Why is this still yet to be surpassed?

>perfect casting
>absolute unit of a masterpiece soundtrack
>god tier cinematography
>wide range of atmosphere and settings while stayimg grounded (shire vs mordor)
>amazing dialogue
>fucking satisfactory ending
>full of soul

Honestly, how did they accomplish this bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's lightning in a bottle.

Kind of like the original star wars when it first came out. The more you try, to recreate it, the bigger the failure.

LOTR is boring as hell


please be in london

Post bob n vagene

Not as boring as Game of Memes

Any more movies that women will never understand?

This. Easily one of the most overrated flicks.

>years of planning
>creators who gave a fuck
>entire country supporting its creation


>lol it'll make money anyway, whatever
>lol who cares about the book
>lol fix it in post

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Yeah a man who experienced war and the worst of humanity spending his life crafting a fantasy world that would define the genre is “lightning in a bottle.”

The battle of helms deep is still (imo) the greatest battle sequence ever put together.
That shit is not even possible

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Obvious bait but unironically agree

You have to be over 18 years old to be on this board.

You think threads except got threads matter atm? what the fuck?

It sucks. Why does everybody want the ring? All it does is make you invisible. And why do people wear plate armour when niggas can cut right through it? Dumb.

Teenagers love LotR.

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I wish I could see that battle ( the whole trilogy for that matter) for the first time
>ywn experience lotr for the first time again

Why bother living


t. DeShawn

No, only the battle scenes and the memes


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You can not be this retarded

>the eagles could just fly to mordor

I didn't read your gay boring books. Why is the ring so special? All it does is make you invisible and transport you to a weird dimension where ghoulies can stab at you.

There's nothing comfier than the opening of the fellowship or the opening of u expected journey.

this. Fuck the circle-jerk

His works had been adapted to film before, and weren't nearly and successful (Bakshi). The books being good help, but these films happened to be made in at the right time, when SJWry still wasn't as strong and they still used good practical effects instead of the CGfests we have today.

A lot of things had to align for this trilogy to come out so perfect.

i wish i could go to the past and show the trilogy to tolkien. im sure he would love it, as he said he was interested in seeing the novel adapted. And for all the people that say he would hate it, remember that when he lived, movies were very melodramatic, badly paced and badly edited, and the camerawork wasnt very good. Sure, there were exceptions, but the general norm was that movies were simply not very good. Scenes like sam's speech about old stories, or when he carries frodo, would not have been well executed back then. If tokien watched those scenes, he would probably tear up.

Save hex.


Terrible movie

if only there was an even better fantasy movie out there

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Fuck no they don't. They pretend to love Harry Potter and that's about it.

The intro to the first movie explains it you mouthbreathing retard


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Christopher Lee should have been Gandalf.

Ew. Lee was too mean to play a happy grandpa character like Gandalf. That old faggot pedo was the better choice.

Live to create your own masterpiece

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Too much focus on the action, the spectacle, not enough on the characters and themes that make LOTR the classic that it actually is. Also without the books’ clarification stuff like the Eagles doesn’t make sense. Hell, even with the books it’s kinda iffy with Manwe being okay with Gandalf helping the main characters but not okay with Eagles till the very end.

LOTR is basically capeshit but set in a medieval fantasy setting. You even have quips between the characters.

>tfw you go from comfy shire to mournful elves
how did howard shore do it lads

LOTR has too many fake words and dumb shit.

He was just a good actor. He loved LOTR more than anyone involved in the movie, was the only one to meet Tolkien and intentionally took previous roles as wizards so that when someone eventually made LOTR they would consider him for Gandalf.

Conan has such an amazing soundtrack

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Unironically kys

The eagles are very independent and they don't really care about men and elves and dwarfs and orcs.

Two Towers >>>>>>> Return of the King = Fellowship of the Ring

Oh well. LMAO all that work and his scenes in the last movie got cut for a 30 minute slo-mo scene of hobbit fucking on a bed.

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Boring films, boring books. Grow up.

Lee was definitely a million times better than anyone else you could have cast as Saruman. The decades of playing a soulless bloodsucker must have helped

Why did they make it look worse?

