Now that the dust has settled, is this still the best ending to a tv series in the last decade?
Now that the dust has settled, is this still the best ending to a tv series in the last decade?
It was the only one that hasn't shit the bed so far, but I think it's because Vince kept it to 5 seasons. Dexter, Lost, TWD, and GoT got shit over time, but by season 6+ they were husks of their former shows.
Yeah, but I'd like to give an honorable mention to Monk.
This is the only TV series I can recall which had a truly satisfying and conclusive ending that didn't just feel like the writers either ran out of ideas, dragged the series on for too long or completely fucked everything up.
The Wire had a good ending but it didn't air during the last decade.
Second best. First one was Rectify.
yup, i know Yea Forums likes to bitch about muh forced nazis but i thought it was really good.
Very satisfying end. Still hear Baby Blue from time to time and still get some kind chills.
No, Hannibal was
that mechanical car machine gun was bullshit
GOT had the best ending of any listed.
Also LOST was never good and Dexter was shit after the first 2 seasons.
The Leftovers boi
>forced nazis
They were a manifestation of his evil, like how every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So he got to undo the evil he did, symbolically freeing jessie from his grip on him. Pure pottery
Jessie finally telling Walt to fuck off and stop telling him what to do is hands down one of the most satisfying moments in television.
You didnt watch the second link all the way through, did you?
The Shield and House MD had great endings.
I thought The Middle had a great ending.
breaking bad only reigns because southwest aesthetics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> medieval fantasy >>>>>>>>> extreme power gap >>>>>>>>>>>>> italian american wop garbage
The pacing and writing in BB is just better all around. Not to mention the acting. Just watch some Youtube clips to refresh your memory. It's amazing that GoT got as popular as it did, honestly. It just doesn't make sense.
Yes. Best show of the last decade too.
Imagine thinking Dexter season 4 is bad.
Absolutely not.
I win.
>The pacing and writing in BB is just better all around
not in the finale
hell, not even in the last season.
Dude, Game of Thrones is a fucking soap opera. It took twenty+ minutes just for Jon to softly stab Dany while he cried a river over very forced dialogue. The entire three seasons have been like this.
This ending haunts me to this day
Just read current news articles. This was the first result on Google, but dozens of websites are lumping the series into the "soap" category. Congrats on being The Days of Our Lives tier.
This was the best finale
Uhm, what? I never made a statement about GoT. The show pretty much sucked after the RW. Still the fucking timeskip in BB, the sniper stuff (after breaking in into the home of literal billionaires) and the nazis in the last season were lazy and boring.
This is the greatest ending in TV history and it'll never be surpassed.
Have sex.
Sounds like you need to stop having sex with your dad, if anything, user. Did his cum drip out of your asshole as you reached up from your seat to reach the keyboard to shitpost?
>breaking bad only reigns because southwest aesthetics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> medieval fantasy >>>>>>>>> extreme power gap >>>>>>>>>>>>> italian american wop garbage
How come daddy pounded my tight boipussy hard but you're the one who's butthurt?
It doesn't sound like I'm the one with anal fissures, user. You're the one who started this conversation. Now wipe that sluthole of yours and go to bed.
Last season of Breaking Bad was the worst, but it wasn't a terrible ending.
What show
>quoting a post I never replied to
>ignore the OP and the fact that we are talking about the finale
If your point is that BB is better than GoT, you are right. I never claimed otherwise. Learn to read. BBs finale and the last season in general were crap tho. In fact the show turned to shit when normies discovered it and turned into a memefest. Just like GoT actually.
I was there when it happened.
>le epic "main character must die" finale
Woulda been fine except they got the idea that Walt should die without thinking about how and why he would die.
Out of the infinite possibilities of how he could die, they chose the one where he accidentally gets shot by a machine gun that springs out of his trunk. Then again, this is the same show that had a guy get blown up and then fix his tie before dying.
It did kinda make me sad but it wasn't very well executed. Obi still got the best arc and the show should have ended with him
>quoting a post I replied to
>defending it
>not realizing Anons will assuming you're him
Based retard.
>reddit spacing
>doesn't know how 4channel works
yeah, ok
The Leftovers.
You people don't deserve to post on a board called Yea Forums.
>implying Reddit spacing is a thing
Wow, you really caught me, based retard. Teach me more about Reddit formatting.
You hard? Seems like you're very invested in making up this scenario.
It's clearly not a made up scenario, baby boy.
Can't but how about you admit that you suck at reading?
>Defend retard's opinion
>Proceed to shit on you
>B-but that wasn't me! UR REDDIT. S-P-A-C-E.
Season 3 was pretty mediocre. If it ended with season 2 then I'd agree that it's not only the best ending of the last decade, but probably the greatest show of all time.
