Why is Jon sent to the wall, if the north is no longer part of the seven realms?

Why is Jon sent to the wall, if the north is no longer part of the seven realms?

Why is there still a nightwatch if there is no more whitewalkers?

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There was a Night Watch before the walkers dumb dumb

>we are not at war so lets disband the army

They explained it. There will always be a Nights Watch regardless to function as a prison colony and dumping ground for undesirables

Because Dabids are fucking hacks

Bran needs somebody he can trust to keep watch beyond the wall and keep the wildlings in check, Jon would have accepted this 'punishment' for breaking his oath to Dany and Sansa would like him out of the North so she can rule unimpeded.
easy to understand

It felt wrong to me how everyone just abandoned Jon.
There's no reason why they wouldn't just allow him back considering the unsullied fucked off anyway.

Grey Worm and the rest didn't realize at the time Sansa called for independence so she technically can get her brother stay in Winterfell if she wants, but won't speak aloud until they are all eaten by butterflies.

Jon probably just wants some time alone you know.

Sansa wanted Winterfell and Bran wanted the Throne

They had to get rid of Jon and make him believe it was his idea

>Why is there still a nightwatch if there is no more whitewalkers?

There isn't. This was just a convenient way for Bran to get Jon out of King's Landing with his head still intact. Season and episode still sucked ass, but this is one of the few things that made sense.

>get Jon out
>ship him on a 2000 mile journey north so nobody suspects

it's not like anyone would've cared besides the Unsullied and Dothraki

Actually, now that Grey Worm is out of the fucking picture (rode away all his political leverage on a boat), Jon can do w/e the fuck he wants now and the only person to tell him no is Bran and Sansa, whom are his family, so... yeah, Grey Worm got played.

>ship him on a 2000 mile journey north so nobody suspects

Everyone teleports now in Westeros. The journey would take 2 hours, max.

>Why is there still a nightwatch if there is no more whitewalkers?

Because there will be still demand for lifetime sentences.

This. The Night's Watch is basically Australia now.

bran didn't want the throne

Jon just needed a fucking vacation. He can comeback whenever he wants considering Grey Worm and the Unsullied are currently getting killed by butterflies.

>The so-called butterfly fever is a disease native to the isle of Naath. It is believed to be transmitted by the local butterflies, particularly a large black-and-white variety with wings as big as a man's hand, according to Archmaester Ebrose. Even though the Naathi themselves are immune to this sickness, all outsiders who remain too long on Naath fall prey to it.

>Fever is the first sign of the disease, followed by painful spasms that make the victims seem to be dancing wildly and uncontrollably. In the last stage, those afflicted sweat blood, and their flesh sloughs from their bones.

Australia with snow.

A White Australia if you will.

D&D truly were our guys all along

hes not night watch anymore. He lives with the wildlings now

>bran is king of seven. Kingdoms and north let's north be free , bitch sister steals you home winterfell calls herself queen.

Why would they exile john to the north?
>need to go thorough the north to the watch. He is literally scot free

did Bran make that call to cuck him off for finally ending the madness?

>durr why Jon muh "honor muh queen muh iss nah righ" Snow go into exile over his guilt

The Wall hasn't been part of the North ever. In letting the girl we've been told over and over is smart without ever showing it secede she doesn't get granted extra territory.

Honestly, if I were him I'd jump on a boat across the sea, sell my valarian steel sword for the gold needed to start a new life, and just try to forget the last few years. Maybe worship the lord of light. Fuck each and every last one of his friends and family who at any point claimed to value him or insisted he should be king. They all showed their true colors in the end.

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Because all the rapists need to go somewhere

Bran care about the eco system

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The wall is basically a glorified prison/ exile.

With a new King in the North to rule it. A shame it's a snowy shithole rather than a hot landmass with beautiful beaches and tons of natural resources.

Out of all the questions you chose to ask this one? Put me down for a yikes.

To set up the spin off(s)/ sequals.

Arya is a pirate.
Sansa is a yas queen.
Jon is the dragon born.
Will our heroes be successful?
Tune in next time for another episode of dragon ball z.

No holdfast in the Giff for him then.

There must always be a lich king.

No you retard. The first men formed the night's watch to fight the white walkers

Why didn't tyrion, sansa, arya, or even fucking bran just tell the lords and Greyworm Jon was the true heir? LMAO

even if he wasn't the rightful heir, he killed the queen and has the right of conquest
the whole thing is a complete mess that doesn't hold up to the even slightest bit of scrutiny
bravo Dabid, one last time

Why should they honour their pledge to Greyworm? Just pretend to be retarded and fuck the Night Watch once the foreigners are gone.

If he played his cards right.

Seriously bro wtf

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But the night king was of a man of the watch???

Imagine not realising this was brans plan from the start

he wasn't really sent to the watch, that was just a cover. He walked with the Wildlings to the north, while the gate closed behind him - so he was basically given what he wanted, a life beyond the wall with the Wildlings.

