From now on the King will be chosen from a vote and not through direct lineage so bad sons won't inherit the throne

>From now on the King will be chosen from a vote and not through direct lineage so bad sons won't inherit the throne.
>But the House Lords will still continue with the inheritance system and the King will be decided by these Lords so the new System is totally pointless anyway
>Not only that but deciding on the next King will bring much more backstabbing and future wars because every Lord who is not a pussy will want the next throne

Absolutely fucking retarded

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Other urls found in this thread:


He did just think of it on the fly

True, and now along Bran and the rest will try to make it work, but until GRRM doesn't write the last book, we will never now what exactly will be Bran tax policy

Also why the fuck do the Starks get 3 votes? And why did Brienne get a vote??

this was exactly the system in deciding who becomes Holy Roman Emperor for over 500 years.

>pic very related: It's the Imperial election in 1341

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>create democracy
>the brown people Dany imported start voting in their interests
>westerosi still vote in their interest
>literal race war ensues


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You assume too much. Within 20 years tops everything will just revert. Some strong arm will take over and declare themselves king again. Nothing whatsoever is established to stop another Robert or Aegon the Conqueror. We are supposed to get warm and fuzzies because Bran is smart and Tyrion has a heart. The kingdom is two murders away from exactly what they had and Sansa has already lined herself up to do exactly that in due time.

>bran is immortal anyway
the stark powerplay paid off

Yeah but the fact that the writers don't imply any of that makes me think that they genuinely think that Westeros is now going to be all smiles and hugs now. It's so fucking retarded. At least put a sceñne of someone plotting to show how the cycle will never end

the holy roman empire of westeros

>And why did Brienne get a vote?
She's head of house Tarth

The Holy Roman Empire is the historical posterboy for nonstop warring nobles and border gore

And we all know what a clusterfuck that was. Either the emperors were impotent or a certain family rigged the system in their favour. There's a reason the HRE more or less became hereditary at some point. The same thing will happen here. The strongest family, most likely the starks, will take complete power eventually by using the framework put in place by their ancestors.

House Tarth rules an island in the Narrow Sea, she's literally Gendry's vassal

I hate democracy

why did bran say "why do you think I came all this way?" if bran's plan was to become king, why does he act like he does not want to be king?
and what would of happened if tyrion didn't think up of that stupid system? what would bran have done then?
what the fuck.

also hate that the premise of tyrion's character has been to talk himself out of near death situations. this fuck is now hand to the king

that's literally how the HRE worked. obviously keeps the king pretty weak because of the lack of centralisation and strong vassals

I never denied this. The original post just read to me like he couldn't believe someone would follow this system, when in fact people believed in it for centuries.

sounds like the Roman Republic electing consuls.

there's no perfect political system

They all got deported, did you not watch the episode?

So why didn't all the small houses get votes. Also Brienne is a knight, not a lord isn't she. I thought they had to forfeit their titles.

Bran sees the future

sadly, nobody ever tried true Jeffersonian Republicanism

then why didn't he assist a single character in the series? during the battle plan of winterfell vs. ww, he just sits there. i thought it was only the past?

Westeros stays Westerosi.

Best ending.

Welcome to a Constitutional Republic.

so what is bran's tax plan?

Yep and a white male on the throne.

fascism exists for a reason sweetie:)

>The North is now independent under a Stark ruler
>btw the 6 kingdoms are also ruled by a Stark
I mean can you blame Arya and Greyworm for wanting to get the fuck out of that upcoming civil war?

>female rulers are incompetent and evil
>dark skinned invaders are dangerous and need to be deported
Damn GoT really did a 180 at the last second.
Truly it was a song of based, and dare I say redpilled.

If you don't turn your brain off like you're supposed to:
Independent kingdom. Unless Bran produces an heir there will be no more southron starks. No chance of being the strongest family in the southern kingdom.
Gendry is strong(GODS), his descendants have a good chance at it.
Related to Starks, relatively untouched by the war, strong geographic location. Could become the strongest family in the future.
Related to Starks but devastated by the War of Five Kings. Could eventually have influence but have their own problems to deal with
Don't care, will probably declare independence at some point
Allies of Starks at this point, but have a bad reputation and lost their wealth and armies from too many wars
Control Highgarden but will have to deal with the Hightowers and the Tarlys, likely will have a revolt on their hands
Untouched by the war, had strong blood ties to Targaryens, have a good shot at becoming the ruling family
king beyond the wall LOL

This has already been done in poland in 16th century onwards and it ended up weak, corrupted and partitioned.

he did it without any wine, he really should have had some wine

>hotwheels should decide how we do everything because he is a cripple that can't reproduce so we're probably safe even though he spies on all of us using birds to watch us masterbate

and thus infinitychan was born

he said he was thinking in his cell for literally weeks about it

>the writers don't imply any of that
>Was it right?What I did?

>What we did.

>It doesn't feel right.

>Ask me again in 10 years.

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It had to go that way for everything to end up the way it did. If he interferes then he doesn't end up King in one way or another (allegedly).


wait brienne's dad is dead?

True,but democracy demands much more from people than any Monarchy or dictatorship. That the people can actually write their names is one. And the reins of power not being held by hereditary aristocrats whose interests are the polar opposite of the people. And without a WMD like dragons to hold the nobility in line, the elected king will be a pawn of the landed nobles. Ironically, this ending will just enforce serfdom in westeros permanently and make it shittier to live in than ever. The idea that democracy = good, is retarded.

Knights don't have to forfeit their titles. Jaime had to forfeit his claim to Casterly Rock after becoming Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, which angered Tywin greatly.

>Bran tax policy
annual festival of the rape

Back to work Ser Podrick!

