

Attached: sopranos last scene.jpg (620x368, 18K)

>don't stop

I'm sorry David

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Did he finally sit on the Iron Throne?

No, he never had the makings of a varsity athlete

how did they create that a not say wtf are we doing?

Pure cine

should have just put a gun shot sound before the black frame and it would be better and saved a decade of useless discussions

friendly reminder that pussy lived and killed tony in the end
david chase doesn't want you to know that

Absolute pleb

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You could say he was a

>bad poosey

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this is the truth. Tony dying in an obvious fashion was the best way to end it. He truthfully deserved to die and would have given fans some sort of satisfaction. Not that anyone wanted him to die, but his death would have served a purpose for the whole fucking show to begin with. it was a fail beyond epic fails to give the finale that it did. and I saw Dexter. and I well... heard about Lost. But who gives a fuck about Lost.

You are a fucking retard. The Sopranos wasn't about fans getting some satisfaction. It's not American Idol you fuck. By the way, is english your first country?

you're a fuckin retard if the ending wasn't obvious. There's multiple refrences to not knowing when it's gonna happen and everything going to black

this is why writers think they need to spoonfeed viewers now a days, pathetic

>someone is mad and uneducated.

same, angry idiot.

it faded to black dipshit. you think it's deep to give the viewer thoughts about what happened? finish it. what part of the show other than the end were you satisfied with being unfinished? or do you not like plot lines to be finished? you're a dumb, artsy, abstract fuck that wants things open ended rather than delivered. you're why writers think they need to be fuckwads about the endings. which is why so many finales suck and would be better served to be straight forward and final. shit.

You don't hear the bullet. The sound never reaches your ears in time before you're dead.

not being able to deal with ambiguity is a sign of autism user

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ambiguity or your point just sucks? also, nobody else is posting. we are the YOUS.