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Not watched it yet. Were the leaks accurate?

yup 100%
some streams



Yes. Exactly

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Yes. Also Greyworm gets salty as fuck, sadly no one killed him

Not even a slight difference, Bran becomes king and an entire circus of clowns becomes his small council

except the poisonous butterflies once he gets to naath

are there any good twitter rages?

To the letter.

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>Butterfly fever
>"Fever is the first sign of the disease, followed by painful spasms that make the victims seem to be dancing wildly and uncontrollably. In the last stage, those afflicted sweat blood, and their flesh sloughs from their bones."
I choose to believe this is what actually happens to the murdering fuck.

>Watch it
>create buzz for it
>think you're costing the hacks money instead of making them money
We live in the age of stupid

Canonically it has to.

papa nurgle approves

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>Last episode wasn't called A Song of Ice and Fire

>It's a fantasy you can cast who you like.
They did. They happened to like white people.

there's an emoji of grey worm?

I still can't understand how people haven't realized that the show had shit writing since season 5 and think it shat the bed in final season. This season isn't really bad compared to last few seasons

no that's just twitter inserting graphics next to popular hashtags

Yeah they literally even had a sitcom style council scene

Still would have liked to see that guy get his just desserts, shame on the other dickless men though, he was the main dick after all

Honestly they should all have been dead during the Long Night. Especially the fucking Dothraki.

Full disclosure I would've watched a show about King Bran's council.

It was kinda funny how they kept going on about Jon being the Unsullied's prisoner, but what about the Dothraki? They just didn't give a fuck? And where did they go? It's like they were just forgotten

Too busy raping the remaining women of Kingslanding.

That one actually makes sense. They only worshipped Dany because they considered he the strongest thanks to her dragons.
When Jon killed her the Dothraki immediately stopped giving a fuck and likely spread out. This is entirely within their character.

Well that means Dothraki is running amok everywhere, shouldn't the King's Council mention that problem?

That's the weird thing. That council took place weeks later, well after they would've been gone into the wilderness.

I don't like that she's white. She may be right but couldn't a black person say that?

The last two episodes weren't complete fanservice so they are disliked by normies.

What's hilarious is that one seething critic said it was 100% fanservice

It was. Why the fuck was Podrick a Kingsguard or Davos master of ships or fucking Sam grand maester? Bronn is literally one of the most powerful people in westeros now because he pointed a crossbow at Tyrion once at an inn or something. The last line of dialog in the series is literally

Fans wanted none of this.

>starks win
>tirion gets redemption
>arya spin-off shilling

looks like fan service to me


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Dany died so it can't be 100%. Think of all the normalfags who named their children after her.

And yet the fans don't feel serviced.
They wanted the Targs to win and for the white male characters to die. Arya sailing west was so fucking weird that even her hardcore fans never considered wanting it.
Exactly. That critic was just throwing out the first buzzword to come to mind.

>Think of all the normalfags who named their children after her

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Why are death butterflies canon?

I remember she had a conversation with the Hound about sailing west, but yeah imagine having to do all the shit you talk about doing

all the fan favorite characters get happy endings, that's pretty much the definition of fanservice. did the fans want fanservice in the first place? now that's a more useful question. The second half of the episode felt like a sitcom finale

Who the fuck posted it?

Pretty sure it is supposed to be malaria, the buttefly explanation is just to show that they don't know what malaria is

Because of this book. George edited and approved everything in it as canon.

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>all the fan favorite characters get happy endings
Stop this shit. Dany was as fan favorite as it got among the normie masses, and the other normie fan favorite got cucked out of being king of Westeros.


The fans don't care about any characters besides Dany, Jon, Arya and Sansa.

I can guarantee you're the only person who remembers that conversation.

And I'm not even a big fan

Fans wanted Jon to pet Ghost and they did it obviously as a kneejerk reaction. It felt dirty in a weird way but I enjoyed it nonetheless.


Jon is King beyond the wall and Sansa is queenofdanorf and Arya is female Columbus. The only thing anyone can point to is Dany but even she got carried off romaniticly to the east to be resurrected by dragon magic for the spin off so who gives a fuck

he was basically Danys sidekick and just there to make penis jokes



what’s the point?

>she got carried off romaniticly to the east to be resurrected by dragon magic for the spin off so who gives a fuck
You're completely full of shit.

from bad to worst

He was also one of the highest paid actors because the fans fucking loved him

I'm older than 14 years old and have a soi-free diet, so I don't give a shit about spoilers one way or another.

He's been in a constant nigga moment since the last episode. They really should have killed him.

You can tell yourself they wont

Just to watch faggots like you get angry. You were probably one of those sad sacks of shit who tried telling people that the leak pic got updated to match previous episodes.

