So why didn't Drogon burn Jon and instead burned the iron throne?

So why didn't Drogon burn Jon and instead burned the iron throne?

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Not allowed to kill a Targ.

>Not allowed to kill a Targ.
Is that stated in the books?

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I'll take both.

dragons are just another race, like humans. they are sentient.

Fire can’t burn Jon cause he has Targaryen blood.

It doesn't matter. The genius writers purposely left a water bottle on the set to divert attention away from how fucking shit and underwhelming the episode was. I would of purposely used the water bottle last week and saved the Starbucks for the finale.

Targaryens are not inmune to fire

He's smart enough to know Jon did it, but not smart enough to know what the throne represents. That seems like the reasonable answer, no?

no, book dargons are doge
he's a tard that doesn't read

This was amusing until they started acting like a 14 year old/buzzfeed/tumblr trying too hard to be funny

He's stupid and threw a tantrum

Show Targs are

Had the dragon scorched them or John the balls to eff himself with Daenerys, they could have kept the truth of their death a secret from anyone but Tirion (who probably learnt to shut his mouth for once).

The second.

IMDB still has the old rating.

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But the last episode is downvoted into oblivion.

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Possibly the highest rated is when the dragons are born and Dany takes over the Dothraki.

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>a show can still be 9.5 even if the ending was pure garbage, because even with a 0 it won't do anything to the average of 73 episodes
IMDB is retarded

This is all that matters not ratings. You can expect now that all TV series as well as movies will build up and tear down characters randomly just to get the eyeballs and the quick cash.

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this is how most big shows look - viewership grows over time. this says nothing about GoT.

Had this season not been the last season, viewership would decline significantly next season as has happened to Walking Dead

You still don't get it. Rome had bunch of sex and violence too, no one was good nor bad it still got canceled. Doesn't matter if people like the show or hate it. It's all about the viewcount, just like fucking CNN.

And? For the budget it didn't achieve a desirable viewcount until season 3/4, and didn't drop off in quality significantly enough until the final season. If there was still more show, it would be reflected next season. 6 shitty episodes at the end of the series is not going to impact anything after people have watched 70 episodes. Had it continued after this shitshow, views would go down because the quality went down.

I really don't know what point you're trying to make.

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>be Drogon
>sense yer mum is in peril
>fly into castle to check on her
>Jon is lovingly holding her and crying
>she ain't moving
>mum wats wrong
>Joh tf is going on here
>mum wake up pls
>Jon help
>aw fuk shes really hurt isnt' she
>[incoherent dragon sorrow]
>ok calm down, just gotta take her somewhere safe in case she wakes up
>don't worry Jon I got this
>we'll come back when she's better

Didn't Rome's big set burned down? I remember them saying the production got too expensive for them to continue.

Yeah viserys was so inmune lmao

he was adopted

You forgot the whole scene of Drogon melting the iron throne

Drogon saw the dagger in Daenerys and assumed the Iron Throne was the culprit.

>So why didn't Drogon burn Jon and instead burned the iron throne?
Bran warged into it. Simplest explanation.

>[incoherent dragon sorrow]

There was no proper CGI in 2007 but viewers lost interest in it too despite high ratings. Borgias were cut short because of this as well.

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Okay, time for you to move out from your parents' house and have sex.

>So why didn't Drogon burn Jon and instead burned the iron throne?

Why was it shown in one scene with Jon giving up his sword to talk to Tyrion, but keeps it to talk to Dany with no guards around her?

Let's argue all day long. Fuck making money for the rent.

have sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of pulling out

Hmm yes very interesting series of posts, definitely not a group of teen discord trannies working together

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The real answer is that he knew what Danny did (or rather what she made him do) was wrong and knew Jon was right to kill her.

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The obvious non-shill answer is that it was because the writers thought it would be le epic and subverting. That's all.

It's obviously unrealistic and made no sense.

>average 7.71 from critics
Way too high still.

Television shows are always trash because of this

>Dragonfire≠Normal Fire
Nigga how dumb can you be

because GoT is bullshit nonsense

How could John not of fucked her in this scene I was diamonds

Rains of castemere, hardhome, battle of the bastards have 9.9 rating if i recall

He got plot armor... oh wait...

good question. Well if you remember vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv and he was vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Without her there, it would have vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv which is why vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

The kind of made a point of Daenerys being unfazed by hot water like the 1st episode of the entire series.

Simple; by D&D's fanfiction that Jon is Targaryen now that would make him inmune to fire. You can't kill the dragon by fire; they are the fire.

Also, that would've expose them hard.

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A dragon is not a fucking dog. It's a mythical creature that in this instance was attuned to the inclinations of Dany.

Fucking based

Because a dragon is not a fucking dumb dog

I saw it more as a threat that he'll come back or something for vengeance desu

Dragons are stated to be extremely intelligent, no? And he must have known that Jon was a Targ. My interpretation was that he was burning it to let Jon know "you will never have this!" Though, D&D being D&D, they probably just wanted it because "It'd be so epic if Drogon burnt the throne DABID!"

Nothing stopping him from taking a bite though.

Drogon was warged by Dany, like Grey Wind was probably warged by Robb during the Red Wedding.

Dany is still a good person deep down, and couldn't bring herself to kill Jon. She destroyed the throne because if she can't have it, than no one can.

There're many cases of dragons killing targs in the books.

Why the fuck would she try to wake herself up if she knew she was dead then you absolute moron

>Dragons are aware of political intrigue and communicate through symbolism
Dabid tier writing.

Cause she thinks she was sleeping you stupid faggot