First Edition:
He seized an opportunity to take the iron throne. If you would've sworn fealty to King Edmure and Queen Roslin then this is the thread for you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Edmure was turned into pathetic comedy relief from his very first scenes in season 3. It's a truly sad and pointless character assassination.
In fact, I'd rank the Tully funeral as perhaps the single most horribly butchered scene to be adapted by the show (barring complete OC) except for maybe the Kingsmoot. Seriously, literally every single character is given a completely different and nonsensical emotions compared to their book counterparts there. I think it was partly intentional because D&D wanted to make the Red Wedding a complete surprise so removed any atmospheric foreshadowing along the Riverlands plot-line.

>uncle, pleade sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up


How did he get out of the dungeon?

Same way Dorne somehow got a new Prince

>Have sex, uncle

Was he actually about to try and declare himself King lmao

>In fact, I'd rank the Tully funeral as perhaps the single most horribly butchered scene to be adapted by the show
It really was a bizarre tonal shift from the scene in the books to turn Edmure from a sympathetic grieving son to a complete buffoon and it wasn't even that different from what happened. D&D truly are masters of their craft.

That's what the Chad does.

He deserved it. Him and Stannis could've co-ruled the seven kingdoms.

>le bumbling idiot Edmure during a very serious scene
How did this show became so tone deaf.

Edmure perspective in the books when?

Yeah, bizarre is a good way to put it.
>Book Catelyn: devastated and grieving
>Show Catelyn: just looking kinda pissed off that people are laughing
>Book Robb: has learned how to be a king and oversees the ceremony somberly and dignified
>Show Robb: lol uncl miss shot xDDD
>Book Jeyne: Just trying her best to be a queen, is very nice to everyone involved given the tension her position has caused
>Show (Talisa) Jeyne: Also giggling like a bitch
>Book Edmure: missing his shots because he's sad that his father just died and he's been thrust into leadership in a losing war
>Show Edmure: darn, my archery needs some work!
>Book Blackfish: sad that his brother is dead, understands the grief of his nephew and kindly offers to take the shot for him

Like I said, I think this was probably intentional because they wanted to Red Wedding to be pure shock factor with as little build-up as possible.

I felt like he would make the most sense. He seemed like the one who would do his best and would allow himself to be led by wise council. Not sure why anyone thinks that assigning a person who apparently knew that hundreds of thousands of people would die and intentionally wanted Jon to know he was Aegon to drive a wedge between him and Dany would be better.

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He's the Gylbert Farwynd of the show

Bran is an absentee king content to let the small council rule in his absence.

Just like Bobby B was. The show has literally come full circle after all the shit that kings and queens having a direct hand caused

Doesn't the fact that the North became an independant kingdom make de facto any member of House Stark inelegible to become king of the six kingdoms?
Starks really cucked them all

Why did Tyrion not seem alarmed at the fact that Bran knew this would end this way? Doesn't this imply that he intentionally set things up for Dany to go psycho and that his "I don't want to be lord of anything" was just manipulation to make him seem more desirable?

Who knows. We really don't know the rules. They should have written some like


He stopped being a Stark when he became the 3 Eyed Raven

He's Bran The Broken now

He surely foresaw when he gave to choice to Jon to whether reveal his true identity to his sisters.
In retrospect if he didn't announce it then Dany wouldn't have massacred KL's population and would be crowned queen.

Jaime freed him and Edmure ordered the garrison of Riverrun to let him in.

>when you forego giving your King any titles to reflect his accomplishments or mythical being status in favour of constantly reminding him and everyone in Westeros that he's a paraplegic

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... and then mentioned that he was back in Frey dungeons at the end of season 6

Fuck me this scene made me rage harder than any of the other changes later on, and I am surprised that I never see it even brought up by people deconstructing the show.
The scene in the books was sombre and the show made blackfish into kind of a dick and edmure into a fucking meme tier slapstick idiot.

>and edmure into a fucking meme tier slapstick idiot.

I think I should be king btw

>Bran the broken
What a silly name...
It's not officially his name? Is it?

Anyway who were the other lords during the meeting (except Dornish prince)? Did they announce the character casting?

Tyrion came up with it on the spot and it appears to stick because people keep saying it

what would Tyrion have called Robert? King Robert the Fat Drunk?

Book Edmure is pretty much described as the perfect peacetime ruler so I thought this scene was extra funny/awful.

Robert the whoremonger

King Bob the Banterous

King Edmure
Survivor of the Red Wedding
Conquerer of windmills
The Shot Taker

Didn't Edmure defeat the fucking Mountain's force on the field, which no one else in the series ever did, but it was completely overlooked because Robb was an asshole and didn't explain that his success hinged on Edmure losing?

(he also captured a few lannister children which they joke about for some reason)

Right, and Robb just disregarded that he was mostly fielding Rivermen at that point and that maybe Edmure might care a little bit more about them than he did.

why dont you shut your mouth about that damn mill

didn't he fight and win against the mountains army?

