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it's not fair

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>minutes of scenes with no dialogue
>dany killing everyone in king’s landing for zero reason
>dany not having guards near her or letting Jon have his weapons near her
>drogon not burning Jon to a crisp
>drogon flying off
>bran being king
>Sansa becoming queen in the north
>bronn being lord of high garden (cause apparently everyone there died according to Davos)
>Arya becoming a pirate
>Dothraki and unsullied just fuck off to Westeros
>brienne joining the king’s guard

absolutely infuriatingly fucking retarded

in what world doesnt grey worm just chop jon's head of instantly? he murdered surrendered lannisters for his niggerfu

Lads, gather round if you would, this includes:

and that one Podrickfag

I would like to take a moment to just say,

FUCK Danyfags
and FUCK roasties

Thank you! Thank you!

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>here's how dany can still win

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Is that it?

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I never watched the GOT, but I've got a soft spot for dark, medievil fantasy stories. Should I just stick with the books and never touch the show given how crap the last season is?

>FUCK Dany
>FUCK Danyfags

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How does a dragon know what the significance of a metal chair is to hoomans? Why did the grieving, orphaned dragon not take out his frustration on Aegon even though Valyrian dragonriders have been roasting each other in duels and wars for centuries?

It was one of the worst episodes of television I've ever seen, even taken on its own.


brb lads I'm going beyond the wall to collect Jon's fucking head and mount it on my wall for what he did to Mummy

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>brienne joining the king’s guard
What's wrong with this? Her part where she finishes Jaime's passage in the book was the one perfect scene this episode.

never touch the show, it's so shit it will break you
just hope grrm finishes

>the D Jon, all I needed was the D

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I don't think I'll ever watch that again

dany can be revived.

>her entire army respawns


Bitch doesn't know how ink works, she just smudged the entire page.

If you want, watch seasons 1-4 which are based on the books at least

The first four seasons are near perfect adaptations of the first three books, there's no point in missing out on those just cause it goes off the rails later.


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the worst part about s8 was that it's so bad it ruined the previous seasons, it has no rewatch value now
we now it was all meaningless

kinda funny how greyworm and arya teleported

>people named their kids after Danaerys "Flea Bottom Flamethrower" Targaryen

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I can't imagine ever going back knowing how it ends. I should've gotten a rewatch in before this season started

>being this desperate
Fucking kek

The more I think about it, the more I realize that cutting fAegon from the show is what sabotaged so much of it. They integrated bits of him in to Cersei but it just did not have enough support for it to come to pass. fAegon taking the Iron Throne shortly before Dany does it in the books would set up for Dance of the Dragons 2.0, triggering her madness.

>nothing makes any sense
"It's just a dumb fun fantasy series, nerd! It doesn't have to be realistic!"
>none of the prophecies, lore, or magic mattered in the end, the big fantasy battles were a letdown
"It's a REALISTIC series, nerd! Not some dumb fun fantasy series!"

That scene was fucking shit. There should have been a longer death scene. I want to see Dany's face and see her heart break and see her all confused trying to say why. I want to see Jon completely broken over what he did. Him stood defient towards Drogan was fucking stupid too, he should have been heart broken or at least torn about it somewhat.

>shit i have to think of a name for the dragon real fast
>dude just copy tolkien like you did with rest of names
>nah it has to be special because it's superpowerful dragon that main character rides and shit
>fuck let it be DROGON it's like DRAGON but retarded

Absolutely, I wish I never watched the show, because this will always be how I experienced the ending for the first time.

It isn't just the last season, either: it's been shit for at least 3 years.

Ideally, I wanted to see Greyworm get fucked up too


The riverlands isn't a kingdom either, yet Edmure was with the rest of the lords.

they copied the ending from S4E10, from the music to arya sailing off


The north got way more then they should.

>Get independence
>their queen and kinsley king gets to live

Should have been one or the other

the scene carried almost no weight, it happened so fast, she didnt say anything and like you said Jon wasnt anywhere near upset as he should be. Felt so rushed and phoned in

congrats OP, you picked the exact moment the finale went shit. up until then it was alt-right all the way. what followed was nonsense kitsch.

I kept waiting for the Jon vs Greyworm fight

Plot armored Arya's arc was becoming a ninja of a death cult and ended by becoming a privateer, basically a white hat pirate working on commission from a monarch.

