Did he just desert the Night's Watch?

Did he just desert the Night's Watch?

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either that or ambassador to the free folk

Maybe but you do know Night's Watch are allowed to go beyond the wall

There is no night's watch

The Night's Watch is just a fancy way to say “exiled beyond the wall”

Probably He might go fuck Val and have little Wolf Babis in the far North

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Yes. Jon realized that honor and duty meant jackshit and he acted exactly like his parents by choosing his own fate.

There was no Night's Watch left. It was just exiling him however considering the Unsullied were gonna leave Westeros any way I'm baffled as to why they even bothered to appease them.

Nah, he is just going on a 60+ year ranging mission.

No, he was "exiled to the night's watch" to placate the dumb brown people that have no concept of what that actually means.

Jon is now the King beyond the wall.

Not so noble after all, are you Jon Snow?

He'll become the true King of the North there, though.

>OP doesn't understand what an exile is
>OP doesn't know that some exiles are actually a pleasant thing, specially if you're doing it with your bros, in this case, Tormund and Ghost
>OP haven't watched enough old anime to recognize the hero who goes away at the end of the story
Is a lame and lazy ending for Jon but at least works, Arya did the same and Greyworm was salty as fuck. Is meh I guess.

He'll become the new king beyond the wall

>true king of the north
They don’t even have their own castles. Who gives a fuck

>Jon is going to spend the rest of his life siring the next generation of wildlings

He won bros

>the dumb brown people
rent free

Jon wants the night King castle and loot for himself.

the whole nights watch thing was a ruse, Jon will live in frozen Australia a free man.

Stay triggered tranny

>Maybe but you do know Night's Watch are allowed to go beyond the wall

this + its obvious hes leading the wildlings, as the commander of the night's watch, back to their homes, something suitable for the commander of the newly reformed night's watch, that guards ALL the realms of men, which now include the wildlings. he probably doesnt intend to stay with them permenantly, but help them rebuild and to keep up relations between the north/nights watch/and the wildlings.

i think the scene would have made more sense if a small contingent of night's watchmen were with him/the wildlings in that scene but this last episode and the closing montages were obviously rushed.

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yes, literally rent free because of all the government handouts
how very astute of you to notice

Stay a virgin, diabetes boy.


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Retarded logic
>No queen and no justice, so what the fuck are we doing here?
Maybe if you consider S08E03 balance, dothraki and unsullied are really a shit tier army so they could had been easily anhilated by the rest so they better choose to fuck off, but only if you suppose that.

>yes, literally rent free because of all the government handouts
Most of which are cashed by white trash in flyover states, fancy that.

jon can swim in wildling pussy if he so chooses. he doesn't have to take one wife, in terms of marrying her in an official ceremony. who cares. he can have tons of kids. how the fuck would westeros nobles, or that obama-looking faggot, ever find out. it doesn't matter. the entire story is shit. people only liked it because it connected to european myths like dragons and magic. the moment they spiced it up with stupid female empowerment and foreign sandnig savages, the story was ruined.

it would've could've should've been kino if it just stayed within the bounds of westeros civil war vs. the larger war against ice demons. don't even bother fucking including the dragoncunt and her "struggle" to retake her father's throne. fucking stupid shit.

>most of which
still haven't gotten the hang of that whole "representation" thing have we?

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Unironically based, but Sulla did it better.

Just saw this on twitter. Please dont tell me this is real

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I think we can appreciate Jon taking the Antonypill


It really bothered me when Tyrion was in the dragon basement and theres all these bricks on the ground that killed his sister and brother, and yet he's walking around and theres still these huge brick pillars and a ceiling. How come only some of the bricks fell? How are we supposed to believe that the structure is still standing?

No, he looks back and watches the door to that world close. He's riding off into the north with the free folk.

It's just a meme. That's the exact same frame in both pictures.

It's a meme related to how dark that Night King battle was because all people were bitching about after it was that they couldn't see what was happening.

It's a callback to the very first scene of the series. He is a member of the Night's Watch.

>No, he looks back and watches the door to that world close. He's riding off into the north with the free folk.

but hes dressed in the garb of the commander of the night's watch, not as a wildling.

I had a feeling but its not

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but val is his sister

Why would he be dressed in wilding clothes?

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Not to support this heap of shit finale in any way but the previous King Beyond the Wall was a former Night's Watch.

it seems Night's Watch = Wildlings at this point

>Most of which
based retard

>writing this much to disclose just how retarded you are

He's going on a ranging mission. Pretty obvious from the tone. No one else picked up on this? Hmph.

There's no Night's Watch anymore, and if there is, it was an excuse so Jon could find exile in the north.

