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the dwarf will become a cameo meme in all fantasy movies.

Dinklage at least will survive

Why is gilly there?

Arya, Sam, and Gilly, have no acting future.

they killed millions

Iain Glen will be fine

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maybe a few. Aside from the ones who started as kids on GoT, most of them have established acting careers

thats just how show business works. they all knew the risks

Emilia saved her career this season actually, Kit probably killed his.

That's what happens to every well known actor. It's why Joffery's actor went to teach acting because he knew he would get typecasted.
Look at Daniel Radcliffe after Harry Potter, no studio will touch him.

Not until he fight Guy Pierce to the death he won't be.

>Look at Daniel Radcliffe after Harry Potter, no studio will touch him
That actually has nothing to do with him having been Harry Potter, but rather because of his mental breakdown and subsequent transformation into a Nazi. Pray for Daniel Radcliffe.

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only 3 of them had careers before hand

Reek and Dinklage will still get work

He's been in quite a few other movies, and does a lot of voice work. He probably has the most stable career of them all.

Its always the least likely person who becomes famous. I bet you its gonna be Gilly that becomes an A lister.

Apparently Kit doesn't want to play another "Jon Snow" role ever again, which is understandable. Curious to see him in another type of role.

Redcliffe is gonna spend his life doing art films and smaller movies because he is set for life with the HP money so he has no reason to care about box office.

implying he has the choice to do boxoffice anymore

pick one.

Because her dad is her mom's father


Peter Dinklage x Tony Cox buddy cop movie when?

Red Lady watch out!
A hobo's about to cut off your head!

Grey Worm has a music career

that has nothing to do with Harry Potter and everything to do with being 5'2
women don't want a 5'2 leading man

The careers that should end are D&D.

Take my upvote

Why is Varys reaching Jorah for a kiss?


>Americans pretending to have a medieval history
every time

The only other thing I remember him in was the woman in black

You mean when they were Indians running around in teepees for wampum?

That movie was fucking horrible. Just gonna say that the vegan nazi was the one who was going to commit a terror attack just so everyone knows how fucking stupid it was.

All of the Lannisters will continue to have careers. I'm hoping to see the Hound pop in other stuff.