Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#529 Cosmic Benevolence Edition
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck this is great, thanks OP

Bless this thread with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.

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Too early
Other thread got cleaned


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They only have 10 posts to go. They'll be fine.\

Get comfy, friend.

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LOVE HER. The best!

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> 6 days ‘til beach meet

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I'll do some obvious ones
1)How did earth win? considering how the moon flashback looks like, it seems they didn't have any cyborgs at all. Or maybe that's just how the fight on the moon was, but if they didn't have cyborgs, what the hell did they have? was earth anti-transhumanism?
2)What the hell has Nova been doing for the past 300 years? I'd be disappointed if he has been doing nothing but messing around in a lab and messing with people in Iron City, there has to be a greater reason to live for him otherwise it'd be a bit disappointing.
3)What kind of defenses does Zalem have? police? military? robots?
4)Is there anyone left on Mars? since the last battle happened on earth we have to assume they just sent all their battleships and when none came back, they assumed defeat and then... what? did they just stay there for 300 years? did they think of sending a ship to check how things are on earth? if not, why didn't they? are they all dead?
5)What actually happens to the champions of Motorball? I doubt they get to live up there, I assume they'd be considered inferior savages.

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What “deleted scene” from the original manga would /ALITA/ like to see in the Blu-ray?
I wouldn’t mind seeing a Hugo flashback about his family. Would’ve added to his character

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YUP! me too

Harvested organs
And brains kept in jars
Lost cyborg tech invented by Mars
Ruling from shadows and pulling the strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream-colored flan and motorball
Watching them struggle
And watching them fall
Cyborgs torn to shreds by the defense rings
These are a few of my favorite things

Telepresence chips projecting my will
Deciding who lives and who I will kill
Murderous cyborgs kept as underlings
These are a few of my favorite things

When my plans fail
When I don't prevail
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

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2. I'm actually disappointed that Nova is 300 years old now because it raises so many questions. Also will Kaos still be a character?

the task is done. Hello new bread.

new aesthetic picture and song for the new bread

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Alita being cute and pretending to be helpless

1000 credits to everyone who successfully ignores the trolls for the rest of the thread

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Y'all should post your home addresses your parents address for reasons

stop pretending to have a reason to talk about the movie.

It's so cute when she pretends to be scared and helpless so Hugo can feel like a hero

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1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500

I'm really curious what's in the hour of script Robert cut out of the movie

based pussy poster

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I'm excited friend
I think we might need to do a little more planning though

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Do you think we can break 50 posts if we only make original posts? PERSONAL CHALLENGE!! We can do it!!

These moments are great because they contrast with the times when she's a stone cold badass

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Reminder he’s canon in the /ALITA/verse

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what do you mean 'original'? Do you mean not responding to bait?


Okay, here's the up-to-date total and complete archive of every hyperlink to each respective /ABAG/+/ALITA/ thread.


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really embarrassing stuff, friend. laughs for days

THREAD THEME: m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bvYRlv7XCw

>doesn't even start with the prequel generals
never post again

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I know a way to get you user into Alita's world.
Anyone interested?

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Great work friend

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God I'm so tired of shills.

>tfw people used to have genuine complaints about the movie and not post for the sake of posting

1) Numbers. It's the Earth. It was a crapshoot chance from the begging with URM, I'm guessing.
>I'd be disappointed if he has been doing nothing but messing around in a lab and messing with people in Iron City

Lol, but that's literally the kind of guy he is. This and eating lots of flan. He's a more maniacal Doc Brown wacky scientist type,
3) Yes. Everything you could possibly image a futurist pleasure dome city having in terms of ultimate security I imagine they have.
4) I'd imagine they kept at least a few familes/people on Mars as a safety net, just in case, but it did seem like an all out attack sorta situation.
5) They're anomalies. They'd be treated liked respected circus animals or house pets, treated well, but ultimate considered lesser and used for entertainment

I HAVE NOT READ THE MANGA OR WATCHED THE OVA, so pls don't bully if I'm totally wrong with my guesses.

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Excellent work ty

When are you shills going to get new material? Reading over this shit is so fucking bland. Ask for a raise or maybe you don't deserve it because this is the worst advertising I've seen in my life.

Yeah, back in the early days when all we did in these threads was complain about how much this movie sucks and all its insurmountable issues. Sounds like you were there.

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>hurr we've always been this fucking pathetic
wow great argument

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Hello guys

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I might watch the anime again tonight

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Is reylo or alita more annoying? At least star wars wasn't a flop LMAO

Good floof.

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god these shitheads are so tiresome

At least james cameron is not a piece of fucking shit like Rian Johnson

I am okay with this

i know. If it weren't for jannies this lame brony-tier meme would have died months ago. Really sad if you think about it.

Floof so good

The chad James Cameron vs the virgin Rian Johnson

i have had no interest in this movie, until people have started stoya posting, now i wanna see it, even tho i know stoyas not in it. has she at least made a porn parody of it ?

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I'm pretty sure Stoya's retired now

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jesus are those real? Yikes.

Lol I wouldn't even doubt that the bottom ones are Rian's

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Fuck. Don't get me wrong, I hated The Last Jedi, but Looper was pretty fucking good. How can the same man be decently competent with one movie and then a total hack mess with another?

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Didn't he also direct the ending to Breaking Bad? That was pretty good.

>Ah-li-tah- is a battle angel
LMAO these songs are so fucking bad I'm STILL laughing at them

Brick is still his best movie I think

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

Better question is how can one movie be so fucking mediocre that it inspires 500 threads on Yea Forums

Yeah but he didn't write it

Must mean it's not actually mediocre.

Sounds like the movie was better than you thought huh

Denver user are you in here

woof that's rough to look at.

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>Dude it's actually really good because 17 pedophiles on Yea Forums won't shut the fuck up about it
lmao you know it's "okay" stop fooling yourselves.

Remember guys don't feed the trolls

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>How can the same man be decently competent with one movie and then a total hack mess with another?

its one thing to make a simple self contained story within one movie, its another to come in and build upon an existing story in a multi trilogy format.

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Especially when you're writing your movie before even seeing the movie that comes before it

Just means you don't need to be a talented storyboard artist to direct something well.

I guess I fail immediately.

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I can do it no problem.

>there are people posting RIGHT NOW who fuck children and shill Alita flop angel
based jannies for keeping these threads up

>Especially when you're writing your movie before even seeing the movie that comes before it

ya that didnt help lol

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He is though

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I don't blame him, with the framework he was given I can't imagine it being much better no matter who you plopped in that director's seat. It would either be this super derivative monotonus corporate regurgitation or a nearly non-sensical subversion of your expectations and honestly a bad trainwrek is better than boring mediocrity in my opinion. I lay blame on Abrams for doing something so derivative to begin with.

>529 threads of pure unadulterated autism
>jesus h. Christ
god bless u anons

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what trolls?

I blame Kathleen Kennedy for making the decision to destroy all of the expanded universe and write whatever they felt like instead

None of us are pedophiles, and our community is between 200-300 people.

Why would you waste your time in a place you don't like and you claim is full of pedophiles? Are you a closet pedo yourself?

>literally the little cancer that could
>/abag/tv/ actual cancerous thread
this is good comedy.

Very based image

>Why would you waste your time on a site other than reddit that hates you and puts you on par with pedophiles?
You really deserve every accusation that comes your way

Based OP

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Is there any reason to read beyond the original series?
Ive read a couple of chapters into Last Order and it just doesn't feel the same, im wondering if theres anything later on that makes it worth while or if its honestly just a mediocre continuation

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Not porn parody yet, maybe soon

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>I do not stand by in the presence of pedophiles

>Alita: Battle Angel starring Nic Cage as Alita, Ido, nurse Gerhad, Chiren, Hugo, Zapan, Grewishka, Koyomi, Tanji, McTeague, Victor, Gangsta, Screwhead, Amok, Marks, Motorball Announcer, Joshugan, Kinuba, and Nova

he's always had this old school hippie mentality, I don't care for it personally
funny thing is today's feminist get mad if you even suggest there's a difference between men and women

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I think that was actually the right decision, so much of the EU was fucking garbage that wiping it out and redoing it was probably the right way to go about thing. I just don't think the people they gave the power to rewrite that canon were the people meant for the job. They ended up doing just as shitty a job as the one they erased.

