I wasn't even mad about the Lost ending other than the shit with the yellow goo and the cork.
i'm sorry you had to die jack
only brainlets think Lost had a bad ending
I have always held LOST to be one of the best shows ever. I have nothing to hide. If it's not one of the best shows ever, it is at least the comfiest show ever made. Perhaps it's nostalgia, but watching every episode week by week and theorizing what will happen next was some of the best times I had consuming media. Let alone that the entire thing was mysterious and the characters were amazing. I truly love LOST, and there are very very few shows/movies/games/books/etc that I hold in as high of a regard as I do with LOST.
Everything past S3 was a pile of shit. The ending was no less of a disaster.
Lost had a fine ending. Only problem was the season's flash mechanic.
this. Most people I mention Lost to say : the ending sucked they were dead all along
Everyone I have ever talked to about the show came to this conclusion. How can people be this retarded?
No show has ever pulled off a cast as large as LOST while having at least 75% of the characters have great and meaningful arcs that lasted the entire series (or to the end of those characters lives). Hell with the flash back/forward/sideways shit, the dead characters still found meaning after they died.
Even the female characters were good which is surprising. God damnit I love this show.
Honestly having Lost have a satisfying ending would've have been a significantly more difficult task than GoT. By the end of season 4 there were so many threads left hanging that it would have been almost impossible to wrap them all up in a meaningful way.
LOST's ending is far from perfect, but it's not even close to the shitshow that GoT S8 has been.
>lol we're all dead and Sayid wants to bang Shannon for eternity because lol
Ending sucked because it didn't mesh with the themes of the series at any point.
>lol magical light church END
I wish i could forget everything about Lost so i can rewatch it like it is the first time
hey user, want some eggs?
>t. complete fucking retard
Shannon was hotter than Sayid's wife.
Lost was pure kino
Keamy was based. What is that actor up to now?
At least the finale of LOST is action-packed, funny, moving and loyal to the characters. It's an adventure movie.
The finale of game of thrones is 30% of people walking, weird humor and terribly convenient exposition. If not for the ending montage, it sure looks like nobody wanted to end this shit.
Eggs, Lord Zipacna?
good post!
>Perhaps it's nostalgia, but watching every episode week by week and theorizing what will happen next was some of the best times I had consuming media.
it's probably good that it aired before reddit hyperautism masterposts became commonplace (at least the early seasons). online speculation was a bit more casual then
Take me back to this era of TV, please
You're right, that doesn't make sense. I get that Jack wanted to be with them all in purgatory since it was the most important time in his life, but Sayid never wanted any of it. He consistently wanted off the island and only went back because he was forced to.
Was that supposed to be Jack's purgatory? Did they all have different purgatories?
I liked the ending, it was the Purgatory shit that was godawful.
damn i still remember the day that episode aired and people posted this here. getting old bros.
I started to use this board years ago tranks to Lost and Stargate threads, in all those years I became more stupid and my English got worse.
It made sense when it was all said and done
sixth season of lost was unwatchable shit. Game of thrones s8 was shit but not that shit.
The Japanese guy and the temple stuff sucked, same with what they did to Locke, but it wasn't horrible and still advanced the lore.
Name 1 (one) television moment better than the ending of Walkabout
You can’t
I fucking love LOST
If I'm being completely honest, I want to bump this thread just because I love LOST so much and am getting very small dopamine rushes from each person letting me know that my views are widespread. What a great show.
I cried during the finale of Lost
t. absolute pussy
Please repost all of those lost memes. I want to relive old Yea Forums.
The music was kino and the final scene music when they all meet up had me fucking bawling my eyes out
you forgot that everything that was off the island also sucked dick and almost everything that happened on the island sucked dick.
You're forgetting the crown of the decade
LOST had me teary eye'd more than once desu.
LOST ending was kino a true pleb filter and very difficult to both reddit tiered atheists and general autists to get
GOT ending was very satisfying too since I was a loyal Stark bannerman for the past 10 years I'm very happy
Daily reminder that LOST is the greatest show ever made or that ever will be made for the audiovisual kinographic medium and every episode, season, and character is a 10/10 that’s better than any other show or movie ever created before or since.
