no Westworld season 3 Thread fuck u faggots
No Westworld season 3 Thread fuck u faggots
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Good to see Aaron Paul getting a role like this, he's done absolutely nothing of significance since Breaking Bad
Westworld season 2 was absolute shit
no way I'm wasting my time with that shit again
doomer into bloomer kino is back on the menu
s1 was ok, s2 was so bad i dont even care about s3 and probably wont bother watching it
>Westworld season 2 was absolute shit
But once Jesse Pinkman starts selling meth to the robots all hell will break loose.
Didn't watch season 2. Someone give me a rundown.
>Another HBO reddit tier show!
I dropped after first season.
It got better as the season went on. Not nearly as good as season 1 but definitely not as bad as True Detective S2.
wish i could but it literally made zero sense
to much happened & almost nothing happened at the same time
No one cares about this shit since season 2
>not as bad as True Detective S2.
Nothing is as bad as True Detective S2.
I only watch the first season. What happend?
The premise of Aaron Paul's character being the MC seems promising in theory, but after season 2 I seriously doubt that they will be able to deliver on it and I get a strong sensation that the trailer is full of shit and Delores will be the MC or take over as the MC half way through.
Either way, they really fucked themselves hard by transforming Delores into a sneering, murderous edgelord in season 2. If they had kept her gormless, kind personality from the first season, her breaking out into the confusing, scary and being guided and manipulated by an angry, disaffected criminal could have given her an interesting character arc with plenty of possibility.
But after season 2 she either has to get a personality reboot or the plot is going to be entirely predictable.
yes there is, but that faggot doesn't know how to write Westworld
I'll check it out because I like Aaron Paul but the second season did leave a bad taste in my mouth but it looks like they're taking a time skip so it frees up what they can do but what's the point of calling it Westworld without the park?
True detective season 2 was miles better than the dumpster fire west world season 2 was. Fuck season 3 of TD was better than that scyfy level fucking writing shitfest.
What happened in season 2? Is it still in Westworld? Is the park still running?
it was all over the fucking place but i'll try
>robots want to kill humans
>revealed that delos corp tried to put human minds into robot bodies that apparently failed save for william
>ford orchestrated the robots becoming sentient and reveals to bernard that he made a way for them to be truly free without physical bodies
>dolores and bernard find a secret location where ford had made the gateway for robots to transfer their minds to a network to be transmitted to a satellite to be safe forever
>all the hosts make an exodus to a cliff where only they can see this gateway, about half of them make it through and the other half are killed
>dolores, while in the secret location thing, learns how to adapt herself to become more human to blend in the real world, where she escapes to at the end
it was shit and i just saved you a lot of time. this season looks promising as fuck.
The main plot points are:
>Delores turned into robohitler led a robo-purge of all the humans, then escaped the park.
>The man in black owns the park and the park is actually a cover for research into a transhumanist immortality project where your mind is uploaded into a droid. But it doesn't work. Also it's never explained why this needed to be done in secret.
>Mauve did some YASSSS KWEEEN shit that was mostly irrelevant to the plot and I honestly can't even remember what happened to her or her crew at this point.
If that sounds interesting at all, then you just got SUBVERTED because it's handled in the least interesting way possible and the whole plot is also chopped up and told non-linearly in a desperate attempt to make it seem like a mystery, when there is no actual mystery to be had, barring one TWEEEST at the end.
We second Renaissance now
hbo shills out in force
kinda agree with this. WW S2 had that horrible scene where the special forces guy tries to fuck the android who literally just shooting at him which allows her to kill him. like seriously? that is like WB level writing.
remember how maeve went into ubermensch mode at the end of season 1? they do absolutely nothing with that, she goes back into "muh child" mode for the whole season.
consider yourself filtered
Is Westworld an anthology? Can I watch S3 without S1 & S2?
so was season 1
>inb4 this is just Futureworld and the real world isnt nearly as cyberpunk
We get it you faggots. Season 2 was bad.Cry more
it looking so they may only have a connections to s1 s2 at the end
who was that chick at the end it wasnt someonee from the show
i liked season 2
Well this sounds like shit. With how season 1 ended I assumed the second would be a running cat and mouse game between the surviving humans and the robots. Glad I skipped it.
yeah, that was Dolores, the main fucking character of the show
you have a year faggot
Saw it air before GoT. I was actually getting interested in this new sci fi show until at the end they reveal it's Westworld 3...
Put that shot next to Aaron Paul at the end of the trailer with him. You best start believing in this series, because Dolores about to die be a plot device for a white male. Twitter will ree once again. They're also trapped in another world, not the real one. I hated season 2 and had no hope for the next season, but this trailer right here, this was good and I'm going to give it a chance.
What if Dolores dies in the first Episode, Aaron Paul is the new main character, and they just retcon the whole show and make it a cyberpunk series?
WW will never be this good again
Fat chance. More likely they'll double down.
Yeah Season 1 of Westworld was perfect story telling.
man in black where
>no Westworld season 3 Thread fuck u faggots
it was here: