Anyone feel bad for him?
He could have had it all, instead he sacrifices it all just to be thrown back into the Night's Watch (glorified prison now).
Basically his entire arc has him go from nothing into nothing. Meanwhile his conniving family members and 'friends' like Tyrion that were all goading him into betraying Dany all make it out on top.
He's basically the living embodiment of 'nice guys finish last'.
Cucked Jon
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Well, if you come from nothing and go back to nothing, then you haven't really lost anything have you.
He is living beyond the wall where nobody can bother him with all the Free folk pussy he wants. No more politics no more wars he's free of all that shit.
Jon didn't want "it all". He hated politics and ruling, he already said he'd rather go exploring north with Tormund.
Now he's got his best bro, his wolf and can be with normal people
I feel bad most for Kelly C. She did nothing wrong and then her derpy faced idiot nephew kills her
the night watch is just a party up north. none of the vows mean anything.
As Big Boss said, he has been given freedom to live outside the system.
Thats truly the best ending for someone like Jon
He got what he wanted in the end and he is satisfied so what’s there to feel bad about?
In a shit climate, with shit food. And he's not free to go anywhere he wants, he's confined to the north, which holds no more mysteries now the white walkers are dead. He's like a daycare/prison.
How long before it descends into utter anarchy though? Now that there's nothing to defend against, and apparently the wildings and southerners are all one happy family now.
>Anyone feel bad for him?
Jon won. His family dominates the continent. On top of that, he gets to go home to a life of adventure with his bros and fuck all the Wildling pussy he could ever ask for.
the shit climate is over, plants are growing there now and summer is coming
I guess the main point they were trying to make was that nothing ever changes in this crazy human condition. I don't feel bad for him though. Guy is a total asshole.
The Night's Watch is just a good time with the lads anyways. He broke oaths to bang Ygritte, it'll he'll most likely crack again.
No. He should have been eaten by Drogon.
Wouldn't he actually be like Danaerys in that he gained a bunch of stuff and then lost it so he knows what it feels like to lose important people just like Danaerys?
he got what he said he wanted
Who is Kelly C?
>In a shit climate, with shit food
Jon was born and raised in the North, and the Wildlings get to go hunt bears and mammoths and shit.
>a song of ice and fire
>both ice and fire get fucked
'e dusn wan e
'neva has
The lesson of this show is don't trust a midget or a manlet
no actually i think his ending was really good
>had it all
he gets to be king in the north
Plus, there are some crops that can be grown in winter and they have enough snow to make a soup with the animal protein, vegetables and water/snow.
This, I don’t know how people don’t see that. He got to become Mance Rayder who was like his idol. The only thing that sucks is he didn’t kill the night king, if he had this ending would have felt even more satisfying.
Songs are often about tragedies.
He abandoned the watch to lead the wildlings. It's absolute kino.
He is the only member of the Nights Watch, right? Everyone that was there died in the fights or ran off. Don't really get what he is supposed to do there or how they are meant to hold prisoners there.
He wanted to go back north, he got what he wanted
He’s the next Night King. The cycle repeats
>Anyone feel bad for him?
Bad? That's not my feelings toward this son of a bitch. He used to be a great character
He's king of the wildlings now. He has any amount of wildling pussy at his disposal now.
Give it a week and the free folk will be chanting
He literally would have averted all of this if he had just given his aunt the dick she was asking for.
Also: You now realize that Bran is the shittiest human alive because he manipulated events so that thousands died so he could become king. If Bran never insists that Sam tell Jon then none of this ever happens.