>just results to an insult as a retort
your favorite movie is as shallow as endgame

Howard shore is a literal elder god
The shire, gondor, rohan, the theme of the nazgul, like ... This move's score should not even be possible

Legolas surfing on a shield ruins the entire film outright. The undead army deus machina Aragorn recruits ruins RotK. Fellowship is the only decent film.

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They had finished books to works with as source material

>author was a veteran of WWI, a Christian, and a scholar of ancient societies and stories
>surrounded by other smart men
>understood the importance of teleology over subverting expectations and the "rule of cool"
>at it's core a story of good vs evil vs muh grey relative morality n battle for muh throne
>better actors
>better adaptors of screenplay
>better world
>real world themes tastefully interwoven into story
>director of films was a hobbit himself, and poured so much of his life's energy into it before becoming a tired old faggot
>full of mystery and wonder


>cable television which survives on sacrificed aborted foetuses
>shitty writing backed by a fat man who writes slow
>american showrunners

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Gollum's song

its the best art that has ever been created

can't have the goy get too excited about their own created stories

>author was a closeted homosexual

>real world themes tastefully interwoven into the story
I bet you don't even know what real world themes are even in the book

>My friends, you bow to no one

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i bet you are a faggot

I accept your concession of defeat

I cri evertim

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what the fuck?

Hyborian tv-show would be kino

I saw them all in theaters with my dad.

i shed a manly tear in the theater.

Unironically love

>a passion project with completed source material made by hundreds of talented people
>incomplete story finished by absolute hacks who were only trying to appeal to Marvel watching normies

commit procreation

Love and passion, i.e. everyone working on it actually gave a shit.

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based and lovepilled

>better source material
>great sets, locations, and practical effects
>incredible soundtrack

How much did he tax his vassals?


They are still some of our favorite movies.

It's better though

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As a person whose favorite is ROTK, FOTR is easily the best of the three.

After showing to my girlfriend she asked me why they didn't just call the police instead of going

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FotR is the best cause it has the most interesting backstory bits desu and more character focus in a film that is absent of major army battles

The only thing I hate about my EE Blu-rays every year is the fucking blue filter on the mountain scenes. I have no idea why it was done.

RotK is much better when you realise that it's just the super long climax of the 12 hour movie that is LotR

FotR is the most rewatchable. It's the DnD adventure with all the characters together and interacting before all the giant war shit goes down

The EE DVDs don't have the blue filter.

Name a more emotional scene from any other fantasy movie

I consider all three the same movie. Can you really just watch one and not the others? I suppose you can watch Fellowship and stop there but why the fuck would you do that.

I know, but literally everything else about the EE Blu-rays are superior except the GODDAMN BLUE FILTER FUCK THE JEWS, FUCK NIGGERS TOO

Agreed user. It's the greatest movie of all time as well.

>Nobody is trying.

Nobody is trying to be the next 'LOTR' because it was an epic that took much of a man's life to truly turn into gold. There is also no need for anything to top it.

Indeed. When people ask me what my favorite film is, I always answer the LOTR trilogy. They are pretty much perfect films and easily the best trilogy of all time.

No minorities or politics

I love how you can see each hobbit's personalities in just the reaction to the crowd bowing to them.
This moment really made me felt like I just experience a journey of a lifetime

>"you bow to no one"

Holy shit I am crying , once the shire theme kicks in I can not hold it

My uncle gave me a book of a bunch of Conan short stories when I was a kid, wish I hadn't been a dumbass kid and misplaced it because I read the fuck out of it. Tits and blood and magic and shit, my uncle actually was based af giving me that.

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>the best fantasy story ever written adapted almost perfectly on screen

yeah, good luck. No amount of scenes that start with greasy dudes fucking whores in brothels is gonna get you anywhere close

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What are we holding on to Sam

he was grooming you.

that's there still some good in this world...

and it's worth fighting for

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This sucks true. However they basically did the opposite to the Weathertop and removed the desaturation in the EE blu rays.

It was a better time
all its "modern" version will be remembered for is edge

I actually thought the first Hobbit movie was a really enjoyable movie

I thought the 2nd had better pacing. Both were plagued by some shit though

It was okay, the CGI looked goofy as fuck though and took me out of the movie.