It's pathetic that all of Westeros turned on him like that though, he's the rightful heir and the only thing standing between him and the throne were a bunch of dickless cunts and some literal savages, but since we have to preach multiculturalism we can't go around murdering them even after the unsullied leave by themselves and there's around 500 dothraki left at best.

Honestly, if Jon came back a month later, there would be almost no one who would argue against it except Yara or some other dany loyalists who somehow have no idea or don't care that she put KL to the torch.

Jon gets to live a better life in the real North anyway, the North under him is ruled by an absolute retard Tullyblood and the six kingdoms (for now at least) look like a bad joke with their current management and if any faction from Essos invaded now, the continent would be theirs because of how many people died in the last year.

He's the king beyond the wall, a living legend to those who know him, and far removed from the power hunger that plagues westeros, and he got his pupper back, good on him.

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i think its also like when frodo fucks off on the boat with gandalf and the elves at the end of Return of the King: 'we saved teh shire sam, but not for me'. jon is too hurt/damaged/PTSD'd to deal with being king, of the 7 kingdoms, or even of winterfell, he wants to fuck off and not deal with political bullshit anymore.

lol @ the welfare queens coping with the truth.

Why didn't they make it so he volunteers to go back to the wall?
It makes it seem like he knows he deserves some type of punishment, a good character trait, and it fixes the problem of whose going to enforce his exile.

No one wants Jon sitting in the Iron Throne
>Sansa knows that he threatens her power
>Tyrion is scared of retribution
>the other lords are scared that a strong and fertile ruler will just control them again
In becoming the kind of man strong enough to do what must be done, Jon destroyed all his former ties: first, in the Wall, when he got murdered by the people that he saved, then, in Kings Landing, when his old allies and even his family were scared of a true moral man.

What about Sam? If a Nights Watch still exists, doesn't that mean he deserted?

Day 1 of course. Who the FUCK cares if he stays at Castle Black? His sisters in the soverign nation of the North? HELL NO. His brother, king of the 6 kindoms? HELL NO. Go do you bro

Comfy ending for him desu

He left the watch to go live north with Tormund. The gate closing at the end symbolized him leaving that life behind.

How fucking dense are you people that you don't pick up on this stuff

>How fucking dense are you people that you don't pick up on this stuff
Jon won.

>how would that obama- looking faggot ever find out

My God damn sides.

>gets to spend the rest of his days hanging out with his dog and an absolute bro in Tormund while fucking all the mad ginger bitches he wants

What are they guarding the realm from lad? They just said that shit about nights watch so greyworm wouldn’t go full dany

no Val is a Wildling woman form the Books she is not a blood relation to the starks or the Targaryans

>Chad-like Victory.

he doesn't seem very happy about this

He's always been a sour-faced little bollock. He'll grow to love it.

>literally the only time he's smiled
>didn't even smile when he saw his family

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>flyover state
>not heartland
nice linguistic manipulation of psychological perception, schlomo.
it doesn't matter if there's an opiod crisis, its in the flyover state!
Please don't notice that blacks are dying there too oh god please don't notice it, only whites live in Mississippi I swear!

>only response to facts is projection
kind of sad.

If you had to kill your GF and had to go away from your family forever I'm sure you'd be pretty bummed out for a while.

>He's always been a sour-faced little bollock. He'll grow to love it.


>aw gosh darn that ain't no welfare unless it's for them brown folks i reckon
Don't you have roadkill to gather, Jethro?

The Night's Watch is dead, and no one is going to bother going up north to check what they're doing now that it no longer borders a subject of the Iron Throne. Jon got away scot-free and his exile only applies to the 6 kingdoms (and maybe the Riverlands, who may or may not be joining the North since it's led by Tully kids)

Yes, he is the new Mance

who is even named that. Jethro Tull is a boomercore rock band jesus christ. Have you ever stepped outside of your concrete jungle once?


I went to watch Shazam! before it left theaters.

All I wanna know is: did Tormund live?

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>rent free
yeah that's kind of the point of Section 8

The kino ending is him sitting reluctantly on the throne, married to Sansa to keep the peace. Show ends with him sitting on the throne, Sansa leaving from his side while giving him a kiss and Jon smiling at her as she retires for the night. We see jon facing forward still sitting on the throne with his face turning from the smile she gave Sansa into that of a solemn anger and his hand gripping his sword tightly.

There's your bittersweet ending.


He will name his first child Robb

>he's the rightful heir and the only thing standing between him and the throne were a bunch of dickless cunts and some literal savages, but since we have to preach multiculturalism we can't go around murdering them even after the unsullied leave by themselves and there's around 500 dothraki left at best.

The whole moral of the story is supposed to be that hereditary rule is stupid. You shouldn't get to be a shitty ruler and fuck up your country just because your dad was king. Likewise, we shouldn't have a shitty rule because your dad died and didn't tell anyone who's in charge after him.

