Who else is excited?

who else is excited?


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a bunch of sóy faggots from Yea Forums who should not post in this board, probably

you shut your mouth you nigger. this is the only good show coming out

Does this take place before or after the movie?

i think it's current day. jeremy irons plays an elderly adrien veidt

>Not a faithful novel comic adaptation



>Jeremy irons

Isn't this confirmed to be full of pozz? Also aesthetically it doesn't match Watchmen at all, most of that teaser looks to take place in the fucking countryside.

I hope it's a parallel universe. And someone else is the villain, not Veidt.

What’s the actual plot? If it’s some lame analogy to America’s current president I’m not interested

why is dc so obsessed with raping watchmen

I actually got confused and read this. It's a bunch of paranoid-style Regan era proto-dittohead frothy shit, tbqph mon fraire

Huhwhite men in masks causing problems, they're definitely the bad dudes. Probably racist xenophobes as well

>the righteous gemstones
>too old to die young


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they like to trigger Moore

I’m hoping it’s just what happens after the ending of the series when the information he sent reporters gets out and the world tearing itself apart


They want to desperatly be good and they know Watchmen is like the best book they ever published no they'll never stop raping it's corpse. Poor Moore desu.

>a watchmen sequel
>set in current year
>tick tock

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Don’t like the cringy white power group and the dumb nigger cop shit but I’m sorta interested in what will happen, if there’s gonna be ANY dr Manhattan appearance.

Needs to have more doctor Manhattan. The best character in all capeshit

Will that be the new guy fawkes mask?

is this based on the dooms day clock?

only way to avoid that shit is to throw your tv out the window

There are dozens of longer form comics that would make a good HBO series. Why the fuck do we need some Watchmen spinoff? The movie was bad enough.

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No? Retard

Be sold on him dying toward the end of the season, or possibly even earlier for shock value.
There's no way he's making it past that.

You must be bloody stupid to be excited for adaptation of anything.

>nothing ever ends
Is there a more cancerous idea than that?

Even in the trailer you can see that the guys who got radicalized by the book are being portrayed as some sort of violent white, male religious paramilitary/terrorist group. So you can be 110% certain that a good amount of the plot will be dedicated to some sort of incredibly crass American liberal wish-fulfillment about punching maga stand-ins who are all secretly racist, misogynistic nazis who want to take over the country and/or genocide everyone.

we don't need it. lindelof has been into watchmen for a long time, but snyder probably cucked him out of making a real adaptation. so now lindelof is doing his own thing with it and letting his numale/leftist/söy sensibilities and worldview dictate it

>capeshit never ends
at least they're honest

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>no one's ever really gone


a lot of people love the watchmen movie and can't get enough of it. don't worry no one's gonna force you to watch it fag


It looks lame. Hurdur rednecks bad

Yeah I read the comic dumbass. Do you see Superman, Batman, or ANY of the DC characters? No? Then no, it’s not based on doomsday clock. Faggot

There's no need to be rude user.

Do you have fucking down syndrome?
Serious question bud

The idea that movies and tv will make us happy and lonely instead of people.

Wait... this is being written by LINDELOF???

What the actual fuck is HBO even thinking hiring a legendary hack like Lindelof for what could have been their replacement for GOT? Absolutely mindblowing shit.

Does Yea Forumsmblr even like Watchmen? It's full of toxically masculine rapist and Steven Universe told be That's Not A Good Thing.

If they overdo that, that'd be a huge mistake. Most people that like Watchmen sympathize with Rorschach the most who's obviously right-wing as fuck. Giving the show a leftist slant would be incredibly tone deaf.

Then don’t ask dumb questions. Stop and think before posting

just curious bud . nothing more.

GoT was a show written by hacks too

>who else is excited for remake/sequel/prequel/adaptation/re-imagining/pastiche of that franchise "we all know and love"?

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Literally the only thing I like is Jeremy Irons as old Veidt. Great casting.

Ever watched the Leftovers, retard?

Yea Forums loves watchmen because it's literally the only capeshit comic that isn't laughably childish

Why is it called Watchmen if it's based after the events of Watchmen?
Looks like shit tbqh.

dude every character on watchmen is supposed to be wrong in their extremist worldview. Even Manhattan in all his omnipotence is wrong. Moore did say though, that he wrote every character so that they could have a logical point of view that people could understand, but that never the less they're all retarded and wrong. Just as anyone that thinks themselves a vigilante, messiah, god, etc would be a psychopath.