Arya was a fucking ninja-pirate. What a cartoon.

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I'll probably read the first 4 or so books, then watch the first four seasons. Then continue on with the books afterwards. Thanks for the suggestion.

You fucking showfag

it's named after khal drogo

Yeah, they blew that completely in spite of building tension. Such a waste.


the implication is that drogon is sentient, brainlet

Well there's only five and the show cough up,in mid season-5.

Enjoy the first three, GoT is very patfchy in it's quality but aCoK and aSoS is turbo.

Reminder that Tyrion's whole speech about how everyone was on board with Dany burning people alive and conquering everything whilst ruling with an iron fist when it was just "LE EBIL BAD PEOPLE" and how it was shortsighted and retarded to believe in a conqueror that hasn't actually shown the capacity for generous and just rule was one of the best moments in the series and a direct callout to the normies and roasties that keep parroting "KWEEN SLAAAAAAY" shit

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I am sure she can be resurrected. She will come back, she has to...My queen


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It will be in the new hbo spin off got II, breaking the wheel two

There are only 5 books, and 4 & 5 are basically one big book split into two, so you may as well just read all of them at that point. Be warned that books 4 & 5 set up a ton of plot threads and don't resolve any existing ones, and the books will never be finished.

>>dany killing everyone in king’s landing for zero reason
are you retarded? this was a PERFECT allegory for the insanity of liberals we have seen emerge in recent years. if you think it made no sense, i invite you to go to berkeley and proclaim loudly that we shouldnt blindly believe females accusing men of rape

So, uh... what's going to happen with all those Dothrahki now? I don't think they're going to be sent home anytime soon. I also don't think they'll settle down in any castle.

>all he would’ve done was beaten some whores and dress up as a dragon when banging Dany
>probably been an alright king to

Hindsight 20/20

>Gray worm and his army traveling to Naarth but they kinda forgot Naarth is known for hosting a deadly specie of killing butterflies

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>giving your sister away to some horse lord instead of fucking her and taking the Iron Throne together
the biggest cuck


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Grey Worm, after finding out the news that his queen was assassinated by her lover, put the Queen's lover in prison then called a council to tell him what to do, politely waiting for weeks for everyone to arrive. How remarkably restrained and civilized. Grey Worm didn't even vote in the lord's parliament even though he and his force held the capitol where the summit was held. Ridiculous but consistent plot railroading of character motivations.



they sail to naaht
>I also don't think they'll settle down in any castle.
Dothraki are the future of westeros you racist bigot

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Kingdom of the Trident. Was called Kingdom of Rivers and Hills at one point. Without the Freys the riverlands would go back to Radmure. No clue who the guy next to him was.

The exact moment a show died

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but you do realize that she's a liberal zealot? she's a progressive (breaking the wheel) who is willing to burn down the village to save the village.


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he Valyrian Freehold eventually erected on Naath a fort whose ruined walls of fused dragonstone can still be seen. A company of Volantene adventurers built a trade town with timber palisades and slave pens. Corsairs from the Basilisk Isles have landed on the island countless times. None of these invaders survived, however, all falling victim to the butterfly fever, a horrific plague which makes its victims violently spasm and die. The Naathi are immune to this local disease, which is theorized to be carried by the butterflies of the island. The Naathi claim that none of these invaders maintained a permanent presence on the island for more than a single year.


Dabids don't even know what sentience means, much less portray it

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Legitimate question to everyone here - would you watch the Robert's Rebellion prequel? It has an established story that can't be completely fucked up by "lul no books," requires minimal CGI so money can be allocated elsewhere, and would probably be a return to form ala S1 and 2 with more budget even if DABID were at the helm.

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based and northpilled

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best part of the episode along with Jon's point about the pitfall of always being sure you're doing "good"

nothing after dany was killed made any fucking sense.

I couldn't stop thinking how Hitler this shit was when I was watching it yet I'm certain there were retards out there hooting and hollering about how STRONK Dany was being in the moment

They still had reinforcement points left.
Don't think about it.

pick one

So for the near future, what else is there to watch on TV for 2019?

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Embarrassing post.


It was poorly done like everything in the series. John was fully expecting to die.