Was it you who said cropping out everything below her tits gave you a boner?

There is like 5 members left, so who cares.

He told tormund that he would want nothing more than to live with the wildlings and ghost up north.

please nobody tell him about Pakistan and Africa. he might break.

He's easily the best character in the show, which I know isn't saying much.

*yugioh trap card sfx*

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35% to 50% of sub-Saharan Africans are inbred. Source: ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/pellissier20120526

>becomes the new night king
>resurrects his dead sister to be his night queen
>rides the last dragon into battle against the south

literally anyone can write a better ending in 5 minutes while phoneposting from his toilet seat

this whole mess angers me


>Raising your daughter so ANOTHER MAN can fuck her
*Hits pipe*

It actually just took me only 2 minutes, while I pinched a log out of my ass.

Gendry is the rightful heir. Fuck off.


you're hired

What was going through danys head when Jon stabbed her?

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aye, that's where the first episode started

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and he is going to fuck every redhead beyond the wall. The best end for chad Jon

He's a Ranger. He's Ranging. Get a grip moron.

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What are the nights watching at this point? the white walkers are gone the freefolk can move freely between the wall. half the wall is destroyed seems like it's just a glorified prison and border patrol. kinda like America's border patrol

why would he have died?

>There was no Night's Watch left. It was just exiling him however considering the Unsullied were gonna leave Westeros any way I'm baffled as to why they even bothered to appease them.

There are probably a lot of Westerosi who applauded what Dany did to Kings Landing, after the slaughters of the past 8 seasons, mostly at the hands of Lannisters, or their allies.

Jon gets pardoned for killing a Queen, and people would be up in arms. It also wouldn't be safe for him. Exiling or Death is the only answer.

"Burn them all"

the real question is what the actual fuck happened with drogon

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Holy shit, you sure are mad.

Whats gonna stop him from deserting the nights watch fucking sansa wont execute him and any lord in the north wont let word out that their former king deserted the night's watch


Probably fucked off to valyria or someshit.

Went home.

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Ned went forward in time and warged into him

Find out next year when HBO puts out "Jon Snow: Beyond the Wall"

When he arrived, only wildlings were there. There is no Nights Watch, that's what they told the Unsullied just so they could fuck off.

I keep that chart on hand for retards like you.

>not Arya Stark: West of Westeros

You keep that chart on hand because your life in disarray, and you think that absolves you.

There is a giant hole in the wall I totally believe they just had some people dress in black

I actually like it. Good job, user.

But 2 Nights Watchmen picked Jon King's Landing up.

lol im listening to my girlfriend sleep behind me.
really sad to hear your life is that way though.

>he is going to fuck every redhead beyond the wall

You know he'd totally be down

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that's what they want you to believe

I think he is confusing her as a relation of Mance, who some claim is a Targaryen for reasons that I cannot remember

>tfw drogon's gonna grow like balerion and burn the fuck outta westeros

Technically the Fist of the First men is a small stone fort. Plus the Thenn Valley probably has fortifications similar to the wooden forts of the North Clansmen

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fuck off eurocentric cunt

he's definitely gonna have children with wildling poon.

ESL here is ''most of wich'' grammatically incorrect ?

>The Cripple Chronicles starring Bran Stark

Castle Black is in The North which is not part of the 6 Kingdoms, so technically he does not actually need to stay there as a punishment. The only person that could order him there is Sansa.

best of the three spinoffs

jon = rhaegar all along

darkies (& darkstar) on suicide watch

why didn't sansa just free him? what are the rest of the kingdom going to do kill the king's brother and try to invade the north with the power of the riverlands and the vale?

I'd assume he's basically free and "sending him to the nights watch" was a formality to keep greyworm from sperging out. Although they made Jons brother king and then said you can't kill Jon.

go to bed Grayworm

>exile Jon so there will be peace with the Unsullied
>Unsullied bail at the first opportunity anyway
sorry Jon ya little cunt have fun freezing our bollocks off lmao

but greyworm and the unsullied left to go east back to meeren and Naath legit the only one pissed at Jon are the ironborn and Dorne. The Reach is ruled by the Tarlys and what do you know it Lord Tarly happens to be Jon's best friend

>lets jon live because he just plans on going to the dragongym and getting XBOXHEUG for the next 100 years so he can come back and destroy everything Bran's new government builds


Mostly because Sulla actually lived long enough to retire.

Who cares what the people think?

What you're saying makes no sense. Who are these phantom people who are going to be angry that Jon killed Daenerys, despite having never heard or met any of them? Also didn't Jon's little brother get elected as King and Jon's little sister as Queen in the North?

