So what the fuck is wrong with normalfags these days prioritizing fiction over sports? Why are modern men are so soi riddled now that they prefer leftist propaganda fantasy shows over traditional masculine hobbies and male-bonding experiences like sports?
So what the fuck is wrong with normalfags these days prioritizing fiction over sports...
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Why is OP a faggot?
Have sex
watching niggers chase a ball for several hours is just as lame as GoT
>chad strikes again
>prioritizing a European medieval fantasy tale over a bunch of niggers fighting over a ball
>not only are they niggers, one of the teams is CANADIAN niggers
Based bar owners
It's a pity someone hasn't murdered you
>watching random sweaty dudes throw a ball from one end to another
sports are the dumbest thing ever conceived. absolutely lowest of lowbrow entertainment. poor retards actually believe they gain something if their "team" wins
White people who willingly watch basketball are fucking cringe cucks.
I'm not into basketball but c'mon. Sports are pure. You have to work hard and only the best team wins. It has more meaning than some fictional TV show, and that too GoT.
Rather watch a show like GOT than watch ape hoop and I've never seen a single episode of GOT
It's literally the Raptors and the Bucks. Who gives a shit. Warriors are winning it all, bitch.
>not gonna watch a sport because blacks dominate it
The sport was invented by whites. If you're so jealous go beat them at the sport they took from you. lmao
>watching niggers chase a ball for several hours is just as lame as GoT
>sports are pure
It's literal affirmative action, retard. And that's not why I refuse to watch it.
fictional TV shows have drama, relationships, plot, story
throwing ball from left to right is just a waste of time (applies to basketball, football, soccer, and whatever else)
the athletes don't give a flying fuck about you. they barely have any loyalty to their teams and just get traded freely. it's a dumb scam for the retards who need to cheer for something
Sports are for homosexuals.
>I post on an online anime board to complain about men not being masculine
Have sex
It's impressive to be good at a sport, but what the fuck do you get out of watching a sport?
>wow that guy I don't know sure can play the sport
Who gives a fuck? Fiction/narratives are infinitely more entertaining than saying
>wow guy sure is playing sport good
for two hours.
Sports are boring unless you're playing them.
sportscels and disneycels are both cringe. have sex.
Football (not burger shit) and baseball aren't like that.
have sex
>Quoting the post with some retard pic refutes the post
>in a sport populated by niggers
Shoot this retard
>sweet songs of ice and fire
this is why aryans have nuclear energy and nigs have mudcakes
Yes I too enjoy all the 0-0 ties what an amazing "sport"
The best player in the NBA is a blonde haired blue eyed wyboi doe muh nigga bix nood. His name is Luka Doncic, he's a filthy Slav but we're willing to look past that.
>poor retards actually believe they gain something if their "team" wins
>Saying this on Yea Forums when we unironically have people taking sides with Disney or WB
It makes the games feel more tense and meaningful late in the game. Especially during penalty shootouts.
>be me, sports fan
>"team X better than team Y because people from team X are from my state/city which makes them better!"
corporate fanboyism only started happening when the tourists came along. easiest way to spot low intelligence newfags
Game of Thrones finale is a bigger once in a lifetime event compared to one game of the annual nba playoffs between two under-performing teams.
Reminder America is the best soccer nation in the world, as women are 51% of the population and the US women won the World Cup AND literally no one in America even cares about soccer yet they are still better than you at your shit tier divegrass povertykick homosexual "sport". Disgusting and sad!
>Be you
>Crave cocks in your mouth and hot syrupy ropes of cum being shot down your throat
>calls people faggots
>spends hours of his life watching sweating men panting and grunting while handling balls
kek top projection m8
Footballcucks will seethe but he's right you know? What a piss poor showing by the rest of the world.
wow you went straight for the gay shit. something you wanna tell us?
>thinks anyone else is as gay as him
>talks about sports like that
I'm sorry you are fat and got picked on in high school, faggot. Suicide will make the pain stop. Seriously consider it.
>Samefagging because he got called out for being a fag
Lel run on cunt you lost m8
Hitler loved sports.
Yeah he was a leftist cuck
Wow sportsfags are dumb. No surprise there. And no, user, you started the gay shit. let it all out.
He also liked doing fat lines of meth off of his cross dressing officers' cocks.
Apehoop is boring as fuck, who gives a shit
>Opiate of the Masses vs. Cocaine of the Masses
who gives a fuck
>prioritizing fiction over sports?
Implying modern sports aren't fiction
>this entire post
Someone fell for the jew meme
>All the sportsball type comments
Reeks of onions in here. Fucking limp wristed faggots.
>fictional TV shows have drama, relationships, plot, story
sports have all of these things
It's called sports bar, not dragon shit bar.