>would you watch the Robert's Rebellion prequel?

yeah because D&D wont be there to fuck it up

daenerys stormborn wasn't a conservative. she wanted change, she was a humanitarian progressive who wanted to force her progressive ideals onto the world - with fire and blood.
if you see it differently, let's hear your arguments, faggot.

Dany being killed made. ZERO SENSE

Dabids are truly fucking hacks

I think the problem with a prequel like that it doesn't advance the GoT universe in any way and actors are locked into portraying characters already done by another show.

Radmures got shut down

It was spawmfu's dad. Lord reed or something

What was the fucking point of Brann's storyline? The entire point of his character was to explore the intentions of the children of the forest, but i guess they didn't have any in the tv show?
>go to war with mankind
>they burn down our sacred trees
>they kill 95% of us
>grant handicapped human child super powers so that he can become king
Literally why?

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Not if young Ned's actor was at the helm. After this ending its going to be a while till the public is willing to get back into anything game of thrones related.

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Hitler was an infinitely better orator.

This show died about 4 seasons ago.

Holy shit, boomers are retarded.

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why did john go to the wall when he killed the enemy and everyone that was annoyed with him left westeros? the dothraki evaporated and the unsullied literally left?

Bros PLEASE tell me the Dayne line found a way to continue.

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he was Jorge are are Mart en. this whole time narrating the story.

Dany being killed was the only thing that made sense, because she was a fucking lunatic and planned to bring her brand of liberation to more cities. ANTIFA on a dragon.

Well he was instrumental in defeating the NK if that's the kind of point you want

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I hope Aegon and the handful of remaining free folk find the children of the forest recolonizing the vast northern wilderness after humans were depopulated.

>no season with him running shit now
im kinda mad

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still less retarded than d&d

he's right though that this would have been the right point to turn it off. everything that followed was nonsensical kitsch.

dany needed to die. or else she would have forced her multi-culturalism onto the rest of the world.

Tyrion, who was willing to give his sister 3 billion chances after everything she did, but when his ass was one the block?
Gotta kill her Dany ASAP Jon.

Tyrion just fucking manipulated Jon into killing the love of his life over some duty spiel.
And the tard fucking believed.

I hate what they have to done to Jon, to Tyrion, to Sansa... oh fuck the list just goes on

I think they all got merked after Bran let the others in under the weirwood.

We saw the Dotharaki at the dock just walking around. They're probably roving gangs now.

>how Hitler this shit was
She's literally saying what Murrica is saying though.

he went back to that cave to be with that fiery redhead wildling

did you watch the show you ultimate brainlet? He was running shit the whole time

>there are people ITT who wouldn't break a thousand wheels for her

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>a villain getting killed makes ZERO SENSE
Femcel, it's your feelings that don't make sense

"Let me just move this foam rubber out of the way...."

She gave her dragons specific names for a reason.

>reaction image of guy who died because he realized what a cunt she was

>Tyrion, did I ever tell you that you're going to make me king?
>You're going to be a very good friend

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What was that last scene? Rangeing? Why did they take kids with them? Also there are now women in the NW? How can they uphold their oaths?

There was one obscure barely mentioned female adventurer in the lore that travelled west further than anyone that arya admired

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worst ending to anything ever

All according to the plan
Now only the horseniggers remain

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Could this be the worst ending to a show EVER?

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>We will not stop until all the people of the world are liberated
Does this cunt not realize she invaded a foreign continent and literally forced her values on them?
>tfw Dany is now America

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Answer a brainlet here, was that supposed to be snow or ash in the first half of the episode? Because it was falling like snow, especially with how Drogon was buried/resting in it.

40 min in

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The last episode?

>bitch please, i got 2 wheels

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That couldn't be their only holdfast, they learned the lesson of not concentrating forces during the war against the First Men. But show is stupid and wants to cut all loose ends so whatever.

i had to kek hard when sam brought out the song of ice and fire tome. it was literally the retarded shit that we came up with yesterday.


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Jon is still stabbed and dead


Despite his character being utterly eviscerated this season, the scenes of Tyrion freeing him and talking about how he's the only person who didn't see him as a monster and of Brienne writing most of his deeds in the book of brothers were the only scenes that made me feel emotional in a "this is a good scene" kind of way.

They should have had Brienne write about how he saved King's Landing from the Mad King's wild-fire bombing of King's Landing though, then it would have been as perfect as it could have been given the circumstances.