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how did they rebuild the castle so fast and get all the old furniture out in perfect polished wood condition when they sit at the council table? i mean it doesn't look like a fuck huge dragon just attacked and decimated an entire brick and mortal city of one million people only 4 weeks ago.

why are dragons a threat at all when it only takes a month to rebuild the capital of a continent. huh huh huh

House Tarth is fucking irrelevant.

This. When hotwheels dies, the lords will suck dick to be elected king.

Bran warged into KL tard population while installing the royal cripple ramps.

so who's the King now?

t. wagelet that just woke up and didn't see the show and wants to spoiler it to my normie colleagues

>Within 20 years tops everything will just revert
Probably not. If the HRE or the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are any indicator of what happens when a weak elective monarchy meets established noble power it's going to be a clusterfuck.
>Hey Bran how do you feel about a liberium veto.

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don't matter they put an immortal on the throne

You can circumvent a lot of the backstabbing and civil war by just having the wealthiest candidate bribe all the electors into voting for him. It worked well enough for the Hapsburgs, and Bronn is in the ideal position to build up the necessary funds, though he probably won’t be around when Bran is finally out of the way.

Except anyone can kill that cripple at any time. It's not like the 10 or so previous kings weren't murdered.

>imagine in my head hundreds of lords, historians and learned people debating how to use this chance and change the system for the better for weeks, months
>it's just eight people discussing it for five minutes

sounds a lot like the "Holy" "Roman" "Empire"

Uhm...isn't elective monarchy historically proven itself to work worse than heredetary monarchy?

The 3ER is just going to rule indefinitely. When Bran gets old he'll just pass his consciousness onto the next body and that will rule. No one is going to challenge it because no one can. Look how he managed to manipulate everyone here to get to the throne.

Bran(den Rivers) could be re-elected infinitely with the weirdwood paste ritual. This would be the most effective of governments: a literal God-Emperor.

Brienne is head of the crippleguard

I could see that as the ending of the books, but literally nothing was explained or even aluded too in the show.

So, will the sequel be placed in 40-50 years after episode 6 featuring son of Tyrion besieging Winterfell, while he recieves message about death of his daughter?

Did her dad die offscreen or something? Even if he did, House Tarth is a completely insignificant house.

The world's most stable monarchy system is actual Japan's monarchy.

Emperor is a religious figurehead but the real power is in the country's top general, the Shogun.

just fuck my kingdom up

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>Edmure "Bring literally every one of my peasants into my castle and give them my food to keep them safe from the war" Tully is the one to laugh at the idea of giving the smallfolk a say and compares them to dogs

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Yeah Japan hasn't had a shogun for nearly 150 years.

they literally adopted the Ironborn Kingsmoot, where every ship captain on the island can vote

needless to say the system won't last very long and one or another War or Despot will put an end to it

im new what is rape bran

they shouldn't be allowed to vote, he is righz, Smallfolk have no idea what or whom they are even voting on

Wasn’t that a plot point in Skyrim. Even that game the nobles wanted to kill each other

At which point would the books "roll credits"? Would GRRM care to explain that the 6 kingdoms will become a new Yi Ti?

He doesnt have right to decide anything

Bran is king and bran decide the system

Yeah it's not like anything like that system has ever worked out in real life or anything

Unlike the HRE or the PLC, they have the Narrow Sea protecting them. Their only threat at this point is from the North

That's exactly what Dany wanted

Which means Dany was retarded since the beginning.


and it's so bad not a single one has succesfully been able to prosper for more than 50 years

>what Dany wanted
When did Dany say she wanted an elective monarchy?

WHo was the old man next to Sam?
Who was the old man next to royce and the dornish dude

Never seen those before


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but Dany broke the wheel!!

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show tyrion was wrong 85% of the time. it was also his idea to send jon to go beyond the wall and bring back a wight so they do a "show and tell" with cersei. tyrion was basically wrong about everything when he was advising duhnares, and when he was correct she refused to listen to him anyway.

she told Tyrion that after he started questioning who would be her successor since she can't have children in season 7.

>our nepotism isn't based on heredity like your disgusting monarchies of days past
>our nepotism is based on money and manipulation
absolutely brilliant, this writing

daily reminder that both the economic and military power of the throne has completely depleted with the final episode and regions that were untouched by the wars like dorne, the reach and the stormlands will leave to rule themselves

>let's elect the king
>what could possibly go wrong

>the real power is in the country's top general, the Shogun.

Babby's first Japanese history class

Strap up for the Meiji Restoration

Not to mention all the dothraki who will be running around pillaging and looting.
We never actually get to see them leave.

you know the shitlibs will just say "turn off your brain, benioff and weiss are richer and more successful than you, incel, go have sex" if you ask questions like this. i agree, show tyrion's entire repetitive schtick is that he gets into trouble, goes to jail, has a trial and then talks his way out of it using his "well, wait wait, hear me out". it gets old and boring but hey, we're not in any position of power to do anything, and the show is over. the next challenge is, one of us has to create something better and beat THEM at their rigged game.

>breaks the wheel
>becomes the wheel

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Why do writers feel the need to insert 20th-21st century liberal progressivism into their pre-industrial medieval fantasy media?

Bran is gonna warg into drogon or other people and subjugate all future rebellion attempts.

I'd wager good odds that Gendry & the Stormlords start a coup to push his/his children's claim to the throne

The Shogun was only powerful for at best 6 centuries. The Emperor or clans every other time in Japanese history were the ones in charge.

