Tfw a character you've hated since the start of the series dies

>tfw a character you've hated since the start of the series dies
Orgasmic. I wonder if her pet abomination froze her and stuck her up its ass.

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She will always be my queen

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>tfw a character you've hated since start of the series, becomes all time favorite character in last season, then dies

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where can i find nudes?

I don't dislike people who like her. I know that feeling when your favorite character dies in a show. My sympathies.

atleast someone understands this
ever since she got her dragons she's been a massive fucking bitch
im so glad they turned her into literal hitler cause i was sick of all the normalfags sucking up the stench of shit from her putrid asshole

This, I love her so much now

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he dropped her in the water

>tfw knowing that the screeching feminists who bitched about objectification in the first few seasons and forced that stupid bitch lady Mormont down our throats in a "Girl POWER!" sense are all crying their eyes out
>tfw you know those strong single feminist mothers who named their children Dany, Khaleesi, and Daenerys watched their god die before their eyes.

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Thanks user

>hating the only good character in the entire series

Why? She literally did nothing wrong and was leading the faith of westroos towards brighter future.

She was an even bigger cunt than cersei from the first season.

>Sansa still lives
Wish I could feel the same.

Someone spoil me on everything that happened in the finale

It was meant to be

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Daenerys finally had that violent shit that was talked about in the book.

She's come home, lads.

I've disliked her ever since the sacking of Astapor. In hindsight, her retardation was clear as early as season 2.

danny goes from the yass qween mary sue to an actual good character but then gets killed of and replaced with a cripple


This, the last season made me do a complete 180 on her

You haven't watched the show apparently, she's always been a self-righteous menace. Westeros is safer without her.

She belongs to /pol/ now

no you fucking retard she started off as a shit character but shes /ourqueen/ now

You actually think she's dead? Dragon took her to a volcano, she is then resurrected.

she will be back. Sam mentioned Drogon flying east towards Volantis. If Drogon is intelligent he'll land on the doorstep of a red priest and they'll revive her just like Jon was revived. She'll be the villain in the new series.

>you will never comfort a depressed, alcoholic Emilia after she reads that Dany dies

forgot to mention that Volantis is not only the first city of Valyria but also home to the religion of the lord of light. She is literally Jesus to them.

I hated her until the last 2 episodes.


>a single stab wound and gets lifted away by her magic dragon
That's far from confrimed dead on a show like Game of Thrones.

He gave her a second vagina.

dragon hitler BTFO just like real hitler, fuck nazis and dragon nazis

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Dany scenes were always the worst

except the "wound" is in her heart figuratively and literally

>tfw she not only dies but they spell out in explicit normie proof detail about how she was evil all along and you were too fucking stupid to see it
Hahahaah oh man is work going to be fun tomorrow.

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Why would they charge Jon with murder when Drogon flew off with Dany's body? Wouldn't it be easier to just assume that she got on her dragon and flew off for some reason?


My burada.

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>all the showfags justified cutting Lady Stoneheart all because "muh realism" even though zombies, dragons and what should have been eldritch ice elves (like the Others in the books) have been around since the start
>the show now occupies a universe where anything short of total onscreen incineration doesn't mean a character will stay dead
yea I'm still fucking mad, I love Monkey's Paw plots and Lady Stoneheart fits that to a tee. in a show that loves one-liners and fan service twists Cat showing up to the kidnapped Merrett and Lem or whoever saying "She don't speak. You bloody bastards cut her throat too deep for that. But she remembers" would have been a slamdunk. certainly would've made more sense and impact than anything we got after season 4 and hell even some shit in season 4

No, the people of westeroos are worse off without her. If she would have ruled as absolute monarch the strong feudal high nobility would have eventually been trashed and replaced by lower nobility and bureaucrats giving birth to semi-modern nation state. Hell even her actions in Meereen proved that she would have established some kind of representative democracy with councils of freemen wherever she could not directly rule.

she go poo

Based diarrhea-posting bookfag

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