Attached: dexter.jpg (700x700, 41K)

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Jon also became a lumberjack

it had its moments

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why did you remind me

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Never forget.

I literally never laughed as much as I did at this when it came out. They had to have known how fucking stupid this was, right?

posting in a true thread

They know the viewers are so stupid that they couldn't just leave it as the side by side comparison between the computer generated image and the real one, they had to add the stupid facial recognition just to be clear YES THIS IS THE GUY

>you now remember they aired the final season in the same timeslot as the breaking bad finale
What the fuck were they thinking? Nobody was going to choose to watch Dexter or BB at that point in time.

BB should thank Dexter for being so bad because everyone loved their show in comparison

Neither ending was good but yes, Dexter made Breaking Bad look genius.

>snapchat and faceapp dont exist

to be fair this was 2013 when faceapp didnt and snapchat was still very new

GOT had a good ending, the last episode was well passed and tried to fix all the disaster that season 8 was.
Also tyrion lives and jon became a wildling with his doggo so fuck Danny.

Unironically watched Dexter over BB. I still think Seasons 1-4 of Dexter are better than all of Breaking Bad tbqh


Dexter wasn’t even close to as popular as GOT you fat fuck

>I’m a contrarian so I’m going to say it was good since most people hated it
This still doesn’t make you interesting

Dexter never got a finite ending because the Jews wanted it open ended in case they want to return to the material.

>Dexter wasnt as popular as GoT

lol are you 15 or something? It was massive

There's no possible way to call the last episode great if you think it's "them trying to fix the disaster that was season 8". All of that can fuck off with Brans' line. Everyone was right where they need to be. Bran, the Three Eyed Raven that can Warg into anyone, using them as Pawns, in A Game of Thrones, it's all one big a-ha. The thing about finales is, fans just have to get over it.

even the 3rd? Hell, the 2nd had some stupid ass shit as well. I loved the show when I was younger but looking back on it theres only 2 real interesting villains, the Ice Truck killer and Trinity

It was popular for a bit but it wasn't even close to being as big as GoT.

I've never watched either show, someone break down the endings and why fans hated them so much

GoT is way more popular you brainlet

Adding onto this, even though S4 was fantastic (mostly due to Lithgow) the show lost its way when Doakes died. Doakes NEEDED to survive or they needed to end the show soon after. He was the driving force behind the show when it was good.

They made a show about BlameTruth?

According to you.

Nobody was talking about popularity you dense fucking retard

how convenient that he, like barney stinson, also looks exactly the same on every photo

He looks like an older, homeless and dehydrated version of Jay Bauman in that shot,

the last episode was trash because the damned dragon was the only one who had people guessing
>will he burn jon?
>will he eat jon?
>will he recognise a targaryen when he sees one and bow down to his new master?
oh...never saw that coming

Damn, stop projecting honey.
The thing is that i hated this season, but i liked this ending.
>since most people hated it
Danny fags aren't people user.

does he still stream

GOT was more popular and had a worse ending so hang yourself you unwashed cunt

>The thing is that i hated this season, but i liked this ending.
opposite here

Where did i ever said that it was "great"?

Wanna fuck?

This is how Mike Tyson's kid died, seriously.

Nah, Dexter finale was alright and made sense given Dexter's sickness.

Dexter should've died in a police shooting, they just wanted to leave the door open for a sequel.
You are wrong and a fag.

yup. dexter was still a sociopath whether he showed "emotions" or not. whether a kid mattered to him or not. his end was more about his sister and his childhood coming together... it actually all made sense. people are just mad when things don't end their way. just like GoT. which was more awful than Dexter at the least.

where does House MD rank?

Attached: house_finale_motorcycle_300.jpg (300x240, 46K)

Dexter ends with the main character driving a boat into a hurricaine with his dead sister, surviving, becoming a lumberjack, and leaving his kids with a fucking murderer. GOT just ends with nothing interesting happening.

House MD is one of the greatest shows of all time. Sherlock would be proud.

technically this what happened to jon

I lived through Dexter and The Sopranos and The Sopranos beats Dexter in the horrible finale category. However, The Sopranos was a better show overall.