You’re right but again, that will take time. Literally all the conniving two faced fucks are all dead. It will take at least a generation for power hungry scumbags

there is no scene of them leaving, but we do see dothraki just walking around calmly in the scene where jon leaves prison and is walking to the boat. if the dothraki are raping (of course they are) they would be doing it at night. its established in the show that their entire way of life is based on nomadic looting/raping. having dothraki live peacefully in westeros is just another huge fucking plothole and asspull. "oh look, these savages that we showed you were absolutely wild are now fully integrated in westerosi city life".

also the city looks entirely rebuilt. the room where brienne was writing in the kingsguard book looks the same as it was, and the kingsguard book itself was not destroyed. nothing is consistent in this show. they don't care anymore. its done, they made their huge wealth and gave up.

Yeah that didn't result in centuries of constant bribing and/or warring

What could possibly go wrong?

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Tyrion and Sansa are still technically married

True. Considering the current technology and infrastructure of westeros it would have taken hundreds of years to rebuild the city.

Or maybe Bran just has a really optimal tax policy

Ever hear the one about the Zen master?

>Little boy gets a horse for his 14th birthday
>Everyone in the village says, "how wonderful. The boy got a horse."
>Zen master says, "we'll see."
>Two years later, boy falls off his horse, breaks his leg
>Everyone in the village says, "how terrible. The boy broke his leg."
>Zen master says, "we'll see."
>Then, a war breaks out, and soldiers come and take all the boys away to fight, except for this boy, because his leg is all messed up
>Everyone in the village says, "how wonderful."

You see where I'm going with this?

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Edmure should have been king.

This. Bran won the game, and by extension the 3ER. Children of the Forest had the last laugh after all.

Libs are seething because their kween got JUSTed

>The Night's Watch still exists
>Jon and Sam both pledged their entire lives to serving the Night's Watch
>Jon gets sent back to them as a punishment (even though he's still vowed to serve them and not hold titles or fuck bitches)
>Lol nevermind he lives with barbarian niggers who love it beyond the wall despite the entire area being inhospitable
>Sam becomes Grand Maester despite not even completing maester school and already pledging himself to the Night's Watch and swearing not to hold titles
WTF why does nobody give a shit about the Night's Watch anymore?

>boy kills himself for being a disgrace to his family

Why was Bran okay with Sansa deciding the North is independent.
What is stopping Bronn, Radmure, Gendry, Yara, and so on wanting to also be independent?

The wildlings are peaceful and the wights are gone, bu there must always be a place for bastards ^_^

"We will use Australian-style preferential voting. Here's how it works...."

not to be a /pol/tard, but democracy only works in a homogeneous people. but any system works in a homogeneous people, even socialism.

and you only reach homogeneous through centuries of genocide.

>there must always be a place for bastards
These impotent fuckers didn't even upend the old bastard naming convention. Bastards in Westeros have even less than bastards in medieval europe.

>from now on, this magical hat will decide the next king.

Wouldn't they be all dead when the castle fell on their asses?

The lesson of GoT is that the elites always win. Our characters tried their damnest while most of the Lords and Ladies of Westeros sat back and laughed at them. At the end of the day the only thing that kept them in line - a ruler who can potentially be above them and serve the common interest - is gone and they got more power out of it.

because writers push agendas, user
people who deny this are idiots

how is this ok as a punishment and an ending

AYE! (weiner weinrweinr weiner weinrweinr)

No shit sherlock, although progressives will contest this to the bitter end. When you have scores of different ethnic groups sharing a single country you rarely get a perfect multicultural paradise, what usually happens is the different peoples form cliques, voting blocks and soon identity politics start to take hold.

based voltaireposter

you only reach homogenous by fucking your twin sister user.

her logo literally looks like a wheel

Why the fuck did the prisoner get to decide on this matter?

he was held prisoner by shitskins, you idiot
not the """""council"""""

I won't try to defend the retardation of the last episode but I will try to explain what Dumb and Dumber were trying to do. Since GRRM loves to draw parallels between the real world into his Tolkien-grounded fantasy, what I can surmise is that D&D tried to include some political and societal evolution in subtle ways throughout the final episode. For example in the scenes with the council and their election of a new King, they are finally moving away from the old political system that fucked over almost every major house. The world of Westeros/Essos is still quite a backwards place considering that kings, tyrants and despots rule most if not all of the lands of their world. Rather than choose a new king and a new House to rule, the remaining houses decide to be done with that toxic system and elect a new king. It's not quite a modern state system - contrasted by Sam trying to get everyone to agree to a democracy and everyone, even Sansa, laughing him off - but the new system is a step in that direction.

This societal evolution is also seen with the Unsullied - former slaves and now free men - fucking off to their slave island to protect their people from slavers which is somewhat of a parallel to the french colony of Haiti revolting against their masters and ruling themselves. Lastly, we can see a more obvious societal evolution in Arya's decision to sail west and seek new lands which is blatantly inspired by the Age of Exploration.

It's a shame that these ideas were overshadowed by the godawful writing and retarded decisions from the characters - Bran becoming king? The Unsullied/Dothraki not punishing Jon?

>house Waynwood's sigil is a literal broken wheel
what could it mean?

That's all of human history regardless of the political system.

Can't argue with that

the reality is, is that iron and blood decide the great questions of the day.

Once someone has the power, they have the throne if they are willing to reach for it. A vote won't stop that.

Keep licking that boot, Faggot. When soldiers go to villages and take all the boys to go fight whoever they're fighting, it isn't exactly a great honor.

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What I'm saying is either the Night's Watch still exists and Sam and Jon have to stay there because they swore an oath, or the Night's Watch doesn't exist (because it has no purpose and no you don't need a place for bastards it's not a foster home), and if it doesn't exist then Jon's basically just fucking off the the inhospitable wasteland for no reason despite the fact that everyone who intends to stay in Westeros would rather have him rule than his retarded cripple cousin, and it would keep things as the seven kindgoms

these ideas are not interesting. we just want to see boobies and beheadings. but someone just cannot let go of their social science degree.