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lol rekt

>dany, jon, bran, jamie stories came together nicely
>cersei, NK, arya, littlefinger came apart
>tyrion, varys ended up being more pointless than anyone expected
Better than I expected, I thought they would all fall apart

So we all agree she warged the dragon when she died, right?

The dragons are named after her brothers and her first love

I wish Jon killed the dragon too
IT's an abomination that doesn't belong to westeros

>Bran the Broken
GODS what a stupid name. What the fuck were they thinking? Who named him, some halfwit with a stutter?

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it was supposed to be ash but they made it creak like snow because muh song of ice and fire. so the real brainlet all along wasnt you, it is them.


Jahowl mein fuhrer

>jon never left the watch
>by the end of s4 with ygritte's death
>jon got depressed and tried to drink himself to death
>got in a deep coma and thought himself dead
>dreamt up s5-8
>wake up to his wildling buddies and watch bros
>go out to the other side of the wall to walk ghost

Ninja-pirate with a splash of druid (Nymeria) lol
Nothing personnel, realism

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Reminder that Dany's madness was literally
>you follow my humanitarian vision of a brighter future or else you're a problematic part of the evil patriarchy

why are brainlets so attracted to the "it was a dream" trope

Based & Redpilled

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Just finished book 2 and I like it much better than the show, people’s backstory, knights actually having deaths that made sense like sir rodrik and his men getting betrayed by Ramsey, instead of just DUDE, THEON MEN CAPTURED YOU BECAUSE THERES NO ONE GUARDING WINTERFELL HAHA”

Because the last three seasons are a nightmare.

It's not going to necessarily cause war. Elective monarchies have existed for many centuries. Sometimes peaceful, sometimes not.

>It has an established story that can't be completely fucked up by "lul no books,"

Here is where you are both retarded and wrong. A LOT of Robert's Rebellion is very ambigous and muddled due to being told from countless different points of view. It is something that should only ever be discussed or viewed in hindsight and never shown. Even a book about it would ruin it.

I'm sick of you dumb normie faggots who thinks absolutely everything needs to be explained and elaborated on and shown. It is the most brainlet line of thought there is when it comes to these kinds of stories.

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Targs and Valyrians don't warg, dragon's domesticated dog genes just trigger when sensing a compatible Targ. Only First Men descendants warg.

>half the family survives
>4 were kings at some point
>in the end 2 were made kings, 1 stays in the north and 1 explores the west

Did their family get the best ending?

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She is an excellent mouth actor. All her expression is within her mouth

>saw her looking awkward in a party
There is no suspension of disbelief user, just writers trying to hamfist things into order






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Why are the other kingdoms cool with Starks being independent AND ruling over them? No one else thinks this is a bullshit arrangement?

this desu, Even the timeline is a complete mess.

season two had more problems, like the retarded Qarth plotline with the entire ruling countil being wiped out at a drop of a hat. but it had at least many redeeming features.

Did he survive bros? What is he doing? Did Hodor became a zombie too? Hodor?

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Burning people and a surrendering city didn't help.

The more interesting question is: why don't they all go independent?

>tryion masterminds his way to become the most powerful man in westeros, with a puppet king


Especially Dorne since they never really bent the knee the first time. It's their family motto.

nigger he was talking about her being crazy before he knew who Jon was

B-because the north suffered most of all and deserved independance. I-it's not like the riverlands got absolutely fucked, every important person to ever exist from highgarden or Dorne got killed, the Lannisters got eviscerated at Casterly Rock and King's Landing etc...

Only the North has the right for independence because of how much they suffered, apparently.

>Bran saw how all this played out and became king

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Based Kit

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the Darkstar post credits scene was mint

>family motto
yeah, showfags need to be gassed still

can't believe the shitty leak was true, what a fucking garbage ending

a female left-wing dictator? i see them online all the time

Like when he vouched for her and went to serve her and she forgave him even though he tried to have her killed?

Guess the first time Jon puts his honor over something varys wants, he would have said the crap.

The Darkstar on the lord's parliament looked too swarthy to be a Dayne what the fuck bros we have been bamboozled

the council was stacked with Starks and Stark allies. The Starks had the biggest army and the most competent ruler. Sansa could have declared herself queen if she really wanted.

Was he right?