Not like the Unsullied can check if it's true.

Because the pirates also don't like that Jon saved the kingdoms, even though Dany would have fucked the pirates shit up.

No, you're thinking of the Night's King (13th Lord Commander of the Night's watch). Confusing I know. But he was only mentioned in the books by Old Nan

Imagine being Jon Snow in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Bran, you fuckin' bastard, sending me to the wall to hang out with all my free folk bros and being commander of the Night's Watch. I'm totally depressed, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another wild girl in some cave. Like seriously imagine having to be Jon and not only sit in that jail cell while Grey Worm flaunts his disgusting army in front of you,unknowing all of them are about to be killed by poisonous butterflies, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, as they perfected his angst. Not only having to tolerate Bran becoming a king despite not having done anything as entire Westeros tells him he's THE BROKEN and DAMN, HOW COME HE DO HIM LIKE THIS?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch him give away the most important jobs in the nation to bunch of incompetent hacks some of whom you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been doing fucking nothing but hanging out with your boys and Ghost, and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the Winterfell and your cunt of a stepmom. You've never even seen anything go this well for you before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out of Greyworm, smugly assured that you miserable at the prospect of spending lifetime away from political intrigue and pointless wars about shit that happened 100 years ago, all while riding horses seeing cool shit and hunting. And then Bran delays it for another day, and you know you could kill every single person in this city before the Dothraki could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Jon. You're not going to lose your future wild pussy over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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they lost 90% of their boats and fighting men to drogon in blackwater bay
what the fuck are they going to do about it?
giving the iron islands a place at the table to even speak was an act of great charity

but Ghost

Based Jon is just gonna live the life he always wanted as a Wildling Eskimo. Kino ending, bravo D&D

It becomes the Eight Kingdom

King Jon Snow First of his Name. Slayer of Dragons. Queenslayer. Ally of Wildlings. The Protector of the Realm. The Shield in the Darkness. Hero of the Long Night. Bane of the Night's King. Lord Commander of Castle Black. The One who Knows Nothing.

All hail the King-Beyond-the-Wall.

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The thing that chaps my ass about the Unsullied, is that how can those eunuchs keep their mass and test? After one year of castration, you'd shrivel up tranny levels.

Oh Canada




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they're all skinny bitches what are you talking about?

men going their own way

Bran rused the sand niggers. Jon is going to lead the Wildlings.

(((brain))) had this all figured out from season 4

Even without White Walkers, it's just a matter of time until Wildling niggers start to raid again

Bran knew this

He is no longer Bran though. He is the Three Eyed Raven who just happened to be a bastard son of a Targaryen. Makes you think.

they're just well trained emotionless canon fodder with no fear of dying in the books. Even in the show they never made them out to be good soldiers beyond a sales pitch.

thats robb stark user


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>Why is Jon sent to the wall, if the north is no longer part of the seven realms?
To reform the nights watch.

>Why is there still a nightwatch if there is no more whitewalkers?
It serves the interests of all parties, the region has an impartial police force that can resolve disputes between free folk and northmen and the crown has the ear of what is now effectively an ambassador to both factions, the crown has an interest in maintaining stability in the north so it can benefit from trade.

Easy answer to both.
>Why is Jon sent to the wall, if the north is no longer part of the seven realms?
Sansa agreed to it.
>Why is there still a nightwatch if there is no more whitewalkers?
Same reason there was a Night's Watch when people thought white walkers were a myth: it's a place for bastards to make a name for themselves away from the cleanfolk.


I think Davos or Tyrion made a passing comment how they needed a dumping ground for bastards and criminals. For most of history, the Nights Watch was just a de facto penal colony.

Is it just me or did Sansa only care about power?

She was groomed by the ladderman himself.

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Jon sould have pulled that dagger out of Dany's chest and become Azor Ahai. Missed opportunity.

The night king doens't exist in the books. He's just a made up baddie

The north is still part of the realm although it is separated from the seven kingdoms. But that was how Westeros always was before Aegon's conquest.

> Jon
> Saves the world twice.
> Once from the Night King. Once from The Mad Queen.
> everyone is like, lol, bye, we don't wanna fight some cockness niggers to save you.

>He can comeback whenever he wants considering Grey Worm and the Unsullied are currently getting killed by butterflies.

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Why does the USA have border guards on the Canadian border?

*fucks off to live with a bunch of unwashed savages*

After the dickless unsullied leave westeros, Jon should receive a Pardon and become the master of war under king Bran.

Should be Bran the all-knowing, all-seeing, the overseer
anything else but what jaime did to a kid

You should ask yourself, how is sending Jon to the Wall a punishment? He is near his family, the wild ling aren't much of a threat and some of them even like him. It like he is forced to be on Yea Forums where people are friendly.

this got me so mad

The snow will eventually melt

To keep the murricans trying to flee from being conscripted into the next Vietnam in.

>save you.
Tyrion knew Jon loved being a watcher. Dude sent him to retire in peace. Who do you think let Tormund know that Jon needed an escort to the land of wild pussy and fermented milk?

