okay, this is epic
Okay, this is epic
Other urls found in this thread:
>twitter screenshot
>got is making normies woke
i wish this faggot would drop dead and then his sister have sex wit me
>ben "all trannies are mentally ill" shapiro
Pick one
Remember when he defended episode 3
That's a pretty common opinion outside of tumblr echo chambers, my man. That sniveling little kike is neither based nor redpilled.
Based kike
Trannies freak me out.
>What if
>literally shoved in your face during the finale
also stop posting disgraced twitter faggots you tourist
>ben "i don't care about the browning of america" shapiro
>kosher mainstream normalscum
pick both
Soon, brother
What if a nation which strongly advocated for other nations to take in refugees then turned around and refused to adopt any of those refugees themselves? That would be weird, haha
A man believing he is a woman or vice-versa is a biological malfunction, we are supposed to "identify" as what we are, not what we aren't. It's not that i don't synpathize with the difficulty that this results in, but if we ignore the real basis for these beliefs then there are going to be a lot of dangerous untreated symptoms like body dysmorphia, depression, amongst other things.
Ben Shapiro is a fucking faggot though
Oh I forgot, Anonman is dating a girl in the ADL.
you literally will be killed in over 50% of the world for just being gay still, trannys are literally only accepted in the west and some random nations were its cultural like Thailand.
t. i live in one of these hell hole country's
That's just common sense
Who gives a shit?
Bran DESTROYS Liberal Targ with GREENSIGHT and LOGIC
I think he’s right, I’d definitely trust a jew’s judgment on who is the most evil person seeing they have the craft down to a science.
I don't like people enabling others to live an illusory lifestyle that is ultimately unsustainable and inevitably crashing and burning upon entering their 30s and either killing themselves or becoming irreparably downtrodden. And these people are chomping at the bit to carelessly enable this behavior just to feel better about themselves. I don't even want to refuse "trans" people the right to do whatever they want; dress like girls, whatever. But certain surgeries ought to be outright illegal, i mean take a step back and think of the scope of a decision like surgically removing your own genitals.
r/iamverysmart . Fuck yourself OP and fuck your kike idol.
>I don't even want to refuse "trans" people the right to do whatever they want
>But certain surgeries ought to be outright illegal
>knowing how to play the game
Nah, he is just a playa who knew when to strike for maximum effect.
I know they don't teach this in school anymore, but prior to 2012 it was acknowledged everywhere that trannies are mentally ill.
people are subject to involuntary commitment or arrest when they are a danger to themselves or others. self mutilation is a danger to oneself.
>you literally will be killed in over 50% of the world for just being gay still
how did you arrive at that number?
lol then dont be gay, simple, u nut :^)
wrong board faggots
It's a pretty normie opinion to think that mentally ill people are mentally ill.
Don’t be a gay or a tranny it’s not hard lmao
>advice to dateless losers
>advice to sexually deranged psychopath
shut the fuck up, ben
is this real? is jordan just really tall?
i'm a manlet and i hate other manlets soo fucking much, ben shapiro is one of the most disgusting manlets ever
here's the real version
Jordan is liek 5'11"-6'' but also crouched. Benny is 5'4" max
there's no way that's possible
Jordan is 6'2", Ben is 5'7"
Got you senpai
>Who gives a shit?
I don't give a shit, those tranny mentals can live their lives in any way they want.The problem is when their lifes starts to affect mine. I don't know about you user but i don't want my kids to be thaught that even if they are born with a penis or a vagina they aren't men or woman respectively, and that they are the ones who decide which gender they have. No i don't want that shit for sure.
He reminds me of the child at the end of Mass Effect 3.
Fuck this little jew
>dad invites me to dinner out with his rich boomer friends
>i sperg out about trannies and "safe schools" during dinner
>tfw they all agree with me
It's not as uncommon an opinion as you think, its just not as loud.