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I don't have to. Until it happens or it leaks that it happens, the burden of proof is on you.
As it is there will never be a season 9. The plan is for prequels.

spoilers don't exist. watching something spoils it too. Stop being so weak.

reminder that average episode ratings are higher for season 7 than any other season on IMBD with a 9.2/10
Season 6 is also higher than season 1
normies prefer anything thats not written by George

>imagine being so buttblasted about the show that you start review bombing it because your favorite character didn't get a happy ending

There are plenty of valid reasons to criticize the show but the danyfags on social media are the absolute worst.

>Yea Forums is going to love season 8, just because normalfags hate it

you're not allowed to like white people

>why is Davos master of ships?
Really? That's your problem? Would you have rather had Yara?

I'm not saying it's in preproduction or something you moron I'm saying they left it ambiguous for a reason

lowest rated women age 18-29. I wonder why?

>normies and roasties didn't get their shitty Jon & Dany killing the NK and taking over the kingdoms ending

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I expected comedy music and the credits rolling right then

Goddamn what a fucking faggot.

>imagine caring about GoT spoilers after ep 3

Davos was a smuggler, he's not a master captain or shipwright or anything. There should be plenty of people more competent than him for the job. Yara would have been a far more sensible choice.

>Not even a low score reviews

>Just a bunch of Yea Forums virgins who give it 1/10 and writes HAHAHAHAHAHahHAHAHAHAHAH and other memes phrases

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The entire last 4 seasons have been this bad. The state of easily impressionable plebs who overrated this shitshow for half a decade.

I understood that reference

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>I am a big

That she is!


>bUt wHaT aBoUt MuH aZoR aHaI

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They have better taste than capeshitters who praise this trash

What more is there to say at this point, do you want another essay explaining why the writing makes no sense?
Why the character arcs are made completely null and void because of how the character’s story ends?
Do you need the pictures comparing set locations like kings landing to previous seasons?
Or maybe you need someone to write out something about how completely ridiculous the pacing of the show ended up being?
There is nothing more to say.

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It’s a tweet with six likes, who gives a fuck

That has to be top 3 most disappointing finales to a massively popular show ever and I wasn't even that invested in it

Actually those are the twitter femcels seething

To be fair I thought these leaks were bs when they were posted during episode 4. Only after episode 5 did I realize I spoiled myself.

Yeah. in the end it was truly a game of thrones.

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It's says it right there

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>character arcs

>character arcs are made completely null and void because of how the character’s story ends
Actually the character arcs in this seasons are the most coherent they ever were. Who has a more coherent arc, Rob or Jon? Come on son

>jAiMe WaS sUpPoSeD tO kIlL cErSeI


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Robb, by far. Are you stupid?

>set up to be the hero
>makes dumb decisions, marries an easterner instead of a Frey girl

>set up to be the hero
>makes dumb decisions, kills the queen
>ends up exiled

we hate the show for a multitude of reasons and have for years
normies only hate it because yass queen died

So Azor Ahai was Syrio Forel, right?

no it was Jon, prophesy was fulfilled when he killed dany

>Tywin sacks KL and has men bash the royal childrens brains in while raping the Elia
>Hurr based Genius, "not king if you have to say you are XD"

>Dany sacks KL
>deserved it tbchpham, death to tyrants

Normies BTFO

>almost as bad as Dexter
come on retards, you're overreacting. it was a fine episode, deserves a 7 at the very least

>Aegon didn't surrender
>Set a trap which would have murdered the entire city and the rebels

>"It's a fantasy"
>"therefore cast niggers"
Does she not understand the meaning of the word "fantasy"?
Why would anyone have niggers in their fantasy?


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>its a fantasy you can cast who you like
imagine btfo'ing yourself this fucking hard

something needs to be good first, in order to be spoiled

Why would the natives be immune to Malaria?
Does Malaria cause flesh to slough off of bones?

oh no no no indeed

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Review bombing is for faggots.

These same people defended the past couple of seasons, fuck them.

umm, no, sweetie. fantasy is based on mythical medieval europe.

looking forward to all the upcoming interviews with D&D and GRRM

>I ruined the surprises in a tv series for myself because seeing angry posts on a television forum where angry posts are posted all the time is somehow better

I don't even understand how this logic works.

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it wasn't even that bad unless you were an SJW Danaerys fan

That's not how narration works you bumbling retard.

This can't be real

>When the fat fuck's self insert finishes the books before him
Did DABID just eternally dab it on Gurm?

>the wall is fully repaired all of a sudden

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Stanisfags on suicide watch

>talking shit

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Oh no no no what will they ever do??? Season 9 will drop viewership hard
Oh wait

kek at the femcel brigaders

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>season 7 is the highest rated of the entire series
yeah im going to say normies are fucking retarded

user... the show is over and in 2 months it will be just a distant memory like everything nowadays. they already made their money.

>episode 3 enraged the capeshit crowed
>episode 4 enraged the femcel crowd
honestly based, hopefully they stay away from the spinoffs too

>Shown small section of a continent spanning wall
>Where's the gap?!??!