Why the fuck is there still a night's watch when there are no more wights or white walkers left, the wall is actually breached and partially destroyed, permanently, with zombie-dragon fire, and the Night's watch is in the lands of the kingdom of the North which is independent from the six kingdoms?

I was talking about baldy

B&R. Finally someone of importance said something about it, although Cersei is pretty boring, she’s a one dimensional character and isn’t that interesting. Anyone can understand wanting power and also caring for their children

well, the title is correct

Sweatie it's pretty normal for powerful houses to elect a king after a dynasty is dead with no heirs. Romanovs in Russia came to power by essentially being elected by the nobles.

The wall can be fixed but like you said, there wouldn't be a reason for it.

Yeah this is basically the message of the show to normies. "Ooos, you supported Hitler. Don't get wrapped up in doing what's 'good' for the country because it'll blind you. Let people be." It felt fairly libertarian honestly.

They should have went full subversion and not even tell you who was king, but instead the last 40 minutes was the most boring shit this show produced yet. What a bland hollow ending unless you're a stark fag.

Will she ever get her face fixed up?

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So dragons are intelligent right? he understands that the throne caused all of this chaos and that jon will be a good ruler right?

Exactly, everything went according to his plan.
>why do you think I came all this way

You have to go back.

too much tyrion circlejerk in this episode, should have focused more on dany

>My time to shine

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Edmure could have and should have too. Asha should definitely have and Dorne absolutely should have because they were never truly bound to the Iron Throne to begin with.

The only people who should still be a part of the kingdom are Casterly Rock, because they're all dead and Tyrion is hand of the king. The Reach, because Bronn is their lord for the most retarded reason of all time and... that's pretty much it. The Robin is too autistic to declare independance but would make more sense as a vassal/ally of the North than serving under King's Landing.

patrician taste is the before

There was so many long cuts of people walking with dramatic background music... Very clearly padding...

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There stands the only king I mean to kneel to

If Cersei and Jaime hid under the dragon skull they would've lived.

Or...if they stood literally anywhere else, apparently.

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made more sense if they just exiled him beyond the wall

>Oh you meant D as in dick, not dagger... sorry, we Northerners say cock, dick is Southerner slang...

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lmao why is Bronn on the small council

>The wall can be fixed

Not really, it's construction is unnatural and not able to be replicated.


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>EVERYONE for some fucking reason forgot john is king of the north because ?!??!?!?!

in a word: yes

another win for the drowned god

Because he's the ruler of one of the most powerful kingdoms in Westeros, due to promising not to kill Tyrion.

That's the same guy I am talking about, Varys.

Has anyone ever punched a hole in a wall over a tv show before?

Jon is allowed to quit his old job with no consequences whenever he gets a promotion, it's in the rules.


>accusations of sexism
They should be automatically discarded at this point.

Honey where do you think you are

So every lord commander that helped build up the wall knew a special way to build it?

He's not actually a Stark and was exiled regardless.

>build scaffold
>pour some water in
>water freezes
>pour in more water
>water freezes
>wall patched

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Reminder stannis will take winterfell in the winds of winter

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So lads...

What do we do now?

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>wasting drywall over this dreck

it's literally nothing

>due to promising not to kill Tyrion.
What's his leverage at this point?
>hey remember I pointed a crossbow at you and you said I could get Highgarden
>lol, feel free to try taking it by yourself. We've given it to Lord [Insert loyal Reach House here], his army already occupies the castle
That should have been the end of it

It is now sexist to EVEN CONSIDER that FICTIONAL women can be evil?
What retarded times we live in, for fucks sake.

"Women can do no evil" is the actual, real sexism. It means only men can be evil and that's misandry.

They only build up castles and scaffolding and tunnels and such. They've never build giant sections of the wall, it's not within their power to do so.

>4 were kings
Which 4?

Who else?

Wouldn't they have to elect him or they would just be back at square one if he took the throne himself?

What do you expect to happen when you begin listening to women?

The dickless niggers probably didn't know that, and it was most likely suggested by someone who did.

>What's his leverage at this point?
There was none. Turn off your brain, they had to write themselves out of the corner they were in after killed all the Tyrells in one well swoop and forgetting about them for seasons.

