I just watched the finale for The Leftovers for the first time

I just watched the finale for The Leftovers for the first time.

Was Nora lying about going to the Departed World and coming back to Kevin? Why are the Kevin hotel scenes so kino? What's Yea Forums's favorite character?

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Yes, she was lying, but the point is that he chose to let it go and pretend to believe her. Kevin and Matt are elder god tier characters in general tv history

>did the woman lie
of course she lied

A game of thrones thread died for this

good riidance

Yeah I think she definitely lied. I think Kevin knew it too. Earlier when Nora catches the Nun bonin' that guy, she tells Nora that it made for a better story. That's what Nora did. Instead of saying she chickened out and ditched Kevin, she came up with the better story. Kevin also told a story about his heart defect. I don't think he knowingly lied though. I do believe that the hotel was real and once he and Patty nuked it, he could no longer go back. So he actually made himself believe it was all just a heart defect. Or it could be that's just the story he made up to put Nora at ease. Just like the story she made up. Great ending, but I do wish the explained just a smidge more. But it's still great otherwise.

Post Nora's S1 ass. And who the fuck knows

She told the truth but the point was it didn't matter because he loved her. And yes,, post her ass.

It was shit, like the rest of the show.

Based user that hates everything but GoT

>She told the truth

How are you so sure? It's kinda open-ended. I thought the point of the show is you can't really prove anything really happened except the fact that loads of people departed.

I'm mgtow. Why can we never condemn women? Why are women always portrayed as wonderful?

Why is this relevant?

But Nora was a bitch post season 1

Still destroy her though

Let the mystery be

based schizophrenic poster

Nora is let off the hook in the series finale!!!

She definitely lied. You can see in the scene where the container is filling she is about to yell stop before the scene cuts.

I loved the leftovers but found the 3rd season to be a little bit of a let down. having 2 fewer episodes definitely impacted the pacing of the season.

This. Deserved a bit more action or something. Maybe one or two good episodes but definitely the weakest season

I think the episode on the ship was nice, it had good character development for Matt and some action.

That was one of the good ones

What is she on the hook for?

being a liar and coward!