>this was D&D's plan all along

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His fault for being a pawn and killing Dany. She only loved him and he stabbed her. Jon deserves a far worse fate. Hope the regret gets him to take his own life. He was a cuck to the core.

Dorne and Ironborn would rebel because they followed Female Hitler not her murderer afterwards.

Why do retards keep saying the Nights Watch was all about the white walkers when there haven't been one in 8000 years and nobody believed they existed when Jon joined the Watch?

i could understand jon voluntarily going to the wall because he's happier in the north and he wants to rebuild it even though now that relations are good with the freefolk and there's no night king it's pretty much pointless.

it doesn't make any sense that he would be forced to take the black for killing a crazy queen though. i mean jaime lannister killed a king and didn't even get kicked out of the kingsguard. the unsullied fucked off 2 minutes later too and they're literally the only people that would be upset if he wasn't punished somehow. nobody else gives a fuck and probably most consider him heroic for killing a possible tyrant with a dragon.

>the hero is forced to live as a childless exiled cuck
>cripple takes the throne

this is what we all wanted

Shut the fuck up and stop making excuses for the writers. Nowhere in the scene where Tyrion tells Jon it is implied that he's doing him a favor. They genuinely wrote that as "Sorry mate, we needed to compromise with the Unsullied despite them being irrelevant now and not a real threat". Jon isn't even happy about it, which makes no sense. The way the characters react in this show makes no fucking sense at all

The perfect punishment for his lack of ambition.
Keep insisting repeatedly that you dont want [THING] and there is a serious risk you will not actually get it.

Didn’t Varys send out all those letters about Jon being the true heir?

Jon is unhappy because he murdered Dany, not because of his "punishment".

>*fucks off to live with a bunch of unwashed savages*

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>Yi Ti's face as shit unfolds on Westeros

No, he burnt them.

>Jon wants some smelly dutty pussy after having prime dragon beef
Yeah I don't think so.

To fight the wildlings... that was at the freaking wall

Because bookends are a shortcut for writers that don't know how to end a story.

Thats convenient. Maybe it is a lie spread by natives to avoid invasion?

When did he have prime dragon beef? He only got some old, used up horsefucker cunt.

Dorne and iron islands wanted it too.

tyrion, salsa, Arya and Sam kinda forgot that Jon was the rightful king

Oh, Jon also forgot it

Jon didn't forget, he DINT WUN EET


Bran and Tyrion also didn't want it but guess they kinda forgot it

he still has his bro thormund

The Wall is not part of the Kingdom of the North.

The Night's Watch precedes Aegon's conquest


Why would you believe that?

Yes he did.
I found it odd that Bran would say “as was my plan all along” and within 3 minutes of the same scene say “i didn't want the throne”

Him going with the Wildlings is more or less him doing that. He's gone with the people who actually still value him to the only place he was ever really happy.

There's no way he'll ditch the sword, though.

Everyone kind of forgot that Gendry Baratheon would have been the rightful heir even if Jon didn't want it.

There is also no Night's Watch. Everybody's dead. All the wildlings are deas( except Tormund +20 others). The north is completely wiped out. Nothing makes sense anymore.

He would've been fighting her battles for the rest of his live

And the rest of the Wildlings and The Night's Watch go north of the Wall in the middle of a Winter that could last 10 years to be completely wiped out. Lmaoing at this writing.

No there wasn't. The first men were invading and conquering Westeros with their bronze weapons, the children created the WW to fight back. The WW went crazy and both the children and the first men joined forces to stop them and made their peace deals which men broke 5 minutes afterwards.

All you had to do was support your aunt when she roasted a bunch of civilians alive for literally no reason and then fuck her, Jon.

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What potential prisoners?
The white walkers turned everybody from the northest north down to Winterfell into zombies.
How many people are alive in KL? Looked pretty dead to me. It's probably not the case but from the show perspective it seems like there are max 1000 people alive in Westeros.

They need a place to put the bastards.
Also Jon is the Night King

We'll have a reboot that will confirm this

Admit it guys, if Arya's scenes were cut, season 8 would be by far the best season since s4

Show mistake. The Night's King was a guy who commanded the original Night's Watch main castle (the Nightfort) and got seduced and corrupted by a female Other. The then-current King-Beyond-the-Wall and the Stark in Winterfell joined forces to kill them both, and the Nightfort wasn't used after that.

The real/book Others were not led by a 'Night King' when they first attacked prior to the Wall being built at all, and no mention of a 'Night King' leading them now has ever been made at any point in the books. Most likely D&D got confused by the story or just liked the name and used it in their dumbed-down Others.

Abandoned plotlines: winter

>themes of family, unity, and pack vs lone wolf metaphors for the entire show

>actually they all just split up and went their own way at the end, some of them for no reason at all (Arya is now an ocean explorer lol)

Only Jon and the wildlings went norf beyond the wall

The lords of the seven kingdoms tricked the niggers into believing this is a punishment, while knowing that Jon is going to get to live his days in the North where he likes it, smashing wildling pussy all night and rangering all day.

