Star wars

What did RJ mean by this?
No, really, what the fuck did he think the reception would be?

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It's just Rian going full retard like usual.

Hey Rian you dipshit, comparing Snoke's death to Sheev's death is dishonest because George Lucas ALWAYS intended to tell us Sheev's backstory in the prequel trilogy and he DID eventually tell us Sheev's backstory in the prequel trilogy. Where is Snoke's backstory, Rian? Oh yeah, I remember now, up your dildo-filled ass! lmao


I've NEVER seen an adult who didn't have autism or down syndrome or some other developmental disability act this childishly

I gave up on Star shit after TFA, but fuck this fat faggot is such a cunt. It's impressive

Maybe they intend to tell us Snoke's backstory in a Star Wars Story: Snoke's Adventure spinoff movie in 2023 anonymous you fucking shitlord.

how the hell did this pig even get a Hollywood job? why would the kikes even want him?

rian might be a 40+ (50?) year old man, but he acts like the most petty and egotistical teenage girl on social media.

if you believe his interviews, he 1) wanted to do something bold and different with the franchise so that he could leave his mark on it and 2) did not listen to much of the criticism/input given to him by his creative team/the lucasarts staff when filming his abomination.'

oh yeah, 3) he was bending over backwards to please kennedy the entire time - probably why he even got the job in the first place.

>coming 2029, finally the whole story can be told
>LEARN the hidden political motivation that drives Peter Benchley and Steven Spielberg's iconic, toothsome killer fish
>SEE how he came to be called Bruce, at a secret Rothschild orgy/Black Mass
>THRILL to the secret interspecies romance that brought him up the North American east coast and into the feeding frenzied waters of Amity Island
>FINALLY, Jaws will be the great, convoluted story it was always meant to be, when you SEE

you can't compare the things to be honest
back then Star Wars was very self contained now with all the other material around you can't just introduce something without making it fit with the setting

You mad lol

he does what they say, like add feminism messages everywhere with a complete lack of caring how it will effect the story.

sorry, my name's Stewart

Literally what does he mean? Is he trying to say "my dick"? What does mahdeek mean

i dont care about star wars anymore. star wars is just the OT to me now. i might look at the tv show being done by brett farve however

more like he was hired because his views and goals align with kennedy's. no one needs to force johnson to be an sjw cuck

someone made a joke about rey being a mary sue
some random female (jewish) journalist responded "YEAH, WELL MY DICK IS A MARY SUE LMFAO."
rian retweeted this and then that autist attacked him.

This guy is like 160 cm right? Why are all manlets like him into sarcastic low iq effort arguments? Destiny is similar but that guy is atleast known for being brainlet carpet cleaner

i am willing to bet Rian and Kennedy fuck like rabbits

pedophile network. just look at him

Well he is a male feminist...

Disney might not understand the amount of damage they've done to the SW brand, but they will. Entrusting D&D and Rian Johnson with the future of the franchise. LOL good fucking luck.

hollywood is full of normalfags
he'd been a low-level success in the film world, had fallen to the role of tv director, but directed episodes that normalfags took notice of in their favorite (at the time) normalfag series, Breaking Bad
that's it
it's Breaking Bad's fault that Star Wars is past the point of resurrection
TFA killed it, but TLJ dismembered the body and ground it into powder
thanks, Lost, for killing Star Wars
thanks, Breaking Bad, for fucking it's dead body into jelly
wow, television is better than it's ever been
we can look forward to GoT slurping up the dead body juice of the SW franchise and puking it back out again into Kathleen Kennedy's gaping ancient pussy where it'll fertilize her cobweb covered eggs and she can then give birth to the Ultimate Modern Woman who will finally save the earth from toxic patriarchal oppressive testicularity

he and Whedon are living proofs that it's okay to be a manchild as long as you pander to lefties.

exactly, male faminists always hide something about them, be it rapist, pervert, scammer, along those lines. Now watch Rian move and take your pick as to what his deal is

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I notice manchild autists end up as pedos a lot too and he is also that so lol

Rian is blatantly lying here.

