Jon Snow

What the FUCK was his problem, Yea Forums?

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he did the right thing but personally I would have given her the d first


She never even got to sit on it.

How do you make someone bleed out of their mouth and nose if you stab their abdomen?

he impaled her just as she wanted :^)

Yeah honestly if I was going to kill her I would have definitely raped her first.

Base reactionary desires to protect the power of high nobility and his deep hatred for the commons.

stab them in the superior vena cava

no man i mean the compassionate d, would totally dive on that ivory muff too, she deserved it.

shit if jon had just flicked that bean maybe king's landing wouldn't have gotten the torch.

Typical commie, kills hundreds of thousands of innocent common people just to flip it to "the man" and then claim to have done it for those same people they've just murdered. She had it coming.

honor my ass, he deserves to rot

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He made the wrong choice.
What we saw was the bad alternate reality ending.
The good end has Jon giving Dany the D right then and there on the throne room floor, fucking the crazy right out of her. She agrees to take it easy on all the other territories if they assemble their lords and ladies in a huge ceremony swearing fealty to her. Sansa refuses but Jon has her sentence relegated to taking the black.
Over time she softens due to regular doses of vitamin D and becomes a good queen.

>slave owning nobles, khans and bourgeois who`s wealth is based off slave trade


>regular doses of vitamin D

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So glad this shit is finally over and I will never have to hear about it again.


By doing that, he saved milions of people that were going to get burned by some mad clown.

Just like Jamie did, he did it as honor compelled him to do the right thing. Now fuck off to red*it

>I will never have to hear about it again.
where do you think you are?

>eight seasons to become discount Jamie

Yeah, like all of those evil 10 year old slave traders she burned to death in King's Landing, they totally deserved it.

Ya bro that dead little girl lying in the street sure was an notorious slaver

They had plenty of time to abandon Cersei instead of flooding her castle.

They collectively refused unconditional surrender. Besides "civilians" provided Cersei with funds,foodstufs and weapons to fight his war to begin with there is nothing innocent about aiding the enemy.

>to fight his war

Which makes it fine to burn literally hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children to death.
This is how retarded Daenerysfags are.
Well, doesn't matter now, your shitty waifu got her just deserts and all you tranny faggots can do about it is cry on twitter.

English is not my first language and Finnish does not have gendered pronouns so I usually get bit confused OK?

Yes, very honorable to slay your queen and lover. Oh, and she's your family too.

>armies of dothrakis killing and raping everyone around
>Why Dont They Abandon Cersei bro?
i dunno maybe they dont want to be raped and killed by fucking niggers

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Ironically enough, those same people would have happily paraded their heads in the streets had they lost; or thrown refuse on them while spitting on them on their way to be tortured/executed by Cersi had they been captured.

However, the fact remains that there was absolutely no reason to sentence them to death. By her logic, every person in North Korea should be executed for not taking up arms and overthrowing the Kim family (or Russian for not fighting Stalin, or German for not fighting Hitler).

Also; why was Sansa representing the Stark Family when Bran was alive and made King of the 7 Kingdoms? Technically he's King of the North.

While it played perfectly into the whole "Danarys had a meltdown because Sansa is a machivellian lying bitch who couldn't her word to keep her mouth shut" It made zero sense. There's no reason for the North to want to leave if the King of the North is on the throne; let alone if they have an equal say as to who's on the throne after Bran dies.

Plot holes.

They didn't do anything bad in Westeros before KL. If anything they bravely sacrificed themselves for racists fucks in the North.

Given Dresden and the nukes, the allies did share her logic. It's not like she killed everyone, just fucked up the city to send a message.

Obviously the development is shitty plotwise and doesn't make much sense but even at her worst Dany didn't do anything special just had a higher kill count due the scale. The Mountains was raping and murdering around the Riverlands and no one called Tywin mad for giving the orders.

Jon put honor and REAL family first and paid everything for it

sure people in kings landing knew they dindu nuffin they gud boi
Qyburn and Cersei for sure made everything possible to assure citizens of kings landing to accept diversity from middle east and dont fear brown people

Personally, I think Jon should've fucked her, and then strangled her mid coitus, with the ash of burnt little kids all over their bodies, and then finished as she died choking

have you ever stabbed someone in the abdomen?

I think Dany should have been pregnant and the guilt of killing his unborn child should have made Jon take the black again.

>real family
>some autist tree man who doesn't care about present affairs
>a half sister who broke a simple fucking promise and contributed to all the fuckery
>a half sister who doesn't even want to see him again and supporter her real sister over him despite the said sister always being a cunt

Should have had dany stab jon instead, then arya kills dany

then arya and that baratheon kid on the throne, best ending

cousins, user, theyre all cousins to juan nieves.

He went from based to cucky sissy slave to based again

Also he's the rightful king


no problem whatsoever roastie got btfo

>dude lol we need to punish you because some dickless niggers will get mad if we don't
>*stares in gorm* ok
>oh I guess they're all leaving but whatever

It's more honorable than letting that bitch take the crown and begin oppressing literally millions of people with her fucking biological superweapon.

Now this is pod racing

>By her logic, every person in North Korea should be executed for not taking up arms and overthrowing the Kim family (or Russian for not fighting Stalin, or German for not fighting Hitler)

Name one good thing that came out of Germany, Russia, or North Korea since those rulers took power that WASN'T porn.

People are upset because Dany went "crazy" at the speed of light... but the hairy manlet going homicidal on afternoon walk is somehow normal behavior?

>Not chocking her during wild sex
He's gay


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Fuck off bran this is all your fault.

she was going to target Winterfell as well

It seems pretty obvious to me that Danerys is America bombing the fuck out of every country because it's run by "bad" people and the "bad" Muslims Asians etc living in those countries don't rise up and overthrow their tyrants so they deserve to be bombed. I thought it was a heavy-handed anti-America war thing really lampshaded in Tyrion's speech.

She was a qt psycho but one that can only be admired when you're not living in their reality. She was about to "liberate" Winterfell like she did King's Landing, along with the rest of Westeros and the world, and you know Sansa is stubborn as fuck and wouldn't stand down, which will result in her death. Jon did the right thing.

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I don't know...

we need webms of when she tries to convince jon to come with her

He killed the incel, just as he should.

If he had given her the D just a couple episodes ago all those people would have lived and they would rule the world together.

nice try fbi

>perfectly acceptable and legal in the local culture
>not innocent
in 20 years ranchers and butchers will hang from lampposts because >muh meat is murder

She had to pay the toll.
She brought her unwashed masses to rape and pillage all as a resort of her "actions" in season 1 and only when she could see the future she may have had lain out infront of her was it right for her chance at redemption to strike her down.

Actualy pottery, mad based.

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how the FUCK did she die so quick?
she got stabbed and the lights went out instantly