Would be funny if as soon as Grey worm and the Unsullied left, Jon just came back and says to Bran. "Give me my kingdom."

Bran is the new king. He's pretty wise. There's a good chance he implements democracy before his time is over.

>He's pretty wise
>There's a good chance he implements democracy before his time is over

but they literally had a scene mocking democracy

These weren't true fascism

>we just want to see boobies and beheadings

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>tactical nihilism
based and redpilled

Literally every historical elective monarchy was full of civil wars. The ending is super dumb.

Democracy is the worst form of government to ever "grace" humanity.

Can't think of any Monarchy with election by the nobles or whatever Dabbid was going for.

You sometimes get something like that in specific instances when shit falls apart -- I'm looking at your Russia -- but not in the normal course of events. Monarchy is, after all, all about you running things and making sure your kids get the throne when you're gone

neoliberalism ftw

Except that they kept electing the same faggot's heirs over and over and made the imperial crown hereditary.

>Elective Monarchy
>not a meritocratic hereditary monarchy

Made for fucking failure.

Fascism is essentially Monarchism.
Tons of monarchies have lasted hundreds of years.

>He's pretty wise.

Bran has -- what -- a third grade Medieval education? That's like going to Pepperdine.


Depends on how you define "democracy." In America, we like to think it's "every person gets a vote," and point to the success we've had as a country since the 18th century as proof that it works. But people are retarded, and if democracy is "every person gets a vote," we've effectively only been a democracy a little over 50 years, and it's been a rocky 50 years.


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Reminder that 1st Reich was best Reich

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>we'll see

Any particular reason why Jon wouldn't be able to get a pardon from Bran after few years? The unsullied decided to fuck off and aren't really integral to Westeros and they're the only ones who are buttmad about him.

I saw a post about how GRRM has a reoccuring theme in his other works of hive mind entities that ultimately 4d-chess everything. I think Bran isn't Bran just 3ER which is why he's been a dick and done fuck all. If the children of the forest made the white walkers, then it makes sense that the 3ER did nothing to help and everything was just a game for how this old god would become an immortal emperor of man. The prophecies, the long night, 3ER rigged the whole thing from the start. I think D&D knew they couldn't do the books justice so they subtely slid the ending in.

It's basically Australia now, where they ship off the troublemakers

Yeah Yara is the only that seems to care.
Radmure would be subdued by his niece Sansa, but I don't think he cares either.
Bronn would be fine he doesn't give a fuck, and is only in a position of power because Dany died basically.
Again Robin would listen to Sansa.
Tyrion (as probable leader of the Lannisters) obviously supports Jon and only came up with the "we should choose a king to do something about Jon" to protect him, as he feared Grey Worm would kill Jon.

There's literally no reason to not give Jon a pardon, he was integral against the threat of the WW, and is basically a national hero. (Also for killing Dany)

This system actually doesn't work out too well because of the obvious reasons you mentioned OP.

He could get a pardon in literally 5 minutes after the Unsullied sail to bumfuck. What are they gonna do, turn back?


I think its also why he wants the north to be independent and why he chose the starks in the first place. They keep the traditions of the old gods. He trusts house stark's devotion. He is fine with Jon being sent north because that is where his followers belong.

The Goths that conquered Spain had the same system and they backstabbed each other everytime a king died, until the moors took that poportunity to invade the peninsula and conquer it all in 6 years

What about Francoist Spain or Estado Novo?

Who cares? Have sex

Welp, there's your sequel right there.

If Nu-Star Wars happened, this is definitely going to happen

the stable system that got destroyed 150 years ago?

Neither of those were fascist. Nationalistic, yes, but not fascism. Salazar and Franco were too based for that pathetic LARP ideology. Only Mosley was worth a fuck.

Does anyone find it funny that they had that little montage of Jon, Arya, and Sansa in the end but NOT BRAN, THE KING, AND A LITERAL STARK

So basically the Holy roman empire, for a while

Sure, if your idea is survival of the state. But democracy is the best form of government if you want to improve the livelihood of the people no matter it's problems. I agree we have no evidence that democracy is a long lasting form of government given we've seen empires and monarchs rule for thousands of years continously while the oldest continuous democracy hasnt sniffed that time span.

Would've made more sense if the small council was expanded into a permanent large council that includes each of the major lords. Then you have the basis for a proto-House of Lords

>elective monarchy
>most inefficient form of government
>every noble's interest is electing a weak king, leaving to an ungovernable state ruled by oligarchs
>also elect a northern king who immediately allows secession
>now having a precedent, any realm can secede, especially as there is no central royal authority

Great job lmao


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>Fascism is essentially Monarchism.

Yes, introducing progressive "Englightment" ideas has been the core of the events of the series.

However, they've handled it atrociously and it's largely been crammed in with very little actual thought. As you said.

>jon, you are banished because the unsullied are mad
>unsullied literally leave westeros that day
>lol, bye jon, no pardons for you

>while the oldest continuous democracy hasnt sniffed that time span.
Ancient Greece was a democracy and look at how long they lasted

Even the showrunners know that he's fucking boring.
What are they going to show him doing? Staring blindly at a wall with epic music blasting?


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Neither made it to 50 years user

tyrion knows bran will outlive him so he can look smart and not have to deal with any of that shit

That cunt Sansa probably didn't want him getting in the way of her playing queenindanorf.

Deleted scenes here.

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>Ancient Greece was a democracy
what a retarded statement. same states were and their idea of democracy was fundamentally different from modern day universal suffrage

He's got the best education in all of the GOT world. He's pretty much seen everything. What else can he learn from others?