I really liked the Shire parts and the Gollum scene

LotR would have only been more kino and realistic with nudity and sex. One or two elf rape scenes, etc - rape was after all the predominant pastime of the middle ages.

whats the best version to get? are extended edition dvds normal

didnt he get Tolkien's blessing for it?
I think he did a great Saruman though

It isn't aging well.

>way too much hobbit crying and bitching. Hours of it.
>CGI gets worse every year
>too many meme jokes.

It's still good but come on son.

LotR was overrated as fuck before the movies even existed. fantasy is a trash genre and tolkien is a hack

Idk man, the CGI is carried by the insane amount of practical effects used, which helped to blend or mask the aging effects

This is completely and utterly wrong on every level.
t. Just finished watching the extended version of the trilogy

Couldn't disagree more, it has aged beautifully.

>Look mom I'm being contrarian on Yea Forums again!

Unironically the films look better with every passing year.

>way too much hobbit crying and bitching
>too many meme jokes.
What the fuck does this even mean.

The previous adaptations are just as good, though. They just do not get the notoriety they deserve.

Don't forget that Tolkein basically created the modern fantasy world.

they age like a fine wine you poor little brainlet

wrong its fucking TIMELESS
the only cgi they really fucked up was a few shots of legolas doing gymnastics

>cgi gets worse every year
clearly you didn't watch the fucking movie

The benefit of a clear and already written satisfying ending goes a long way.
The rest is execution.

>"new" and "unique" fantasy world
>it just has a bunch of dumb spins on the established Tolkien races

even then only the one where he swings up onto the horse is noticable

TFW no Rohan shield maiden gf.

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She was so cute holy shit. Glad that based Faramir got to smash.

>nothing will ever come close again

It's such a bittersweet feeling lads. The fantasy genre is literally just OVER when it comes to film

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soi boi

Cute cheeks!

Pretty wavy hair!

It always fucking slams me how old he looks in this shot

Sure, whatever you want, Randall.

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it hurts Yea Forums! tfw you will never get to caress her soft cheeks.

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people who like lotr:
actual nerds/incels who retreat to fantasy worlds as a cope
wannabe "nerds"

that's it

Any man with a brain likes LotR. Only girls don't like it because they already hopped on the Harry Potter trend

t. seething gotdittor

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My sister likes it.
Every few months we pick a weekend to watch the entire trilogy together.
She also dressed up as a hobbit a couple of halloweens when she was a kid.

>movies that made a fuckton of money and were critically acclaimed, winning a shit ton of awards, with every piece of fantasy media being compared to to this day, and with a tv show on the way that's set to be the most expensive show ever made with just the cost of acquiring the rights being $250 mil

Congratulations. You might have actually made the most wrong post of the month

>if you don't like my shitty fantasy story you like these even shittier fantasy stories
imagine being this retarded

I'm jealous. My sister is a brainlet who got bored within the first hour.

>that scene when Éowyn is standing outside and the flag rips away
>thought it was cgi and kind of overdoing it, but punctuated the moment perfectly
>learned it wasn't cgi sand wasn't planned
>it just happened

This was destined for greatness. The only way this movie could have been better by a margin was if sexy elf girl cosplayers came into the theater and snuggled up on our laps and fed us popcorn while we watched. That was one of the most perfect trilogies of all time.

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Mine really likes it.
I always keep a pack of tissues at hand because the endings of the three movies always make her cry.

>it's another Vigo is a wholesome Chad episode

Can i sneed your sister

ill give you a (you) you little shit

No brown """people""" in roles other than orcs

Also, remember that time when Vigo screamed really hard when they thought Merry and Pippin were dead in The Two Towers after checking the burned orc corpses?
That wasn't planned either.
He improvised that moment when he kicks the helmet in rage, but he didn't know the helmets were actually made of metal, and he broke one of his toes.
He was actually screaming in pain.

can use the same argument for black panther/avengers/clan of the galaxy or whatever, next

Conan is a fun movie. But its not as good as LOTR. Its the next best fantasy though.

No, have seed, chuckcel.

>This. Thanks for the gold kind stranger! Going to go post a picture of my taint on gonewild because I fucking love karma!

Fuck off redditfag

Got never made you feel this way.

>Heavenly Creatures
>King Kong
>Lovely Bones

What the fuck is Peter Jackson's problem? Maybe not problem, but there's some pretty wild swings as far as quality goes. He's so inconsistent, which seems odd as he's not some journeyman director; he's generally really involved in the creative / writing / planning process for his films.

