Other urls found in this thread:
She's the night queen and in 10 years you get the sequel series. First time Winter has a personal vengeance against the three eyed raven. Saved you a click, and a less interesting theory.
>here's how bernie can still win
he dropped her in the water
In the books a dragon took an inexperienced rider back to Valyria where their dragons were from. Dany's eggs were from the shadowlands so she was probably taken back there.
She gets thrown into a volcano and emerges as a powerful dragon. Its at the end of GRRM's final book, don't ask me how I know.
>some retarded woman
Explains everything
The dragon took her lifeless corpse and stuffed it up his ass because it turns out he had an anal fixation.
Its a shame nobody on the staff had the balls to sneak in a little shitty ending, like a dancing Danny during the credits or something stupid.
I was almost hoping that Bran would get up out of his wheel chair and walk out of the room leaving everybody speechless.
>10 ways bernie can clapback and still win and why that's a good thing
>I was almost hoping that Bran would get up out of his wheel chair and walk out of the room leaving everybody speechless.
That would actually be kino.
>Mein fuhrer, I can walk...
inc every got youtuber making up weird theory
is the dragon his wife?
>here's how Hillary can still win
>here's how Mexico can still pay for the wall before the 2020 elections
>here's how Walter actually survived after Breaking Bad ended
>here's how Dexter was actually in the same universe as Dr. House
I can't believe people get paid to write this shitty fanfiction.
If Bran walked after the meeting with his small council, and made a speech with a clear voice on how he planned everything to become king, I would have forgiven all of the shitty decisions in this season.
Stannis and Dany team up in the spin-off
just donated $25, who's going to match me?
Did they miss the part where Bran basically implied he was going to just warg into him?
>Drogon was emperor Xenu after all this time
Wait what do you mean we saw who the night king was in one of bran's visions? The random no named dude is the night king? SHUT THE FUCK UP I NEED TO WRITE ANOTHER OPINION ARTICLE ON THIS NEWS SITE IF I DON'T GET 100,000 CLICKS MY JOB IS ON THE LINE FUCKHEAD
I mean Sam specifically says Drogon is going towards Volantis. Not just Essos, not Meereen, not Valyria. Volantis.
I mean it's possible that she could come back considering she's a fire crazy bitch and there are other fire crazy bitches in the world worshiping a fire demon-god that revives their dead for them. I mean Dany did meet Quaite at some point who was certain that she was chosen by R'hllor.
Are there a lot of red priests in Volantis? I was thinking Asshai, but that's one hell of a flight.
Came here to post this
They're in the bargaining stage
Volantis is just before Valyria though, and if he follows the line he'd end up in Asshai
And he could always stop to get food.
>Are there a lot of red priests in Volantis?
The big sept of Rhllor is there
If he brings her to a red priestess in the presence of a dragon (which the warlocks of Qarth said enhanced their magic) and if that red priestess performs the funerary ritual in Drogon's presence it could bring her back like it did Beric. Especially since Dany burned an entire city full of people which R'hllor would probably appreciate since apparently burning people to death is supposed to grant power to the people/person doing it. At this point though, it doesn't matter. There were a lot of interesting ideas and headcannons that never materialized into shit, so this won't either.
They do realize that if the Mad Queen comes back she'll be a villain right?
Now I want to play a CK2 GoT campaign as an undead nazi Dany conquering the world in the name of R'hllor.
>evil undead mad queen
Why does he look like Dante?
>Moral of the story is anyone can be corrupted, there is a fine line between tyranny and leadership.
>OMG they killed Danny how can we bring her back
Someone nuke America pls
Probably took her on a high cliff and watched her rot away.
He probably ate her. He was going on a long trip so he brought along a snack for the road.
Say the words of the Lord of Light and she's baaackkk!
Morale of the story is that the general public will happily follow a genocidal tyrant as long as he/she is charismatic enough, user.
>League of Extraordinary Gentlemen ends with the possibility that Sean Connery could come back to life
This is fine.
>Batman v. Superman ends with the possibility that Superman could come back to life
This is fine.
>Game of Thrones ends with the possibility that Dany could come back to life
Just matched you $25, with a $25 donation to Biden, and a $50 donation to Trump.