Greece was not a democracy. it has democratic foundations that eventually lead to democracy many centuries later. Really democracy has only existed since the late 19th-20th century.

>Absolutely fucking retarded
>The ending is super dumb.
Yep. Sansa was the real bad guy and she manipulated it perfectly to get Dany killed. Now all the shitty old corruption will keep right on going.

Why did Sam and Davos get a vote? Aria and Brienne shouldn't have had one either.

>Ancient Greece was a democracy
No it wasn't. It was a patchwork of city-states each with their own government that broadly fell under the categories of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. And what they'd call democracy is very different from what we call democracy.

>the north vowed to never bow to another
>even though they bowed to robb stark
>then jon snow
>but no, we cant bow to brandon stark
based bran should have had her head the moment she said that

Not to mention that the Greek style direct democracy wouldn't work in a kingdom of any real size, much less in the 7 kingdoms.

>universal suffrage
Universal suffrage is garbage

It's holy, Roman and imperial


>a fucking DEATH sentencee gets to decide the inheritance laws of the realm

>some fucking irrelevants that were nowhere to be seen in any episode get to make any kind of decision that affects the realm

>yeah bro fuck all the laws and tradition YOLO let a woman be the commander of the kingsguard

>we are going to NAATH
>The so-called butterfly fever is a disease native to the isle of Naath.
>Fever is the first sign of the disease, followed by painful spasms that make the victims seem to be dancing wildly and uncontrollably. In the last stage, those afflicted sweat blood, and their flesh sloughs from their bones.

I'm glad it's finally over because it can't get worse

>Sansa ridiculing Tully and Arya laughing too.

>Jon saying "no one will tell you where you can't go cause youre a woman"

Muh vagina

Where does the 3ER come from again? Wasn't he an ancient Targaeryen exile, meaning a Targ ended up on the throne after all?

how is radmure still alive after spending 5 seasons in dungeons

How the fuck is doing something nice for plebs somehow make it unbelievable for that same person laugh at them? I do nice things for my dog all the time, but that doesn't mean im going to let him make any sort of decisions for me.

The power of being Rad.

>why do you think i came all this way
am i being fucking retarded or does this mean he planned this? if so why are people not making a bigger deal out of it? is he supposed to be some master player? if so how since he can't see into the future?

jamie told the freys a long time ago he wanted all their prisoners, they bitched, and he threatened to kill them. so i assumed radmure was lounging somewhere else after that

>wanting a feudal elective
Was it D&D or George RR Martin who spent too much time playing CK2?

HBO has the rights to develop a sequel without any input from GRRM or D&D, correct? If so they definitely will, it would be their ultimate trump card if they're in need of another hit show.

It's kind of like an early caliphate system

is bran going to get meera across the borders somehow, then once shes in his kingdom, force her to be his concubine and sit on his face every night?

I've only played CK2 for a few dozens hours, but I hate elective monarchy, do people actually like it?

hmm yes I'm sure the talks will be peaceful and there will be zero political intrigue everytime a king bites the dust

Bran dies at an old age.
cast new actors.
New show about the power struggles in the realm, Sansa's kids and grandkids, radmure's kids and grandkids, Jon's wilding grandbastard, etc.
Ez money HBO, and you don't even need to use any footage from the old show, and lots of the set is already built.

If the three eyed raven dies all history will die so no one who knows that will even try. Also Bran can see everything so you can’t even try to lie or plot against him

It's reddit's favorite system, I also remember a lot of shilling for it on the /ck2general/ threads from time to time.

OP here. I'm not saying that the system is better or worse than the current one (it is worse though), but the fact that Tyrion proposes it and it gets implemented instantly without any complaint.

Seriously, to me this is the worst scene in GoT by far. Nothing makes sense. Sansa looks at her little brother and says "You are a Stark but we Starks are going independent from you", which makes no fucking sense. The people who get to vote are completely random. The fact that Tyrion gets to talk despite being a prisoner. The fact that they are discussing what to do with Jon despite him still being a King and having the support of the North behind him. The fact that they choose Bran as King, which makes no fucking sense in-world or storytelling wise. The fact that there are two comedy bits one after the other making fun of Edmure and then Democracy but are completely tonally off and unfunny. The fact that these retarded comedy bits happen immediately after the climax of Daenerys dying.

would Bran die of old age? Bloodraven survived for hundreds of years.

Okay I knew Reddit was retarded, but their levels of retardation is beginning to reach beyond my understanding.

Not a bookfag, but didn't Bloodraven only survive because of the tree being hooked into him directly?
Like I assume magic with the tree was involved.

It really is completely retarded, and even moreso since they didn't care to detail who could become a candidate to the throne in a succession crisis. Shouldn't those from the higher houses be excluded, since a Lannister would only ever side with the Westerlands, etc....

Also if the voting is decided by the high houses, why would they ever vote somebody that erodes their authority. Like the HRE, Westeros will never centralize, and the king on the Iron Throne will stay a mere figurehead to sort out disputes and arrange trade between the kingdoms.

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>constant bribing and/or warring
>all of human history regardless of the political system
If normies would accept this, the world would be a better place

look man, just be happy they didn't go with direct democracy because until they started laughing i actually thought they were going to do it.

Still way fucking better than "Well you popped out of the right vagina and you have a cock, thus you are our new ruler even though you're criminally insane, literally retarded, some combination of both etc."

Choosing a guy to rule you before they're even born and grown is fucking stupid. Human history is full of massive fuckups destroying prosperous kingdoms simply because they were handed power based purely on who their dad was.