>old king was a drunkard and fucks whores all day
>new king watches all kinds of porn on his wheelchair all day

>I'm sorry, who are you again?
>I'm your uncle.
>wait, which side?
>your mother's
>wait, I thought she had a sister.
>yes but she's dead
>sorry, don't remember you.
>I was the groom at the red wedding.
>Oh. I thought you died.

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that dialogue didn't happen tho. Why would you waste trips for a shitty post like yours?

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You guys do realize that GRRM literally wrote that episode right?

im so tempted to headcannon so much random shit from this episode but i know d&d probably didn't even consider it

>letting a Freyfucker rule the throne


that specific scene included? well, if that's true, then I cannot at all understand why

No he didn't, the episode where Edmure is a clown at the funeral is Episode 3 of Season 3. It was written by D&D, no shock.

in the show it's explicit that dany massacred everyone as combined revenge for rhaegal and missandei

GURM wrote the episode after Ned's arrest, Blackwater, Jaime and Brienne vs the Bear and Joffrey's wedding.

This, being the 3 eyed raven literally does nothing to predict the future. The most he can do is spy on people near weirwood trees.

the episode was written and directed by D&D, why do you lie?

>playing CK2
>Let my Targ heir rule Dragonstone
>high stats, good traits
>Has one mistress and ends up being known as the Unchaste

After that, once I got control of him I rolled with it and Made the Eight along with getting all the Essos, wildling and Yi Ti snatch I could find. When the Reach tried to get independence I locked him in a dungeon and cucked the guy with his 15 year old wife.

>not wanting to be ruled by rad uncle and his qtpie wife

I will never understand bros

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>reminder that this guy was supposed to be like 25

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To be fair spent like 5+ year as a basement neet.

I fucking hate Sansa. She has always been garbage from the very first moment she appeared.

>"and you will be my hand, tyrion the midge'

Yeah this was the reaction of casual viewers

She was tolerable the first few seasons, but she's been obnoxious ever since the rape turned her into a Machiavellian mastermind who the cast needs to keep reminding the audience is super duper smart and stuff.

“Smart, stronk woman” Sansa is one of the worst characters in the show. Sansa of season 1 is a stereotypical teenaged girl, in a role that makes sense and fits. In season 2 and 3, she’s an innocent teenaged girl who’s seen some shit and you root for her.

They ruined the character with “rape makes you strong”

yeah but he wants the opposite. he is obsessed with getting glory and he is a hothead. I hate how Catelyn treated him like shit in her POVs.

D&D's biggest mistake is not making Roslin Tully the Queen of Westeros.

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>consummation of a marriage on a wedding night

>ywn bake her and her newborn baby in a pie and feed it to fagmure

well now that the freys are pretty much all dead they probably let him go. i wonder if he got to keep his hot wife though. i hope so.

I went full Cat at his scene
>my boy, my last boy
Fuck dnd for butchering him

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All he did was baing underage wife all this time. What a chad.

Change the last line to "have sex" and it's perfect

Book Edmure would unironically make the best king out of all of them, especially during peacetimes.

>forcing yourself into a crying woman who clearly doesn't want it
>not rape

This one is for you Edmure loyalists.

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She didn't say no though.

Someone post rare Radmures

DAE feel like Edmure and is treated like he is? I feel like a total cuck retard it hurts that he was the joke of the scene.

It was really weird because the way it was presented was that they had all decided that Bran was to be king even before Tyrion suggested it. They just immediately shut him down without even hearing his pitch.


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>she says no
>Ramsay spergs out and kills her for daring to defy him

Sweetrobin really cracks me up

First stannis (STANNIS STANNIS STANNIS), now this... When will the disgrace end?

Nothing for respect for him, he saw an opportunity, he went for it when no one else dared to and I applaud him for it. Based Brutus

who is the guy right to sam and left of King Edmure?

>Robert Bar-à-Thé

>edmure: we have to make westeros great again
>everyone else: shut the fuck up

It never ends. But we will endure all the same.

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Gods what a stupid name

>the way he clumsily bumps his sword
You could tell he was envisioning all these grand ideas about the future of his Kingdom in his head, only for that stuck up fool to shut him down.

The river lands are basically Missouri.


I honestly thought Edmure was going to give a speech which led to Bran's election, I forgot the main thing I hate about the show and why I dropped it before. Almost none of the characters fucking grow, Theon is the only one with a transformative arc (unless you count Sansa not crying anymore). In the books Arya's Faceless training awakens her inner warg, she dreams of Nymeria with her wolf army reminding her of her place in the world as a Stark, in the show she just remains a little girl playing pretend from start-to-finish, I'm an explorer now, fuck the North and house, I'm off to go be Euron. Brienne exists only to serve someone else, first Renly then Cat, that's her life, but eventually she gains her own goals and ideals and love, and these are tested when Stoneheart demands Jaime from her; in the show she's just a servile parasite from start-to-finish. Jaime grows distant from Cersei, puts aside Lannister force and fear tactics in favour of diplomacy, abandons his duties to go with Brienne; in the show he's just a dumb swordsman who wants blonde twin pussy from start-to-finish. Stannis wants the throne more than anything because that is his right, he does what Melly says because he thinks this will lead him to it, but Davos reminds him being king isn't just a right to the throne but also a duty to the realm. In the show he only goes North and spares Davos because Melly tells him to. Edmure was seen as dumb because he was sheltered, kind but too naive, never truly fought or experienced war, never faced proper hardship. War changes people, the razing of the Riverlands, the Red Wedding, his time as a captive and having to choose between honour or his son's life. But in the show he's a buffoon, from start-to-finish, never changing, never growing.