Seems a little on the nose after it already happened to America in 2016.
And that's a good thing. And it's everything.
who'd he genocide?
Mexico, Venezuela, China, Iran
>“I genuinely did this, and it’s embarrassing and I’m going to admit it to you,” Clarke says. “I called my mom and—“ Clarke shifts into a tearful voice to perform the conversation as she reenacts the call: “I read the scripts and I don’t want to tell you what happens but can you just talk me off this ledge? It really messed me up.’ And then I asked my mom and brother really weird questions. They were like: ‘What are you asking us this for? What do you mean do I think Daenerys is a good person? Why are you asking us that question? Why do you care what people think of Daenerys? Are you okay?’”
Reminder that the final season was so bad that it made Emilia Clarke suicidal.
He dropped her in the fucking ocean
rip in piece, never forget.
They will literally follow a tyrant if he has a vagina.
There is no charisma involved, Danny and her actress have none, NONE.
game of thrones family christmas special when?
>mfw R'hllor resurrects Dany just to fuck over an ungrateful Westeros
Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's true.
Except one of his most common and genuine criticisms is his lack of charisma. Are you retarded?
She's had a hard life and has a lot of shit to deal with.
>too smart to win
I think the NPC bloggers need a little more work desu.
What? That's the only thing that I've ever seen praised about him. Are YOU retarded?
His whole thing is that he's so "charismatic" to some people that they don't even notice the complete word salad that comes out of his mouth.
Holy shit, I forgot about resurrection in the show, and the Red Priests were cool with Dany and must absolutely love her now.
Season 9 The Return of Dark Dany when?
I've gotten the impression some of the actors were a little concerned on whether their careers might take some tiny hit from how shitty the final season was. Watching this episode, the acting seemed horrible. But I think it was just the horrible writing no one could salvage.
Please go back to Tumblr or Reddit or wherever the fuck you came from and fucking stay there.
Right next to Megatron and Osama Bin Laden
>500000 lives sacrificed to fire
>Drogon headed to Volantis or Asshai
>2 places where Rhlorr is a major religion
>places where people revere Dany as Azor Ahai
>her madness amplified by the side effects of resurrection
She not any more of a tyrant than any other ruler.
liberals fee fees
No, his whole thing was that he wasn't a career politician owned by the deep state that would just continue covering up government crimes and bombing the middle east like all the others, it literally didn't matter what came out of his mouth.
Whether that's true anymore is up for debate, he seems a little too obsessed with jews these days.
>season finale
>b-b-b-but the sequel
Fuck game of thrones and fuck all the cuck basedboy fans.
He brought her body to Valyria to be reborn as a demon.
Demon Queen Dany Season 9.
>We can fix this
Yeah because being owned by the Saudis is so much better, right? We have some actual anti-establishment people running in 2020 and any one of them will absolutely steamroll him.
He took her home to fuck her dead corpse in peace, it is known.
Jon died and got resurrected, how come none of his traits were amplified?
>deep state
Why are Burgers so braindead?
The left has no one. Sleepy creepy joe and Bernie bernout.
based tarriff me more lol
You sound like the Dems in 2016.
>There's too many people running! The Republicans are a joke! No way is Trump winning!
Prepare to see what it feels like to be wrong.
>Drogon knows the secrets of life & death, he totally isn't a dumb animal of mass destruction hellspawn
This level of cope
Yes goy! Those non-Hillary voters are dumb hillbillies! You on the other hand are smart and sophisticated!
I'd tell you the same but the left seems to be pros at it at this point.
Just imagine if they Magnum P.I'd Game of Thrones. That show also had an ending where the main character died, but they shoehorned in a revival sequence and were forced to make a short extra season because people found it too depressing to end on that note.
Dragons are historically some of the smartest creatures to have ever existed.
Which is why the right lost in 2018, and hasn't even started building a wall.
You're on the Titanic and you're covering your eyes pretending it's not sinking.
>This is fine.
Thing that no one ever said about LOEG
what would you like me to call them?
>the right lost in 2018
even though they won more seats in the senate?
>hasn't even started building a wall
they have though
Figments of your imagination.
my queen deserved better
>politicians just magically become multi millionaires and collectively want the same shit for corporations, Israel and Saudi Arabia
yes, just a coincidence.