We'll see how Lindelof does with Watchmen.
Please show me where I defended any opinion that wasn't my own.
I nerver replied to
You suck bro.
House M.D. got a pretty kino ending, as far as procedurals go.
>dude let me build an automatic machine gun that will kill everyone
Retard was implying that Game of Thrones was better acted, directed, paced, etc than Breaking Bad. I told retard that he was full of shit and then you defended said retard. Therefore, you have become based retard.
>Retard was implying that Game of Thrones was better acted, directed, paced, etc than Breaking Bad. I told retard that he was full of shit and then you defended said retard.
Yeah, and then I said "not in the finale". Which is different than defending him and actually implies that he was wrong in his statement about the whole show. As I said. You suck at reading.
shit show
>Jane's dad just happens to be an air traffix controller!
>Hank just happens to fiddle with the Walt Whitman book until he lands on the page Gale dedicated to Walt
>There just happens to be a shady looking bald man standing there when Jesse is about to meet with Walter.
>Andrea just happens to be the sister of the kid who shot Combo
>keys just happen to be in the visor of a car i got in without snow falling off the windows
>car never reported stolen
>I'm gonna park the machine gun car right in front of the building where everyone will happen to be in
>I'm gonna bank on them not searching my trunk even though I have used a literal human bomb to eliminate my enemies before
>I'm gonna place Walt's keys in a convenient place for him to reach for even though I made a big deal out of taking them
>I'm gonna delay Walt's execution because he called me a liar and I MUST DEFEND MY NAZI HONOR
Yes, but only because Lost didn't end with Season 5.
>not in the finale
>hell, not even in the last season.
You're objectively wrong. BB beats GoT out by a power of ten here, based Reddit.
>>Jane's dad just happens to be an air traffix controller!
Literally what's wrong with that?
He did not build a "machine gun" user. He bought one and rigged it up to a garage door mechanism.
breaking bad should've ended at the end of season 4.
>defending the time skip
>defending sniper ex machina
>defending the weak nazi antagonists
Ah yeah, nostalgia. I can tell you were on 9fag or something when the show aired. You would make more substantial points if you hade been here. Rewatch it and notice the change of tone, pace and quality. And a couple of forgotten plot points and arcs.
Undisputed best 3 endings:
>1. The Shield - Family Meeting
>2. Six Feet Under - Everyone's Waiting
>3. Justified - The Promise
You can't have a story never less a good story without "just happens". Things just happen all the time. Bet you was your mom's and fathers just happens. Chaos is the world we live in.
Whose death was the most kino?
>Muh soap opera where Jon cries like a bitch over dany for half of the episode and dragon meme flies off for no reason
>Dickless brown man says screw you guys, I'm going home Cartman style for no reason
>Better than Breaking Bad
>lost was never good
Worst opinion I've ever seen on this shithole
I too sometimes agree to my self.
>GoT is bad
>ergo BB is good
ehhh the ending is satisfying but the last season feels repetitive
I have only watched GoT and don't even know which show is the one on the bottom left.
So GoT.
Please be bait. I haven't posted on this board for years, but it can't be this bad now, right?
he was obviously going to commit suicide if the machine gun didnt kill him
It's a fucking machine gun. It's more of an asspull that Jesse didn't get killed by it as well.
Twin Peaks: The Return
This, no contest.
Yea Forums is full of contrarians they will often kneel at the altar of a niche show with no attention. But if said show gets popular they cast it away. So yes this is most likely bait.
>Mad Men reaction image
>no one has mentioned Mad Men itt
Come on, I know it has no death or violence but it's easily the most well-written and satisfying finale of this decade.
But one of them didn't die though
Tony, but I would choose Dany's over the other two, the scene was at least incredibly shot.
What other crime organisation could have Walt work with?
Mexican cartels again? Some random hoodrats? There isn't a lot of options.
It was crap, but miles better than GoT
I guess we were spoiled.
We were promised a Scarface style ending so presumably he'd be running his own crime syndicate. But for some reason Walt is a bumbling retard when it comes to anything besides chemistry.
>it was crap because I misunderstood this bit from some interview
I watched the show as it aired, and I assumed they were going somewhere with the "Walt is buying a huge fucking gun to smoke some bitches". Instead it turned out they had no idea what they were going with, and honestly it felt like that in the last two episodes. They had no idea what they were doing, no plan, and just making shit up on the fly. Better than GoT by miles of course, but still overall crap.
I honestly thought Vince was going to deliver on the Scarface, promise, he didn't.
Objectively Tony, but Jack had the most emotion to it.
These. The Wire killed off just enough of the main characters that I liked it (even if Season 5 was trash). Breaking Bad became more fantastical as time went on, and the ending felt far too neat, but I liked it for the message it was going for - Jesse is liberated in knowing that someone he thought was completely evil did something good (for a change). His life is sort of over given that he's going to be implicated in all the stuff that happened with Hank, but he doesn't have to live in that oppressive fear anymore.