What they should have done is gone through the EU find the dozen or so writers who actually produced things of value and brought them all on board to play out the new universe.

She could play grown-up Erika.

Had this idea last night. Got around to making it tonight.

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Interesting. Who's watching the TV?

Yeah, Jimbo is old skool 2nd-3rd Wave Feminist, while the loonies today are all 4th Wave Radical Feminists.

I think that was Stephen Hawking's last theory before he died

very odd idea but still pretty cool!


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Yeah this is the guy who married Linda Hamilton and the only woman to ever win Best Director

> I love you Hugo.

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Kathryn Bigelow.

I'm confused with all the Stoya posting but I like Stoya so... hooray?

She resembles alita in hair and skin. And i was getting tired of seeing the Amelie girl over and over

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Is Peaches awake?

I recorded the Tanji lines. It's a little loud though, because I was too close to the mic. If it's too loud or too crap in general, I can re-record it, but here's what I got for now:
this was fun

Attached: Tanji Smirk.webm (500x500, 846K)

Peaches quit us after he said he wasnt moderating the board enough.
God bless peaches

You have the same accent here, how did you do that?
I really liked it. It came out great.

huh? Alita is nowhere near as pale as Stoya. but yes I'd rather see her than Amelie girl.

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Do you have any idea how much I've been in these last three threads?
Thank you user.

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You missed a line:
>"Yo Hugo, we gotta go."


one sec

1 No one won.
The war was so devastating that it ended in a peace treaty without a winner. Earth was a moderate transhumanist, modifying while retaining the basic human form.
2 As part of the film is not yet possible to say. But in general, Novo is interested in the questions "why things happen," the interrelation of events, the possibility of predicting "fate" and the likelihood for a person to break such a forecast.
3 A drone, field agents with extremely high-tech weapons, orbital weapons, protective fields.
4 Mars in the manga plunged into an endless civil war. Mars is a kind of cosmic Syria.
5 I do not know. I do not remember this condition in the original at all, although it may have been mentioned.

I had posted this one in the last thread but another user told me to find more pale pictures

I like the Amelie girl that the other user makes, but i was trying to spice things up with cutie stoya

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l8r sk8rs. Starve trolls, keep it comfy, etc.

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Good to get insight from anons who know the manga, thanks.

Go with god. Sleep of angels

>did everything else in one take
>this one fucking line took me 30 re-takes to get just right

every fucking time


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Thank you for your efforts, Tanji-user.

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>endless civil war. Mars is a kind of cosmic Syria.
nah, you're thinking of a cosmic Afghanistan. Syria has been in civil war for less than 10 years. Afghanistan has been in a civil war for fucking forever.

What do you think her pussy smells like?

Night fren

I see Lou Collins on this gif.

Motor oil

Battery acid and WD-40

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Mars still had a long period of order and there is a legitimate government.
I would call it Syria.
In addition, Mars is too high-tech.

The back of an old computer after it has been running all day long

Does it radiate heat?

My best guesses:

1. Earth had ships and military forces of their own that they sent against Mars. Most likely neither Earth or Mars (and other powers?) really won, they inflicted so much damage on each other that each society was crippled and unable to continue fighting. Hence why Earth's civilization seems like it's just hanging on without progressing or building any new sky cities, etc.

In the manga, the Mars commandos mention having blown up a lunar dome full of civilians (although this scene was retconned, it seems close to the movie's canon). If they're attacking a civilian settlement in the flashback rather than a military target, it would explain the lack of cyborgs. In the manga Yoko's unit was basically a terror squad.