Episode 2 was the worst of the season yet retarded normalfags rated it highest. It was a filler episode after we already had a filler episode. Not to say dialogue isn't important, but it was overkill at that point. Normalfags can't be trusted.

this. and neither can this forum because anons here liked it as well

These last two episodes were the best in years
Apart from Sansa and Arya being annoying it was fine
There’s still stupid stuff like the Dothraki and unsullied just going away and drone not staying independent
But ending with Daenerys getting SNOW’D and the kingdoms becoming an elective monarchy is a more interesting ending than some incompetent fuck who’s ancestor was king getting the throne
Jon would’ve been a shitty king, Gendry would’ve been worse
Bronn may be a meme as master of coin but maybe he’s invested in brothels or something, it’s not like the previous masters of coin where always sensible choices
Wish that radmure was on the small council though

The worst written episode in the entire show 'Beyond the Wall' has a higher rating (9.2) than the S1 average
the 'muh writing' argument is a fallacy, people just get mad when they dont get what they want

Because you can still enjoy something even if you know the outcome and aren't 10 years old.

I love how they spinned from 10/10 with Arya killing NK to this.

Create buzz? It's the most popular tv show of all time.

I don't think a PornHub stream is going to make much of a shift.

The second half of the season was much better than the first half. Normalfags are fucking retarded.

The fucking midget spells out how bloodthirsty she has been in the episode and people still think she just suddenly flipped.

cnn checked nationwide registries and said around 3500 people in the US are called either daenerys or khaleesi. so its highly unlikely to dumb into one of them and burst out laughing.

look at dis dood

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I'm glad I never got into this garbage.

>ending tailor made for incels
>stronk queen has pms and gets murdered exposing the sjw
>virgin autist is king
>incels still hate it

>The last two episodes weren't complete fanservice
Fucking what? The Starks live happily ever after. QUEEN OF THE NORTH. Tyrion survives and is given a position of power despite failing spectacularly hard every time. Fucking Bronn is given a position of power despite being the most corrupt motherfucker alive.
How is this not complete fanservice?

>iron throne comes out
>not only the best episode this season but also the best since at least season 6
>yass kween normies who liked all the cringy Mary Sues have autistic fits that they don’t get their wish fulfilment
>their kween is killed by a white guy
>king is a white guy
>hand is a white guy
>the small council apart from the King’s body guard is all white guys
Based and redpilled ending
Only thing that’s really irritating is Sansa but she’s been incredibly irritating since the show began and normies have liked her since rape made her into a genius

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You are exactly the kind of braindead normie that this shit caters to.

I'm an actual incel and Bran being the king is just the most obvious reasoning here. Imagine a king that can see ALL of the past of any single individual ever. This kind of king has the potential to be the wisest, the most incredible king to have ever been.
Having said all that, I fucking despite the show for ending the undead like they did. It was the entire point of the show, that there was a threat beyond any other threats. And they ended it like it was nothing all along.
I solely kept watching just to see what they would do with the undead. And was disappointed to see it end exactly as I predicted.
It was all for naught. Nothing ever mattered in this show. It just feels shallow, and it's disappointing because it didn't feel that way during the first 3 seasons.

>tv is hating the season and every episode hard
>tv hates the leaks
>leaks are true and this time normies are hating it
>tv is now loving the episodes
yea never seen this before

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Dany wouldn't have gone insane if he wasn't a Targ in the first place. So basically Dany did all the heavy lifting and dirty work to create an opening for Bran, so his reputation could remain unscathed. Jons entire purpose was to dispose of her to clear the path for Bran.

I stopped giving a fuck about spoilers after the trash heap that was episode 3.

>last episode
normies mad they don't get dany on throne
>this episode
normies mad jon isn't on the throne

if you didn't like the ending, you're a fucking normie

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I refuse to believe Dany is more popular than the Starks amongst the general audience. Not to the point where 1 character having a bad end is enough to ruin the whole thing. The fact all the Starks and fan favorite characters lived happily ever after would have been considered a good, fanservice ending.

And yet...

unironically 5 and 6 were kino
you fucking normalfags

>Starks live happily ever after
>people mad they didn't get what they want
What did people want then? Everyone dies ending?

Normies should love it since Sansa, Arya, and Bronn are the favorites. Jon is a fucking embarrassment and even his normie fanbase thinks he's a waste of space now.

>Everyone dies ending?
I'm in the minority here, but I still think it would make for a good ending. Dark, grim and gritty, just like the show was intended to be.

season 4, brainlet

i love how no one never complains about the 10/10s

Let me guess, people hate it because YASS QUEEN SLAY didn't end all men and rule forever

Only episode I've seen is the finale. Really felt like Walmart Lord of the Rings.

>The true villain was the throne all along