That's basic ass capitalism without regulations for you.
Dany as a Godhand in service to Rhllor get hyped
Sounds like these people need to have sex.
So is it a figment of my imagination or not?
>Dany as a Godhand
Deep state implies something sinister and generally a motive beyond "let's get even richer bois".
What happens is that people openly exploit a fucked system and the voters not giving any fucks about the big picture due the whole team red/blue theatre.
>implying West of Westeros isn't the obvious spinoff, not Revenge of the Undead Khaleesi
if the spinoffs weren't going to be all prequels, anyway.
why would they make a new night queen? They fought to stop the fucking night king.
I would watch a show that is solely about Arya going around and having well-choreographed martial arts fights with everyone in the west.
so.. if she comes back to life wouldn't just fly right back and kill everybody?
That's so retarded it hurts my soul.
She actually kind of looks cute here.
god that would suck.
Tulsi Gabbard is on record that she will drop charges against Assange and pardon Snowden. That single decision has the capacity to reverse entirely the massive and unconstitutional consolidation of governmental authority and powers under the American Stasi apparatus that has taken place over the past 20 years. This alone guarantees her my vote and the votes of everybody I know in the Democratic primaries until at least one of the other candidates match her position.
Name 1 policy Trump has enacted or seriously sought to enact that is even moderately comparable in impact?
Each episode should just be a day in the life of a new set of various inhabitants of Americos, ending with Arya coming out of nowhere and stabbing them.
Have sex.
War and corruption isn't sinister?
Is it really open if bringing it up gets people calling you braindead?
Publicly bring up Israel's influence over the US and what do you think will happen?
Why were bribes to Hillary from Goldman Sachs and Saudi Arabia covered up as "speaking fees" if people are doing this "openly"? Where is the openness?
His stupidity was though
>won the game of thrones
>she will drop charges against Assange and pardon Snowden
i'm sure she will lol
I was gonna say. I see parallells between Bin Laden and Dany
get over it you whiny fucks
so your shitty mary sue died after doing the first thing she's done for herself ever (instead of whinging until someone else did it)
Stop posting anime you idiot.
go cry more about your retarded inbred dragon whore
Someone please explain to me how Bran the Broken and future elective absolute monarchs will be better rulers than Queen Margaery.
> actually caring for the smallfolk and going to visit them
> setting up an unprecedented social welfare network on behalf of the crown
> trying to avoid armed conflict by sacrificing herself into uniting the two richest and most powerful houses in Westeros - right after her pretender husband is murdered (certainly not an easy decision)
Seriously how the fuck can anyone surpass my queen, no matter how three-eyed and crippled?
All of you realize he's running again and this time he's going to win right idiots? You're not gonna be laughing soon.
Holy shit, you just made me realize Bran is omniscient so he will know who's trying to kill him and how to stop them. He is the perfect king because he's fucking invincible.
I hope he wins
I agree with those policies but she’ll never actually win though. The media will assassinate her character and the mainstream Democrat voter base actually believes the media.
Also just the fact that Trump was a catalyst in awakening white identity has made him more destructive to the system that anything Tulsi would ever do. It’s why even though he’s turned out to be just another neocon Israeli shill, he’ll never be forgiven by the system.
Plenty of reasons to hate Tulsi without the media telling you to. Unlike you I know how to do research.
They kept it just blurry enough to have plausible deniability should a sequel series ever happen a decade or so down the line.
Her ressurection can be as simple as Drogon burning her body around some dragon eggs, hatching new dragons and rebirthing her, just do it without her previous memories or at least heavily blocked.
Lord of light magic ain't gotta explain shit
>War and corruption isn't sinister?
Not when it's so in the open and US modus operandi since ever. It's not like they pretend to have any other agenda, the people are fine with it. In any normal country talking about invading others would be political suicide. In Murica it's fine and gets you elected if the other country is the bad guy of the week.
>Publicly bring up Israel's influence over the US and what do you think will happen?
Didn't Bernie and some random chick in the congress did that?
>Why were bribes to Hillary from Goldman Sachs and Saudi Arabia covered up as "speaking fees" if people are doing this "openly"?