People say it's the journey that matters, not the destination. This is true, but it's also true that a journey without a destination isn't actually a fucking journey in the first place.

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The show decided to just make him a comedy act. I'm not sure how D&D interpreted what was supposed to be a sad, heartfelt scene intended to show how soft-hearted he is, where he's so broken up over his father's death that he can't manage to land an arrow shot to burn him, into a comedy routine about how incompetent he is at archery.

Where the webm is from?

My birthday party

He was the only one acting like a lord in this scene. I was surprised no one else claimed the throne.

>DABIB brought him back just to take a shit on RADMURE
>RADMURE still has the last laugh by being the most BASED part of the episode

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his scene with jamie when he's captured is the only time you see him not being berated or goofy

>the wall is fully repaired all of a sudden

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This xD

A shame they put this guy in a comic relief role that fell flat, he was quite good as Brutus in Rome. He really managed to combine his regret over killing Caesar and his cognitive disonance that it was needed for the good of Rome as a republic. His death scene was kino as well.

Legit started to believe it happened when he spoke, what a bummer.

Only a part of the wall fell and that was several miles to the east you mong

Uncle, lol, please sit a down. Also have sex.

Penny Dreadful, a pretty great show overall but they rushed the ending. Takes various horror story legends and blends them together. That's Dorian Grey regretting a recent decision his cock led him to make. Eva Green has sex with an invisible devil which is pretty hot. The performances are stellar but don't expect it to really go anywhere.

>Mediocre white man bitches about someone who is not mediocre to get backpats from bitches.
This is what's wrong with the men of our generation. Everything they do is to make women clap.


No, you're a mong because the undead "threat" was nothing but a fart in the wind in terms of consequences. The main premise of the show since the very first episode was shat on so hard it's unbeliebable.
Yes, I'm angry and the ending should've been far more grim. Anyone truly giving a shit about this crap after season 3-4 is a retard.

Let them laugh

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That moment when he realized there was a hot chick under all that Frey grime.

Has there been another case of the casting department, costume department, and the actor himself, nailing the character so well, yet the screen writers ruining it?


Fuck Billie Piper, I swear for god

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everyone knows rape is the only way to turn women smart



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where do I know this faggot from? didn't he play as a Roman or Anglo?

Fuck off Brutus!

hes brutus from Rome

Holy fuck this guy needs a mirror

>Iron Islands and Dorne the only ones with their military at full strength
>They let a stark sit on the throne no question
>They let the starks also declare independence

I accept the Vale and the Riverlands going along with that, maybe even the Reach with Davos not giving a shit. But Dorne and the Iron Islands? They historically wanted freedom more then anyone.

Radmere Tully, sickest of his name shredder of waves, breaker of mountains, fucker of freys, father of jetskis. The rad, the kind, king of the andals and first men.

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Brutus in Rome, and also the first officer from The Terror, very underrated that guy.

if season 1 had season 8 writing, they would UNIRONICALLY call robert "bobby b"

>>Iron Islands and Dorne the only ones with their military at full strength

Iron Islands' forces got savaged during the war and crippled when Dany annihilated the fleet, Dorne has no excuse though.

the worst part is that they are rebooting the show with spics and that margaery pancake tits queen is in it

Quentyn Martell

Stannis would never allow it

and "unga bunga" to you too

Iron Fleet was BTFO by Dany. Don't forget that all Yarra had was the offshoot left behind retirees and those who were loyal to her.
Still didn't make sense why she wouldn't have also asked for independence after Sansa did.

So is Sam a vassal of Bronn now?

>Getting told to sit down by your own niece before finishing your speech


Sam is the Grand Maester

ah ok. It's still strange that the greates lords (Bronn, Tyrion) are expected to sit on the council instead of managing their own vast fiefdoms.

Daenerys did nothing wrong. Kill the masters.

This is a thread dedicated to Edmure and discussion of his character, not gossiping about that frumpy pig.

Pretty sure it's the thousands of children she just killed that's the problem, not the masters.

Radmure wouldn't harm a hair on a child's head. He's too based for that. He'd probably gift them all one of his many jetskis.

He's going to be king of the 7 kingdoms one day. I'll make it happen in CK2.

where the fuck was king edmure when NK was at winterfell?

In a dungeon at Riverrun because arya forgot to free him when she murdered all the Freys

Raising his son and loving his wife.

Who gave the order to free him then?

Still, our chadmure looks pretty good considering he was in dungeon all that time. bravo.

>Radmure wouldn't harm a hair on a child's head.
Because he'd miss.



What's he thinking about right now Bros

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