GoT could have probably done that (they were reaching for it) but wasted too much time of fan service that did nothing to advance the story.
It was definitely the most satisfying.
>Jack begs, which Hank refused to
>Walt executes Jack mid-sentence just like he did to Hank
>Jesse brutally murders Todd
>Walter finally becomes the guy he kept pretending to be up to this point: The One Who Knocks
>Poisened stevia
>Jesse gets one last “Fuck you” on Walt by not killing him
I know there were some criticisms about season 5, but I think it was the perfect way to end the show. You didn’t need some antagonist scarier than Gus, you needed someone just shitty enough to finish Walter’s development.
You must not have watched the Shield, then. It's got the craziest final season and finale that wraps up the whole show perfectly, in a completely unique way you'll never fully see coming.
>Jesse gets one last “Fuck you” on Walt by not killing him
Jesse sees Walt's gunshot wound and chooses to let him bleed to death. He'd probably shoot him if he wasn't going to die within the next few minutes.
It will always be the shield
Mad Men was better
reminder that saul is about to have it's 5th season
then we miss his downfall which is the point
Tbh, this ending aged like a fine wine, everyone lost their shit when it happened but in hindsight it was kino. It subverted expectations, we all knew Tony was gonna end up dead or indited anyway, Chase knew no payoff was ever going to please fans and so gave us zero payoff. Which is why Sopranos is still the GOAT
would you like to back up your point?
it's quite obvious it's a suicide mission
tony's still alive bro
>guy spends the entire fourth season devising different ways to kill his enemy using his science skills
>somehow the machine gun makes no sense
still don't understand why people say this
S5 is literally the second best season after 4
>I don't even know which show is on the bottom left
This isn't funny, user.
none of these don't make sense. do you want a show where nothing happens?
they spent 5 minutes showing tyrion straighten up chairs lol
he attempted to run his own syndicate, but you literally have to work with others to make that work. the nazis took over after the cartel was fucked
It's Lost and I don't know why these other assholes are defending it.
The show started out great but it was a pile of shit by the time it ended.
Literally nothing is wrong with anything you said. Coincidences and lucky incidents happen all the time, what’s wrong with TV mimicking that?
These anons are too pleb to understand it. Mad Men was absolute kino.
it was amazing through it's first couple seasons. the best episodes were the flashback ones with all the backstories. it becomes clear after a while that even the writers had no clue where the show was supposed to go. stopped watching when the time travel shit happened
I’m not convinced he would’ve done it even without the wound. The point was that Jesse wasn’t going to be manipulated anymore. I think bleeding out was a bonus.
Mad men is unappreciated
>Walt should die without thinking about how and why he would die.
He knew he would die there and he died because he wanted to. The whole series is about Walter trying get some control in his life, to be in charge of something. And in the end he chose to kill himself instead of letting the cancer kill him
What is the sopranos
>insert another shit show from the last ten years as a rebuttal
This board is zoomer garbage. I actually hate you people for having such awful taste
>game of thrones is good if you ignore all the writing
Essentially all gag of turd defenders have to say. You're a moron and I hope you commit suicide
A show nobody here has seen. As well as anything else that existed before Iron Man 2008 woke them all
For me this is where series ended
Breaking Bad is the single most consistently impressive piece of long-form media ever created
Most shows could never even hope to be as good as this show even in its worst moments
Great cinematography, screenwriting, scripting, pacing, performances—the stars aligned when this show was conceptualized
leave then
Literally the worst episode in the series.
Walt turns into Batman and gets everything that he always wanted after all that he has done. Some of the deaths are so anticlimactic as well.
It might as well be, and it's weird to say that because it's mediocre at best, particularly considering that I can't think of another weak episode in the entire run.The problem with how Breaking Bad ended is actually the same problem with Game of Thrones ending: Writers getting cocky.
Breaking Bad's writers fucked themselves over shoehorning that machine gun in the cold open of S5 first half. Nearly a year later, they found themselves forced to make it relevant to the ending, solving everything with bullets, which didn't fit as a proper climax to the show. In their defense, they made a stellar job up until that point, and who wouldn't get overconfident after half a decade of everyone sucking your narrative cock?
Game of Thrones writers were lucky hacks from the get go. I'll admit that they made a decent job at the beggining, when relying on George's work, but when they started to catch up everyone picked up on the decline. They made the right move going full fan-service the last two seasons, and if they weren't so fucking full of themselves could've ended in the same way, pleasing the normies at least. But no, they went for subverting expectations when it should've been obvious they lacked the skills to make it work, and no one is happy.