This. He didn't really want to have to kill her and probably didn't expect that after everything he'd fought for and everything she'd done to help that he'd end up having to put her down like a fucking mad dog.

Bran was lying.

Arya and Jon got the only good endings in the show. They'll be 500 miles away when KL's fucktarded new power structure totally collapses.

>as a prison colony
why? Just make prisons. It's not like there's a wildling or even a white walker threat anymore.

He should have died at the hand Drogon, Greyworm or some dotraki
Hack writers gonna hack

Why did they offer the Unsullied lands in the Reach saying there was no people there anymore ? Did I miss a genocide ?

>nobody else gives a fuck
Yara gave a fuck.
aka the illegitimate ruler of some small islands

It's easier to send people somewhere remote then to built actual prisons that effectively keep people imprisoned.

so many things ended up being pointless

It's a very common practice similar to a goulag, you send them very far to a unwelcoming place and you never heard of them again, far more effective than regular prison.

Actually before S1 nobody believed in Walkers, wildlings were a super minor threat so it was effectively a goulag.


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Haha wouldn't it be funny if Ygritte had a sister and Jon met up with her and married her and they children and Jon pretended that she was Ygritte and that the last 6 years never happened haha?

Yeah grey worm has gone.
King bran and queen Sansa leaving him to rot on the remnants of the wall guarding against a mythical foe only jon snow took serious and defeated anyway is almost as a big a fuck you to his character than the big FU that Daenerys got.
Like what is he going to do? Babysit murderers? The guy is literally the hero of the 7 kingdoms and the legitimate heir to the throne and they leave him in butt fuck nowhere when his own family are king and queen of Westeros and have the power to tell the unsullied to fuck off and that job snow is going to have his ancestral home of Dragonstone and actually have an ending.

Sansa will pardon him, so he can come back if he wants. The only point of it was to get dickless to fuck off.

But I'm not sure he's going to want to come back after plowing some big tiddy wildlings.

Aegon conquest was recent (300 years) but has nothing to do with walkers.

They had 2 fucking years to write this. 2 YEARS. I've seen shitposts in these threads that would genuinely make for better endings.

>They actually included a scene with a ''song of ice and fire book''
Its like parody bros. I'm mad.

>Jon not a bastard
>rightful heir to the throne
>"but he killed his crazy aunt who slaughtered a city!"

>Bran a male legitimate Stark
>Made king
>Sansa takes control of the north for some reason and refuses to pledge loyalty

Why does nothing make sense?

What happened to the Dothraki? no way they followed Greyworm?

"Why do you think I came all the way here?"
Jon king beyond the wall.
Sansa queen of the north.
Arya will colonize their version of the Americas.
And Bran will rule over the other 6 kingdoms and body hop when he is near death.

yeah lmao haha

What does it fucking matter? D&D had no fucking clue what they were doing this season, it's pretty obvious.

they killed the tyrells and the tarlys which were the only houses in the reach we know of in the show
the smallfolk is in a constantly changing state of existing and not existing depending on the plot and budget (just like the unsullied, dothraki and norfmen)

>refuses to pledge loyalty

>Bran can see into the future
>Allows the North to secede
>10 years later, He assembles the 6 Kingdoms
>drives his army North
>Lets the troops run a train on Sansa
>Who can't produce heirs now bitch

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She didn’t even pledge loyalty to her own fucking brother who is now king? Please tell me this is a joke

>What happened to the Dothraki?
They peacefully integrated into Westerosi society. Most of them became Maesters

Just turn your brain off bro

What a beautiful rape

The Wall isn't part of the North. It is technically separate territory known as the Gift.

yeah, she went full open powerhungry cunt
the biggest problem wasn't even her demanding it but the other regions being perfectly fine with it (especially the iron islands and dorne)

>being a queen and pledging loyalty to another ruler.

>being a queen and ruling a kingdom

pick one.

top kek

>being a queen
Sansa was never Queen
She was Lady of Winterfell

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To keep snow abbo niggers out

Jon would have refuse being King anyway, he wanted to go back beyond the Wall and he'll probably be happy there if they don't die from massive inbreeding (they are too few and the only people alive beyond the Wall).

Bran as psychic powers and wikipedia inside his brain, could do worse as a King and he's clearly a servant to the People rather than a true ruler. Tyrion and the small council are the real rulers and they're all good people.

Sansa knew the North always wanted to be independant and would have reject even a Stark King if it meant staying in the South. She always wanted to be important, now she gets to be Queen.

The other realms are fine. The Vale pretty much didn't gave a fuck about all this. The Riverlands have a stupid ruler but his uncle will help him and he has a hot wife. The Westerlands are ravaged but their ruler is the Hand so they haven't lost everything. The Reach is ruled by probably the richest and most powerful lord. They also have some new population for the Unsullied who didn't follow Greyworm or the Dothrakis who wnated to stay. Dorne is forgotten as usual but that's what they want.