Why do Moore's works keep getting raped like this. Man just wanted a quiet life desu. He never even cared much about money. Fuck DC.

Because it looks like the cops or the nigger cops take up the mantle of being “watchmen”

>what is marketing and branding
Whats up with retards on this site today?

They aren't going to be so subtle and morally gray

That's besides the point though. What the author intends, and what the audience likes, aren't always the same thing. Most people that love Watchmen, love Rorschach, and I'd say most of them relate to his worldview in some way. He completely carried the movie, and I'd say most hardcore Watchmen fans lean more to Rorschach's side of things than say the prison shrink.

I can't be surprised when most people need a character to relate to but won't do shit irl

So my guess is some sort of right wing terrorist group formed from the audience that read the newspaper Rorschach sent his journal to. They are going after the heroes for being liars about what happened. I have no fucking clue what the police have to do with it, unless they are about to riot due to heroes again?

This 100%, there should be pretty futuristic city-scapes by now, if this takes place in present-time.

It’s going to be white man group bad, ethnic police force good

That's mostly on the movie's fault though. In the comic, Rorschach was a lot harder to swallow as a character. The movie tried to make him out to be a hero and sympathetic too much, clearly mistaking the point of the character.

>In the comic
You should know by now film adaptations are always watered down compared to their original source.

And yeah I know the movie now occuppies most people's perception of what these characters and what that world so if we're talking about the movie's intent then sure I agree with what you're saying desu.

Lindelofags are shilling this, they are saying "leftovers was kino, this will be good too"

it actually was a shit show with shit ending. don't bother with them.

Moore even admits that Rorschach became sort of the hero at the end, despite being a horribly flawed person. Moore's an anarchist after all, so its not like he completely sided with Veidt, the biggest internationalist statist there could be. But Rorschach would also obviously be a horrible person to try and emulate, because the elements that made him unique and likeable simply do not exist in the average person.

Rorschach was based on The Question/Mr. A who were both more or less Steve Diktos self-inserts and I always found funny that Steve Dikto was aware of this and said that Rorschach was like "Mr. A if he was insane". I don't know if he legit didn't realize what Moore was trying to say about him and his libertarian ayn rand views or if he legit didn't realize it lmao.

No one's ever really gone

Shut the fuck up no one care about your shitty theory

Who asked for this? i need names.

The point of Rorschach is that the interpretation of his character hinges on the mentality of the viewer. Some will see a righteous ubermensch and some will see a terrifying serial killer.
Moore did his best to make it obvious to brainlets by making him literally wear a Rorschach blot as a face, but I guess no matter how obtuse you are about things, some people just won't get it.

He's just regurgitating the Mr. A wiki page.


only alan moore himself thinks rorschach did anything wrong

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black family as the victims of the crazy mob wearing white hoods 2019+1

i'll (((pass)))

Being rude to his best friend was wrong

To say nothing of kicking in his door and then stealing his beans

Give the show a chance. Everyone thought GOT was a SJW circlejerk until the heroine turned out to be a batshit roastie. A lot of things seem more SJW by the previews than they actually turn out to be.

Fuck off lindelof, season 1 of GOT was based and redpilled.

the culture war brain worms are so deep now that if your show has one woman or nonwhite person you will be accused of being an SJW show, there's no point in listening to any of it until you see it for yourself

OTOH it's like the SJW anti-white shit isn't excessively on the nose

not like *

I admit Johns is sometimes good... but when he goes inti hack mode... oh boy does he ever become a hack. Doomsday Clock turns it up to 11. Can't ship on time either.

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Except Lindelof is a giga faggot

You know it OP. Lindelof Kino

>say that people liked a movie that told a tightly wrapped story based on the tightly wrapped comic
>assume people want some sequel tv series with fanfic tier OC donut steel characters written by some hack that was unrelated to the origibal production
Hurm. Seems that you, user, is the one who is a possible homosexual.

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Reminder that the watchmen movie lost a significant amount of money.

Reminder true capekino are always pleb filters

I relate the most with Manhattan, and I believe most incels also

They will make Rorschach alt right.

They're going to form an underground hive of hackers that work towards one singular purpose: to remove women from gaming.

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>lot of niggers

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I read the comic and even if Rorschach lost his mind and hates all the degenerates, He was pretty much justified in his views at the end of Watchmen. Veidt was a doomsayer that killed alot of people for nothing. It's arguable if he even delayed nuclear war.