Is it bad that I felt sympathy for some of the guys on to catch a predator...

Is it bad that I felt sympathy for some of the guys on to catch a predator? I would always have to remind msyelf that these fucks were child rapists to get back to laughing at the rest of them. But every once in a while people like pic related made me feel bad (turns out he did it like 3 more times later in life so fuck him)

I also remember there was one but I can't find it anywhere where it was like a 19-20 year old brown dude and then some broken english egyptian dude also came in at the same time. Then at the end the young dude said "I think we're about to get arrested now" and the egyptian just turns and give the greatest delivery of "WHAAT" I'd ever seen but I can't find it anywhere

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How do you feel bad for people that are mentally ill and can't keep themselves from preying on children? If anything we need a place to put these parasites. I'm happy that many of them died or killed themselves.

>turns out he did it like 3 more times later in life so fuck him
Really? Source?

You felt sympathy because you've made mistakes and been busted before - likely several thousand times less serious than trying to fuck little kids, but nonetheless you know what it's like to get busted and you know it sucks. The dread, the instant change in mood, the knowing that you will have to face the consequences, the knowing that people close to you will find out what you did. For you, it was probably only something to get sent to the principal's office. Or maybe your gf caught you talking to other girls. For these guys, it was something sick and degenerate, but nonetheless you KNOW the feeling they are experiencing and how awful it is.

So despite that you know they deserve it, your brain naturally feels empathy because the only thing you can relate to with this guy is how shitty that feeling of dread is. And this time it's not something that people will forget about eventually like your trip to the principal's office. It will send him to jail for a very long time.

probably because you're an early 20 something pedo

The marine guy with the quivering lip but he was a sick fuck
Can't find a better version

Oh yeah I forgot to add, my post assumes you are a normal person and not

deserves castration desu

i think i just enjoy watching someone's life go to shit in an instant

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I guess once you get registered as a sex offender there’s no going back really. Still these guys they deserve worse fuck them.

i don't understand how they're in trouble if they didn't commit a crime

No, they were trying to have sex with a child. They made their beds, they laid in them.

Being registered as a SO means you never hold a well paying job ever again. That's not even discussing social impacts.

Probably because for some of the guys it seems like borderline entrapment, I’m not talking about the elderly obvious rapists, but some of the guys are what 21? 22? It seems a bit fucked to throw these guys in jail for chatting up a 14 year old when they’re barely out of school themselves and that shit is legal in other first world countries like Germany. I don’t know, I think it’s asking a bit much for early 20s guys to pass up offers from willing teenagers when, again, nobody would bat an eye across the pond

>Being registered as a SO means you never hold a well paying job ever again

Attempt is a crime in the US. As long as you attempted a crime (driving to a house of someone who told you they were underage) for example puts you in line for a felony conviction. Even driving around the house is attempt, remember one guy didn't go in but circled the block and the cops stopped him and arrested him.

shows how much i know. how do courts prove intent?

i feel bad for them because i would fuck 12-14 year old girls in an instant if i knew i could get away with it

That one's good but not the one I'm looking for. The 2nd guy that shows up wasn't with the first guy at all. He just happened to show up at the same time or early or some shit and was like a middle eastern fitness instructor or some shit if I remember correctly

The chat logs

gotcha, yeah not sure which one that is.

kinda pisses me off how Hansen puts on the persona of a cop, that's gotta borderline illegal.
They should just arrest these guys and get it over with


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>Hansen films these in my hometown
>A lot of nearby offices are converted from suburban homes
>or if I'm going to a party at a house I never go to
>show up and qt decoy is standing there
>before I have a chance to run or explain anything Hansen's old out of shape ass lumbers in
>then I get tackled by a bush and marked as a sex offender
>CT really is living in a nightmare daily

Nah, fuck off, pedo. Shame them first and then arrest them.



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This. You're watching a man's entire life get ruined, you can imagine the overwhelming dread. Seeing another human's life get ruined before you very eyes is hard to watch. It just so happens that they're people who deserve to have their lives ruined.

Chat logs and if the decoys asked them to bring drinks and food they just look for that. Intent is usually something cops care less about. They know the criminal will provide them with all the evidence they need. Someone who is thinking with their dick is usually incredibly unorganized

Its fucking retarded. The girls they are supposedly talking to want to have sex with them. Its all consensual but its still considered rape.

t. Pedo
Why the fuck would you wanna fuck a 12-14 year old girl? They haven't developed their bodies so they don't have the curves that men automatically find attractive in women. You're basically having sex with teenage boy you sick fuck


This is such boring bait. Please go to the store and get something better.

How does someone deserve to go to prison for wanting to have sex with a person who also wants to have sex?

>teenagers don't have developed bodies
You think 14 year olds look like 8 year olds? You fucking retard.

do you have an argument? 13 year olds have sex together all the time, the idea they are free of sexuality is plain wrong. Kids have been charged with having CP because they send each others nudes. Its obvious our laws governing sex is outdated.

Lol, if a 14 year old sat on your lap you would get an instant boner. And guess what, youd be an evil person to get a boner if a 14 was rubbing up against you.

It's literally a stupid prank show, but you get to feel morally good about yourself because the person being pranked "deserves" it, it appeals to the same kind of low iq mouthbreathers that would enjoy those shows.

I've had my 13 year old niece sit on my lap all the time and ive never once got aroused from it. Maybe you are just a fucked up person.

I'm a pedo for thinking the justice system shouldn't be played out on TV by a corporate television network? Go fuck yourself.
We have a court system and legal proceedings for a reason


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I think it's clever. I mean, civilians have the right to ask other civilians to have a seat. He doesn't do anything dishonest, it's all in their assumptions (which are somewhat incriminating too, if you think about it).
Also I think Hansen's "interrogation" helps with the prosecution, since he gets them talking before they can prepare their story.

Youre takling about a family memeber. Anyways, humans males have married 13 year old girls in the past and was the norm. Are you saying weve just been sick all this time and its only till recently to where weve realized that only 18 year olds are attractive?

You must go shopping

Maybe when you can put together a sentence, then you will understand.

based and redpilled, honestly

Teenagers have developed secondary sexual characteristics, they have boobs, hips, they can have children, if you are not attracted to a fertile female you must be a gay.

if there is nothing wrong then why can't you type it correctly?

I'm more of a shīite myself

This is a bait thread

Spotted the roastie.

i don't think OP was bait. Just a little unaware

I dont feel bad since the girls are usually supposed to be like 12 thats a little gross if they ever did an episode where the girl was meant to be like 17 i would feel bad for them

Do you think the older guys 50+ were just men who knew they were dying so they just said fuck it?

More likely than not, divorced, disillusioned old men with nothing to lose by then.

I think it's really disingenous to say that the decoy doesn't lead them, because if you talk to a girl online and she maintains contact with you and responds positively it is implied that she's interested, otherwise they won't even say hi.

There are no girls on the internet

Probably 80% of them had cp on their hard drive, sure they were tricked, but their severe lack of empathy makes it hard to care.

Where did you go to school uganda?

Typical Yea Forums user. I bet he’s a sneed poster.

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I know that, but retarded boomers don't, that's why they fall for it, this is like those scam emails that you boomer uncle opens.