Anyone watch this garbage?

Anyone watch this garbage?

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bases chunk of coal

>it's a Christian theocracy
>it's ideology can't be defended in any way theologically and no Christian denomination in Christianit's history had an ideology close to them

It's literally anti-Christian propaganda.

Isn't it Islam?

>lead actress is a Scientologist
>main antagonists are all Christians and treat women the way modern day Muslims treat women

It's not anti-Christian propaganda. It's a masochistic fantasy for academic dyke feminists. Emphasis on the masochism. They secretly love it.

Im alt right and I enjoyed the first season, havent watched new episodes though if there are any

it's supposed to be inspired by the Iranian revolution but without islam because that would be politically incorrect

Based fuckin Norm

Isn't the novel from the 80's tho

>anti-christian propaganda
imagine being this victimized

The Iranian revolution is from the 80's you fucking mong

I'm not a Christian, but I recognize hateful bullshit when I see it.

you can tell the woman who wrote it probably had a fetish for being a maid

Yes, and?

1979 actually.

it's about "what if it happened here?"

What? Norm self-destructing in public?

why would you write it like this? either write "sci-fi" or write the full "science fiction"

>it's about "what if it happened here?"
If that's what they're going for, they failed. The show makes no fucking sense.

Do you think that leftists allying themselves with Islam only started happening this century?

I've seen both seasons. Season 1 is a pretty decent representation of the Islamic world, so if you keep that in mind and have a healthy suspension of disbelief it's pretty watchable. Season 2 is complete and utter garbage that doesn't even make sense in its own world.

No, but people weren't that concerned with political correctness in the 80's.

>There was a terrorist attack in Gilead. What do we do, Prime Minister?
>I know that Gilead is a massive threat to our national security and that the U.S. is at war with them. Let's invite them over for tea!
Fuck this show.