All is well.

You will have no lands
>Gets the castles along the wall and everything beyond, seemingly now thawing out after night kang died
You shall hold no titles
>Becomes de-facto king beyond the wall
>Also gets a bunch of people to populate his lands
You will father no children
>implying he can keep it in his pants with all those wildling redhead chicks running about adoring him

In 15-20 years later when he's tired of living out in the sticks he's gonna come back south with Drogon(who ofc follows the last Targaryen) and start a new war that HBO can milk in another series. I'll give it 5 years tops before GoT2:Electric Boogaloo is announced and GRRM will either be dead by then or not even have come to the last book in the series.

Don't they understand how killing two families doesn't depopulate a place ? The Reach was the most untouched place in the war, not counting the Vale and Dorne.

Or did they intend to make all Unsullied lords ?

The whole season was stupid. This last espisode especially.

>hitler dany
>greyworm saying how he fought to free kings landing of a murdering tyrant while placing a murdering tyrant on the throne
>while he's also killing people who have surrendered and are prisoners
>queen in da norf
>sansa's entire dialogue in this episode in general

Fuck me thank god this trainwreck is over

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They needed at least 1 stronk wamen leader else reddit would've thrown a fit

lol i got baited have a (you)

>nights watch is for the white walkers
You are so pathetically retarded you need to cut your nuts off to not spread your sad genes

Bronn isn't a good person though really, is he?

>In 15-20 years later when he's tired of living out in the sticks he's gonna come back south with Drogon

>TFW that Jon King Beyond the Wall harem fic comes true

Because they kinda forgot about all that.

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Rip doge

>he's gonna come back south with Drogon(
Bran admitted he could worg into drogon in the final scenes. Drogon is Bran's dragon now.

Ive done worse for less

Bran is not Bran any more.

There's no Others/White Walkers

There aren't even any fucking Wildlings anymore, they were accepted into the North as Northerners

More to the point why the fuck is Tormund and his crew headed back beyond The Wall? It's a fucking hellscape where you can't farm anything properly, it's ridiculously cold all the fucking time, and the wildlife is brutal

They'd been fighting to get south of the wall for literally centuries and Jon offering them land to farm south of the wall was enough for almost every clan to instantly ally with him

You forgot the Vale.

The biggest twist of all is Robin surviving to adulthood and actually looking like he's not about to die any second.

Why didn't he warg into dragons before, seems like it could have been useful

Bran literally jewed everybody in order to get the throne. And now that Daenerys is out of the way much thanks to his actions, he has a private dragon he can warg into, too. Elective council? He can rule forever since the Three Eyed Raven is basically an immortal being.

Interdimensional galactic chess being played right there

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to un accept the wild-lings as northerners and put them on the right side of the wall i guess.

I remember in the early season that Danny can't make a child anymore...or something like that.

Sooooo alex jones was right and inter dimensional alien deamons rule the world and also watch child rape ? Damn grrm woke

This is hilarious.

>jaime lannister killed a king and didn't even get kicked out of the kingsguard
That's because Robert couldn't afford to alienate his Lannister allies, and Jaime was considered dirt as a result by most of the rest of Westeros. "Kingslayer" is pejorative.

They realized everyone south of the wall was COCKSUCKERS
So they went back

no he said "perhaps" he could find him

anyway that little bowlcut cripple will either die of pneumonia from sitting out in a draft one night or get pushed down the stairs by some power hungry vassal like Bronn

It's called "The Land of Always Winter" for a reason
How do you fake a horrible disease? It doesn't even protect them since pirates figured out they are safe as long as they leave the island within 2 or 3 days.

the rape master finds a way

Yup that's what he did. He controlled everything from the shadows.
It may be controversial but I think the Night King actually was the good guy.

Hey I need some help, I had themed answer to this template, specifically Thenn Valley for my home, Val for my wife, but I wasn't sure who else I should do to keep it on-theme.
I wasn't even sure what my house should be
How would you guys fill the template with a wildling/partial wildling theme in mind?

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I interpreted it as they just rused Grey Worm with that "punishment". I mean, the Nights Watch was his home; he is far more familiar and at home with the Wildlings in the Far North. For the people who knew him, this "punishment" was literal paradise for someone who just wanted to go back to where he started for his retirement

Maesters of putting their horsecocks in white women

I haven't watch the episode

Did winter finally came?

>bran didn't want the throne

Yet after Tyrion asks him again he says....
"Why do you think I'm here."

Bran simulated different outcomes with his gay warg abilities and realized the best move was not to play at all. He won the throne by being a passive observer.

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Yep, but it didn't last long.

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Someone needs to edit the simpsons "but you didn't do anything" meme with Bran's face

>in a few hundred years a bunch of wildlings will shitpost the North to death, which forces King Bran the Immortal to take matters seriously

cave pussy is the best
I don't blame jon

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Better question, why only the north proclaimed independncy when there were no legitimate heir to the throne? Who would want to be ruled by a no one that won nothing at all?
If GOT cared about realism in the slightest Westeros as a kingdom should have ended after Daenerys death.