Well yeah. Feminists are all lonely sad women who left their eggs in too long until they got scrambled. They want manchildren in their lives to excert power over, like a really shitty mom.

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It is bullshit. Just because a male version exists doesn't mean it wasn't initially made to hamper female characters that had agency

go back

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Rian is unironically based and TLJ was kino and best since empire

So any criticism ever said about a woman is made to hamper them? Get some perspective, Jesus.

are you claiming to personally know the person that made this term and were told by them why exactly they made it?
can you please provide us with some proof? how did you come across this information?

>it wasn't initially made to hamper female characters that had agency
It was initially made and currently used to hamper any character that is untouchable by the plot.

>white male character have been ridiculous unstoppable heroes/chosen ones for decades

lmao you people

What a brainlet. I know most actors have rock bottom IQs, but I was under the impression that directors had to be somewhat intelligent, looks like I was wrong.

>white male character have been ridiculous unstoppable heroes/chosen ones for decades
Not a single post you replied to even came close to putting gary stus in a positive light.
Also you can be a "chosen one" and still have flaws.

go back

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I know this is baiting for (You)s, but
>what is the hero's journey

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The same critique is used against white male characters who trivialize their stories by being supermen. The same critique is used against the actual Superman to explain why he is a boring hero, so much that they had to give him contrived weaknesses.

Wow, really subverted my expectations there!

>Sidious gets thrown down a shaft in the last minutes of ROTJ at the climax of th film
>Snoke gets unexpectedly cut in half by a levitating lightsaber in the middle of the middle chapter movie
YAY same thing. Is this guy a total moron or is he doing it on purpose?

He's been infected by post-modernism so he can't understand narrative anymore. Very tragic.

the term was invented by a woman, btw


I hope people actually look up how the term "mary sue" became ubiquitous and where it was created

>history revisionism


The Emperor came from nowhere because we didn't know what was the universe like before he appeared on our screen.
We know full well the universe at the time Snoke is supposed to have appear

Who mentioned race?
But since you did, how does it feel that for all of human history, white men are the only humans that built anything of any great worth?
That white men are the default in media precisely BECAUSE they are the default in life.
In effect, white men are humanity.

Rian is trying to turn Star Wars into some Mad Max shit, where it's a totally different scenario every time we see the characters
who knows, this might be a 'different' Rey from the one who was in TFA
in the next one her parents might still be alive and well and have raised her lovingly in an unbroken home

>whoa, did you call me a racist?!! but now that you mention it, i totally am LOL

delusional whitoid drunk on his own propaganda

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>incels in this thread

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t. troll
blue checkmark
but absolutely not any level of intelligent, or making any sense

yep, that's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg

Rian is a hack.

Even without the prequels, we knew (from background exposition in ANH and Empire) that Sheev was in the process of consolidating his power, disbanding the Senate and establishing a dark side dynasty before we even meet him in ROTJ.

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lol another pleb got btfo, stay mad

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Is it not true that for historic reasons comic books feature overwhelmingly white male characters?
Is it not true that when when the few colored or female characters are given more exposure the nerds cry out?

Just true facts.

here's a true fact:

stop posting

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>30% of the population gets 99% of the positive heroic main character portrayals in media

what did the deceitful white """male""" mean by this

Its explained by history, this used to be fair.
Its not fair now, so we should be accepting of change.
People who reject it are bitter faggots, clinging on to a past that they are too young to have experienced, and they have a fake nostalgia for a time they didn't live in.

nobody gives a shit about changing stories, they hate whiners who demand everything be made about them by other people instead of being creative, intelligent, or fair
they're the political equivalent of spoiled teen girls attempting to browbeat their fathers into getting them expensive new cars every few months

because white men invented civilisation and the media you want to appropriate and subvert

stop posting

How did this piece of shit of manchild got the job ?