Euphemisms are too deep in the culture. Same reason murdering civilians is "collateral damage". The congress is full of multimillionaires who don't even pretend otherwise. To think they won't put their interest first is beyond braindead.
If it were Maergery vs Dany we'd actually get an interesting conflict instead of some drunk single mom no one likes on the throne.
>awakening white identity has made him more destructive to the system
How? By giving public blowjobs to Israel and Saudi Arabia? Or by tax cuts who leave the majority of muh white people fucked?
>convenient amnesia Alita-style rebooting her personality
>not embracing her bloodthirst and become undead Nazi Dragonlord, Champion of Rhllor
Normalfags have the shittiest of taste
She has point-blank stated that those are her intentions if elected, both of which would be accomplished through unilateral executive order. What earthly excuse could she use to reneg on those promises without permanently shattering her electoral credibility and candidacy to a second term?
Why are people hating on Bernie on Yea Forums?
It's full of /pol/ kiddies. Why would you be surprised?
I literally said he turned out to be another garbage neocon.
You can’t deny his campaign played a part in awakening white identity, though. And there’s no denying that the corporate-federal power structure has worked towards creating a docile, identity-less populace with nothing to fight for in white countries. An awakened populace doesn’t tolerate a corporate dystopia.
He is old ass geriatric with one foot in the grave. He doesnt win shit
They are really scared he's going to win this time so they're out in full force. In the end it was never about Hillary. It was about anyone who dared to challenge Crump.
>the people are fine with it.
Stopped reading right there lol. America is 5 minutes away from having a full-blown asymmetrical civil war over the question of whether the elected president has a right to refuse the military and diplomatic agendas of war-mongering federal security agencies and military branches and whether the press has the right to make knowledge of the specific actions and stated agendas of sitting government bureaucrats available to the general public or not, and you genuinely believe that the average American thinks the US military apparatus doing whatever the hell it wants with the national treasure and lifeblood of the country is 'just fine'? How brain dead are you?
>implying she wont eventually remember and go full on fire and blood mode
>some drunk single mom no one likes
A drunk single mom who is ILLEGITIMATE, and nobody even comments on this. On a show about disproportionate retribution (get your whole family murdered because you married a foreigner, get yourself killed by your own subordinates because you changed immigration policy, lose a duel to the death because you wanted your opponent to confess, etc), nobody reacts to the fact that Cersei killed the rightful queen and the leaders of the national religion. Then she usurped the throne and nobody cared.
The average American can always vote for someone else; even in most rural shitholes there is often a candidate critical towards the MIC.
Well, the people kinda forgot about the pope and their queen getting murdered.
Unborn children in their mother's wombs, oh wait that's the liberals
Unironically based.
>voting will change anything
We vote for a few hundred federal positions, meanwhile there are over a million federal employees and appointees who are never voted on. And corporate think tanks control the discussions with lobbying on top of all of it. If voting could change anything, they wouldn’t let you do it.
>rural shitholes
Urbanite bugman detected
>You should've gone for the head...
Kill yourself roasty bitch.
Lmao yo umad.
>lol u retard if u dont kill unborn like me
>why are you mad wtf
>I don't think it'll make a difference so it's fine not to vote and let people who vote for corporate stooges get their way
It's like you're asking for it.
>And corporate think tanks control the discussions with lobbying on top of all of it.
Not as much as most think. Studies on lobbying question the effectivity to put it nicely. When people willingly elect some multi millionaire, the guy doesn't need other rich fucks to tell him shit, obviously he'll support their agenda unless it's from a competing industry.
>If voting could change anything, they wouldn’t let you do it.
Surely giving it a try a voting for candidates who speak out against the fuckery would be a decent experiment at very worst then. If they end up sucking corporate dick, the population would have a stronger push for more decisive methods.
>STOP KILLING PEOPLE said Alabama, the state with the highest death penalty rate in the country
>The dragon's name is FUCKING DROGON
>hurr durr ima drogon
Life is only sacred for 9 months, roastie.
I went in the GOT general a year ago and made fun of them for this and they got really mad at me. It was pretty funny.
How is being adult or committing a crime an excuse for the state to execute the person? Especially when the state pretends to care so much about human life, even a fucking fetus get classified as a person.