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I agree. The fan edit of all 3 into one movie is also good.

He will always be a legend to me for LotR

seeing the absolute cope of "if you don't like it you're r*ddit/vagina" and "it's popular so it's good" shit in this thread i'm going to re-watch the uncut trilogy and post scathing critiques at least once a week
you're not 15 anymore, it's time to give up defending this star wars-tier garbage. guarantee at least 70% of this gay thread are capeshit lovers

Vigo is my hero

Okay, so you actually are just a fucking retard. Good to know we can discard your opinions.

They didn't abandon story for a cheap gimmicky plot twist expectations subversion. Tolkien told a story with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil, and Hollywood is too fucked up by liberalism now for something that pure.

That's why I despise people like D&D and Rian Johnson, they're hacks who can't tell a good story, they're all gimmick.

And fuck GRRM, for going full lazy fat fuck half way through a dense, complicated ensemble story, and letting those two hacks destroy what could have been his greatest work, for a fat check.

Stop expecting Hollywood to respect science fiction and fantasy. Jackson had to leave Hollywood purposefully to make movies that respected Tolkien's masterwork. And fuck Jackson for letting them get to him, and shitting out The Hobbit.

k have fun with that bro, we will all be eagerly awaiting your various blog posts about it.

Dem little things make everything else so much bigger.

Bless him and actors like him that stay in character and use what's happened. Pitt and DiCaprio come tom mind.

also the part where he actually deflects a dagger with a sword

Viggo was a fucking legend making this movie.
>sean bean is afraid of Helicopters so he chose to walk to the filming locations in the New Zealand highlands. Viggo accompanies him in outfit.
>Viggo would wear his outfit everywhere to give it a travel-worn and weary look
>actually parries a dagger thrown at him during the fight with the Uruk'hai who killed Boromir
>spent plenty of time with his horse off-set. Bought it after filming was done
I often wonder what the films would be like with other actors. Because most of the actors who were involved poured their soul into it.
>Daniel Day-Lewis, Russel Crowe and Nicolas Cage were considered for Aragon Vin Diesel auditioned for the part because he loved the books.
>Bruce Willis auditioned for Boromir for the same reason as Vin Diesel. Liam Neeson turned down playing Boromir
>Sean Connery and Patrick Stewart both turned down the role of Gandalf. Not liking the script.
>Jackson wanted Uma Thurman as Arwen but she was pregnant.

Just try and imagine this scene with Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis. I cant. The casted actors are so iconic.

like comment subscibe hit that notification bell really helps me out

>Bran not saying that to Jon

This is why LOTR is infinitely superior

Extended Edition DVDs will always be the best LOTR version. The Blu-Rays have fucked up sound too.

Just so bizarre that studios do this.

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On his first try

No one said it’s good because it’s popular. Kys

i suck dick

>diesel and willis in lotr
>as aragorn and boromir no less
it'd be horrible

thanks for letting us know, it's no surprise honestly

You be saying: youtube.com/watch?v=SirDcru-oG0

Yeah I can't get past the part where the horse guys are riding and he's hiding on the hill below them. I also haven't tried to watch it in about 10 years.

There are definitely issues I have with the movies. They wank Legolas too much. They make based Gillian, Merry and Pippin too much into comic relief. They make Frodo more doe eyed when he should be older and more competent. The balrog doesn’t have wings and men should be wearing mail, not plate, it’s true. And there are some liberties with the overall plot they took that they shouldn’t have. But for all of those things and more, these movies really were and are something special. They tell a story that really is heroic, that has scope, that wasn’t afraid of that or where it came from. They were fantastic and I doubt we’ll see their like again - very fitting, considering the ending of the story.

Thats what I think but they both are apparently big fans of the book. Despite being these action stars who dont fit what we think of the roles at all.
Maybe there's some bizarre alternate universe where Vin Diesel is best known for giving a passionate, contemplative performance as Aragorn instead of the Fast and the Furious.

It's not bizarre at all, if you see it in person. Once a movie leaves the director's hands, all the studio sees is "product". There's little respect there - even the top, most respected directors have to fight to keep their filthy studio hands off their movies.

