Stop, invincible son

Stop, invincible son

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this meme was so fucking dumb

this scene was so fucking dumb

Enlighten the world with toppest of memes.

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This will never not make me laugh


Was Pa Kent dying from cancer? Is this what this scene is trying to tell me? He knew he was already dying so he didn't ask Clark to save him?

If the world wasn't ready to see Superman in 1997 or whatever that was, what exactly changed that made it ready for Superman in 2013?

A man dressed like a bat.

Wouldn't Batman have already been operating in Gotham in 1997?

Why is your assumption 97?

This was peak stupidity. Bastard can move at a speed that is imperceptible and could have easily saved Pa Kent, but 'NO' for 'reasons'. Jesus Christ Superman is fucking shitty. So much so they had to give him Spiderman's back story.

did they reference a year when he was younger and then show an "x years later" when it transitioned over to that scene? if yes, then that.

They should've just went with the classic heart attack storyline with the lesson being he can't save everyone. It just works better for Superman.

Wikis say it's '97

Think the date is seen on his tombstone at some point

The movies (except for WW obviously) take place in the year of release, so if BvS is in 2016, and you subtract the "20 years in Gotham"...

Maybe they were rounding up on the 20. Maybe it was more like 16 years.

Even if Batman wasn't around yet then, doesn't the public view him more as a criminal/vigilante than as a superhero?

How or why would his existence mentally prepare them for Supes?

>this scene was so fucking dumb

the scene made me rage quit the movie. i didn't watch the last fight until last month

Or cancer. More modern.
> I can eye-ray your melanoma out, daddy!
> Shut up Clark! Just let me go!

Honestly? This scene gets memed a lot more, but it's not even as absolutely fucking dumb as the one where Costner tells 12 year old Superman he should have let the other kids drown and chastises him for saving them.

Literally, what was his fucking problem? Was he a sociopath?

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someone post that papa kent pasta

It prepares them for the existence of supernatural beings. Remember they think Batman is some supernatural demon that kills criminals.

>all these brainlets missing the point and nuance of Kent’s character in MoS

i really hope you guys are just playin around

Nobody missed the point dipshit. The point is retarded and ironically misses the point of Superman.