It's a better system. More backstabbing and intrigue, less total war

/pol/ would say that you need ethnic homogeneity. but you definitely need cultural. without all people sharing a unified national identity, without mass education and media and a middle class you can't have a true democracy in a country the size of westeros. even then, you would have a debate over whether suffrage should only be reserved for the land owners (the people with actual stake in the country).

how is "the guys who popped out of the right vagina and have a cock vote on who rules" any better? It would lead to even more political intrigue and backstabbing.

Hereditary succession promotes stability though. Out of France's hereditary succession, and the Byzantine intestine squabbles for succession in the Early Medieval succession, one ended up much better.

Usually if a king isn't competent on his own, he'll have advisers step in to fill the void (list of advisers for King Louis XV is pages long for example). The only dangerous thing about succession is if the king succeeds too young, outside forces can undermine his power.

better a vote than a war

One of the worst parts about this scene is that they didn't even seem to really give a shit about who would be king. None of them wanted it for themselves, and Bran was the first person recommended and they all just rolled with it
>Bran deserves it because uh, he survived falling out of a tower and is crippled, he's a survivor!
God Bran was such a boring fucking character

> less total war
Total war is preferable to perpetual skirmish that slowly drains away every ounce of fight from a people, you shortsighted pleb. Christ almighty. When you were little, did you slowly peel off the bandaid or did you just rip it off as fast as possible? Same principle.

Because they are motivated by self intrest.

Sure there will be tons of politics and scheming, but they're not going to elect a madman or someone who's gonna strangle the kingdom in an iron grip.

Also because it's a VOTE, there is a limit on how much power each lord can exert, unless they get other lords on their side. basically it makes trying to control the king MUCH harder to manipulate, whereas before you just had to somehow get your hooks into the current king's first son.

Sam is a maester and shouldn't have a vote either, and Davos is a great politician but his house is incredibly insignificant.

>not knowing shit about elective monarchies

>implying the kingdom won't rise in revolt when the next King is someone they dislike.
Remember they are just done after fighting a war, when all these people are dead the next generation are going to be like "Hold up, fuck this system. I have the biggest army, I should be King."

For all it's faults, it's still better than bloodlines.

Liberal democracy with niggers soon.

>The Unsullied demand that Jon must be punished in some way
>Gets a life sentence to the knights watch
>The Unsullied then leave and sail across the ocean where they'll never hear news of Jon again
What exactly was stopping him from just living life with his family once they left?

Yea because everyone just looooves the Lanisters, and Joffery was definitely mega popular.

Remember how all the territories revolted?

should have bought votes instead of buying an army then

Nothing, but John literally doesn't want to come back. He even said before all this that he'd rather stay outside the walls with the wildlings.

Of course, this just makes the Unsullied even dumber by "punishing" him with what he wanted.

Keyword: Athenian, you retard. There were still Greek city-states ran by kings, despots and small councils. Athens was one of the few notable "democracies" in the Hellenic world.

So what's going to happen when the Hightowers decide that Bronn is a faggot and they should rule the Reach?

Or the countless other nobles decide that The Baratheons are still the royal line?

Or when the Iron Islands decide to start reaving again?

Or when the Iron Bank call on the debt, and start a war?

What a shitty ending

>Sansa says ‘nah, we don’t want to be ruled by anyone’
>all the other kingdoms don’t follow suit

Mmm you boys smell that?

I smell a redditor right here. The emphasis on cock and the underlying seething that women shouldn't rule. Definite r*ddit roastie champion.

>>all the other kingdoms don’t follow suit
Because now they get the chance for one of their own to rule once Bran fucks off.

>Nothing whatsoever is established to stop another Robert or Aegon the Conqueror.
There is literally nothing that can be done to prevent those short of killing every human being on the planet except the king.

Name one successful elective monarchy you retard.

>less total war
Not without a repudiation system to dethrone a bad king.

This whole season feels like a pathfinder campaign that sputtered out, so the DM had to write a quick ending.

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Elective monarchy isn't that dumb. Poland and Hungary both had it in real life. In reality it tends to produce weak compromise candidates who can't govern effectively. Bran being chosen is stupid as fuck, but it makes *some* sense that the lords and ladies would prefer a crippled boy that can't govern at all to a competent ruler who might centralize authority away from them.

I mean this new crippled king's first act is to make a traitorous kinslaying imp who is loathed by the entire realm into his new hand, then gives him the ability to manage most of the affairs of the Small Council (including selecting candidates for it) unsupervised. Tyrion also immediately stacks the council/other institutions (like the King's Guard) with loyalist sycophants to him, like Bronn and Pod. Bran is a crippled moron who claims to receive prophetic visions from his seizures. It's absurd that anyone would follow him, let alone trust he has magic powers.

Rome, For a very, very long time.

It was when they started using bloodlines that the whole empire started sliding off.

>ITT: faggots who don't know about history
the emperor had fuck all power INSIDE the realm, otherwise there would be constant rebellions and uprisings

it was more of an union to guard all the smaller lords against outside threats from non-HRE countries (France, Infidels, Slavs, Magyars...)

>So what's going to happen when the Hightowers decide that Bronn is a faggot and they should rule the Reach?
they'll get rid of him
>Or the countless other nobles decide that The Baratheons are still the royal line?
Gendry will not accept that
>Or when the Iron Islands decide to start reaving again?
Good question, sounds like it's going to be a lot of trouble for the weakened territories, and without a master of war things will be very problematic.
>Or when the Iron Bank call on the debt, and start a war?
calling on the debt when the kingdom is in ruins is a bad idea. Cersei already covered her part of the debt, whether the crown is liable to pay for the gold used to hire the GC is another question. What does the Iron Throne gain from hiring a company of mercenaries to conquer an already ruined kingdom?

Sansa was seething Bran was picked right?
Like her whole "uhh, the north ain't in the seven kingdoms' shtick was because she was pissed about Bran being King right?
She was very hesitant to say yes to him being the King, and seemed put out.