It's all fucking absurd and stupid. The most retarded hour of television I've seen in my life

That's fucking stupid

They wouldn't have fucked off if they hadn't exiled him.

So why didn't Drogon just follow Jon?

Yeah exactly, they told Greyworm that so he'd fuck off. I think they should've ultimately had a second meeting with Jon to let him choose, he deserves that at the very least.

Even then his home is still the north. I'd rather have him choose to go to the wall and beyond instead of being "sent" there as punishment.

they're going to make an arya exploring the west spinoff

Oh no, now the queen in the north will have to execute him. Or maybe the king of the 6 kingdoms. HAHAHAAHAHA

Everyone mad that autistic tree-king will reign for hundreds of years, manipulating events for a millennia to come.

Snow never wanted that gay ass chair.

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It literally makes no sense because Greyworm is standing right there as Sansa declares the North independent. He should have sperged out anyway.

Jon with Drogon would make it so no one could challenge him, Drogon is a constant napalm strike and with the state all armies are he could wipe all of them out just with him. Jon had to get exiled for the plot so him getting Drogon and not standing his ground makes absolutely no sense, not that this season does sense at all.

because he is a targaryen that might have children in the future which might cause more dragons in the future, killing him would be the equivalent of drogo killing his entire species.

Jon doesn't want to be free. He's a broken man. Despite being mad, Dany was truly the love of his life. What can he do after that?

Drogon isn't Jon's though. Rhaegal was Jon's nigga.

All 3 were dany's

Yeah but he was asking why Drogon didn't stick around with Jon since he is a Targaryen

The real answer is "Plot", i was pointing that out.

Rhaegal was the one that allowed Jon to ride his back though.

Ygritte was the love of his life and was the only woman to get him to break his vows. he didn't even have the courage to kill her and would have let her kill him if it weren't for Olly. Dany he killed as soon as he realized his family is danger because of her

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So they were adamant about executing Tirion for betraying Cersei by letting Jamie escape but were fine with letting Jon Snow go into exile after he murdered Dany?

Why is there still a Night Watch if the white walkers are no more and the wildfolk are now considered freefolk?

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>fat idiot from work hated the ending
>is a known gobshite and pleb
>I won't be in to witness his salt
Fuck you and your LOTR-tier theories, nigga.

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Well they didn't have much of a say after they went and allowed a new king to be crowned.

kill yourself

Greyworm kinda forgot the Night's Watch doesn't exist anymore.

Nah, he's the only member that's actually in the North.
I'm guessing the other guys that escorted him do Night's Watch business in the south; that is, rounding up criminals and broken men to send to the wall.

That's not how it works you redditor

Well the Nights Watch must still exist because the White Walkers will still return someday

>the real question is what the actual fuck happened with drogon
The real question is who the fuck cares about gay ass dragons in this slow burning medieval political show

He wouldn't need to. Both the wildlings and night's watch are loyal to him. He can freely move between them without people giving a shit.

he could hop on his horse and head straight down to winterfell, though I doubt he'd want to
the north is independent now and bran's decree doesn't mean a goddamn thing up there

This whole season was a trainwreck but the last scenes with Jon going North were kino

Why didn't they exile him and then once they fucked off Bran just pardons him

>the north is independent now and bran's decree doesn't mean a goddamn thing up there
That's quite a loophole. When the writing was good someone would have caught it on the spot or exploited it later.

Remember the North is now under Sansa and is independent. Jon might return eventually, if he wants to see his siblings again. Because what teh six kingdoms decide no longer affects the North.

Maybe he wants some soul searching too, because he feels guilty about what happened. Give it time.

>slow burning medieval political show

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Jon is a hostage, and they want him back, and the only condition the Unsullied have is that justice is served. You're also talking about a new king, who requires cooperation from the rest of the realm in that moment, and whose first few acts will be heavily scrutinized.
If he wants Jon back alive, Bran has to make the deal with Grey Worm, and if he reneges, he's sending a clear message to the rest of the realm that his family is above the law. Keep in mind, this is after he agrees to give up the North to his sister to rule autonomously. Most of those lords don't give a shit about Jon, either, so Bran would really be sticking his neck out if he pardoned him.
Jon also has Targ nuts, which are a threat to everything Bran & co are building. Since the cat is out of the bag on that (thaks to Sansa), if Jon had descendants, they could make the same claim to the throne that Daenerys did. Anyone who found out could use one of those kids as a figurehead and try to take control of the six kingdoms through them. Forcing Jon into inceldom makes him the last Targaryen for sure.
You can also argue that Jon wants to go. He doesn't really seem like it when Tyrion is telling him, but we know him to be comfortable at and past the wall, and there isn't a great place for him anywhere else.