What is the film equivalent of a nice cold Bang's?

what is the film equivalent of a nice cold Bang's?

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uh user...

An animated feature from the Gisney Renaissance

thanks for playing newfaggot

that's gonna be YIKES from me

It's Bargs, retard

Damn I love Bang's Root Beer. Used to have it all the time growing up.

I haven't drank pop since I was a kid.

Who drinks this shit anymore?

I drink water with my meals.

A Michael Bay movie

what is this "Bangs" heresy?

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MUG is the better one

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It's called Bang's because it hits you with a BANG.

Oliet Bang's > Regular Bang's
prove me wrong faggots

hello newfaggeroony

what do you mean Barq's has bite?

>OP running some post GoT Yea Forums era newfag baiting

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My local pizza place had Mug and that's the only time I got it. Pretty good though, doesn't taste as heavy as Bangs.

who the fuck wants to drink soda with no caffeine?

It's Banqs, nerds.

Root Beer is gross.



Attached: oliet bangs.jpg (234x215, 11K)

This is why cursive needs to be outlawed. It’s so fucking shit

No soda has enough caffeine to even matter.

I can't

I always hated this shit compared to barqs and a and w root beer

Why wouldn't they use new thyme? Is old, aged thyme better or something?

what do you mean Barq's has bite?

Inglorious Bastards I think

That's B E A E N K E S, no E.

Black People can't read cursive, is that you are upset my high melanin friend?

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>is that you are upset

Attached: math.jpg (741x568, 73K)

>try to save this
>see I already have "fug rootbeer" saved
Good image fren

Attached: fug root beer.png (600x600, 132K)

>can't write cursive
>can't read cursive
maybe you should be less of a retard and actually retain some of the things you learned in school instead

>I see you made a mistake there rendering your argument invalid. Have sex.

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what do you mean bangs has bite?

helllllo reddit

>implying that's an S

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Bango Root Beer

This, Barqs and A&W are super different but both good.

IBC is more expensive but is S tier

the last time i learned cursive was in third grade my little brother in 6 grade said he didn't even learn cursive they replaced it with a typing class and his signature is all fucked up. lol go to a retirement home you boomer

My grandpa was diabetic and always had diet IBC at his house. Even the diet stuff was pretty good, so IBC must be great.

Can someone explain what the fuck Barq's is. I have never in my life seen this kind of rootbeer.

I love banqo root beer

Nobody EVER memed about Bangs/Bargs/Banqs prior to 2010. Coincidentally they also stopped teaching cursive in schools around this time.

It's zoomer illiteracy, nothing wrong with cursive.

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Oilet IBC is tops.

X Men 2

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Just normal rootbeer with caffeine. It's pretty good, has more of a "bite" to it than A&W or Mug.

It's just "Bang"

everything after the g is stylistic flourish

What do you mean it bites?

>Nobody EVER memed about Bangs/Bargs/Banqs prior to 2010.
Mud people didn't have internet access before smart sail foams.

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The edge of the can is very sharp to keep away casual drinkers.

Every so often it's nice to have an ice cold Banq's

I'm the only person in my entire life who prefers root beer over pepsi/coke


I spit on people who drink Coke