She just desperately wanted Jon to be king.

Then she and Jon could pull a Jamie/Cersi, like she so very clearly wanted.

I'm not a banker, and I've never held any position of real authority or leadership in my life.
But the bank needs to protect its image, they can't just forgive debts or they look weak to rival banks and creditors.
This seems like basic and common logic.

roll credits with jon wandering off to the north.
epilogue set hundreds of years later from three eyed crow's POV as the godking

Honestly might believe that. She really hated Dany for no reason at all really. (Before she revealed herself to be Hitler to all of them)

>it was more of an union to guard all the smaller lords against outside threats from non-HRE countries (France, Infidels, Slavs, Magyars...)

It's supposed to be the same way in Westeros, except the show thinks that the government is supposed to actually do things like a modern government. Realistically the royal government would only cover international politics and currency.

Shut the fuck up
There are hundreds of competing interests in any society, and monarchy promotes stability by providing one single voice with enough power to shout over the din and bring all of the squabbling cunts to heel

Not that much different from the uk parliament in all honesty

I'm not sure what your point is, those territories did revolt against Joffrey

Lol totally wrong but ok

>GRRM wanted to make a point on how horrible hereditary monarchy was
>the show makes people trust in hereditary monarchy because elective monarchy is that much worse

D&D really did miss the mark, huh?

t. Mr. SpasticRetard the 3rd.

why is he wrong ?

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His point is shit then because a hereditary monarchy is better than a modern day democracy.
Gone are philosopher kings, all hail retards with ties and a good smile.

it's still a monarchy, dipshit. they just don't choose their king via genetic lottery.

Fucking imagine if Joffery lived, and the evil, stupid little shit got to rule for decades.

This. His mother and Tywin wouldn't be able to control him anymore as an adult, and his predilections would only become more extreme. The kingdom was already deep in debt as it was, imagine 20 more years with Joffery at it's head doing whatever dumb shit he wanted.

No it's not, because as soon as you introduce the option of choice you now have every lord who isn't an absolute pussy vying for a spot on the throne when it was previously nearly unattainable, and the result is war and endless bickering, or one house or two totally dominating the other weaker ones

Read Dune.

This. Sadly it comes down to might regardless. He who has more followers and has the capacity can still always take what he wants via force.

>monarchy promotes stability by providing one single voice with enough power to shout over the din and bring all of the squabbling cunts to heel
what if we, uh, go to war with France to enforce my claim on the Netherlands, drive our finances into the ground with my unchecked fascination with my wife’s weird advice, kill some protestants, fail to fuck, and uhhhhh *dies of broken chromosomes and triggers a 13 year succession crisis*

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Why is every thread on Yea Forums a reddit repost? What the fuck happened to this place

You do realize people can post retarded anecdotes like this to argue against anything right?

Sooo. what they had already?

"one house or two dominating the weaker ones"

you mean like how, when one house gains the throne, THEY LITERALLY GET TO KEEP IT FOREVER? Unless the king agrees to marry into another house, that's it. Whichever house gets the throne now has an iron grip on it forever, so long as they can produce a male heir.

I think I see

>war is lost, opposition soldiers invade village
>most of the villagers able to run and hide, cripple has to watch soldiers rape and kill his family, before being tortured himself
>zen master says, "it was beautiful"

you don't need anecdotes to realize why giving supreme authority to one dude based off genetic lottery is retarded

>This would be the most effective of governments: a literal God-Emperor.
Warhammer-GOT mashup/spin-off when?

You dont need anecdotes to realize why having constant infighting because people know they all have a shot at power is retarded.

See? Can do it with anything.

>i know let’s have a vote each time the king/queen dies. Allowing no automatic heir and a power vacuum
>bran inevitably falls down some stairs and dies
>Sansa works as leader temporarily akin to Edward I
>civil war ensues
Tell me why this doesn’t happen

what? I agree both systems are completely retarded.

You can say that about anything.

Every system is retarded to a degree and in the right place and time nearly every single one can work.

Yes but some obviously have bigger and more glaring flaws than others.

> The elected monarchy of the Roman Empire.

Only in the broadest sense, if you mean the Senate saying, "we agree to you taking the throne so please don't kill us."

Meh, I think better aeguments can be made for normal hereditary monarchy with fairly independent lords under said monarchy. Its not always clear cut though.

it is all irrelevant anyways, as Jons kids will take the throne on dragon back when they come of age, they will restore house targaryen.

Targaryen blood in Jon is already diluted with Stark's. His kids will be bigger mutts than he.

>Can't think of any Monarchy with election by the nobles or whatever Dabbid was going for.
Polish Commonwealth? Nominally a monarchy, where state funds were controlled by the Sejm composed of nobility who could veto any decision and even granted themselves the right to "form confederations", i.e. to rebel. Needless to say, as the time progressed Poland was plagued with civil wars and foreign incursions.

>You sometimes get something like that in specific instances when shit falls apart -- I'm looking at your Russia -
You're retarded, Mikhail Romanov was elected as the founder of the new dynasty on the basis of him being a cousin of late Fedor, the last Rurik tsar.

Catherine the Great, bro.

Yeah, but her reign was in the name of her son, she was just a placeholder.

Yeah, that totally didn't work out for the HRE... baka

The palace revolutions were due to the absence of a clear succession law within dynasty, that's not the same thing.

Nah, the law was there. It's just noone liked Peter III. Also Cathy got some money from France and Britain to do the thing.