Only the smartest and most patrician of humans understood and appreciate the full extent of LOST and every single LOST fan is an alpha and a chad.
I once went as Charlie for halloween by just writing this on my hand. Normally I would get roasted for such a lame costume but this was during peak LOST hype so everyone loved it.
you guys do realize the writers admitted to making it up along the way right?
All writers do that. Did you think they have some big master plan?
Lost is shit from start to finish. Don't hijack George's DESERVED apology meme you zoomer FUCK.
this fucking song
after a few re-watches it starts to wear on you
Lost ended really really beautifully. The final season had some misses, but the actual ending was pure kino and perfect for the series and character.
The ending's reputation has been soured by the brainlet normies who thought that "they were dead all along" because of the shot the network played over the end credits.
What a great argument. Fucking idiot.
explain the ending then. i gotta love how you fucks praise the ever loving SHIT out of the ending but none of you retards can even explain what the FUCK the ending is
That's how writing a show that will have more than 1 season works. Fucking retard.
meant for
>didn't mesh with the themes
this isn't an argument. it's an unsubstantiated statement. you post dumb shit you get dumb responses.
They were dead all along retard
What is the ending did you conclude to?
i watched this show when i was 12/13 and i loved everything about it. i think if i rewatched it now i would not like the ending so much.
>not including the GOAT
I never, ever, and will never understand the hate for Lost, for me it was great from beginning to end, everything about it was kino, Breaking Bad have nothing on it.
I dropped Lost when Locke hung himself. Tell me the ending.
they were dead the whole time
Eat shit, Martin.
Fuck Lost... The Leftovers did it better and the ending wasn't bullshit.
Except the whole show is just flashbacks over and over again. Which is why the show fucking sucks. Want to further plot? Nah let’s just introduce some
Monster and then have a flashback of a character no one cares about.
jack was a sex cyborg the whole time
>tfw you will never live on a spooky jungle island with a bunch of beautiful people solving scifi fantasy mystery and going on hikes
All of the characters had their most happy memories from living in the island with the people from the plane, so at the end they moved together to the afterlife, some of them died early, some of them died together, some of them died way after, but at the end all of them ended up in the same place, together and without regrets, it was beautiful.
they died when that dumb bitch set off the atomic bomb =/= they were dead "all along"
>tfw that dog is now dead
Fuck The Leftovers. It's a great mystery. I was really intrigued when I heard what it was. Then I watched the show. Holy shit is it boring. They somehow managed to make me not give a single shit about any of the mystery.
Fuck that show.
the island is the source of all "life, death, rebirth" without it everything would die (peep the egyptian heiroglyphs in the hatch spelling out UNDERWORLD/HELL/ETC if something goes catastrophically wrong with the island)
to repay its defenders it gives the losties a chance to live out their lives without intereference from the island in the flash sideways before they pass on (desmond got transferred there when widmore hit him with the electromagnatism because of his immunity built up from being in the hatch, and later is the one to realize whats going on in the flash sideways world because hes immune to this shit)
Pic related was the coolest shit to ever air on TV and you can't convince me otherwise.
Life ends for everyone at some point in time, but we all go to the same place at the end, literally it was all about the travel and what we made of it while we were here.
The bomb didnt even go off
The Leftovers is objectively the best show ever made.
Comparing it to Lost is dumb. They're very very different shows. The Leftovers didn't do "it" better because they were entirely different shows.
You must be one of those low IQ people. The Leftovers was never about the mystery, it was about characters. And its pure kino.
This isn't what happened. Are you trolling or did you not watch the show?
> it was about characters
I know, and they sucked. That's why I didn't give a shit, you tit.
>It was the friends we made along the way
Some people just have bad taste.
That God damn writers strike robbed us from what would've been the best show of all time. Fucking kikes.
>CW teenage drama show tier characters
>good taste
oh, sweaty
back in sopranos they were real deal yeah m8?
Did you watch past Season 3? I'm assuming not.
Of course it's a zoomer
You must be actually retarded.
The leftover might be the greatest show I’ve ever seen.
>3 seasons
Alright, this better be good user or I put a curse on you.
