ITT: Conservative """""""""""""""""Comedians"""""""""""""
ITT: Conservative """""""""""""""""Comedians"""""""""""""
hilarious and well timed bait op but let me ask you something do you find seth meyers funny?
Tim Allen and Norm I guess
Norm Macdonald is hilarious.
I don’t think norm is conservative. I don’t think he’s liberal either.
Are those things dangerous? What happens if I were to stand in its way?
I doubt he's a conservative, but if you find him "hilarious" you are a braindead moron.
Any comedian who tried to be remotely conservative would be blasted daily as a racist fasicst neo nazi kkk drumpf loving inbred
Conservatives don't do comedy very well because they get too angry at the strawman they've created halfway during the joke
And he is not a conservative. He is just not liberal and my guess is that he dislikes them more than conservatives.
Bill burr ig
why cant they be funny without being a racist ass hole?
This. Also, there's Coke and there's Pepsi. Coke will always reign supreme. "Conservative" comedy will always just be a reaction. Sure, there are liberal comedians but that's not what animates their entire act. Even Bill Maher, Mark Maron, etc have non-political comedy.
This, thread over
These guys sell out every damn show and have a legion of boomers that laugh at every single joke
Newsflash, offensive things are funny
Norm is definitely right leaning, he was a bush supporter
was chappelle able to be funny without being racist?
>pro-trans """""""""comedians"""""""""
desu Ron White has some good bits. The rest are just terrible though.
Because race is real, and truth is comedy.
norm is more conservative than america's entire right wing grifter class combined.
tim allen
norm macdonald
owen benjamin
sam hyde
even bill burr
anyone not on the left is a "conservative" now. don't want preteens getting hormone treatment, dont want open borders, and want your taxes to stay low? yuo're a "conservative" now.
this is such a stupid question. who are left wing comedians? those fags on nu-SNL? late night jew show hosts?
>t. triggered sjw moralfag
The truth isn't funny.
>doesn't like Jeff Foxworthy
Begone negro
there are over 600 trillion subjects you can make fun of. oh lets make fun of ethnicity religion and politics. yeah great idea assfuck
oh wow a lot of people responded i'm sure i agree with whatever it says
>le random screenshot because I'm too dumb to come up with my own
nick depaolo
jim norton is a right wing libertarian
Patrice would have voted Trump
I wouldn't really call Bill Burr conservative. He just seems to think everyone is an idiot, either way
its not funny
>liking stand up comedy
Nobody labels themselves as conservative or liberal anymore.
Fuck off gramps.
vast swathes of the right want to destroy the established centre-right liberal consensus, what the fuck is conservative about that? this post is literally just an inane word game and if you think it makes sense in any way your brain is fucking miniscule.
Norton is totally washed up. Even in his prime his stand up was pretty weak. He was a great third mic during the O&A glory days but everything else he's done has been trash.
There is an entire circuit of comedians who just do conservative religious events. It is one of the highest paid gigs unless you're a mega star on a sitcom.
the first sentence is incorrect. not even worth reading the rest. comedy is about being transgressive. in the current paradigm the right are the ones being transgressive, not the PC moralist left. in the past, the left have been 40 years ago, when people thought iron maiden was going to turn your kid into a satanist....sort of like how jewish journalists are trying to make soccer moms think pewdiepie is turning their kids into nazis.
not that i'd expect a braindead leftist to understand the cyclical nature of societal trends.
my point is that he wouldn't have even had the show without racist comedy
All of the right wing comedians are online and on youtube.
>Jim Norton
why do good things have to end lads?
he's anti-sjw. as i said, this makes him right wing, or "conservative".
the best comedians are the ones that are funniest off the cuff 2bh. it always bothers me when comedians are only funny when they're reciting written material
>prop """""comedians""""""
The left lost comedy when they started supporting censoring discourse and offensive satire.
got me to reply
Pretending to like Jeff Foxworthy doesn't get you bonus points.
>liberal comedians
>"fuck shit dick my pussy dude weed lmao!"
this, obviously.
more like
>I'm deeply sorry for my aids joke, I love the lgbtq community and would never want to offend them
Have sex
>"Conservative" comedy will always just be a reaction. Sure, there are liberal comedians but that's not what animates their entire act.
he says as literally every joke made by your average comedian is meant to undermine ideals and norms the left perceives to be grounded in backwards traditionalist fascist right wing patriarchy
you people really aren't self aware anymore jej
have sex
>implying he isn't crypto and only brings up woke shit due to company and inertia
""""""right"""""" discourse is literally a huge grift to make money off boomers and retards, literally all of the IDW does this. See re: JBP's recent """""fellowship""""""""
and """"left""''" discourse is making money off zoomers and retards, whats the difference
>jewden peterstein
>right wing
Comedy is based on subversion and transgression. Sorry sweeties but
>le trump bad, white man bad, etc etc
Is not an unexpected stance anymore.
vast swathes you say
What does that have to do with what I said?
jesus just go back already
your show ended hours ago
He's best friends with abject communists
So am I.
>unironically linking to reddit
please, stop posting.
the system is working perfectly, user, protecting you from ever being exposed to conservative anything, especially anything that pokes fun at the system — btw racism and sexism are pretty funny, but not necessarily conservative
shit won't mix bro
literally 99% of significant comedians are american
Oh there’s hundreds.
Vince Vaughn
Chris Farley
David Spade
Carrot Top
Andrew Clay
Mel Gibson
On and on. There’s lots of em. Funny guys
Yeah they're all banned from the mainstream because they hurt your feelings.
did soph get banned from yt or something?
Stand up comedy as a whole isn't funny anymore, regardless of where the comic's beliefs are. Political comedy has always been kind of shit but it's incredibly bad now that it's just hacks trying to ram their strongly held beliefs down your throat after coating them in a thin veneer of "humor." Memes haven't been funny for a while now either, ever since Reddit and corporate Twitter accounts caught on to then. As soon as some shitty meme gets conceived on here, someone starts a subreddit full of 15 year old autists to drive it into the ground. I'm not sure there's a single genuinely funny show on TV, and funny movies come out like once every four years now. Social media based humor has been terrible ever since "black twitter" (which is basically just larping wiggers) went mainstream, Vine got shut down and Tik Tok became a thing. Finally, YouTube stopped being funny as soon as it become more about monetized e-celeb faggots as opposed to regular people putting out organic content for free. Humor is just dead across all mediums.
Want to come for a ride in my helicopter, friend.
no, but her muslim video got deleted by yt
this only made her stronger
based soph
Sure! I love to fly.
Youtube will ban you for criticizing a religion now lol
Not yet. A bevy of buzzfeed Jews have been badgering the cops to investigate her for some kind of imaginary hate crimes
only one particular religion, on account of it being so peaceful
actually (((two))) religions, but one is only ethnic
whatever that even means
i think there are two protected religions...
Sam Hyde isn't conservative
complete leftist cuck