'Fix the sound? But that would cost too much, and reduce my budget, so I won't be able to get this year's Bentley, and have to schmuck around in last years? Fuck that. Ship it as is. What? Jackson is the on the phone? He's mad? I'm in a meeting."
Seriously, fixing the sound is a line item on a budget. Stop acting like the studio fuckwads give a flying fuck. That's why I watched my friends start working in Hollywood, and I got the fuck out of there, never regretted it.

Having the pleasure of anticipating then watching all of these movies in theatres has sort of ruined going to the movies for me because I'll never feel as enthralled as I did as a 9 to 12 year old watching all of them. I don't necessarily think they're masterpieces as I've gotten older, and after having seen them all at least two dozen times, but anyone that dismisses them as capeshit tier hollywood garbage is delusional. There are many beautiful shots throughout the films and the pacing is wonderful considering how difficult it is to adapt long winded fantasy novels into films. The one shot that always springs to mind is when Frodo standing in the foyer of Bilbo's house with the moon casting a silver light into the darkness of the home -- beautiful and absolutely iconic kino. I doubt I will ever see anything that rivals the experience of seeing it on the big screen, and I don't think it only has to do with nostalgia.

Likely never will be surpassed.

>tfw as a kid I thought Boromir was irredeemable fucking twat
>tfw now I consider him one of the best and the most human character

After watching the extended versions, I realized that Boromir loved his brother very much and held contempt for how their father treated him.

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This is the Disney movie of fantasy films. A classic sure but it's also for children.

They're very close to the book

Does the crazy flippy bullshit happen in the books too or were they just adopted for the films to make it more “epic”

It is bizarre though, they don’t need to alter it every time. They literally pay people to fuck with the picture and sound, making it worse each time, for no discernible reason. Maybe they want it to look better on phone screens and sound nicer with AirPods now?

I’ve produced a little TV myself but far from Hollywood.

Tolkien painted Middle Earth extensively, and Jackson studied his paintings and illustrations. I have a book of Tolkien’s visual illustrations of Middle Earth.

>ywn see this for the first time again

>tfw short memory and always see it for the first time

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>Theme of the nazgul
My nigger

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Better question would be are there any other good movies that were helmed by an unknown b-movie director with full support from the studio?

is this it?

>Why is this still yet to be surpassed?

Because it was the last time you could make an ensemble work without identity politics being forced in. They forced it into everything now.

They would never allow a cast like this to be this white and this male. Not now. That's why.

That's just credit taking. Gotta get those big box credits, yo. Be a good boy, and we'll let you fuck up the color grading on the next LOTR box set (a new one every year!) so you can pad your resume with big names.

Jackson had a number of cult hits with year on year sales ever increasing before LOTR. Meet The Feebles and Dead Alive are highly acclaimed in their genres now.

Hell yeah, the chanting is perfect

Too bad North Korea didn’t nuke Hollywood. I guess there’s always Iran, maybe they can figure out a way to do us all a favor.

maybe if you fags stop posting it I'd fully forget it, I've only seen the EE versions start to finish twice

Yea Forums here. Peter Jackson is retarded and so are you.

And fuck you too.

>attention Yea Forums posters
>muh genre fiction
>t. Yea Forums

How about you go back there and stay there?

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Fuck off and do the floss dance in the corner somewhere else

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>Non-American director
>Based on a classic trilogy
There you go.

Wasnt made by kikes.

perfect fantasy aside the good vs evil thing is way to cliche at least on the modern era


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>listen to ost
>breaking of the fellowship starts playing

He wanted to, but he wasn’t up to the physical demands of the role, so he was offered Saruman instead.
Given Saruman’s main power was in his compelling voice, he was still a peerless casting.

Just watched the EE last week and it was pretty awesome, but as an avid elf hater my blood still boils about this scene especially how they mention multiple times how it's now an age of men and how there were all fucking off to the boats

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It wasn't cliche when Lord of the Rings happened, you dumbass.

I honestly like how there are like a couple hundred bro elves like Legolas who are staying behind and fighting the good fight. And to be fair the men of Rohan basically win the battle.