This post says more about you than what you thought about GoT.
that was really stupid saved
Wtf? A writer's job for a website depends on how many clicks he gets rather then the hours he puts in?
The democrat party and media are actively sabotaging her campaign like they did with Bernie. Biden or Pelosi will be their candidate and then Trump gets reelected they'll spend another 4 years whining about it.
A writer's job never depended on clicking the articles, that just caught on because it's easy for people to say "If we don't click his article, he'll be fired!"
We'll see. Funny thing about voting is that it doesn't matter what the party wants. Hence why Trump won despite the Republicans wanting Jeb Bush, and why AOC won despite the Democrats wanting Aleister Crowley.
>killing innocent people out of convince is the same as putting someone to death who has proven they are incapable living in society after a lengthy legal process.
No he didn't
Like how no one wanted Hilary and she still became their candidate.
Most writers, especially for shitty blog sites are freelance. They just get paid for the piece, they don't get an hourly wage
That's the thing. The superdelegates thing that allowed the DNC to tip the scales was removed after it brought them failure in 2016. I guess you haven't been keeping up. So the final choice is out of their hands. All bets are off and whoever we get this time, it will be who the people want.
>flies carefree over the ocean despite having experience with ballistas being able to shoot down dragons
>Doesn't notice a fleet of ships opening fire at it
Oh, and by the way. Even before 2016, they were trying to push Hillary in the 2008 election. But Obama was just too popular. An adequately popular candidate WILL defeat the establishment choice.
You missed the part of the 2016 election where wikileaks published internal DNC emails proving incontrovertibly that the Democratic national leadership made the unilateral decision to play kingmaker and rig their own primary elections to effectively hand the nomination to hilary clinton?
The primary election system should be either totally abolished or strictly regulated to the point that both parties are forced to accept universal suffrage for every citizen of whichever district the prospective candidates are seeking the party nomination to represent in a general election. What we have now is effectively a staged game of musical chairs to make more palatable the fact that financial and institutional power brokers are effectively picking and choosing for themselves who the American people are allowed to vote for in their allegedly free and 'democratic' elections for public office IRL.
I hate this fucking gay show
And the superdelegates thing was changed after that. You're still stuck in 2016 to the extent that I told you exactly what had been changed since 2016, and your response was to go "But what about what happened in 2016?". It's unbelievable. I see I'm dealing with an idiot.
Even without the super delegates, she was doing damn fine and in the end she got more votes too. Despite all her flaws and failings, it's silly to paint her as some kind of illegitimate candidate that no one wanted.
The bigger issue is that majority of voters found her or that clows as suitable representatives.
Based D&D
Many of them reside in the beautiful African country of Wakanda.
They fucked with so much of the series to make the show and cut out and rewrote so much that there's no point pursuing this angle.
Oh, don't get me wrong, that is all absolutely true as well. She wasn't perfect and I didn't like her but I can't deny that a large number of people genuinely wanted her. But bringing that into the discussion in a place like this is just an excuse for the opposition to say "You're just a salty Hillary voter, she lost, get over it" and so on, so I tend to disregard that part and just explain why a second Hillary will not be able to happen.
Biden's already been ordained.
White identity was always there, a bit suppressed for a couple decades but it was back by 2014
He will not get the nomination.
The dccc is actively trying to stop any and all primary challengers by denying resources and blacklisting anyone who works with challengers. It's already been backfiring as now they cut their levers of influence on these challengers who probably will even start courting corporate cash anyways and leave the DCCC broke before 2030.
He will. And he will take it in the ass from Mitch on command.
Democrats are cucks, they go with the most cycled option. They want the old guy who starts with surrender to the GOP. You criticize the libs for their double standard on Islam, yet they bend over for the Christian Right too when push comes to shove. See that democrat in Louisiana. The democrats have decided they'd rather be culturally enriched by trump and the GOP than actually fight for that globalism, let alone go down the socialist path. The latter would require balls that Biden has long since had shrink to the size of peas.
AOC defeating Crowley is concrete proof that things have changed and establishment candidates can be defeated by people the voters want, people who have absolutely zero corporate support. That's why Republicans are so scared of her. If establishment Dems keep losing they won't be able to paint the Democrats as the establishment party anymore.