>Chad Dukes
From the Big O & Dukes podcast? Holy shit
I'd rather watch fiction than random sport #5423 of a game where I'm not a part of. If I'm not on the field or integral part of the team, it means nothing. The teams 'from your city' are not really representing your city, it's all about money and what players teams can afford. Fuck, some of the teams are half international for soccer here, fuck all locals in the team. I don't gamble either so that angle is lost as well.
It should be mentioned that Chad Dukes has a sports radio show in the DC & Virginia areas
I like to listen to people discuss sports using talking points they heard on some sports show.
At least it went to 2ot so he could see the ending live
They realized isolated fandoms for things like fantasy novels or star wars were less susceptible to advertising and media messaging than the average person, so they began the process of forcing more mainstream and female involvement into those groups, effectively diluting and destroying them.
I consistently vote right-wing and i detest your brand of masculinity. It's shit and so are you.
The soi is kicking in.
Both TV and sports are cancerous desu.
>tfw you think GOT and sports are both stupid
Get on my level scrub
Based who cares about a bunch of nigger millionaires that hate their fanbase?
I always thought sports were completely boring, except for those clip shows that excerpted the very best or most unusual moments.
I mean, I get the appeal now - it's a collective happening in real time that the audience is participating in - but the amount of time spent on what to me seems like the same game done slightly differently over and over again...
the amount of time spent watching just one season of sportsball just seems like a waste, compared to having potentially hundreds of unique experiences instead.
hell, playing any game yourself instead of getting invested in a game you only participate in by proxy identification of the players you've chosen to root for - it's much more satisfying to become really good at something yourself, isn't it?
because sports is just niggers running around for their jewish owners
I wonder if this team or the other team will put the object into the net? I don’t know, which team will achieve the higher number? Sports are shit
protip for the /pol/tards: tipping your fedora about being too intellectual for sports is still fucking cringe even if you say nigger
who cares about a bunch of kike millionaires who hate their fanbase?
>dude muh sports man scored moar goal points than the other men
watching sports is for literal retards
Is that what that scene looked like in BM? That’s how I imagined it to look, but I feel like a brainlet when I read McCarthy so I wasn’t sure.
never thought I'd see Chad Dukes mentioned here on Yea Forums
used to listen to him and Big O all the time on WJFK until they changed over to The Fan format.
R.I.P. The Snack and Soda Show
>scrawny /pol/ teenagers ITT trying to push the "sports fans are the real soibois" narrative
top kek
don't you understand that real redpilled alpha males play video games and watch anime?
> that
> white
Fucking soi
It was a good game too.
Fucking plebs, man.
I can smell the obesity from here.
Based as well. Fuck pro sports
every major us sport is dominated by niggers
if you support it it means you support niggers plowing thousands of white women every night. every nigger in nba/nhl/whatever fucks thousands of white women every year because they have to power to do.
there's honestly nothing more cucked, as a white man, to watch these sports. I always laugh when I see white guys watching nba with their girlfriends. Clown world, absolute clown world.
>mentioning nhl
theres like 3 niggers in nhl
normies gentrified nerd culture with the help of uncle tom house nerds
>caring about who gets to lose to the warriors
seems about right to me
>Sports are pure
They inject those niggers so full of testosterone that they have no choice but to savagely beat their girlfriends and children.
>other people engaging in sports is the same as me doing sports
delusional sportstard. maybe if you spend those hours sitting on a chair drinking a beer for your team exercising maybe you would see your dick again.
It was double OT too. That guy must have been pissed.
Televised sports are an outlet for middle aged dorks to vicariously feel the feel of winning at something
this, that's why the nhl doesn't get shilled as much as the others, it's not diverse enough and the best player is a Putin supporting Russian who plays for Washington
>European medieval fantasy
Lol no its a telanovela now m8
Get some better material lardass.
Sports are incredibly boring.
Meanwhile media and vidya are far more interesting.
OK then explain knicks and lions fans
>Sports are incredibly boring.
For lazy brainlets who've never attempted to play and think of it as "me catch ball, me throw ball", sure.
this but desu it's infested with subhumans far worse than niggers, dare I even say it, fucking le*fs, f*nns, sw*des and R***IANS
Sports as entertainment should be dying with boomers; it's paint drying-tier dull ass bullshit and it's really unfortunate we'll never be rid of it.
That being said, Chad is right. It's a SPORTS bar, and what the fuck are nerds doing there the night of the GoT finale watching it in the worst way possible? It's bad enough to start with without Chad and Tyrone screaming over it because they can't watch another Chad and Tyrone pass a ball to each other.
Isn't Keith Olbermann, a left wing wing show host on MSNBC, a former NFL sportscaster or commentator? Like 89% of sports commentators, judges and journalists lean towards the left. It's one of the reasons why I don't watch sports that much.
ball sports are fucking boring and 90% of the fans are obese retards who unknowingly follow it to sate their instincts for tribalism
fighting sports are alright
>i want to watch retards play sports instead of playing sports myself
the only thing blacks dominate are homicides against other blacks and of course KFC once their ebt check is renewed