>elves made all that shit happen
>'lul we fuck off to paradise now it's the problem of Men to deal with our bullshit'
knife eared pieces of shit

lotr used a shit ton of cgi, and apart from the perspective trickery the practical effects weren't that amazing

Because it came form the heart and mind of a genius and not a draft dodging fat tub of lard

Jackson did his best to ruin the movies, but in the end I think he ultimately failed.

he got his revenge in the Hobbit. How a man with an elf fetish was allowed to make a movie about dwarves still baffles me

those movies have literally never won any kind of awards or gotten any real critical acclaim outside of Rotten Tomato faggotry


>no one even mentioned GOT or Martin

Tom bombadil

t. never watched the original Spider-Man trilogy

>previous adaptations are just as good
Lmao someone get the video with the animated witch king's skeletor voice

it was made with love and care

psst all whites

It was magic seeing these movies the theatre as they came out

I will never experience that feeling of excitement and pure joy like that again, they were a once in a life time thing

Everyone deeply loved the source material and had faith in the work instead of chasing film industry greed (for the most part). Aside from that, it was blessed to have all the best people come together for the right roles, from the biggest stars to the smallest cameraman positions.

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Pic is 100% correct. I wouldn't say LoK is bad though, except maybe the last season. It doesn't stack up to the original series, and it sure as shit doesn't stand up to the Lord of the Rings, but it was watchable.

Kind of cute in the movies, terrible Eowyn if you've read the books.

potter is better overall
muh lotr is /r/movies tier, only fellowship is kino really


t. women and retards

Kys you braindead moron. Seriously
Capeshit is an epidemic because of men look at your shit board

Capeshit is an epidemic because of retards that think lotr is too slow and boring.

Hackson legitimately is a hack. There's capeshit/hobbit moments throughout TTT and ROTK and even a couple sprinkled in Fellowship but it's fine win compared to the others.

otr has shit tier editing and directing besides Fellowship.
Capeshitters who praise the dark knight also praise lotr it's the most overrated mainstream movies ever, stop posting like a fucking baby

Why cant they finish the animated 1970s adaption?

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This is true but the capeshitters here honestly can't tell the difference between quality and shit. Return of the king is honestly capeshit tier.

You are biased and a pleb

Who is tenzin?

>lesser races (ugly and dark) envying the west and wanting to destroy it
i wonder

white people, nuff said

Return of the king was good, except they destroyed Eowyn's character.

I think I appreciate LOTR more as time goes by after watching half a dozen attempts to adapt books to the screen which have ended up being soulless clusterfucks. Examples: The Golden Compass, Mortal Engines

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The fact that Aragorn exists proves it statement is false
>I bet you don't even know what real world themes are even in the book
Not an argument.
Since the whole world Tolkien build on real world conception of christianity, but with celtic-germanic folklore instead of semithic

Return of the king is thought out like a television movie and most of the movie has the same themes as the two towers only worse


They waited until the books were finished.

Harry Potter is unironically more enjoyable. I'd rather watch any HP film than LotR again.

That's because you have no taste in film or literature and you're a gigantic faggot.

He's right though, you actually have no taste, basic bitch tier Yea Forums reddit taste and you're a giant faggot who thinks he has good taste in film, women and literature when you like the most basic shit ever

Fuck off nerd

Correct I always rewatch HP. Fellowship is great but all of HP is great

He would hate it simply because it butchers so many of his characters
e.g. Gkmli, Denethor, Merry, Pippin. Even Frodo, who they made into a total whiny bitch in the films

Harry Potter is a shithole franchise

It's the only good franchise.
Lotr/hobbit is shit only fellowship is good

GoT Season 1-4 is better

Reminder hackson did the hobbit movies and has shit directing in his lotr films as well, they are made for 13 year olds with ADD for the most part, yet are filled with halmark channel drama.

No niggers.



Have sex
Lotr films get worse as they go, that isn't good

please don't tell me that you think that TLOR is high art

He does, that's what this reddit board actually thinks
when theres kill count quipping in the very flicks

Everything is relative. Compared to 99.999999% of movies the LotR movies are the film equivalent of the Mona Lisa.

No it isn't, it literally is capeshit tier crap for half of it. Hackson made the shitty hobbit movies the same way.
You're fucking reddit

>the characters are joking in that one scene therefore it is reddit and le capeshit XD

OK, brainlet. Now go dilate.