Based leakposters, I can't believe they were right

None of the lord commanders actually built up the wall itself. In the first book, Jon remembers legends about them hauling blocks of ice to add to the wall, but that was literally thousands of years ago by that point. So even if the story was true, the knowledge of how to do it is long lost.

Sansa didn't really change any throughout 8 seasons, did she.

>Season 8: I'm Queen, suck it..

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Uhm, Bran? Are you retaraded?

Bran is the kind of 6 kingdoms.

p based honestly

>tfw it's a Hitler in Argentina episode rerun

She grew up a bit, started smirking some more, changed her wardrobe, but at her core yeah basically the same

You should listen to women.

And do the exact opposite of what they're telling you to do.

Why can't they just ?

Why did they feel the need to drag him out from the closet of forgotten characters only to humiliate him?

She lost her innocence. That's about it.

They tried to make her character arc that she's essentially become Little Finger, but instead she just comes off as a retarded cunt.

>Season 1: Annoying Stark girl
>Season 8: Annoying Stark woman

She grew into the smartest person everybody knew. They all told me during the show.

shit was magic yo

>It is now sexist to EVEN CONSIDER that FICTIONAL women can be evil?
careful, user, you dangerously sound like an enemy of breaking the wheel of patriarchy

Because the Wall is more than just a GIGANTIC block of ice. It's magical in nature.

I think the wall isn't just normal ice. There's clearly something magic about it and how it's built. I doubt a literal ice wall would have lasted so long in such a perfect line.

Love sansa’s character, how she went from naive pretty girl to a bitter bitch who really only cares about becoming queen and her family.

I wish this shitshow we call civilization would end and we could start over already, I'm actually physically fucking sick of it.

Just learned how to be a cunt. The most believable arc to be honest except for the whole outplaying littlefinger bit

gotta kill fascists

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Didn't the horseniggers go with them too? How many horseniggers DIDN'T follow Dany? Some absolute madman was wrapping up problems offscreen

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>Bran the Broken
>Bran the Cripple
>Bran the Wheelchair Man
>Bran , He Whose Dick Does Not Work
The Lords of Westeros are going to love him


He has my vote.

What unites people?
There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good rape.
Nothing can stop it.
No enemy can defeat it.
Who is a better rape enthusiast than Bran the Broken?

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Bran "I AM THE WHEEL" Raven

*wargs into you and stabs yourself for rebellion*

uhh there's a new star wars movie

the only part of the episode that affected me was when brienne was writing jaime's great deeds into the book of brothers

i missed it live. i imagine there was an explosive reaction to the radmure cameo?

Damn Jaime posthumously became the man who crippled the king if you think about it

Bran the Legless, Breaker of Steps, King of the Seven Wheelchairs

War. Remember 9/11? Everyone wanted to kill sandniggers and go to war, and everyone had American flags on their cars and shit

Hodor carried the king around like a giant baby.

The wheel may be broken, but there are two new wheels in Westeros ready to roll over the common folk. Ohhh yeah.

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are you fucking retarded? fucking kill yourself brainlet,m this show was shit since season 5 and killed in the episode 3 of season 8

>>>reddit dot com

i miss her bros...

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This is written by a normie who started to watch the show in S4 and doesn't care about the butchering of Stannis, Loras, Jaime, etc.

I don't care for Jon being the ruler, but when Tyrion talks about stories being what matters the most, Jon's story is far more compelling to the plebeians of Westeros.

>Secret son to the greatest and most loved prince who ever lived and his true love
>Lived unknowlingly as a bastard
>Forced to take the black
>Made Lord Commander
>At the forefront of stopping the threat that was the others
>Killed by his own men due to choosing his family over his oath
>Brought back to life
>Becomes a dragon rider
>Helps save the world
>Finds out his true heritage
>Sacrifices his honor, and even his life standing in front of her dragon after doing the deed, to save the world from Hitler
>Is the actual legitimate heir to the throne
>Even made peace with the Wildlings beyond the wall

How is Bran's autistic struggle beyond the wall a more compelling story for why he should be king? Other than the fact he's some weird-ass god-king.

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Daenerys is a irrational psycho crazy whore, death is the only thing that she deserves

This. It sums up the shitshow of the last 3 perfectly, the writing was ass and they cherry picked reality and fantasy plot points seemingly at random

Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, the First Men... as well as me 'eart

That person probably started watching Game of Thrones this final season.