Breaking Bad

You have shit taste
>he says on a board full of incels talking about marvelshit and game of shits constantly

Is this tweet fake, or did he delete the tweet later? I can't find it.

t. retard
Brick and Looper

he was doing tv because those were failures

He has the right connections and is dumb enough to do exactly what the studio want. He doesn't care because he can't care, he's braindead, a perfect employee.

>Its not brilliant to surprise viewers.
These people need gassing. Rian's a chode but he's doing the right thing here.

very well said

Don't talk fucking shit, there was no prequel trilogy back then, and the entire plot of the original trilogy was made up as he went along, and heavily written by others. Lucas is a zero and his fans are autists. Rian's scum too, but no worse.

Really big failures, knives out will be another one, it's just nobody expect AAA stars wanting to work with him lmao krep coping bro

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you unironically sound like a Star Wars fan

The delicious irony here being that these people who supposedly just "hate whiners" are the biggest whiners in the last decade of comics and nerd media being diversified to fit modern consumers.

I hate you, you're a whiner
I feel like the facts are all lining up here just fine

Did nerds not whine when Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, etc established female characters got their own movies? Did the whining not start in advance, before the actual movie was published and seen? Whine more.

>13 billion
This board is filled with delusional retards


every western invention was made by jews

could give less of a fuck what people who whine think
that includes you, your sjw friends, and anybody who thinks their voice matters, fan or conservative or fucking studio head
you really think there's a particular way these stories should be going that's the "right" way, and that makes you stupidest of all, stupider than children who think it's all for real, even
you should be smart enough to know that nobody gives a fuck what you think
I care about what you want as much as you care about what I do, which is zero

sure it was, avi

>rent free

RJ is insanely based

Television is inferior. Looper did over a hundred million dollars which is why his jewish producer Ram Bergman put up more money and produced Star Wars and his new trilogy.

>really big failures
How so they are both critically acclaimed and kino

television is garbage, which is why Rian was working there
nobody watched Looper. Captain Marvel did a fucking billion, who the fuck watched that?
all the stupid faggots and women who make studio decisions watch rancid wine aunt shit like Breaking Bad. That's why he got the job.

>"i dont care!!!" whines whiner

I know. you should probably shut up.


Rian made the only good episodes on that show and elevated that trash
TLJ is kino so is brick and looper

stop speaking capeshit mong

Rian Johnson is the biggest fucking hack there is. Imagine becoming this rich and powerful and people still laugh at you. What a pathetic excuse of a man.

that show is shit, brick is shit, looper's shit, TLJ is shit, capeshit is shit, and YOU are shit
and you only have yourself to blame for being so shit, too.

You can't call everything shit sweetie when you post on a game of shits board

I post on a shit board
we're here because we're shit, genius

Why is the only the word "Your" in that sentence a registered trademark?

I'm only here to call everyone plebs I don't post here unironically

I post here because I'm a loser
you do too

Nah I come here to call everyone plebs because it's an underaged zoomer marvelboard that is pretentious, only rarely now do i post

that you're posting proves you're lying

I do care. I want /pol/mblr to fuck off from things I like. Go be a triggered snowflake in a thread about unisex toilets or something.

I posted here more regularly years and years ago now i come for an hour a week maybe

Keep posting about how much you don't post.

when will everything stop being about skin color and genitals

you deserve not to get what you want, and you won't get it, either.
posting here at all means you're pathetic. if you have something better to do, GO DO IT instead of being a worthless pile of shit here like the rest of us

have sex

One of the secrets behind creating a character with depth, is absolutely, 100% knowing what the full backstory on the character is. Your idea for what the character is, his ambitions, his motivations, should be fully formed long before you start shooting scenes with him.

It's clear to everyone that this is the case with Sheev, because even the minute details show us that George has plotted his backstory, his motivations, and even if they weren't fully formed, we know that he had pages worth of material describing the personality and motivations of The Emperor.

Does such detail and worldbuilding exist with Snoke? No, and we can sense it. There's very little sophistication to his dialogue whatsoever, he's clearly just there to be a fill-in villain.

Why is he so based Yea Forumsros?