The original Star Wars doesn't even come close to the LOTR trilogy though.

>one scene
Kek try rewatching them you utter fucking faggot
>oh I think ive broken something!

>thinking this CG rendered digitally color graded weightless green screen mess is any better
just put some spandex on these characters and it's the same as capeshit

Attached: not capeshit at all.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

The LOTR trilogy is overrated garbage
IV and V are better than FOTR and TTT

both lotr and starshit is garbage for manchildren

>digitally color graded weightless
So you actually terrorize 2 boards with your lack of knowledge and understanding. Very interesting.

How did he fuck up so much in the Hobbit though. The first ones OST was great, it developped a main theme and a leitmotiv, and yet, never to be used again in the two sequels. Why, just why, when he did developped it right in LotR

lol i can understand star wars but lotr :O. What do you rate then as a story for men.

>your lack of knowledge and understanding
Where? Hackson is proud of his digital piss filter color grade in lotr

Why are the Tolkien estate so bitter about these movies? Or anything else, actually

Because Tolkien knew the truth. That the story of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the greatest story ever told. So he decided to draw inspiration from the life of our Lord and make a perfect Christian story.

No niggers

It took me multiple watches to get through the first movie because I kept getting bored and turning it off

>asks why it hasn’t been surpassed
>lists why it’s so good
You answered your own question

>lotr is a story for men
Lmfao you're so fucking plebby, go back to /r/movies

Because they are capeshit tier


>lists why it's so good
>it's the most bullshit subjective praising list possible
You and OP have seen about 100-200 movies, fucking idiots, i swear you all think you're hot shit but you're so fucking plebby


They were promised a percentage of the profits, but due to Hollywood accounting they got pennies. That's why they took a one lump sum of 1 billion doolars from Amazon

Attached: 1558271961551.jpg (200x196, 7K)

Made right before the SJW era

I don't care if I shouldn't, I'm hyped for Amazon's series

Current Blu Ray doesn't have that filter.

>Yes it does for the theatrical


I feel my very soul rise when I hear that part.

No it doesn't, only the extended editions which are garbage anyways, don't lie.

It really does highlight the creative and intellectual majesty of the Anglo's (British, New Zealanders etc) over the American mutt race (GRRM, D&D).

This, what's funny is the fantasy writers obsessed with "subverting" the genre or being the anti-Tolkien end up just following his tropes even more.


However, Rowling made it more interesting, made a more comfy setting with Hogwarts

They're taking the hobbits to the IRS!

>its a "2 or 3 hyper autistic sneedposting NEETs go into samefagging overdrive to try to ebin troll discussion about the best film trilogy of all time" episode

>Rowling made it more interesting
She had some alright ideas, but her writing is absolute garbage tier.

have sex

Truth. I read lotr when I was 12. But I am a nerd

Tolkien is the one who has shit tier writing, good prose for poetry but absolutely garbage everything else. It shows with how utterly lame return of the king is on a rewatch, filled with shitty cliche.

I was talking about the theatrical.

Fuck off retard they love capeshit and the dark knight and lotr


Attached: willoovie.jpg (1500x977, 442K)

actual trash

Except capeshitters who praise the dark knight also praise infinity war, endgame, civil war etc. They don't see a difference between dark knight and other cape movies that they like. They think its all the same.

Attached: 1554488440590.jpg (461x394, 67K)

Get fucked lmao

Several girls in the lab i used to work in loved the movies. But they also loved bugs and working outside

some of them are elitist about their capeshit an the dark knight the same way lotrfags are elitist and think peter jackson is the only director ever to make a blockbuster that's really well done
just like insufferable nolanshits or villeplebes

If you aren't an underage retard you like both LOTR and HP because they are legitimately both the only good blockbusters besides to come out post 2000.


Cringes, Shore is a hack as well
You're emotional like a woman


The Game of Thrones sequel will mirror Lord of the Rings with Jon or his descendant coming back to defeat a great threat and establish a hereditary kingdom once more. Screencap this faggots. You'll see in 20 years.

Attached: 1558332491074.jpg (899x1200, 153K)

Never meme again you NPC retard.
>Muh lotr is a masterpiece
The single most reddit statement made about movies the past 15 years online.

What is it like having the most bland taste do you ever expand your pallete?