You were bad but you weren't boring so thank you for that
Lost las season was great
For fuck's sake now I have to go watch the whole thing. This better get fucking better.
>they were dead all along
I get triggered badly when people say that shit. Were they even paying attention at all to what was happening?
I don't know how people don't understand this. They literally had a guy stand there and explain it. Fuck.
Saving the comfy lost thread...now!
got boring after season 4
Didn't watch the final season of either one and never will because both shows had became unwatchable shit way before that point.
They were dead all along you fucking retard. The plain crashed, they died and ended up in purgatory (the Island) before they could go to heaven.
this is bait
Leftovers gets better each episode and it ends flawlessly. Just don't go in expecting anything in particular and let it be itself.
Not that guy but
They all died at different points, some probably survived the island. Jack didn't. And when they were all dead, because the island and each other was the most significant event they experienced, they all got a shared afterlife where they can be finally happy.
It wasn't a bad ending imho.
this is correct
Prove to me that they weren't dead. I distinctly remember them showing the plane at the bottom of the ocean in the last season, NOT at the Island. If you think you're so smart, explain that.
fake news
no, really
It's bad
The first season of Lost is literally perfect.
this is bait
Whatshisname, Penny's dad, fakes the plane to stop the search from continuing.
>>Jews are really good at bad endings
but who are botched tv shows?
Is that all you can say? How about actually addressing what I wrote? The whole plane was found at the fucking bottom of the ocean in the last season, meaning that none of the plane parts that supposedly crashed on the Island were actually there. It wasn't real. The plane crashed in the ocean, they all died there.
2 other people already answered you, idjit.
It was faked by Penny's dad.
They explained that penny's father put a plane there
>The Leftovers was never about the mystery, it was about characters.
Hello Mr Damon Lindelof. Are you going to use the exact same copy/paste excuse to every single piece of critique on every project you work on? You fucking hack, go jerk off on a bible you dishonest baldlet.
Hahaha, you dumbass
Not him but how do you just fake a plane crash perfectly. That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this fucking works
And there's no magic islands with smoke monsters, or magic time travel or the Man in Black or Jacob, or anything really.
What are you, a moron?
I'm trying to watch it but this idiot on camera doesn't know how to hold his fucking camera steady.
perfectly? just drop a plane in the sea lmao he could have also filmed it in a pool and pretend it was real,its not like anyone is going to go deep in the ocean to verify. How do you think movies are made?
It's bait because this is explained very clearly in the show.
In the real timeline, it's a fake put there by Widmore as and explain. But you might be thinking of the point in the season 6 premiere when in the afterlife timeline they show the entire island is underwater.
The "mysteries" are just there to keep the low-IQ normie crowd coming back every week, while the heart of the show is the characters. If the mysteries were the purpose of the show then we wouldn't be drawn to the show and rewatch it multiple times after we know the ending.
holy shit lmao
Nothing to apologize for. Still the GOAT.
>when you eat too many eggs
what did this show end up being about? i stopped at the time travel
The struggles of a poor orphaned boy to get off the island he was imprisoned on by his evil adopted mother and suck up older brother.
based and redpilled
they weren't?
no only hurley wasn't dead the rest of them were ghosts
I fucking miss LOST so much bros
It's literally spelled out to your little brain in the second to last scene by Jacks dad that everything that happened on the island was real and only the "flashes" in the last season were the afterlife where they all found each other again. How fucking dumb are you really?
Unironically better then what we got last night.
I miss jackface too.
Truly was a once in a lifetime television show to be part of. I watched it since the very beginning, and I've never been more engaged with a television show. I remember my mind constantly running wild with theories, that fucking hatch, the others, the fucking flash forward, man. What a special show to have been part of.
Nothing will ever top the experience. There may be shows with better writing, or more consistent writing but the experience can't be beat. It never will be.
I really want to go back. Crazy to think that this show started 2004, I was in high school at the time. It has now been off the air longer than it ever was on air. But 2004 to 2010 felt like a million lifetimes compared to the fucking last 9 years.
The emergent online culture with hundreds of sites full of elaborate theories... good times.
The ending isn't the problem. I remember there being a couple seasons in the middle that are absolutely aimless. They were right to say "fuck it, it was about the characters".