But there's no ocean or anything stopping them from just walking back

It's the HRE and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth systems for electing kings / emperors. It gets retarded later on with elector counts warring against each others to get votes.

every year will be beautiful

Ramsay Day

Did you miss the part where the king is omniscient? And can possess people? And when he's gong to die he can just find a successor to pour his soul/wisdom into making him an eternal ruler. Bran is the fucking god-emperor of Westeros. He'll let the northeners have their kingdom for a few centuries and then bring it under his own power and proceed to slowly but surely conquer the rest of the world and wipe out all other supernatural powers untilthere is nothing left to challange his absolute rule.

No, there wasn't. In 1722 Peter the Great abolished the unconditional succession of the throne down the male line, and introduced in his act the monarch's right to appoint the heir, which he didn't realize himself, leaving a power vaccuum.

Sorry, I forgot it was reinstated in 1731. After Peter II got rid of it in 1727.

emperor =/= king

No she isn't. Her dad is still alive

Kinda weird how they gave in to The unsullied demands considering they got no political power in Westeros and will go extinct in 20-30 years (even less considering they're going to butterfly of Death island)

So Westeros is Malaysia now?

In effect yes it does. King comes from words that mean "leader of the people" and "of noble birth". Emperor comes from words meaning "leader" and "commander"

The romans used a different word for propaganda purposes. They ousted the last king (or "rex" in latin) and formed the republic. The emperors basically made themselves kings but couldnt style themselves as such because early emperors still had to pretend like they werent going full king. Romans were scared of ending up with kings again so the new kings rebranded everything

How is a king not an emperor? An empire can have smaller kingdoms in it with guys still calling themselves king but the king of kings is still the emperor and he usually rules by military might. European kings claimed divine right to rule, something taken from romans and egyptians who styled themselves as Gods

Westeros is an empire with an emperor rather than a king if you want to get technical. It has 6 kingdoms within it and the lords are actually kings. They refer to themselves as kingdoms.

But if you want to be practical an emperor and an a absolute monarch arent different. They hold similar power and follow similar patterns. We're the ones who try to pretend like theres a language distinction and that all stems from Roman propaganda

>If hes the "first citizen" or "commander in chief" then people wont think hes the king. He has the power of a king but lets pretend like he isn't by not using that word

So you are indeed braindead.

>When Bran gets old he'll just pass his consciousness onto the next body and that will rule

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Can't deny it, the last episode was really kino.

Still, other than one civil war, it's been doing pretty well for like 250 years now.

The vote was unanimous anyway so who fucking cares

Should have had him warg into drogon and fly off for the last scene

You average out the maximum retardation if more people have to agree on who is king. Some of the lords might be shitty bratty children. Unlikely that all of them are.

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That's whoever the new Lord of Harenhall is.
That's whoever the new Lord of the Twins.

Notice how they're each sitting with their respective "greater" house.

Giving the plebs a say and renouncing your lands and titles go in the same sentence.

Bran's first edict will be to use the current devastation to improve the kingdoms with new handicap accessibility building codes and standards.

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Come to think of it how many houses got wiped out?
>Targs (Jon ain't having kids)
>Greyjoy (Yara is a dyke, no kids)
>Martell (probably, I have no clue who that fucker standing in for them is supposed to be)
>a fuckload of minor houses with irrelevant characters
Any others?

It was a fake punishment. It was just meant to fool those who wanted to execute Jon. The nights watch no longer exists, and Jon will live happily and peacefully beyond the wall with the northerners and free folk that he united. It's a good ending for him

His name will go down in history as Bran The Builder II (of sewers)

As did the writers for season 8.

Well they keep getting destroyed by american goverments, or russians or the jews and their tricks. I had high hopes for Libya, a wealthy nation in the shithole that is Africa. And now its worse than Africa. Thanks Obama!

Em, it didn't end well user-kun.

Bran the Builder of ramps

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>fascism exists for a reason sweetie:)

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All hail king Bran of the Gentle Slope!

Who cares, its over, its done. Do something productive now, lets stop talking about this stupid shit show.

I put forward the motion of electing this man as king.

>Westeros is an empire with an emperor rather than a king if you want to get technical. It has 6 kingdoms within it and the lords are actually kings. They refer to themselves as kingdoms.
They might refer to them as kingoms, but the various lords don't call themselves kings. All the royal titles belong to the king on the Iron Throne I think, much like how the king of England is also the king of Scotland, or the king of Hungary was the king of Croatia. In fact, the latter is even better as Croatia was in turn ruled by an Ban appointed by the king, much like "Protector of the North" or whatever the title was.

Fuck off you historically illiterate weeb. There’s a reason japan were still hut dwelling feudal retards while the rest of the world was advancing

>the ruler of the six kingdoms is also the rightful heir to the seventh independent kingdom
>the child of the ruler of the seventh kingdom is the heir to the ruler kf the six kingdoms
Civil War is gonna bleed the place dry

holy roman empire elective system

>commons is one reperstantive per borough of roughyl equal size
>some peerages are herditary but the majority are appointed by government and shadow governemnt
veru differnent

he had daughters, if they hadnt lost wars to france it would have been fine and charles v empire oculd have been reunited

We do know little about secondary lines of the houses, so unless stated explicitly that they were the last of house 'xx' (think that happened for Mormonts e.g. and in the books for the Arryns) there's little sense in speculating which one's are gone for good. The Lannister kids for example have several uncles which are all dead and one missing, I think, and of their known cousins one is missing and another one dead. Going one generation further back in the family tree may reveal another dozen Lannisters roaming around, who knows

warden of the north, also hungary ruled croatia in personal union, with special laws to help decide its governance to prevent encroachment of the magyars, the kingdom of great britain replaced the monarchies of england and scotland, the parliament was merged as well as laws

exactly how cadet branches work, lannister will be just like historical capet i guarantee, france after hugh capet was ruled by his direct male descendants until the abolition of monarchy