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fuck fuck fuck
Jon go ass blasted ....

Ok death of civilians happened, him killing the D was not bringing them back

There was no force left to oppose D and J so no, no more real wars.

Just march around and every pay fealty to D & J.

Now D could have killed J later but would she?

I think not,

D had a vision to something big,

we were left with what, build some ships and brothels argue about the order.

So yeah I think D & J was a better choice and J should have made it, it also lead to a much more interesting story

Sanasa got Jon out of the way.

Tyrion got his life back that he lover and played Jon

I actually don't think Bran gave a fuck either way, because he could not literally give a fuck.

J + D far far better result

The RAPE, Sansa.


How are they going to occupy themselves? Just work out and fuck butts?

If they cared about realism Gendry would be king since he's a legit Baratheon now.

Jon couldnt be king. but at least he got the next best thing, going out into the wilderness with his best friend and his dog.

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yeah right, now they're literally a military organization serving no lords, answer to no one, and full of rapist and child molesters, that would turn out GREAT

Australia worked because it's literally on another continent

>Tyrion tells Jon to kill Dany
>Arya also pressures him into it
>Allow him to spend months in jail rotting for something he didn’t want to do but did for the good of everyone
>Tyrion doesn’t say “I told him to do it” to alleviate Jons punishment and lets Jon be exiled

It was literal first draft scribble tier writing


So does the runaway Dothraki, but it seems nobody care about them

why do random countries send people to the United Nations headquarters in New York if they aren't part of the united states?

He dun wan it either

Lmao ya bro totally lol hahahaha

it's just a glorified exile, like sending people to Siberia to the gulag, doesn't matter if there's no people to fight to the north of Siberia as long as you get to send those people to the gulag

Arya shoulda been Sansas lord commander of the kingsguard

I want to see the spin off Unsullied: Naath's Baywatch.

Didn't watch this shit show but isn't Jon the secret brother of Daenerys or something?
Didn't they fuck?


There are no Nights Watch members left to keep the prisoners there.

Yeah he fucked his Aunt

Because he was now a kingslayer.

I guess she's useless then.

Yeah no shit. They put a stark on the throne. The North would follow the son of Eddard Stark over Sandra Bolton, the smartest girl on the world.

Even if we know they defeated the WW for good it makes sense for them to still be cautious for a while after their existence has been threatened by a legend came true.

I thought that during the scene where they voted bran as king but realistically Ringworm wouldn’t have let them choose Jon even tho he was the rightful heir. That would have triggered more bloodshed.


someone color this

so they're sending vile rapists and murderers north, unrestricted and unrestrained by anything except some vows, arming them, and they expect that to end well? soon there will be thousands of them and what happens when they decide to come down south?

at least before they actually had a purpose that kept them there but what do they have now?

You know there was a Wall and a Night's Watch before Aegon United Westeros, right? And that all the kingdoms sent men there? Heck, it used to even be considered an honor to serve in the Watch. Holy shit you people are idiots. No wonder all you talk about is capeshit.

no the first men defeated the long night and THEN creatted the nights watch to keep an eye out for any chance of them coming back.

the white walkers were defeated and came back so its probably a good idea to keep the nights watch going incase theres a third coming of the WW

He didn't want to be Lord of Winterfell. The greedy little shit had higher aims.

>him in the center
>Dany with children
>no sounds of burning babies
>Tyrion the unburnt

Yeah.... that's not what would have happened if he hadn't killed her.

grey worm isnt loyal to the rightful king, hes loyal to dany because she freed the unsullied. the unsullied follow her not her crown, they will never follow jon just because hes the heir

So Bran got the throne.
What on Earth would he do next?

how could you throw an innocent dog off a plane like that

>a prison colony
>arm the prisoners and put them in charge of their own castle


fucking casual brainlet

It'd bring a tear to lil' Pauline's eye.

>what happens when they decide to come down south?
Organized Rape
Beautiful Rape
It's part of Brans Master Plan

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Sansa went with her army to protect Jon.

firstly 8000 is wrong, its considered an exageration by drunk lazy westeros hsitorians and isnt accurate its more likely around 1000 years

second, it was initially created to watch against the coming of the white walkers and was considered an honourable thing to join, the Nights watch consisted of thousands of men manning all castles along the wall.

but over a long time the original purpose was forgotten and the nights watch degenerated into a place to send criminals and scum. it became a less honourable commision and rather a punishment and due to the WW never showing face for so long the nights watch spent most of their time dealing with wildling raiders and uprisings, which led them to shift towards keeping wildings at bay rather than watching for the others. they forgot what they were there for

we know that the nights watch were originally designed to watch for the WW because they have a specific 3 horn blast warning for white walkers which they wouldn't have if WW weren't their objective.