During the earlier seasons they flat out said they had it all planned out.
People were already asking how the fuck they were planning to tie up all the weird loose ends during the first half of the show.
They lied and that's why the last three seasons were shit. Damned shame too.
I liked it.
I don't get why people hate the ending
>They were dead all along
You have to appreciate the whole journey the characters gone through and all the development they made. The only thing that was really sad was jon's ending
Jon Snow?
I loved the ending, it is kinda similar to GoT ending, with Jon leaving for good, same as Jack, true heros.
No. It went to shit without Locke
literally who?
wheres I am Jazz in the second thread? or star wars?
They were dead for a pretty long time.
Truly the greatest show ever made.
I don't have anything to apologize because I've always stated the ending was perfectly fine
>"b-but I'm a brainlet who thinks they were dead since season one!"
>"b-but they didn't explain everything after the show spends entire seasons saying there's """magic""" stuff in the world"
Desmond is unironically one of my favorite characters in TV history.
this and that's simply the best episode in television history
Lost had so many kino moments, however this is hands down my favorite clip from the entire show.
Terry O'Quinn did a stellar job portraying John Locke, he was consistently brilliant.
this was kino, and its even better when in the s2 finale they show Desmond's pov - he was on the verge of suicide and hearing Locke's voice gave him hope to pull through
just 2 desperate, broken men unintentionally helping eachother out
Lost's season finales were amazing. Beyond reproach.
Season 1: Finally open the hatch we've known about for half the season. IT'S A LONG WAY DOWN, SEE YOU NEXT YEAR
Season 2: Jack, Kate and Sawyer get captured by the others, while Michael and Walt go free. Post credits, someone's detected the electromagnetic explosion from the hatch's computer hitting 0 on the timer, and calls Penny.
>just 2 desperate, broken men unintentionally helping eachother out
Literally as kino as it gets. I can't believe they managed to tie those two events together in such a satisfying manner.
>ywn have Desmond as an older brother to look up to
Every time there's a big TV finale I see people shitting on Lost and it gets me very upset.
As a story about characters it's fucking perfect. Whichever stupid science fiction inconsistency or issue you want to drill on about is whatever, but everything that mattered was concluded perfectly.
The only problem is that the island itself was a character and didn't get any kind of resolution.
LOST forever tainted other finales of television for me. They were unironically epic. They felt like feature length films, just incredible every single one of them.
If I were to rank them, and it's hard to do so, I'd say
3 = 1 = 2 > 5 > 4 > > > 6
Season 1's finale was beautiful, the flashbacks showing how each and every one made it into that flight that day, how many of them struggled and just barely got on there, really drove home the theme that they were all somehow destined to end up together. The final flashback of them all together on that plane, Locke and Jack looking at each other and giving a friendly nod. Fucking absolute pottery.
Season 2's finale is underrated as hell. I love the hell out of it, it was the first time we'd ever seen a flashback from someone that weren't on the plane. The tension with the hatch was fucking palpable.
Even when they didn't wrap some mysteries up. Atleast it was a good lengthed season that actually ended.
The open ended shit I just watched for the last episode of GOT.. Theyre inevitably bringing it back right?
Eh. I don't really think you can offer any kind of satisfactory explanation or conclusion for it. It's a special place, it has unique properties, but really it's MIB and Jacob who are the characters that matter.
they did in a way by saying Hurley and Ben were taking care of it.
>Even when they didn't wrap some mysteries up
Smart move IMO, you don't wanna completely kill the sense of mystery on a show like LOST.
And most of those mysteries don't really need an explanation. It's established throughout the series that there are things that don't make sense from a scientific point of view, that are just linked to something supernatural that has always been in the world.
It's a pretty big plot point and people just gloss over it ignoring the fact that even a "man of science" like Jack slowly becoming a "man of faith" like Locke
Is it worth rewatching after so many years? It's so goddamn long.
Was anyone else in love with evangeline lilly back then or was it just me?
Second best after Charlotte.
I liked the ending, but fine, if people don't agree, whatever. You could argue both ways.