2. Nova's probably working to build better cyborgs that can win in a new war he expects with other planets. I would guess that following the war, all the planets are isolated from each other and basically waiting for a sign that the time is right to attack again, which explains the lack of development in the last 300 years; none of them want to embark on big engineering projects or launch new spacecraft because it would signal the others to attack. They're each trying to surreptitiously develop a military force that can win.

3. In the manga, Zalem is protected by robots controlled by the city's central AI.

4. Mars is probably in a condition similar to Earth, with much of their civilization destroyed and the remnants preparing for an apocalyptic final war, waiting for the moment to strike again.

5. Vector says the only way anyone goes up is as material for Nova's experiments. He probably wants to collect the brains of Iron City's best fighters so he can create supersoldiers for the coming war. They would not be allowed to live as regular Zalemite citizens.

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Did Hugo Alita get under the capote?

Fucking cool man

All pussies radiate heat

You're never getting rid of the old namefags friend. We're all here.

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Dream of cute things

No, thank you Peaches. If I could ever actually see this full fan dub, it'd be the funniest/greatest thing ever. Lots of love, man. Don't feel down. Keep fighting the good fight. We all love you.

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Made me kek all we're missing is the smell of ozone after you photocopy a million pages

>tfw Alita made me rediscover my repressed emotions
It hurts. I want to die. Make it stop.

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>Nova's probably working to build better cyborgs that can win in a new war he expects with other planets
That would be too primitive for Nova.
But I think if he replaces the head of the security service from manga, then the project of total chipping will take place already in the film.
Not as something already past and secret, but as his personal project.

Although in fact, guessing is useless.
I would never have thought that one of the central characters of a sequel could be made from Clive Lee.
And zapan? And Joshugan? But...
They either greatly change the plot, or reinforce the plot lines which I do not see.

I think the Clive Lee thing is just a baseless rumor, the same article said that Eiza Gonzalez, Ali, Haley and a bunch of other dead characters' actors would be returning.

Good user. Repression isn't at all healthy.

That's what peaches told us

It does not feel good.

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I said I would leave eventually. I'm doing the movie dub still and a couple other things.

You remind me of this girl I met once. Constantly saying she wanted to die. Don't be like that...

Does someone in here have the webm of the little dog in the robot body? The one that was posted on twitter
I need it urgent please

I'm not going anywhere for one

If it's a girl, I wouldn't worry. Majority of female suicide attempts fail. Guess they can't even kill themselves right.

>tfw all the shitposting about the meetup has only made you more pumped to go just to see what unfolds

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I know it's painful but it will be good for you in the long run user

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Funny, so did the girl I can't forget no matter what I try

It's almost like they do it for attention.

>Hence why Earth's civilization seems like it's just hanging on without progressing or building any new sky cities
Yeah that's odd, Zalem is not growing, Iron City has been that way for hundreds of years it seems, what about the rest of the planet? there have to be some settlements somewhere.
>none of them want to embark on big engineering projects or launch new spacecraft because it would signal the others to attack. They're each trying to surreptitiously develop a military force that can win
Maybe, perhaps Zalem remains unchanged because Mars is spying on them and Nova knows that if it looks like they're growing they will be attacked again, I don't know, it sounds a bit lame I'm no writer. But there better be a good reason for this.
>He probably wants to collect the brains of Iron City's best fighters so he can create supersoldiers for the coming war. They would not be allowed to live as regular Zalemite citizens.
Now that is a good explanation for a lot of this crap. If this is the case, I think the satisfying way to end this would be having a final war in the third movie.

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Thank you so much. Thank you dearly

She was also on the spectrum. I think aspergers. Always said she was ugly and no one liked her. I don't speak to her anymore, but I hope she's doing well.