Because nothing in this show makes any sense.

>prime dragon pussy
>wrecked by drogos big foreign cock
>wrecked by darios big foreign cock
>wrecked by any other man who so much as fucking smiled at her

yeah sure

they made it a point to show a bit of grass growing through the snow. so i guess theyre implying winter is instantly over now so jon will be fine

its retarded but there it is

>The Riverlands have a stupid ruler but his uncle will help him


>become Azor Ahai

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What's stopping Jon from walking back home after the unsullied leave lol?

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Danyfag sit down

and Val


Jon is the leader and most respected man in the free folk, he's gone to the only place he was ever happy and literally makes his own rules and spends this good life with his bro Tormund, his doggo and with a cute wildling waifu and kids


They address this dumbo

There's zero necessity for the NW, they kind of just need Jon to fuck off so Gayworm or other Danyfags won't kill him

NW has always been the spot for that exact thing, none of them care what he actually does up there

There did seem to be some Brothers in the grounds though

He'll basically be the king beyond the wall and wont have to deal with the politics of the realms, he really did get the best ending.


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David & David, is that you?!

>Bran as psychic powers and wikipedia inside his brain, could do worse as a King and he's clearly a servant to the People rather than a true ruler.

Bran, a warg, is tracking Drogon down. That fucker is up to something.

jon would not have wanted winterfell or the throne. if he were allowed to choose his fate he would have willingly chosen to live with the free folk and leave all the bullshit behind. by giving him a pardon they at least could have left open the possibility of him coming back to be with his family every once in a while.

i mean what the fuck happened to "the lone wolf dies but the pack survives"? the few remaining starks have all split up.

But Jon got to be free in the far north where he was arguably most happy. He’s free of responsibility and duty now and can hang out with his wildling niggas, his wolf and probably find another ginger to chill in a cave with. He came out of this pretty good.

The Blackfish is dead, user. Edmure is on his own in the leadership position.

Jon abandons the nights watch in the last scene and rides out to live with the wildlings

Trust the plan. Qwarg

looking forward to warged drogon appearing at winterfell looking for sansa

Didn’t even use his Valyrian sword to do the dead

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he is the only winner

You guys think Rose got mad when they did the sex scene on the boat?

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Alternative to prison

did she get mad when he got caught fucking that russian model?

When did Dorne side with Dany?

Whet the fuck happened to winter that was supposed to take over everything

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prison/army reserves

That never happened mate do you have any proofs?
Fuck off

Wildling vagina mostly.

Pffffffffft nobody knows

Planetos kinda forgot about winter.

>Why is there still a nightwatch if there is no more whitewalkers?
Why was there one before? In case they came back, don't you remember how nobody believed the Night's Watch when they kept telling them that the white walkers had returned?

It was to fool the low IQ Grey Worm in to letting him go free without the north and the Unsullied having to go to war.

t. kit

wasn't in the budget

Implying Dorn would ever really give a fuck given their history.

Implying iron islands would give a fuck after they learned Danys plan to burn/ “liberate” all of the kingdoms & that Jon was the true heir anyways.

Implying any of this makes any sense whatsoever is just eating the shit you’ve been fed and pretending you like to eat shit.

Haha epic joke.

Kill yourself my man.

>fight a war to secede
>lose a ton of strong, healthy young men
>your shit leader bends the knee, rendering your sacrifice worthless
>assassination time
Norf wanted independence. She’s speaking primarily for her bannermen

‘Tisnt. Zoom in.

>powerhungry cunt
Just good ole' nepotism and fanservice to Sansatards like me
I dig it

True. I kinda forgot about him too

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Those kikes can't even subvert right, Gendry king and Arya queen would've been subversive but not the point of outright retarded like Bran the Incel.

>Gendry’s mom was Cersei and instead of infanticiding him she just shipped him off to a blacksmith so she wouldn’t have to raise Bobbyspawn

can't wait for them to use the dragon balls to bring everyone back to life

"The Unsullied will never accept Jon being free"
>10 minutes later
"Set sail for Qarth!"



Jon Killed Dany became the prince that was promised and the season went back to normal.

In the books it's implied Jaime took him to the blacksmith after she asked him to get rid of him.

Civil war is gonna happen in a generation

The snow covered throne room should be an indication of why the dragon didn't attack Jon and burnt the Iron Throne. Basically, Bran is the Night King and the Night King is actually a better person than all those uncivilized bunch south of the wall.

If the North becomes independent, then Bran is a foreigner to the six kingdoms. Yet they accept him as their king.

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>jon would not have wanted winterfell or the throne.
How can you be this fucking dense? Have you not watched a single episode?

This ENTIRE season has been Jon telling everyone on the planet that he didn't want to be king and yet everyone still conspired around him possibly becoming king. What Jon says means absolutely nothing. He's a chew toy for dogs to fight over.