Dany won as well.
>better rulers than Queen Margaery
Though wouldn't particularly, she would have been pretty good.
Don't think that she was actually nice though, she just knew that strategic generosity is excellent PR. She had charisma and could charm the masses and individuals, she's a "Diana, Queen of Hearts" expy.
The Tyrells under Olanna were basically buying support with their soup kitchens and aid in Kings Landing, at a time when it was full of starving people. Remember that Ollana actually vetoed a low-cost wedding because the splendour and decadence was necessary to fuel celebrity worship of the aristocracy.
She really does have good and bad angles.
That's just his turd
It's over user, creepy joe will become the candidate and Trump will rek him.
At least in the show, she treated Sansa well even after Sansa became useless for her. Of course it might be down to long term planning but just abandoning her would suffice too for that. She also distracted Joffrey from tormenting Tyrion. She also arranged for the whole fuckery of working with the Sparrow instead of going with Olannas violent solution.
Obviously she's calculating and ambitious too but she seems also like a person who is naturally nice and would never go out of her way to harm others.
>having to choose between a creep and a rape supporter
This is the best time line.
Lol at Trump, who admits to sexually harassing women on tape, calling anyone "Creepy Joe".
Moral of the story is 8 th season sucks balls because of poor execution
The right can't meme.
So did 7, and 6. Ok and 5. Well 4 too. 3 arguarbly... 2 wasnt great. Meh 1 was fine i suppose.
He had no traits to begin with
>Game of Thrones: Dany's revenge
Are you ready for GoT's "End of Evangelion" lads?
>stealing memes
spotted the leftist
back to plebbit
They can't help it they steal everything. Its their entire ideology.
jeez the left cant meme
>images with words on them are """memes"""
no you stupid old fucker
At first i didn't get the "tumblr" trending but now i think i got it. Thanks.
>projecting this hard
>getting this triggered
You can't pop a single old meme into google without some dumbass Trump version of it popping up. Trumptards are morally and intellectually bankrupt.
It's not utterly hopeless, r-right? Once HBO notices their stock going to shit without GoT they might panic and add it on, at least as some alternate story-line, the actress is cool with the idea of reshoots, so wouldn't mind a new season either ... there is hope.
Deep state doesn't imply that at all, it simply implies that there exists a state who's motivations and behaviour and different than the debates the public are fed to on TV. If the state says the war in Iraq is a war on terror, the deep state would imply that the war on Iraq is actually about oil. It's just a differentiation between the explicit messages we're given and the motivations of the people in power.
If you feel that the idea of the powerful pursuing wealth is too banal for a term like deep state that's your issue. Not everything has to be some lovecraftian conspiracy. It doesn't change the validity of using the term deep state, it's association with Alex Jones tier AYYY conspiracy theories notwithstanding.
>if youre right you're a trumptard
Uh no.
>literally vowed his entire futur to a brotherhood that lost its entire meaning of existence with the death of the night king
You need to stop
Trump is president.
Here's how Bernie can still win
>Seriously how the fuck can anyone surpass my queen, no matter how three-eyed and crippled?
Book Stannis.
>it's association with Alex Jones tier AYYY conspiracy theories notwithstanding
Alone sounds like a good reason to find a better term then if the goal is to raise attention with normal people and not the "it was (((them)))" crowd.
Wow that place looks like Chernobyl what happened?
When did he showed any regard for normal people? Or anyone really? Dude would make a good judge when Westerosi courts move away from trial by combat shit or a military commander for Margaery but he isn't ruler material.
I was expecting massive breakdowns on Twitter, what happened?
Have sex
It's hard to feel anything for the shit now. The ending wasn't horrible enough to make people mad and obviously wasn't good enough to balance out the rest of the season.
even if they're paid hourly they have a rough idea of what they need to bring in to keep the lights on
Jesus fucking CHRIST can you fucking faggots at least, for ONE FUCKING DAY STOP TALKING ABOUT POLITICS. I'd like for one day, ONE DAY,one simple day is all I'm asking for Yea Forums to actually be about the board topic instead of niggers or trump or whatever the fuck this thread is about. I'd like to come onto Yea Forums one day and just talk about things Yea Forums like what everyone's favorite scene is or why a character is great but no instead I have to come onto THIS FUCKING MESS. You shits probably think you're funny by doing this you probably are thinking to yourself that you're posting some quality post or meta shit because some asshole somewhere isn't doing his job. YOU FAGGOTS needs to have some restraint instead of being comedye gold so fucky faggots that just post shit like this. I know you motherfuckers know what you're doing isn't right but you still post it for some FUCKING REASON. STOP SHITTING UP THE BOARD MORE I HATE YOU FAGGOTS I FUCKING HATE YOU.