You should have fucked her

>mfw closing my eyes imagining Alita while sucking on a battery while cupping my hand feeling the warm exhaust of my computer while huffing WD-40

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>luv motorball
>luv Alita
>luv the Factory
>luv the sport
>'ate Grewishka
Simple as.

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5: Since Ido - a Zalemite and someone with intimate knowledge of Motorball - thinks the Final Champion will go up, Vector might be speaking categorically just without making that qualifier. A Final Champion is such a rare exception that it barely warrants a mention.

Couldnt we met throw a thread here on tv. She was on the other side of the US.

Manga spoiler: Zalem is a micromanaged experiment controller by a super computer. The rest of humanity lives on the space station Jeru and the planets beyond.

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You should’ve tapped that

Oh my


Trust me user, it's better that you didn't.

Good but the tits need to pop out more

Good job, now my stomach hurts from laughing.

I think she lied to me about a ton of things. Overall she was in terrible mental state. Shame really. She shared a few pictures of herself with me and she actually pretty cute.

How come?

I didn't draw it, a senior animator from WETA posted it.

Yeah don't fuck that.

I messed with a girl like that and she gave me an std. It's not worth it.

> it’s better that you didn’t
Lame. If they hit it off well he should’ve of met her and doinked her panzer kunst
Only trouble I see is since they’re both autistic they would’ve gotten oneitis and some type of retard attachment (which is cute), but it’s something you learn to avoid if you’re not serious with someone as you get older

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I'm not autistic by the way...

The user who draws fridge door tier drawings in these threads is a better artist.

Bro even the best of girls tell little white lies. It’s not because they’re bad people, they’re aware, but nowadays specially they feel the need to impress you and give off a certain image of themselves to be perfect for you. They’re trying to impress you due to the lack of a father/strong male figure in their lives. They mean well but it can be fucked up depending on the severity of the lies they tell.

I want these people to redraw the whole mango using this style. I absolutely love this.

Bro you browse Yea Forums by default everyone here is a little autistic, and that’s okay we still love you

>father/strong male figure
The guys don't have it either, so in the end we have a fucking modern circus.

not really, but whatever.

That would be really awesome but Cameron could probably finish the trilogy in the time it would take to give the whole manga this treatment.

That's what I call fanart

I don't. Probably some of the stuff she said was terrible shit I rather not share.



Daily reminder that Taliban are the legitimate government of Afghanistan and their fight against western imperialists is rightful and just.

>when you have 15 /int/ tabs open and accidentally post in Yea Forums instead

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I share your feelings.
Alita give me feel so complicated

Before the Taliban Afghanistan was basically just the world's biggest poppy field. Producing opium for the entire planet. The Taliban, God's warriors, sought to put an end to that and give the people of Afghanistan respectable ways to make a living, and they did. And then USA decided the Taliban are terrorists. THEY NEVER DID ANYTHING TO ANYONE OUTSIDE AFGHANISTAN

I was all bummed when I lost my Alita koozie 12 days ago. Threads started getting gay with that schoolmarm user and whatnot too. I saw John Wick 3 tonight in the same room i last saw Alita in tonight, after I walked out of the movie I found the Alita koozie in my jacket. Providence my friends.

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She probably smells really nice, like a well-oiled engine that's been recently taken for a drive.

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Are these some promotional thing for cups, or did you make it yourself?

It is a sign from the angel herself


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Got a special OC coming in a couple minutes. Maybe this is a horrible time to release it, but I want to.

Sometimes I like to think Rosa and the Alita cast lurk here...

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Now we just need Ubare Mikoto in there and it's complete.

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They already have their Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages to manage - I sort of doubt it. Some of them might know what Yea Forums is, but if I was an actor, I probably would be more interested in a board about one of my hobbies, like /tg/ or /k/ or something like that.

I had them made. Sent a couple to one user. I just have one that I’ve used and got grease and coal and whatnot on, I like to call it the ‘battle damage’. Was bummed when I thought I lost it.

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Do it, friend.