>Bran, a warg, is tracking Drogon down. That fucker is up to something.
Bring her back to life as the winter queen to be with Jon beyond the wall. Like the stories that Old Nan used to tell him.

i think the most thematically appropriate ending would've been for the white walkers to slowly grind their way down south, defeating everything in their path. the good guys try just about everything, a hail mary attempt after another because they know there has to be a way to defeat them. but there actually isn't and they finally realize it when cersei refuses to leave king's landing or give up her seat of power, and the city it consumed by an unholy fuck huge undead army. anyway, all the major characters realize that there's no way to win, so they make the decision to leave westeros completely. but they can't go to essos because they're weary and they would face battle there for some reason, so instead they take a leap of faith and explore a promise made by bran or someone that there is land to west of westeros. the last few moments are a compilation of the westerosians discovering land and forging a new society there, wistfully mourning the past but somewhat bittersweetly enjoying the new. there is also a shot of king's landing, the iron throne vacated in a destroyed throne room. the real game of thrones was the people, not the throne itself. anyway then a dragon flies overhead and the words "GAME OF THRONES" appear, roll credits

What can Jon really do if he does come back to the other kingdoms? He can't be king, nor have any kind of authority or even property without the dickless douchebags catching wind and getting triggered.

This really is the best way for him to go. Fucking off beyond the wall, without ever having to deal with any more bullshit ever again.

The lords decided to institute an elective monarchy, after a bloody succession war, who could blame them.
Gendry was there, he could have been elected. Bran was elected instead, which stops the king from starting a dynasty. Regardless of it being done to make the Stark children winners of the series, it wasn't a stupid choice all things considered.

stop asking goy

warg into peasants and rape women

based hahaposter

haha lol heh kek dude

The new Prince of Dorne is said to have pledged his support to Dany in episode 3, I think. He's this cardboard, unnamed NPC whose only line is an "Aye."

would definetely be better than what we got

That's unironically what'll happen in the books, but with Ygritte

>inb4 Westeros gets partitioned by the Essosi free cities within 100 years
elective monarchy a shit
literally the worst of both monarchism and democracy

thanks user i spent 6 minutes on it, possibly more than d&d did on theirs

this is actually what they did in medieval times, there was no standing army of power ranger-like copy paste soldiers as portrayed in the show. what the fuck is wrong with you

Never saw a single episode other than the last one (hanging with buddies) why didn't John go with his sister on the boat? She was headed into unknown territory right? He can't go there?

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But elective monarchy incentivizes succession wars, doesn't prevent

>be a king in medieval times
>win a war and tell all your men at arms to return their weapons and armor
>they instead go into the woods and become bandits with your good steel because they have no jobs anymore
>best way to solve this problem is to rally up another military effort to get them out of there

wasn't this a real problem back in those days? i swear i read something about this

Because his sister's annoying as shit and being stuck on a boat with her for an indeterminate amount of time would be hellish

>what is a levy?
you do realize that medieval economies couldn't sustain a standing force? it's why mercenaries were such a big deal in medieval europe

it's also why tywin is the only guy in the books and show with a standing force of men at arms because he literally shits gold

the first men didn't break the peace, the andal faggots did

ever heard of the french foreign legion?

Soldiers fucking off to become bandits was a real problem. In the Hundred Years War, Europe was fucking crawling with commoner soldiers (especially English longbowmen) who either couldn't afford to get back home or decided that fighting and raiding was actually a better life style than subsistence farming. Between campaigns, when they weren't employed by either side, they fucked around in France burning down villages and churches and stealing all the shit they could get their hands on. They called themselves 'companies of adventure' and some of them went on to become the mercenary free companies like the Great Company and the White Company.

However, I'm not so sure if it was because they didn't want to give back equipment. Your status in society would often oblige you to keep a certain amount of equipment, like a sword or bow, and of course if you were a knight you needed to maintain horse, sword, armour, daggers, plus equipment for your squire, page, servants, etc. So, as far as I'm aware, most of the time equipment *wasn't* provided by the king or a nobleman to his soldiers: they'd bring their own and loot what they could after a battle field.

They actually made a point of this in one of the earlier seasons with Joffrey saying it was dumb the throne had to rely on shitty peasant levies rather than having a standing army. This was, of course, back when they put effort into the battles and showing just what an army of thousands of men on the move look like. Remember season 1 and 2, with multiple scenes in the Stark and Lannister camps? Then compare that to the later seasons where the masses of indistinguishable plebs in grey and brown shit rags just kind of appear wherever they need to be.

he would have gone north anyway to join tormund and the rest of the wildings
this is more of a formality to appease greyworm and the unsullied

bran knows what he is doing

Manipulate events a thousand years into the future.

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Joffrey's plan makes sense from the perspective of a centralizing monarch HOWEVER an actual standing army requires a LOT of resources which considering the fact that the Seven Kingdoms were neck deep in debt at that point means they'd have to hike up taxes which would be counter-productive. And that's not even counting the resistance from lords due to "usurping their rights".

Standing armies without either an industrial economy or a colonial empire to exploit are impossible.