But everyone's gotta admit that LOST was actually good for pretty much the entirety of its run. It didn't go to shit because its creators got too lazy and wanted to move on to something else despite having money thrown at them to do whatever they want with.
Game of Thrones was Dexter-levels horrible. LOST doesn't even come close to that.
I miss you, Jack. ;_;
as an act of teenage defiance in showing I had become a sexual being, I had Kate as my wallpaper on my computer.
Before that I had to pretend girls were icky around my parents.
nigger if last night was the last episode of lost, you'd see a lava of hate on Yea Forums.
That being said, GOT was shit since early seasons. Back then it was kinda doing justice to the books.
>no hips
Wish I was here when it aired, everyone says the board was the best at that time with tons of GOOD discussion and OC.
LOST had waifus for every taste
Definitely don't agree as someone that watched as it was airing. Season 6 was a disaster, and I'd call it actually bad, especially compared to previous seasons.
Sure there was a decline before that, but season 4 and 5 were still good TV, but 6 just entirely shit the bed.
1 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 6
>You now remember Mr Eko
God I need to rewatch this show.
What's stopping you?
I had picutres of her on my old phone
No, I agree, Season 6 was bad, but everything leading up to it was mostly alright. Or varying degrees of alright. But nowhere near as bad as the back-alley abortion that GOT has been since at least Season 5.
>You know remember Shannon
She didn't deserve it Yea Forumsros
I was 15 when Lost first aired. Only place I could meet fans of the show and discuss it was this local internet forum. Met this "girl" with a Kate avatar, we went on to chat in private messages or whatever, she was into me, but since there was no serious social media back then, I did my best to get her to meet me in person or the give me her MSN ID. She always somehow dodged my requests and said "soon user". Eventually she stopped posting on the forum
One of the biggest mysteries that I want answers in this life is how did she look and was she a dude.
I was here the night the Lost finale aired. The reaction wasn't 100% positive or anything but it was way less negative than what's going on with GoT right now.
>Met this "girl" with a Kate avatar
>how did she look and was she a dude.
>was she a dude.
Of course she was.
back then gymthot culture was not a thing. My turnon were a woman's bellybutton and stomach. Seeing them exposed was better than seeing her naked.
Holy fuck
How can thronelets ever recover?
>Of course she was.
For 15yo me "she" was pretty fluent in female talk. I was seriously in love for the first time in my life.
But you're right, it was probably a dude. Too bad that forum is dead now so I can't log into my private messages. Bet you I would die of all that 100% pure cringe.
God, I remember a lost forum I was part of back in the day, I would die of cringe if I went back and read my old posts there. Thank god the forum has been deleted since then. I've actually forgotten what it was called.
Didn't meet any girls though. I never really tried to advance women online, or irl for that matter. Self confidence is too low even for internet.
juliet was the true best girl
That was my understanding.
The one question is, how many years after Jack died on the island did the church scene happen?
Because Hurley was there and he would have ruled over the island for at least a hundred years.. but possibly thousands of years like Jacob.
>how many years after Jack died on the island did the church scene happen?
bad question
it happens outside of reality and linear time
that's why people say it's a flash sideways
Never apologise.
>The Leftovers didn't do "it" better because they were entirely different shows
They were very similar shows, LOST covered more thematic ground but there was some significant overlap.
>...and hello to our viewers at home!
nope just you
Lost sucked beginning to end.
the last season's flash sideways was the afterlife, not the real physical world
they just had to realize they were dead before they could move on together
I have great memories of LOST as an experience, but the show is a painful to re-watch today. It just shows how much television has evolved over time.
>constant flashbacks when you just fucking want things to move forwards
>artificial cliffhangers out the ass (characters dropping a one-liner and then walking towards the camera is basically a meme)
>too many filler episodes
>too much focus on side characters no one cares about.
>every single commerical break is left with a surprise shot and a VRRUH VRUH VRUH VRUUUUUUUUMMMMM
It's six seasons of HBO milking and baiting it's audience.
>smoke connected to a railway system that gets mad at sounds
lmao what
too much plots have been throw out of the window, people wanted answers but none were given (magic source of power, lel). the scenarists themselves admitted that they wrote the story day-to-day while reading theories on internet discussion boards.