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Compression isn't the best, I may upload it for download or to twitter, but here it is for now.
Anime opening. Will be completed to full for blu-ray.

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Not sure who that is. I think Armitage is a very close counterpart to Alita though.

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Don't you fucking judge me.

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How many batteries do you think Hugo has locked before

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He disassembled batteries.

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Another contender I see

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She is a goddess who radiates purity and embiggens even the smallest man. Cameron imparted on us both a blessing and a curse when he made this movie. A curse, in that we will never meet someone this perfect, and a blessing in that we were able to witness her incredible prowess. She is truly an angel sent from Heaven to save our souls.

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She smells like frankincense oil.


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her hair looks nothing like alita whatsoever

I like thinking she has the odor of a machine. Like when you pop open the hood of your car and really take in the smell of an engine. If you're a man that stench really gets you going.

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Post your cutest pic of Alita or else

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Or perhaps lemongrass

BigWOO always gets a (you) from me

what do you guys talk about?

I really love this one. She's so happy and comfy.

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I don't think I can pick just 1 but I think the one where she's with the Driver is pretty cute.

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Alita wearing whore gear really jacks off my cyborgs

We talk about our plans to take over the world and install a theocracy that worships Alita as our patron saint.


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This but unironically

>Alita did you drink all my orange juice again?
>You have to pay me back for that you know...

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Is this cute enough?

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I've always loved this one.

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Elon Musk is on-board. Sorry, Earthcunts, we're going to Mars.

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the classic

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All shall love our Angel of Battle or despair.

Peaches a bitch nigger and so are you

So that's what I get for making this

She isn't even smiling in that pic. Seriously. Look at the pic, block her eyes with your hand. Not happy. Then block her mouth with your hand and just looj at her eyes. Happy. She's smiling with her eyes, but not with her mouth.

So based. Absolutely based. Infinity based. It’s so based we have /alita/. Baseddiscussion, based posters, the most based and red pulled oc on this board. So fucking based. God I just fucking think alita is so based. Alita general #530 when??? We can do it guys! Us based bros can cause enough stir for a sequel! Beach meet up this weekend for more based Alita discussion. I’m sure it will be a very productive and based experience!!!

literally this

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>red pulled

why did you do this to me, and at this hour?

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Apparently mastering the smize is the secret to being a model.

Can you even imagine how aesthetic an Alita Temple would be?

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Your a nigger for shitting up Yea Forums and turning it into a subreddit. I hope you get the AIDS you deserve for the cancer you you impregnated Yea Forums with. Die in a fire and take your namefagging OC with you.

We need pulled pork at the meetup

I'm bringing smores stuff, a CO user is bringing a mini grill so someone could bring meat, or we could buy it from a nearby market there

Don't worry guys. Your based janny will be along a second now to clean up your crib. How many tendies a day does it cost to buy your personal janny anyway? A few dozen?

Is someone going to take a group pic of this nightmare?

watch the fucking movie

Guys I'm worried we are gonna need to find a new location for the meetup. I just read that cancerous AIDS isn't allowed on Huntington Beach. What should we do?

Group pics are a meetup tradition, and this is shaping up to the be the biggest one yet.

last time we just used a selfie stick

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Bring non-cancerous AIDS?

how do i fuck alita butthole?

It’s also tradition for every Yea Forums meetup to look like the bottom of the barrel of society decided to gather in one place

>normally listen to Norwegian black metal, doom metal and NWOBHM
>now I'm a fan of Dua Lipa and started listening to contemporary pop
Fuck you Cameron

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Yes... let the pop flow through you

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extremely carefully

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Lovely &

Swift almost got me there but thankfully I tuned out before she went full pop. Cameron got me though, gonna have to listen to a shitload of old metal and rock to get me out of this "swan song" stuff.

>imply a bunch of shit no one said
>whine like a bitch
Now this is a post I can really get behind. So fucking based. Like based fucking based with based on top.