Heh...I'm actually more sad than I thought I'd be.

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nice arguments marxist brainlets, I'm with her amarite xd


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He can see all the stories mungo

Bran's story:
>Omniscient demigod who sees you masturbating


Please tell me he doesn't actually say it

>dany killing everyone in king’s landing for zero reason


And now look. Sandniggers have conquered us.

people called this when sam suggested "something more poetic" to the maester

I'm pretty sure you can add to it because in the first book they mention how before the Night's Watch went into disrepair, each Lord Commander would add about 10 feet to the wall

Bruh. He literally brings a book called "A song of Ice and Fire", that details everything that happened after Robert's Rebellion, to the King's Council and has Tyrion read it.

Top lel

So Daenerys basically conquered the same thing that Ageon I did?



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at least the Mary Sue bitch died, the only good thing in the end, a perfect allegory of Hillary Cunt

Oh for fuck's sake

Aegon built King's Landing then conquered Westeros. Dany just burned it to the ground and declared victory.

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No. Aegon conquered everything except for Dorne. Daenerys just killed King's Landing.

Now Drogon will set up a tavern in Braavos where he dresses up as Dany and murders patrons.

You Americans have flags everywhere anyway, doesn't matter what times we live in for fucks sake.

Almost every elective monarchy in human history has devolved into complete chaos and war. Those that didn't turned into hereditary monarchies at a later date.

I bet you can't name a single elective monarchy that remained stable for more than 100 years


Just watched the first season, abandoned the show when they replaced Robb's wife with some ugly Mexican, it was a signal it wasn't good.

The books are entertaining, not a master piece, the narration has huge valley of nothing happening and endless chapters dedicated to shitty characters that go nowhere.

why didnt you stop that manlet earlier?

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Wasn’t that much rubble, like duck and cover, like put your arms over your head instead of incestuous hugging

I'm just glad he got a good ending.

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But he did give her the Dagger

He should have just taken a bite of an onion at some point in this episode.


>tyrion tells jon to kill dany
>tyrion tells everyone to vote for a king
>tyrion tells them to vote bran
>tyrion tells jon hes banished to the "night watch"

truly a song of ice and fire.

Just make a series about this dude, look how cool he is

>Dude liberals!!!
>politics in movies and TV are garbage propaganda unless they pander to me!!!

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>the Rhoynar
I liked how they stopped including them. Even when people from Dorne are around.

NO, FUCK YOU ! Queen Danny was a gal with a plan and a vision, and now that she is dead and democratic elements were introduced to the political system of Westeros, they will be subverted by (((the Iron Bank))) and there will be even more wars in the future. They all got played.

>Tyrion says Jon would be a perfect king
>time to chose a king

Just call them normies and do a funny greentext instead of this gay shit, give people a chuckle atleast.

This. I knew he would pick Bran for some fucking reason but I was hoping since he just said it in the last scene I thought I might pick Jon.

Jon was off the table due to the Unsullied and Dany's allies being pissed that he killed the crazy bitch.

Elective monarchy turned Poland from the largest country in Europe to a failed state.

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They wouldn't accept Jon for the same reason they wouldn't accept Tyrion.

So, We truly are A Song™ of Ice and Fire® For HBO©

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Haven't watched it yet, did Jon fuck off back to Tormund and Ghost? That's pretty much all I care about at this point.

The fuck this nigga do to become an Archmaester?

Basically, yes. The leaks were true.

Be friends with Jon and not a complete retard.

>Unsullied fucked off
>the only military power that called for Aegon's head and could enforce its demand is gone
>Bran will die childless
>he pardons Aegon, rescinds his exile and vows then wargs the house of lords into voting Aegon as king
>Bran then abdicates the crown
Targs rule again lmao

Nepotism and slaying both redneck pussy and a white walker

Women can do no wrong though, it's settled science.

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>literally god king that came back from the dead
>save the world a couple of times
>tried to stop the rape of KL
>killed the tyrant
>hurr bran has the better story

break the wheel

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>aristocrats shitting on commoners
First time GoT remembered its medieval setting in years.

I'll give you Venice, venice had a 100 year period of near peace under a hand full of rulers from different dynasty.

But the Commonwealth? Fucking no and Ireland? Ireland relied on your being an agnate to be 'elected'- that doesn't really count.