Reminder that emilia clarke said the words masturbate and penis in this video

>reminder that emilia clarke said the words masturbate and penis in this video

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naughty girl

imagine she sensually rape me

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>that top comment

Absolutely based

brehs I wish she was my aunt

>she will never whisper over and over again in your ear "do you like masturbating your penis for mommy? do you like masturbating your penis for mommy?" as you masturbate your penis.

God I would cum so fucking hard all "OHHH GODD MUMMMYEEEE"

Lads there is literally LITERALLY a zero (0) percent chance of Emilia becoming my gf

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After finding out she had two brain aneurysms, I just can't see Emilia in that way anymore. I just want to wish her well and hope she lives a good long life.

I have no fucking idea how they manage to 180 her like that. I was absolutely in love with Darthnarys, but all I see here is a whorish Indian quadroon.


does it mean there's a infinitesimally small chance of emilia becoming my gf since she will never be yours

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>ywn be masturbating while Jon and Dany fuck in the next room

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>ywn cuck Jon with Daenerys as you pats his head and call him little fellow while you ride the dragon

>those majestic photo shots juxtaposed with her freudian-tier favorite words

That's a pretty good metaphor for human kind as a whole. We posture as an intelligent species but we're still just a bunch of dumb fucking monkeys

I wonder if she's honest with herself about the fact that she has a low level animal brain

>inb4 anons get triggered at this post

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it pleases me that danys favorite words include masturbate, nuts, penis, and wet.

shes half poo I bet she loves scat and public defecation

she should be masturbating me the lazy bitch

She's extremely stupid and pretty aware of it. You never see her pushing any politics or attempts at making points of something. She is just her bubbly silly self all the time and it's adorable.

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clarke confirmed for hellcat in the sack

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she's feminine that way

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>ywn hear mad queen dany talk dirty to Jon because the season was so short

we needed more seductive dany s8

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man wish we got some mad dany nude scenes this season

full frontal finally would have been awesome

Someone use this and the soundbites from GoT lines to create a Dany JOI hypnosis video PLEASE. I am not talented enough.


>jon enters room
>dany turns around fully naked
>seduces jon
>jon fights the temptation
>dany angrily walks away

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upvoted my fellow intellectual

>"When they woke me, I was screaming in pain," she recalled. "The procedure had failed. I had a massive bleed and the doctors made it plain that my chances of surviving were precarious if they didn't operate again. This time they needed to access my brain in the old-fashioned way -- through my skull. And the operation had to happen immediately."
>The recovery lasted a month and it was much harder than the first. Clarke said she suffered from panic attacks, felt like a shell of herself, and tried to block the memories of the dark time.

>>One night, after I’d passed that crucial mark, a nurse woke me and, as part of a series of cognitive exercises, she said, “What’s your name?” My full name is Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke. But now I couldn’t remember it. Instead, nonsense words tumbled out of my mouth and I went into a blind panic. I’d never experienced fear like that—a sense of doom closing in. I could see my life ahead, and it wasn’t worth living. I am an actor; I need to remember my lines. Now I couldn’t recall my name.

>I was suffering from a condition called aphasia, a consequence of the trauma my brain had suffered. Even as I was muttering nonsense, my mum did me the great kindness of ignoring it and trying to convince me that I was perfectly lucid. But I knew I was faltering. In my worst moments, I wanted to pull the plug. I asked the medical staff to let me die. My job—my entire dream of what my life would be—centered on language, on communication. Without that, I was lost.

>On the set, I didn’t miss a beat, but I struggled. Season 2 would be my worst. I didn’t know what Daenerys was doing. If I am truly being honest, every minute of every day I thought I was going to die.

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>A few weeks after that second surgery, I went with a few other cast members to Comic-Con, in San Diego. The fans at Comic-Con are hardcore; you don’t want to disappoint them. There were several thousand people in the audience, and, right before we went on to answer questions, I was hit by a horrific headache. Back came that sickeningly familiar sense of fear. I thought, This is it. My time is up; I’ve cheated death twice and now he’s coming to claim me. As I stepped offstage, my publicist looked at me and asked what was wrong. I told her, but she said that a reporter from MTV was waiting for an interview. I figured, if I’m going to go, it might as well be on live television.

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Thats Octroon to you

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>this is actually possible

using youtube's closed captioning on 20min+ videos to search for key words

you can pretty much make her say anything

I would but I am only good at writing fapbait/joi not editing, I can easily play a sultry Emilia/dominating mad dany

going to attempt something user, will post here if still up