Alt Shift X got q&a stream

Anyone got a link to the unlisted video? inb4 Preston

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Other urls found in this thread:
This one, but he uploads them on his channel as well.

Is prestons stream up yet?

He does them with an annoying, uppity zoomer, doesnt he?

Yeah that kid is legit stupid. I don't know why preston bothers with him

It's clear preston is leagues above him in intellect. The difference in reasoning is night and day. No clue how Preston ended up working with him.

That dude is the exact same kind of person Preston makes fun of in his videos. Maybe it's all very meta.

stop posting this ugly coalburner

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Margaret is a race traitor too. What a disappointment.

I think most of the other got youtubers dont like preston that much

mother must be very proud

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Dont insult my waifu

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who's this sexy???

your waifu sucks black dicks.

Carmine bugs the shit out of me but I can see why they have a successful formula going. The egghead and the every man. Carmine can ask stupid questions as if he was the audience and Preston then has the opportunity to inform. They remind me of Sherman and Mr. Peabody.

Rainey Qualley

It's funny when carmine merely pretends to be retarded and you can practically hear Preston biting his tongue.
>'Yeah, Im just trying to get into the minds of the casual show watcher bro!'

Rainey, the older sister of Margaret But Rainey has much nicer feet. Also they're the daughters of Andy MacDowell

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Hey Cary is one of most talented directors around.
Besides he has great taste in pussy.

dead link

That was the link to the actual livestream, but he uploads them to his channel for patreon supporters afterwards. Just need a link to that.

oh SHIT what's with the slutty pics?

For a while she's been getting increasing more lewd, but Im pretty sure she's pushing the instagram limit now. Her seethrough pics are basically topless.

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I'm able to watch last week's stream by clicking the link to the stream from my youtube notifications
shouldn't this link work?

I can't find Rainey's IG, care to link it? I can only find Margaret's.

Rainsford (it's her artist name). Most of the really risque stuff is on her instagram stories though.

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and how do I view those, I'm not a normturd or I would have figured it out

You dont really. Need to be friends with her I think. They get deleted after a while.

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well fuck that then

Dont worry user, Rainey threads are fairly common on Yea Forums. And Marge threads are often hijacked to post the superior Qualley

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Can we get back to talking about GoT please?

You aren't kidding, I'm saving a ton of these

Im waiting for a link to that alt shift x stream (or preston's podcast when it's up).
Always happy to include another user into the Rainey fold.

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Imagine grabbing her ass while she's wearing that

I got a link right here *farts*

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Member she was on Mad Men?

I liked her sister in Death Note, she was the only good thing in that film.

I think it's safe to say Rainey > Qualley at this point

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There is a video out there were she basically goes full lesbian with that blonde girl.

I would suck out her farts

The Qualley sisters are so hot. But they honestly seem like spoilt, sheltered, horrible people. Limousine liberals, coalburners, vegans, sjw feminists etc.

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Where are the links for episodes 1-5?


deleted my bookmarks, but here's one (ep 4)

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Jesus. If he charges $1 per Patreon view, he's have more than $100k each video.

His streams are quite nice. Very good stuff to have on in the background when you're doing something else.

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>imagine these being your daughters

*hits pipe*

Fukunaga is an Alpha Jap

>not going full Craster

The livestream is open to anyone though.

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For the series finale it peaked at 60,000 viewers. I think at least 100k of those views are paid viewers. He's the biggest GoT channel out there because he doesn't "hate" the show.

>spooky skeltal
>still sexy af
how does she do it brehs

How close are they?

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