I like how you pretend that this is only a problem on Yea Forums
Everything is political, brainlet-chan.
The media will burn any word you might choose.
Lol seething brainlet. Imagine getting worked up about anime forum
Omfg wrong image how doni delet gf will kill me
Superdelegates have fuck-all to do with it. They literally purged hundreds of thousands of registered democrats from the voting rolls on the basis of their likelihood to vote for any candidate other than Hillary. There is absolutely nothing at all to prevent them from doing it again, and this time around they could give even less of a fuck about the potential PR blowback since getting caught red-fucking-handed resulted in zero lasting consequences for the individual involved and had essentially no impact on the electoral partisan loyalty of democatic voting base.
Deep states are actually pretty common. Of course they are not always the same but for example KGB's influence in the Soviet politics is kinda similiar to CIA controlled deep state theories.
You really should read this article if you think deep states don't exist.
This is just the inevitable cycle of all words. Conspiracy theory started out being about JFK, then became about moon landing, now its about flat earth. The fact that morons (whether real or astroturfed) can diminish the validity of a word is contingent entirely upon people like you who disparage the use of the word by association instead of on the grounds of context. Maybe instead of proposing we continuously coin new phrases to distance ourselves from idiots you should employ more judicious critical thinking and evaluate words based on their literal meaning.
saved already, faggot
Some Asshai whore could resurrect her if R'hllor hungers.
> clandestine government made up of hidden or covert networks of power operating independently of a nation's political leadership, in pursuit of their own agenda and goals
Doesn't sound too applicable for capitalist pursuing capitalist goals but dressing them in PC rhetoric. Especially if the PC version like "war on terror" already displays all key characteristics of an idiotic and misguided strategy and is motivated by same thinking that would motivate the "let's get sum oil" version.
It's work for KGB and the other security agencies in the Soviet Union who actively played their game of thrones. CIA is just playing bureaucrats dickwaving with other agencies without any actual control; and all the power legitimized by elected delegates.
If a specific meaning of a word got hijacked by morons and when the majority who use a word are morons, it's just a shitty word to keep using.
>more judicious critical thinking and evaluate words based on their literal meaning
Still adds an extra step compared to using a better word. Human brains automatically jump to the common meaning and not dictionary definition, including that fact when naming stuff is just being reasonable. If your group works on a peaceful solution for the middle east, calling the movement "The Jewish Question" is simply a bad call.
But there is literally no reason that she can't come back from the dead. The Night King and the Lord of Light have already proven resurrection is possible in this world.
>CIA is just playing bureaucrats dickwaving with other agencies without any actual control
lol. Bet you don't even know that a former Director of the CIA has served as the president of the united states, and ordered the first shots fired in the multi-trillion dollar global war we have been embroiled in now for over 30 years. You are very low-info my guy.
>a former Director of the CIA has served as the president of the united states
So? People elected his ass. Your point would be more poignant if he somehow got in despite losing the election.
>and ordered the first shots fired in the multi-trillion dollar global war we have been embroiled in now for over 30 years
How shocking, US of A getting into a war. It never happened before under other presidents.
Oh and the most important bit. Check the public opinion on the first gulf war, or hell even the second. Both Bushes only gave the people what they asked for.
Wait a minute So ars you sayi gthe election of Donald Trump forced the DNC to rethink their tactic of manipulaying their primaries and constituency to only allow for planned deep state candidates, and reform it with a sincere consideration for grassroots candidates, after failure and humiliation in 2016?
Any loss is likely to affect the approach afterwards; besides Bernie had a much larger impact when it came to actual policies, since "republicans but not totally insane" didn't show overly effective to attract voters.