>Janny will be by to clean your crib soon.
Well, according to you, they're biased and don't do what 'they're supposed to'. So, either way, they will prune in our favor or ignore things you think they ought to pay attention to. Either way, we're one fucking thread out of 150, we keep ourselves contained, and every meet-up is in relation to meeting people who like and talk about the same movie so they can, get this, talk more about the movie in person.

Cry moar, bitch

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come on it's nice over here, we have all different kinds of pop to suit your fancy

This is what I turned to after a while.

I wish they'd make a song about Alita, and keep the heavy religious tone, that would be pretty based.


That's a very nice song, let me offer one of my favorites in return

I wish I still had long hair. Now all I have is a long beard.

Fuck pop music, go tribal instead.

i tried it but i don't think it's for me, sorry. does this suit your fancy? i imagine this is what alita would listen to while practicing for motorball

Wake me up when the BluRay is out, k thanks.

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>horrible children's movie
>annoying fans
>wort thread on Yea Forums
literally cancer

I don't think we're so different,you and I

Europe screenings - Tuesdays is the day when they normally set up the programmes for the next weekend, but here's the ones we know about so far:

Moscow, Russia: Everyday until at least May 22st (warning: dubbed)
May 20th: Barcelona, Spain
May 23rd: Lepe, Spain and Barcelona, Spain
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway at 14:30 or 15:00 local. Fan group have reserved 120+ tickets.
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Outdoor: Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark, near Tempelhof
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Indoor: Hackesche Höfe Kino
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
Westfalenpark PSD Open Air kino in Dortmund: Still collecting surveys

The indoor screening on June 5th is a new one, so Berlin won't be so weather dependent on that evening.

Pretty much my life for the next 50 days...

Fuck I hate having no money. A ticket to Oslo would probably only cost 100 euros.

pretty neat, fits in with satanic trips, will check them out later
time to knock out; goodnight everyone, make sure to keep the thread comfy

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I have a couple of spare tickets to the IMAX, but as a normal wageslob I can't cover your travel too. Sorry, fren. If there's a sequel, we can at least hope for a limited IMAX re-release/double feature.

how successful have these posts been? have people met up at these screenings and posted here?

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This one goes out to all my EPIC gamer's out there.

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I don't know, but some German guys on Twitter went on a hundreds of km long road-trip to some screenings near Munich. It's too bad that the May 18th screening in Cologne got canceled, because it would have fit my schedule. I might not make it to the ones in June.

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John Wick confirmed as good sparring partner after watching number 3

You attacked a dog
Nuclear strike incoming

I'm probably only going to see one, so which is more /ALITA/ Approved Detective pikachu or John wick 3?

wick bro its Keanu

John Wick 3. I saw both yesterday. Detective Pikachu is allright, but if you've seen the previous two John Wick movies, see JW3 first.

Thirding John Wick. Saw it today, very entertaining.

Also consider your lewd digits checked.

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Yeah I think I'll go see Wick later this week then, as I was more draw towards it that Pikachu desu, just though I'd ask you bros.

Also double dubs confirms it

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Jesus christ this is some powerful austism

just wait for the Bluray to land , the autism will go beyond measurable limits.

Its not autism that keeps there generals a float, its love!

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Jesus Christ is right.

This is autism-powered religion.

Only cold fusion is more powerful.

Rent free, and soon to be tax free.

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>when my muscles and brain say "go to beddd" but my stomach says "naw man fuck them, go to the store and buy Milk Duds"

where the fuck did I put my keys

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>cold fusion

Is this the chocolate that is considered official /alita/ chocolate?

This, except with Alita:


Fuck pic won't post, its lindt intense orange

Maybe, but for me personally Its a Terry's Chocolate Orange.

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I've watched the movie twice when it came out. What else should I do to be a part of the cult of alita?

Watch the movie.
Don't stand by in the presence of evil.
And that's about it.

make content for us and bring others in to the fold brother

The next only logical step would be to buy the $1k Prime 1 Alita statue...

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Buy those super expensive figures and statues.

wtf i love rosa now!

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