicated about that quote.

Well some people have higher ambitions than just dying in the name of Israel.

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>tries it again
Literally an NPC.

>Not for your kind anyway
The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Seriously? Why you didn't post the last years?
>Do I have to mention the specific Jewish oligarch who paid US politician in order to impose sanctions on Russia because Putin went after him?
And what is it supposed to proove?
I can also name 3 jewish oligarchs from top-10 richest russian peole.

Nice ad hominems brainlet

Fucking whores is not enjoyable. They are most often ugly or expensive and it feels degrading. You do it because you must and it's available but having a normal girl is way better.

>Family gets purged after trying to destroy society that they have risen to the top of
>A few manage to escape
>Return years later with an army of communist traitors, foreign eunuchs and goatfuckers to take revenge on civilization
(((who))) could it be now?

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>absolutely no relevance to the post in question
Running out of pre-scripted answers?

Everything I say is improvised but some quips are always effective at triggering Neocons and their useful idiots.

Sansa was only the Queen of the North. The Northerners weren't SJW like Dany's followers were. They just wanted to get rid of the Lannisters so that the North would be relatively safe until the next threat appeared. Sansa acknowledged Bran's new position, but she did not bend the knee to him as a sign of pledging loyalty of the North to the King of the 7 kingdoms. The North returned to its independent state.

Rich jew Marx is going to lecture me on money or wordly possesions about as much as a greasy fatass is going to lecture me on fitness.

>As a Ukrainian, I dare say I know the country better than you do.

>population that basically backed some other oligarch instead of the one that they already had, for no purpose but to make new rulling elite reacher, while destroying national economic
>A person anyone should listen to.

What I find amusing is how the term SJW has lost all meaning at this point.

He is kinda a progressive who gets influenced by what he perceives the voters want from him. But then never pushes through. Besides, people who voted for him are so numerous and varied that nobody knows what they really want except less wars and less foreigners.

If only Guts were here

Then things would be different

Attached: Guts.png (656x705, 476K)

> BEEP BOOP Everything I say is [IMPROVISED] but some quips are always effective at triggering [NEOCONS] and their useful idiots BEEP BOOP

>The Northerners weren't SJW like Dany's followers were.
>Totally okay with woman rulers.
>The North returned to its independent state
>that the North would be relatively safe
Literally pick one




No you fucking moron, we don't blindly take anyone's word. We're not like you dimwits who get influenced by identity politics regardless of what the person says and does because they have a "correct" gender/sexuality/skin colour.
What Yuri said was interesting, and a lot of it makes sense in the context what is happening, that is what we base it on.
And CIA is obviously a government agency, not just a bunch evil fucks doing whatever. They do what the government's want them to do.

Well it's pretty effective isn't it.

Fleshy humans would just ignore you and put you in an oven at some point.

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All terms lose meaning, change, and warp.

Like the cross. Does it mean subjugation or liberation?

Like the peace sign. Does it mean peace, or victory? Or bunny ears?

Symbols twist and turn as the days go by.

And though we mock those mothers who named their kids "Khalessi", maybe fate will have it be that your name ends up being associated with a crazy murderous dipshit.

>And CIA is obviously a government agency, not just a bunch evil fucks doing whatever

t. CIA

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You can call it what you want, but Stalin was obsessed with power and keep having it. Whatever group he perceived to be in danger of his power (like jews) he got rid of in one way or another. That were his day to day concerns, maintaining power. Trotsky was just as bad but gladly never got to rule because Stalin already outmaneuvered him.

Even infinite complexity can be described by simple rules.
See: Mandelbrot Set.

>thinks SJWs are Hitler because they complain about right wing extremism, racism, white nationalism, and white supremacy
>literally have hate threads
>white supremacy threads
>white nationalism threads
>argues about killing nonwhites because of their inherent goodness over others
>comes to Yea Forums to decry a SJW character as being Hitler when you're Hitlerian yourselves
Projection and irony has always been the most obvious trait among retards crying about
SJWs. All of you are fucking mentally ill.

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And the worrying thing is, there are Danyfags that will defend her actions and think them justified for all eternity.

This, but you neglect to mention that "What they wanted" was a massive international order of open borders and blending and erasure of ethnic ties, except for Israel.

The whole project was just Jewish Trotskyists deciding that the left no longer served Jewish interests since late Stalinist anti-Semitism and anti-Israel opinions forming in the western left.

Irving Crystal said something along the line that they'd just keep being Marxists but for the capitalist class instead. They are just quadruple kikes, it is beyond insane how Jewish the whole thing is

Jon turned her for down for sex repeatedly. Incel doesn't mean virgin.

The lefties openly want the white man's blood, and are able to use the entire university system of the western world to forward their thinking and goals.
How could you not expect that people might be a bit angry and zealous in response? You caused this.

sounds like christian missionaries fooling africans and american natives.

Dany is way more comparable with Stalin but liberals aren't gonna do it since it requires admitting Stalin did both good and bad things.

>since late Stalinist anti-Semitism and anti-Israel opinions
Durring last years of Stalin USSR was very pro-Israel the switched hapenned after his death

Educating people regarding egalitarian views and universally shared humanity is quite different from indoctrinating people on the internet regarding the intelligent quotients of people they don't even know along with the attitude of self-importance and power on the inheritance of birth or race. If you want to apt analogy, Daeny changes from an SJW into a fucking /pol/fag after she's presented with a good course of action that stand against her beliefs, which parallels your
>How could you not expect that people might be a bit angry and zealous in response? You caused this.

McKinley and Roosevelt started the US's turn towards imperialism with the Spanish-American war, and Roosevelt was pushing for early entry into WW1 iirc. Imperialism is the mainstream consensus across both parties
>Nixon even got out of the Vietnam War out of his own volition.
That's bullshit lol. Nixon expanded military operations into Cambodia and Laos. He pretended to hold peace talks to bosst himself up in the 1972 election and then proceeded to go back on those as aoon as that was done for. The only reason they started to get out of Vietnam under Nixon was because when Watergate came out he was fucked and Congress went around him and took control of their war powers back. See pic related

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>Political discourse 101: everyone I don't like is Hitler.


>literally praising Hitler isn't Hitlerian

Prove that humanity is universally shared amongst humans.

Daney was never a SJW. She just self-actualizes into a right wing extremist.

I don't have my sources on hand, so I might be confusing things, but I believe the "rootless cosmopolitan" thing where they basically attacked Jews for shit behaviour within the USSR was at least partly under Stalin, and this campaign is what the neocohens were talking about.

maybe I should have put "for now" after relatively safe since all the current leaders are pretty chummy with one another.

>doing what Hitler would do all while denouncing Hitler isn't "Hitlerian."
Grouping people into Hitlerian versus Non-Hitlerian is a false dichotomy, baka senpai.

>Over the next four years, our problems are going to get much, much worse
And then fucking nothing happened

Humanity is a social construct.

Prove that constructs are without merit.

it's all just so tiresome

>she's got an army of outsiders (aka shitskins)
Wrong. The Targaryens are dead. Those are her people; they fought for her, they'll die for her as she would for them. Hell, she was in love with a Dothraki and would've given him a child.

>Educating people regarding egalitarian views and universally shared humanity
Is that what it's called when you call whiteness toxic and declare your intention to bring as many foreigners into our nation as is necessary to take power away from us?
Or when the pioneers of new left orgs like the SDS say the "destruction of the white race" is one of their long term goals?
The difference between /pol/ and the left is the left has billions in academic funding to come up with new ways to euphemize their hatred and genocidal intentions.

You're an idiot. I mentioned several practices of the people I'm comparing to Hitler. My characterization wasn't binary.